[openssl-users] Errors in building 1.0.2f

Matt Caswell matt at openssl.org
Thu Feb 11 09:07:12 UTC 2016

On 11/02/16 01:03, Alex Chen wrote:
> I tried to build openssl 1.0.2f on MacOS with the following
> configuration options "Configure no-bf" but it failed because there is
> no header file blowfish.h in include/openssl directory.
> This does not happen in 1.0.2d where include/openssl/blowfish.h is a
> symbolic link to ../../crypto/bf/blowfish.h.
> This is true for idea, cast, jpake, camellia, too.
> What has changed?

Configure should have instructed you to run "make depend", i.e. mine says:

*** Because of configuration changes, you MUST do the following before
*** building:

	make depend

Did you run it?


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