Is SSL_R_UNEXPECTED_EOF_WHILE_READING considered to be documented?

Matthew Ogilvie mmogilvi4711+ssl at
Sat Jan 13 02:48:27 UTC 2024

The "NOTES" section of the documentation for ERR_GET_REASON() say that
"Applications should not make control flow decisions based on specific
error codes... [unless] it is explicitly documented as such."

SSL_R_UNEXPECTED_EOF_WHILE_READING does not appear to be documented
in version >= 3.0.  However, it is documented as a future change
in the BUGS section of version 1.1.1 documentation for SSL_get_error().

be relied on going forward?  I'm hoping the missing documentation
is just an oversight, and it was intended to be documented (and
presumably will be soon) so that the ERR_GET_REASON() "NOTE" doesn't


I'm also aware of the related mailing list discussion that ultimately
resulted in the creation of the SSL_OP_IGNORE_UNEXPECTED_EOF option,
which is documented.  But making the decision to use this option up
front early in a connection seems imperfect, since a higher-level
protocol's ability to detect a truncation attack may depend on
various details of that protocol, such as which protocol variation(s)
are in use, or precisely where in the conversation it is truncated.
This is certainly true of HTTP's various
content-length/transfer-encoding:chunked/untilEOF variations for the
end of a body...

I have long had a connection abstraction that can cleanly represent
this ambigous maybe-attack state, and can let higher-level
protocols decide what to do on a case-by-case basis.  I would just
like to know if I can rely on SSL_R_UNEXPECTED_EOF_WHILE_READING
indicating I should set my version of the state, or if is likely to
change yet again...

- Matthew Ogilvie

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