v3_crl_reason - getting acess to the various CRL reasons

Dirk-Willem van Gulik dirkx at webweaving.org
Sat Feb 22 16:18:26 UTC 2020

I'd like to use the


table in v3_enums.c as the single source of truth (as opposed to building this list into other tooling - because; as it skips the number 7 - is very easy to get wrong & some opensource tools do get it wrong).

Now there is a i2s_ASN1_ENUMERATED_TABLE() - but is there something the opposite ? That lets me take a string, like cessationOfOperation and get the CRL_REASON_CESSATION_OF_OPERATION value ? (As opposed to hardcoding BIT_STRING_BITNAME understanding parsing of user_data) ?

With kind regards,


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