problems with too many ssl_read and ssl_write errors

davidbowers at davidbowers at
Wed Aug 18 22:38:09 UTC 2021

  *   We have a server that has around  2025 clients connected at any instant.
  *   Our application creates a Server /Listener socket that then is converted into a Secure socket using OpenSSL library. This is compiled and built in a Windows x64 environment.  We also built the OpenSSL for the Windows. The Listener socket is created with a default backlog of 500. The Accept socket is non-blocking socket and waits for connections
  *   Every Client makes a regular blocking connection to the Server. The Server accepts the connection after which the Client socket is converted to a secure socket using the OpenSSL Library.
  *   The connections are coming at a rate of about 10 connections /second ?  Not sure about this number.
  *   We are able to connect to all the clients in a few minutes and it stays like that for some time.  There constant exchange of messages between Server(COS) and clients without issues.
  *   The application logic is to keep trying to connect every timeout.
  *   After maybe a few hours/days we see the clients dropping connections.  The logs indicate the SSL_Read or SSL_Write on the Server fails for a client with SSL_Error number 5 (SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL) and the equivalent Windows error of WSATimeOut.  We then observe the WSAECONNRESET as the Client closed connection.  We see this behavior for multiple sites.
  *   The number of Clients disconnected starts increasing and we see the logs in the Client where the server refuses any more connections form Clients (10061- WSAECONNREFUSED) There is nothing to indicate this state in the server logs. Our theory is the backlog is filled and Server refusing further connections.
  *   We are trying to find why we get the SSL_Read/SSL_Write Error as it a Blocking socket. We cannot use to a non-blocking socket due to platform and application limitation

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