Updating RSA public key generation and signature verification from 1.1.1 to 3.0

GonzalezVillalobos, Diego Diego.GonzalezVillalobos at amd.com
Thu Sep 29 19:22:39 UTC 2022

[AMD Official Use Only - General]

Hello Tomas,

So, I made sure that px_size and py_size are equal to the group order (48). I was able to verify successfully using our previous method (deprecated) with the new key generation method, but I'm still not able to get the digestverify to work successfully. As a reminder this is how we were verifying before:

// Determine if SHA_TYPE is 256 bit or 384 bit
if (parent_cert->pub_key_algo == SEV_SIG_ALGO_RSA_SHA256 || parent_cert->pub_key_algo == SEV_SIG_ALGO_ECDSA_SHA256 ||parent_cert->pub_key_algo == SEV_SIG_ALGO_ECDH_SHA256)
            sha_type = SHA_TYPE_256;
            sha_digest = sha_digest_256;
            sha_length = sizeof(hmac_sha_256);
else if (parent_cert->pub_key_algo == SEV_SIG_ALGO_RSA_SHA384 || parent_cert->pub_key_algo == SEV_SIG_ALGO_ECDSA_SHA384 || parent_cert->pub_key_algo == SEV_SIG_ALGO_ECDH_SHA384)
            sha_type = SHA_TYPE_384;
            sha_digest = sha_digest_384;
            sha_length = sizeof(hmac_sha_512);

        // 1. SHA256 hash the cert from Version through pub_key parameters
        // Calculate the digest of the input message   rsa.c -> rsa_pss_verify_msg()
        // SHA256/SHA384 hash the cert from the [Version:pub_key] params
        uint32_t pub_key_offset = offsetof(sev_cert, sig_1_usage);  // 16 + sizeof(SEV_PUBKEY)
        if (!digest_sha((uint8_t *)child_cert, pub_key_offset, sha_digest, sha_length, sha_type)) {
if ((parent_cert->pub_key_algo == SEV_SIG_ALGO_ECDSA_SHA256) ||
                     (parent_cert->pub_key_algo == SEV_SIG_ALGO_ECDSA_SHA384) ||
                     (parent_cert->pub_key_algo == SEV_SIG_ALGO_ECDH_SHA256)  ||
                     (parent_cert->pub_key_algo == SEV_SIG_ALGO_ECDH_SHA384)) {      // ecdsa.c -> sign_verify_msg
                ECDSA_SIG *tmp_ecdsa_sig = ECDSA_SIG_new();
                BIGNUM *r_big_num = BN_new();
                BIGNUM *s_big_num = BN_new();

                // Store the x and y components as separate BIGNUM objects. The values in the
                // SEV certificate are little-endian, must reverse bytes before storing in BIGNUM
                r_big_num = BN_lebin2bn(cert_sig[i].ecdsa.r, sizeof(sev_ecdsa_sig::r), r_big_num);    // LE to BE
                s_big_num = BN_lebin2bn(cert_sig[i].ecdsa.s, sizeof(sev_ecdsa_sig::s), s_big_num);

                // Calling ECDSA_SIG_set0() transfers the memory management of the values to
                // the ECDSA_SIG object, and therefore the values that have been passed
                // in should not be freed directly after this function has been called
                if (ECDSA_SIG_set0(tmp_ecdsa_sig, r_big_num, s_big_num) != 1) {
                    BN_free(s_big_num);                   // Frees BIGNUMs manually here
                EC_KEY *tmp_ec_key = EVP_PKEY_get1_EC_KEY(parent_signing_key); // Make a local key so you can free it later
                if (ECDSA_do_verify(sha_digest, (uint32_t)sha_length, tmp_ecdsa_sig, tmp_ec_key) != 1) {
                    ECDSA_SIG_free(tmp_ecdsa_sig);      // Frees BIGNUMs too

                found_match = true;
                ECDSA_SIG_free(tmp_ecdsa_sig);      // Frees BIGNUMs too

