Question: why doesn't my wildcard matching work with OpenSSL?

Viktor Dukhovni openssl-users at
Mon Jun 10 18:23:48 UTC 2019

On Mon, Jun 10, 2019 at 01:52:06PM -0400, Paul Smith wrote:

> Note for my C client I have not set any special flags for matching, I'm
> just using the default and using SSL_set1_host() to add the hostname. 
> But, I can't even get it to work with openssl itself.
> For example, here's a connection attempt using the CLI... note if I
> remove the -verify_hostname option the connection works fine:
> $ openssl s_client -connect admin0.domain:8004 \
>     -CAfile ca.cert -verify_hostname admin0.domain
> CONNECTED(00000003)
> depth=1 C = US, ST = MA, L = Boston, O = Mycorp, OU = Eng, CN =
> verify return:1
> depth=0 CN = *.domain
> verify return:1
> ---
> Certificate chain
>  0 s:/CN=*.domain
>    i:/C=US/ST=MA/L=Boston/O=Mycorp/OU=Eng/
>  1 s:/C=US/ST=MA/L=Boston/O=Mycorp/OU=Eng/
>    i:/C=US/ST=MA/L=Boston/O=Mycorp/OU=Eng/
> ---
> Server certificate
>   ...
> subject=/CN=*.domain
> issuer=/C=US/ST=MA/L=Boston/O=Mycorp/OU=Eng/
> ---
>     Verify return code: 62 (Hostname mismatch)

It seems that you've elided too much information.  Is the hostname
really "admin0.domain", or is there some underlying domain name
that you've obfuscated?


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