Problems porting Openssl 1.1.1d to zos.

Stephan Mühlstrasser stm at
Wed Apr 15 06:50:48 UTC 2020

Am 14.04.20 um 14:57 schrieb K Lengauer:
> Hi Stephan,
> Thank you for your quick response and also the link to your github issue. I
> must have brushed over it when searching for similar issues, apologies.
> Anyway, this seems to further confirm the issue(s) at hand...
> Did you have any success or have you made any attempts at fixing this so
> far?

I needed a quick solution so I fixed this locally by adding some macros 
that operate directly on ASCII codes.

> I think we can not simply change the usage of "ossl_isacii" but also need to
> adjust "ossl_ctype_check" for the -DCHARSET_EBCDIC case because whenever the
> input is ASCII it will fail. This will be the case for all the functions
> that expect ASCII input and use "ossl_ctype_check" for sure but might occur
> for many more.
> I am still trying to get some own ASCII check to work to ensure
> "ossl_toascii" is only run when the input is not already ASCII.

My feeling is that a separate set of macros is needed that expect ASCII 
input independently from whether -DCHARSET_EBCDIC is set or not.


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