[openssl-commits] [openssl] OpenSSL_1_0_2-stable update

Richard Levitte levitte at openssl.org
Fri Jul 10 15:34:04 UTC 2015

The branch OpenSSL_1_0_2-stable has been updated
       via  efb1a50f371359e34bd4de48d1e9be4b5030977b (commit)
      from  ded7eee8c238fd814173517fdffb6a58c0758d81 (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit efb1a50f371359e34bd4de48d1e9be4b5030977b
Author: Richard Levitte <levitte at openssl.org>
Date:   Fri Jul 10 15:40:53 2015 +0200

    Stop using tardy
    Instead of piping through tardy, and possibly suffering from bugs in certain
    versions, use --transform, --owner and --group directly with GNU tar (we
    already expect that tar variant).
    Reviewed-by: Rich Salz <rsalz at openssl.org>
    (cherry picked from commit 27f98436b9a84b94fbdd8e32960504634ae44cc0)


Summary of changes:
 Makefile.org | 31 +++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile.org b/Makefile.org
index d77e264..4844276 100644
--- a/Makefile.org
+++ b/Makefile.org
@@ -497,25 +497,28 @@ TABLE: Configure
 # would occur. Therefore the list of files is temporarily stored into a file
 # and read directly, requiring GNU-Tar. Call "make TAR=gtar dist" if the normal
 # tar does not support the --files-from option.
+TAR_COMMAND=$(TAR) $(TARFLAGS) --files-from ../$(TARFILE).list \
+	                       --owner openssl --group openssl \
+			       --transform 's|^|openssl-$(VERSION)/|' \
+			       -cvf -
+	find * \! -name STATUS \! -name TABLE \! -name '*.o' \! -name '*.a' \
+	       \! -name '*.so' \! -name '*.so.*'  \! -name 'openssl' \
+	       \! -name '*test' \! -name '.#*' \! -name '*~' \
+	    | sort > ../$(TARFILE).list
+tar: ../$(TARFILE).list
 	find . -type d -print | xargs chmod 755
 	find . -type f -print | xargs chmod a+r
 	find . -type f -perm -0100 -print | xargs chmod a+x
-	find * \! -path CVS/\* \! -path \*/CVS/\* \! -name CVS \! -name .cvsignore \! -name STATUS \! -name TABLE | sort > ../$(TARFILE).list; \
-	$(TAR) $(TARFLAGS) --files-from ../$(TARFILE).list -cvf - | \
-	tardy --user_number=0  --user_name=openssl \
-	      --group_number=0 --group_name=openssl \
-	      --prefix=openssl-$(VERSION) - |\
-	gzip --best >../$(TARFILE).gz; \
-	rm -f ../$(TARFILE).list; \
+	$(TAR_COMMAND) | gzip --best >../$(TARFILE).gz
+	rm -f ../$(TARFILE).list
 	ls -l ../$(TARFILE).gz
-	@$(TAR) $(TARFLAGS) -cvf - \
-		`find * \! -path CVS/\* \! -path \*/CVS/\* \! -name CVS \! -name .cvsignore \! -name STATUS \! -name TABLE \! -name '*.o' \! -name '*.a' \! -name '*.so' \! -name '*.so.*'  \! -name 'openssl' \! -name '*test' \! -name '.#*' \! -name '*~' | sort` |\
-	tardy --user_number=0  --user_name=openssl \
-	      --group_number=0 --group_name=openssl \
-	      --prefix=openssl-$(VERSION) - > ../$(TARFILE);\
+tar-snap: ../$(TARFILE).list
+	rm -f ../$(TARFILE).list
 	ls -l ../$(TARFILE)

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