[openssl-users] Developing CA with Openssl library

thirumalkumarkanakurthi at bel.co.in thirumalkumarkanakurthi at bel.co.in
Wed Mar 2 08:36:56 UTC 2016

Dear users,
 I want to develop my own CA with openssl
library with all the CA functionalities like Key generation,Certificate
creation,Certificate Revocation List creation,Certificate revocation and
certificate verification.in Order to do so i am struct with the following

1. currently i am using openssl_1_0_1 stable version.
With this version is it possible to perform the above operations.
Will above mentioned version provide full CA CRL functionalities.
 please help me  with your valuable suggestions and solutions.
Thanks in advance.

Thirumal Kumar Kanakurthi
Member (Research Staff)/NWS Group
Central Research

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