Non-Programmatic Deterministic Key Generation for ED25519 and ED448 Keys

Billy Brumley bbb at
Mon Jul 15 12:45:48 UTC 2024


> I notice that OpenSSL has the 'asn1parse' utility for reading PEM and
> DER formatted keys. Is there an analogue that allows to write back a new
> value for the secret integers in private keys? Or can I encode data
> with 'asn1parse' and then output it in PEM format to build a key?

asn1parse works "both ways", if that's what you mean; check the "genstr" 
and "genconf" parts of the man page.

Also, not my project but

is awesome! Sometimes, you start with a PEM / DER and working backwards 
towards the format asn1parse expects is super tedious. That tool is a huge 
time saver.



PS You can totally make keygen deterministic like that, but ofc you are 
deep into roll-your-own at that point. So ... tread lightly
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