Digest sha function:
bool digest_sha(const void *msg, size_t msg_len, uint8_t *digest,
                size_t digest_len, SHA_TYPE sha_type)
    bool ret = false;

    do {    //TODO 384 vs 512 is all a mess
        if ((sha_type == SHA_TYPE_256 && digest_len != SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH)/* ||
            (sha_type == SHA_TYPE_384 && digest_len != SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH)*/)

        if (sha_type == SHA_TYPE_256) {
            SHA256_CTX context;

            if (SHA256_Init(&context) != 1)
            if (SHA256_Update(&context, (void *)msg, msg_len) != 1)
            if (SHA256_Final(digest, &context) != 1)
        else if (sha_type == SHA_TYPE_384) {
            SHA512_CTX context;

            if (SHA384_Init(&context) != 1)
            if (SHA384_Update(&context, (void *)msg, msg_len) != 1)
            if (SHA384_Final(digest, &context) != 1)

        ret = true;
    } while (0);

    return ret;

This works using the new EC EVP key generation.
The current verification method keeps failing:

if ((parent_cert->pub_key_algo == SEV_SIG_ALGO_ECDSA_SHA256) ||
                     (parent_cert->pub_key_algo == SEV_SIG_ALGO_ECDSA_SHA384) ||
                     (parent_cert->pub_key_algo == SEV_SIG_ALGO_ECDH_SHA256)  ||
                     (parent_cert->pub_key_algo == SEV_SIG_ALGO_ECDH_SHA384)) {      // ecdsa.c -> sign_verify_msg
                ECDSA_SIG *tmp_ecdsa_sig = ECDSA_SIG_new();
                BIGNUM *r_big_num = BN_new();
                BIGNUM *s_big_num = BN_new();
                uint32_t sig_len;
                unsigned char* der_sig = NULL;;

                // Store the x and y components as separate BIGNUM objects. The values in the
                // SEV certificate are little-endian, must reverse bytes before storing in BIGNUM
                r_big_num = BN_lebin2bn(cert_sig[i].ecdsa.r, sizeof(sev_ecdsa_sig::r), r_big_num);    // LE to BE
                s_big_num = BN_lebin2bn(cert_sig[i].ecdsa.s, sizeof(sev_ecdsa_sig::s), s_big_num);

                // Calling ECDSA_SIG_set0() transfers the memory management of the values to
                // the ECDSA_SIG object, and therefore the values that have been passed
                // in should not be freed directly after this function has been called
                if (ECDSA_SIG_set0(tmp_ecdsa_sig, r_big_num,s_big_num) != 1) {
                    BN_free(s_big_num); // FreesBIGNUMs manually here

                int der_sig_len = i2d_ECDSA_SIG(tmp_ecdsa_sig, &der_sig);
                // der_sig = static_cast<unsigned char*>(OPENSSL_malloc(der_sig_len));
                // unsigned char* der_iter = der_sig;
                // der_sig_len = i2d_ECDSA_SIG(tmp_ecdsa_sig, &der_iter); // <= bugfix here

                if (der_sig_len == 0) {
                    cout << "sig length invalid" << endl;

                if (der_sig == NULL) {
                    cout << "sig generation failed" << endl;

                // loop through the array elements
                for (size_t i = 0; i < der_sig_len; i++) {
                    cout << der_sig[i] << ' ';

                verify_md_ctx = EVP_MD_CTX_new();

                if (!verify_md_ctx) {
                    cout << "Error md verify context " << endl;;

                if (EVP_DigestVerifyInit(verify_md_ctx, NULL, (parent_cert->pub_key_algo == SEV_SIG_ALGO_ECDSA_SHA256 || parent_cert->pub_key_algo == SEV_SIG_ALGO_ECDH_SHA256) ? EVP_sha256(): EVP_sha384(), NULL, parent_signing_key) <= 0) {
                    cout << "Init fails " << endl;

                if (EVP_DigestVerifyUpdate(verify_md_ctx, (uint8_t *)child_cert, pub_key_offset) <= 0){    // Calls SHA256_UPDATE
                    cout << "updating digest fails" << endl;

                int ret = EVP_DigestVerifyFinal(verify_md_ctx, der_sig, der_sig_len);
                if (ret == 0) {
                    cout << "EC Verify digest fails" << endl;
                } else if (ret < 0) {
                    printf("Failed Final Verify %s\n",ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(),NULL));
                    cout << "EC Verify error" << endl;

                found_match = true;
                cout << "SEV EC verification Succesful" << endl;

                if (verify_md_ctx)


The only difference still is using the der signature; besides that, it is the same. Could it be a bug?

