How to store openSSL EVP_MD and EVP_MD_CTX in local buffers

Vuthur Pavankumar pawan0462 at
Wed Mar 24 04:03:23 UTC 2021

Hi All,

I was implementing SHA3 multi-call as below using openSSL version

const EVP_MD *evpmd = EVP_sha3_256();
EVP_MD_CTX *ctx = EVP_MD_CTX_new()
EVP_DigestInit_ex(ctx, evpmd, NULL);
store ctx and evpmd in local buffer. and reuse it for update and final

get ctx and evpmd from local buffer and update ctx with evpmd and pass it
to  EVP_DigestUpdate method

EVP_DigestUpdate(ctx, msg, msg_len); -> get ctx from  local buffer

get ctx and evpmd from local buffer and update ctx with evpmd and pass it
to  EVP_DigestUpdate method
EVP_DigestFinalXOF(ctx, md , mdlen); -> get ctx from  local buffer
EVP_DigestFinal_ex(ctx, md, &mdlen)

some buggy applications may not call the final call and the memory
allocated using OpenSSL in Digest init may not be freed.
to avoid it I want to store EVP_MD_CTX and EVP_MD data in a local buffer
and reuse it instead of storing *ctx and freeing in the final call.

the problem I am facing:
1.declaring below struct and compiling resulted in an error.
error: field 'evpmd_ctx' has incomplete type
error: field 'evpmd' has incomplete type

typedef struct {
uint16_t abc;
uint16_t xyz;
uint16_t reserved1;
uint16_t reserved2;
EVP_MD_CTX evpmd_ctx;
EVP_MD evpmd;
} SHA3Data;

2.same error for sizeof(EVP_MD_CTX ) and sizeof(EVP_MD )

looks like  EVP_MD_CTX and EVP_MD data are opaque to applications.

*Do we have any other means to store  EVP_MD_CTX and EVP_MD data in local
buffers and reuse them in update and Final calls?*

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