[openssl-commits] [openssl] master update

Rich Salz rsalz at openssl.org
Sat Feb 27 18:41:04 UTC 2016

The branch master has been updated
       via  6ab364149d8b76b5d2341a2e708e727cad060416 (commit)
      from  b23238f9aa95bcc31a369d3b24616f4f99691052 (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 6ab364149d8b76b5d2341a2e708e727cad060416
Author: Rich Salz <rsalz at akamai.com>
Date:   Sat Feb 27 12:32:42 2016 -0500

    Remove some old files.
    I read the PROBLEMS, and they're outdated; nothing I'd put in the
    online FAQ, for example.  Test-builds work without using these files.
    Had to remove the rehash.time stuff from Makefile.in
    Reviewed-by: Richard Levitte <levitte at openssl.org>


Summary of changes:
 Configurations/descrip.mms.tmpl   |  12 +-
 Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl |  20 +-
 GitConfigure                      |  10 -
 GitMake                           |   7 -
 Makefile.in                       |  17 +-
 PROBLEMS                          | 213 -------------
 certs/README.RootCerts            |   4 -
 certs/demo/ca-cert.pem            |  32 --
 certs/demo/dsa-ca.pem             |  47 ---
 certs/demo/dsa-pca.pem            |  47 ---
 certs/demo/pca-cert.pem           |  32 --
 certs/expired/ICE.crl             |   9 -
 openssl.doxy                      |   7 -
 test/Attic/VMSca-response.1       |   1 -
 test/Attic/VMSca-response.2       |   2 -
 test/Attic/bctest                 | 111 -------
 test/Attic/bctest.com             | 152 ---------
 test/Attic/bntest.com             |  76 -----
 test/Attic/cms-test.pl            | 629 --------------------------------------
 test/Attic/tcrl                   |  37 ---
 test/Attic/tcrl.com               |  88 ------
 test/Attic/testca                 |  31 --
 test/Attic/testca.com             |  52 ----
 test/Attic/testenc                |  36 ---
 test/Attic/testenc.com            |  66 ----
 test/Attic/testgen                |  36 ---
 test/Attic/testgen.com            |  58 ----
 test/Attic/testss                 | 143 ---------
 test/Attic/testss.com             | 123 --------
 test/Attic/testssl                | 266 ----------------
 test/Attic/testssl.com            | 170 -----------
 test/Attic/testsslproxy           |  10 -
 test/Attic/testtsa                | 147 ---------
 test/Attic/testtsa.com            | 255 ----------------
 test/Attic/tkey                   |  73 -----
 test/Attic/tocsp                  | 147 ---------
 test/Attic/tocsp.com              | 165 ----------
 test/Attic/tpkcs7                 |  36 ---
 test/Attic/tpkcs7.com             |  59 ----
 test/Attic/tpkcs7d                |  33 --
 test/Attic/tpkcs7d.com            |  52 ----
 test/Attic/treq                   |  41 ---
 test/Attic/treq.com               |  88 ------
 test/Attic/trsa.com               |  99 ------
 test/Attic/tsid                   |  36 ---
 test/Attic/tsid.com               |  88 ------
 test/Attic/tverify.com            |  65 ----
 test/Attic/tx509                  |  37 ---
 test/Attic/tx509.com              |  88 ------
 49 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 4048 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 GitConfigure
 delete mode 100755 GitMake
 delete mode 100644 PROBLEMS
 delete mode 100644 certs/README.RootCerts
 delete mode 100644 certs/demo/ca-cert.pem
 delete mode 100644 certs/demo/dsa-ca.pem
 delete mode 100644 certs/demo/dsa-pca.pem
 delete mode 100644 certs/demo/pca-cert.pem
 delete mode 100644 certs/expired/ICE.crl
 delete mode 100644 openssl.doxy
 delete mode 100644 test/Attic/VMSca-response.1
 delete mode 100644 test/Attic/VMSca-response.2
 delete mode 100755 test/Attic/bctest
 delete mode 100644 test/Attic/bctest.com
 delete mode 100644 test/Attic/bntest.com
 delete mode 100644 test/Attic/cms-test.pl
 delete mode 100644 test/Attic/tcrl
 delete mode 100644 test/Attic/tcrl.com
 delete mode 100644 test/Attic/testca
 delete mode 100644 test/Attic/testca.com
 delete mode 100644 test/Attic/testenc
 delete mode 100644 test/Attic/testenc.com
 delete mode 100644 test/Attic/testgen
 delete mode 100644 test/Attic/testgen.com
 delete mode 100644 test/Attic/testss
 delete mode 100644 test/Attic/testss.com
 delete mode 100644 test/Attic/testssl
 delete mode 100644 test/Attic/testssl.com
 delete mode 100644 test/Attic/testsslproxy
 delete mode 100644 test/Attic/testtsa
 delete mode 100644 test/Attic/testtsa.com
 delete mode 100644 test/Attic/tkey
 delete mode 100644 test/Attic/tocsp
 delete mode 100644 test/Attic/tocsp.com
 delete mode 100644 test/Attic/tpkcs7
 delete mode 100644 test/Attic/tpkcs7.com
 delete mode 100644 test/Attic/tpkcs7d
 delete mode 100644 test/Attic/tpkcs7d.com
 delete mode 100644 test/Attic/treq
 delete mode 100644 test/Attic/treq.com
 delete mode 100644 test/Attic/trsa.com
 delete mode 100644 test/Attic/tsid
 delete mode 100644 test/Attic/tsid.com
 delete mode 100644 test/Attic/tverify.com
 delete mode 100644 test/Attic/tx509
 delete mode 100644 test/Attic/tx509.com

