Cross-project request... looking for input on a rewrite of Asterisk's res_crypto.c module

Philip Prindeville philipp_subx at
Tue Mar 29 20:40:11 UTC 2022


I'm trying to develop a newer replacement module for Asterisk's res_crypto that is (for now) 1.1.x compatible but can be easily updated to 3.0 (and maybe even easily add provider support for TPM escrowed secrets, etc).

I'm collecting requirements before I get started.

The modules in Asterisk that use res_crypto are:


as well as any independent third-party modules (but I'm not aware of what they might be).

The code is rife with assumptions, such as only AES128 and RSA1024 are to be used, that only AES-EBC chaining is used, and that it's safe to block-cipher with RSA.  Signing digests, RSA padding and AES ciphers are hard-coded.  As are buffer sizes. (So you see why a rewrite is needed...)

This is the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

Anyway, more eyes on the problem are always a good thing.



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