[ech] ECH PR split/progression

Matt Caswell matt at openssl.org
Mon Jan 22 13:31:33 UTC 2024

On 22/01/2024 11:39, Stephen Farrell wrote:

>> From 3.3 we are doing "time based" releases (with 3.3 being in April 
>> this year), which means that master must be in a ready-to-go state at 
>> any point. We can't have "half finished" changes in master.
> Ack. That's probably gonna be another challenge - getting from
> here to "done" in any 6 month period would call for a lot of
> effort on your (the project's) side. Is that feasible?

Well, that's not even what we need to do. We have to consider that after 
the merge of any PR, that we might not get any further PRs to "finish" 
it off before the next release (e.g. even if we might expect them, the 
unexpected can always happen to make that infeasible). So we cannot 
start a 6 month series of PRs and "hope" that we'll get them all in, in 
time. This is why each PR needs to be stand alone. We have to assume 
that after each one we won't get another one.

> True, but it probably needs the project to allocate the
> effort to allow people to do the review work in some
> six month period. (In the end, making a release that
> doesn't support both client and server sides of ECH
> seems fairly odd to me.)

This sounds like the way ahead would be a feature branch.


> Cheers,
> S.
>> Matt
>>> I'm assuming the former, but
>>> would appreciate confirmation that that's feasible. (E.g.
>>> the 1st "server" PR would have to omit lots of test code
>>> that exists and works today, but that wouldn't work if the
>>> client code is temporarily omitted.)
>>> Thanks,
>>> S.
>>> [1] https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/22938

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