Thank you,

Diego Gonzalez

-----Original Message-----
From: Tomas Mraz <tomas at openssl.org> 
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2022 1:12 AM
To: GonzalezVillalobos, Diego <Diego.GonzalezVillalobos at amd.com>; openssl-users at openssl.org
Subject: Re: Updating RSA public key generation and signature verification from 1.1.1 to 3.0

Caution: This message originated from an External Source. Use proper caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding.


comments below.

On Wed, 2022-09-28 at 22:12 +0000, GonzalezVillalobos, Diego wrote:
> [AMD Official Use Only - General]
> Hello Tomas,
> I generated the key as you suggested, and I am no longer getting an 
> error message! Thank you for that. Here is how I'm generating the key
> now:
> // SEV certificate are little-endian, must reverse bytes before 
> generating key
>             if ((cert->pub_key_algo == SEV_SIG_ALGO_ECDSA_SHA256) ||
>                 (cert->pub_key_algo == SEV_SIG_ALGO_ECDSA_SHA384)) {
>                 //Grab x param and flip bytes to BE
>                 memcpy(px, &cert->pub_key.ecdsa.qx, ec_group_order);
>                 if(!sev::reverse_bytes(px, sizeof(px)))
>                     break;
>                 //Grab y param and flip bytes to BE
>                 memcpy(py, &cert->pub_key.ecdsa.qy, ec_group_order);
>                 if(!sev::reverse_bytes(py, sizeof(py)))
>                     break;
>             }
>             else if ((cert->pub_key_algo ==
>                     (cert->pub_key_algo == SEV_SIG_ALGO_ECDH_SHA384)) 
> {
>                 //Grab x param and flip bytes to BE
>                 memcpy(px, &cert->pub_key.ecdh.qx, ec_group_order);
>                 if(!sev::reverse_bytes(px, sizeof(px)))
>                     break;
>                 //Grab y param and flip bytes to BE
>                 memcpy(py, &cert->pub_key.ecdh.qy, ec_group_order);
>                 if(!sev::reverse_bytes(py, sizeof(py)))
>                     break;
>             }
>             int px_size = sizeof(px)/sizeof(*px);
>             int py_size = sizeof(py)/sizeof(*py);
>             // Will contain x and y components
>             unsigned char public_key_xy[1 + px_size + py_size] = {0};
>             //Add point conversion as first value
>             public_key_xy[0] = POINT_CONVERSION_UNCOMPRESSED;
>             //Add x components after point compression
>             memcpy(public_key_xy + 1, px, px_size);
>             //Add y components after x
>             memcpy(public_key_xy + px_size + 1, py ,py_size);
>             // int nid = EC_curve_nist2nid("P-384");   //
> NID_secp384r1
>             OSSL_PARAM_BLD *params_build = OSSL_PARAM_BLD_new();
>             if ( params_build == NULL ) {
>                 cout << "Params build fails" << endl;
>                 break;
>             }
>             if (!OSSL_PARAM_BLD_push_utf8_string(params_build,
>                 cout<< "Push EC curve to build fails" << endl;
>                 break;
>             }
>             if (!OSSL_PARAM_BLD_push_octet_string(params_build,
> OSSL_PKEY_PARAM_PUB_KEY, public_key_xy, sizeof(public_key_xy))) {
>                 cout << "Error: failed to push qx into param build."
> << endl;
>                 break;
>             }
>             OSSL_PARAM *params =
> OSSL_PARAM_BLD_to_param(params_build);
>             if ( params == NULL ) {
>                 cout << "Error: building parameters." << endl;
>                 break;
>             }
>             OSSL_PARAM_BLD_free(params_build);
>             key_gen_ctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_new_id(EVP_PKEY_EC, NULL);
>             if(EVP_PKEY_fromdata_init(key_gen_ctx) != 1) {
>                 cout << "failed to initialize key creation." << endl;
>                 break;
>             }
>             if(EVP_PKEY_fromdata(key_gen_ctx, &evp_pub_key, 
> EVP_PKEY_PUBLIC_KEY, params) != 1) {
>                 cout << "key generation breaks" << endl;
>                 printf("Failed Final Verify 
> %s\n",ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(),NULL));
>                 break;
>             }
>             if (EVP_PKEY_get_base_id(evp_pub_key) != EVP_PKEY_EC) {
>                 cout << "wrong key type" << endl;
>                 break;
>             }
>         }
>         if (!evp_pub_key) {
>             cout << "no evp pkey" << endl;
>             break;
>         }
>         cout << "compile key succesful" << endl;
>         cmd_ret = STATUS_SUCCESS;
> Although the key generation works and I'm not getting a verify error 
> anymore, I am still unsuccessful on verifying the digest. It keeps 
> failing (returning 0). Here is how I'm currently trying to do the 
> verification.

