[openssl-users] Fwd: Information to detach a BIO from fd

Priscilla Hero grace.priscilla at gmail.com
Sat Jan 13 01:52:30 UTC 2018

Hi Michael,
Without doing ssl_accept on the ssl will getpeername work? Also using the existing ssl with ssl_accept for the first connection we don’t get the information of second peer. Thus we ended up creating new bio/ssl each time we get a request.

Any suggestions?


On 12-Jan-2018, at 6:45 PM, Michael Wojcik <Michael.Wojcik at microfocus.com> wrote:

>> From: openssl-users [mailto:openssl-users-bounces at openssl.org] On Behalf Of Grace Priscilla Jero
>> Sent: Friday, January 12, 2018 07:04
>> Whenever a connect is initiated from any client we need to know if it is already connected client or a new client.
>> We are doing this by 
>> • creating bio/ssl each time a polling happens on the server fd
>> • fetching the peer using BIO_dgram_get_peer after ssl_accept 
>> • Comparing it to the internally maintained list of peer
> Don't create the BIO immediately. Use getpeername on the socket descriptor and check that against the list. Only create a new SSL object and BIO if it's not an already-established client.
> -- 
> Michael Wojcik 
> Distinguished Engineer, Micro Focus 
> -- 
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