Secure Remote Password (SRP)

Rohit Khera [C] rkhera at
Mon Oct 17 21:49:03 UTC 2022

I am trying to get information on versions and usage of the Secure Remote Password Protocol (SRP) APIs in OpenSSLv3.

  1.  Are SRPv3, v6, and/or v6a supported?

  1.  I found the following information in the OpenSSL documents on the following C API for SRP: SRP_create_verifier(), SRP_user_pwd_new(), SSL_CTX_set_srp_password()

While the following documents the API :

Are there any examples of client and server programs that use these interfaces in order to register and authenticate a user?

  1.  The docs state that the APIs are deprecated -  are new versions of the APIs planned or can we expect SRP functionality to be unavailable in future versions of OpenSSL?


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