Are you sure the px_size and py_size is equal to the group order? The x and y values must be padded to the group order with 0 (at the start because the values need to be BE).

> ECDSA_SIG *tmp_ecdsa_sig = ECDSA_SIG_new();
>                 BIGNUM *r_big_num = BN_new();
>                 BIGNUM *s_big_num = BN_new();
>                 uint32_t sig_len;
>                 unsigned char* der_sig;
>                 // Store the x and y components as separate BIGNUM 
> objects. The values in the
>                 // SEV certificate are little-endian, must reverse 
> bytes before storing in BIGNUM
>                 r_big_num = BN_lebin2bn(cert_sig[i].ecdsa.r,
> sizeof(sev_ecdsa_sig::r), r_big_num);    // LE to BE
>                 s_big_num = BN_lebin2bn(cert_sig[i].ecdsa.s, 
> sizeof(sev_ecdsa_sig::s), s_big_num);
>                 // Calling ECDSA_SIG_set0() transfers the memory 
> management of the values to
>                 // the ECDSA_SIG object, and therefore the values that 
> have been passed
>                 // in should not be freed directly after this function 
> has been called
>                 if (ECDSA_SIG_set0(tmp_ecdsa_sig,
> r_big_num,s_big_num) != 1) {
>                     BN_free(s_big_num); // FreesBIGNUMs manually here
>                     BN_free(r_big_num);
>                     ECDSA_SIG_free(tmp_ecdsa_sig);
>                     break;
>                 }

>                 int der_sig_len = i2d_ECDSA_SIG(tmp_ecdsa_sig, NULL);
>                 der_sig = static_cast<unsigned 
> char*>(OPENSSL_malloc(der_sig_len));
>                 unsigned char* der_iter = der_sig;
>                 der_sig_len = i2d_ECDSA_SIG(tmp_ecdsa_sig, &der_iter); 
> // <= bugfix here
>                 if (der_sig_len == 0) {
>                     cout << "sig length invalid" << endl;
>                     break;
>                 }
>                 if (der_sig == NULL) {
>                     cout << "sig generation failed" << endl;
>                     break;
>                 }

You do not need to call i2d_ECDSA_SIG() twice. Just assign NULL to der_iter and i2d_ECDSA_SIG(tmp_ecdsa_sig, &der_iter) call will allocate the buffer for the encoded signature for you.

>                 verify_md_ctx = EVP_MD_CTX_new();
>                 if (!verify_md_ctx) {
>                     cout << "Error md verify context " << endl;;
>                     break;
>                 }
>                 if (EVP_DigestVerifyInit(verify_md_ctx, NULL, 
> (parent_cert->pub_key_algo == SEV_SIG_ALGO_ECDSA_SHA256 || 
> parent_cert->pub_key_algo == SEV_SIG_ALGO_ECDH_SHA256) ?
> EVP_sha256(): EVP_sha384(), NULL, parent_signing_key) <= 0) {
>                     cout << "Init fails " << endl;
>                     break;
>                 }
>                 if (EVP_DigestVerifyUpdate(verify_md_ctx, (uint8_t 
> *)child_cert, pub_key_offset) <= 0){    // Calls SHA256_UPDATE
>                     cout << "updating digest fails" << endl;
>                     break;
>                 }
>                 int ret = EVP_DigestVerifyFinal(verify_md_ctx,
> der_sig, der_sig_len);
>                 cout << ret << endl;
>                 if (ret == 0) {
>                     cout << "EC Verify digest fails" << endl;
>                     break;
>                 } else if (ret < 0) {
>                     printf("Failed Final Verify 
> %s\n",ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(),NULL));
>                     cout << "EC Verify error" << endl;
>                     break;
>                 }
>                 found_match = true;
>                 cout << "SEV EC verification Succesful" << endl;
> Could it be because I'm creating a ECDSA SIG object and then turning 
> it into a der format to verify? Again, suggestions would be 
> appreciated.

No, that should be correct. The signature as produced or verified by the EVP_DigestSignFinal or EVP_DigestVerifyFinal should be in the DER encoding of the ECDSA_SIG. So you have that correct.

I do not see any apparent problem with your code apart of the remarks above.

Tomáš Mráz, OpenSSL

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