looking for properly configured Windows VMs

Michael Richardson mcr at sandelman.ca
Fri Apr 1 13:34:05 UTC 2022

Attempts to make bss_dgram.c compile with the right IPv6 include for Windows
are not going well.

Some of the jobs actually die before my test case even runs, but at least, I
guess they compile bss_dgram.c
Others (the shared ones) seem to fail completely to compile bss_dgram.c

I haven't run a compile on DOS since the days of djcpp...
I wonder if anyone has VM images with the right OS and compilation tools installed?
(I think the license situation would be fine if run on EC2)

The day-long cycle, making a change and then waiting for CI to give an
opinion is just too slow.  (I didn't know WIN32 was still even thing... I
guess Windows ME still uses it maybe.)

Subject: Re: [openssl/openssl] PR run failed: Windows GitHub CI - bio_dgram uses recvmsg/sendmsg to retrieve destination and set origin address (41cc92c)

View results: https://github.com/openssl/openssl/actions/runs/2073285321

  * minimal (windows-2019) cancelled (12 annotations)
  * minimal (windows-2022) failed (12 annotations)
  * plain (windows-2019) cancelled (2 annotations)
  * plain (windows-2022) failed (1 annotation)
  * shared (windows-2019, win64, VC-WIN64A enable-fips) failed (1 annotation)
  * shared (windows-2019, win32, VC-WIN32 --strict-warnings no-fips) cancelled (2 annotations)
  * shared (windows-2022, win64, VC-WIN64A enable-fips) cancelled (2 annotations)
  * shared (windows-2022, win32, VC-WIN32 --strict-warnings no-fips) cancelled (2 annotations)
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