smime enc with ChaCha20

Harald Koch root at
Tue May 16 09:42:28 UTC 2023

Hello list,

I’ve got a request to adopt ChaCha20 as usable CMS cipher, but my latest attempt to encrypt a message failed with the following error:

Error creating PKCS#7 structure
00000000:error:10800090:PKCS7 routines:PKCS7_set_cipher:cipher has no object identifier:crypto/pkcs7/pk7_lib.c:702:
00000000:error:10800079:PKCS7 routines:PKCS7_encrypt_ex:error setting cipher:crypto/pkcs7/pk7_smime.c:462:

I know that the OID for Chacha20 is quite new, my command line call is:

/opt/openssl-3.1.0-nothread/bin/openssl smime -encrypt -in /tmp/testfile -out /dev/null -nodetach -binary -chacha20 -outform DER /tmp/my_priv.cer

I tested with latest 1.1.1t and 3.1.0, but without success. Is there a plan to implement ChaCha20 as usable encryption method for binary SMIME encryption (and hopefully decryption, too)?


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