[buildbot-admin] Akamai buildbot form

Salz, Rich rsalz at akamai.com
Mon Apr 19 17:40:50 UTC 2021

    When buildbot has been installed on the platform where the buildbot
    worker is to be run, this is how a worker is created:

         $ buildbot-worker --use-tls create-worker BASEDIR \
             buildbot.openssl.org:9989 akamai-AKA-01 gedtyHyd3Od\

I get 'option --use-tls not recognized'

BTW, that trailing slash on the password sucks.

I have both python2 and python3 installed on this machine. I installed pip3 and then used it to install "buildbot[tls]" and "buildbot-worker"
Those seem to be correct as they all start with "#!/usr/bin/python3"

By looking at your ".tac.diff" patch, it seems you at least tested a Windows worker.  Have you run it on Linux?

Do you have any suggestions, or should I go looking for the forums to post there?

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