diff --git a/Configurations/descrip.mms.tmpl b/Configurations/descrip.mms.tmpl
index 5b52a09..eb60b4a 100644
--- a/Configurations/descrip.mms.tmpl
+++ b/Configurations/descrip.mms.tmpl
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ build_tests_nodep : $(TESTPROGS)
 test tests : configdata.pm, -
              build_apps_nodep, build_engines_nodep, build_tests_nodep, -
-             depend, rehash
+             depend
         SET DEFAULT [.test]{- move("test") -}
         DEFINE SRCTOP {- sourcedir() -}
         DEFINE BLDTOP {- builddir() -}
@@ -384,16 +384,6 @@ check_INSTALLTOP :
 # Helper targets #####################################################
-rehash : copy-certs, build_apps_nodep
-        !MCR [.apps]openssl.exe rehash {- builddir("certs", "demo") -}
-        $(PERL) [.tools]c_rehash. [.certs.demo]
-copy-certs :
-        @ IF F$SEARCH("{- buildfile("certs.dir") -}") .EQS. "" THEN -
-             CREATE/DIR {- builddir("certs") -}
-        -@ IF "{- sourcedir("certs") -}" .NES. "{- builddir("certs") -}" THEN -
-             COPY {- tree(sourcedir("certs")) -}*.* {- tree(builddir("certs")) -}
 # Developer targets ##################################################
 debug_logicals :
diff --git a/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl b/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl
index 0e91fb0..b9fc5f8 100644
--- a/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl
+++ b/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ build_apps_nodep: $(PROGRAMS) $(SCRIPTS)
 build_tests: configdata.pm build_tests_nodep depend
 build_tests_nodep: $(TESTPROGS)
-test tests: build_tests_nodep build_apps_nodep build_engines_nodep depend rehash
+test tests: build_tests_nodep build_apps_nodep build_engines_nodep depend
 	( cd test; \
 	  SRCTOP=../$(SRCDIR) \
 	  BLDTOP=../$(BLDDIR) \
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ clean: libclean
 	rm -f `find $(BLDDIR) -name '*{- $depext -}'`
 	rm -f `find $(BLDDIR) -name '*{- $objext -}'`
-	rm -f $(BLDDIR)/core $(BLDDIR)/rehash.time
+	rm -f $(BLDDIR)/core
 	rm -f $(BLDDIR)/tags $(BLDDIR)/TAGS
 	rm -f $(BLDDIR)/openssl.pc $(BLDDIR)/libcrypto.pc $(BLDDIR)/libssl.pc
 	-rm -f `find $(BLDDIR) -type l`
@@ -693,17 +693,6 @@ dist:
 # Helper targets #####################################################
-rehash: link-utils copy-certs build_apps_nodep
-	@if [ -z "$(CROSS_COMPILE)" ]; then \
-		(OPENSSL="$(BLDDIR)/util/shlib_wrap.sh apps/openssl"; \
-		[ -x "$(BLDDIR)/openssl.exe" ] && OPENSSL="$(BLDDIR)/openssl.exe" || :; \
-		$$OPENSSL rehash certs/demo \
-		|| $(PERL) tools/c_rehash certs/demo) && \
-		touch rehash.time; \
-	else :; fi
 link-utils: $(BLDDIR)/util/opensslwrap.sh $(BLDDIR)/util/shlib_wrap.sh
 $(BLDDIR)/util/opensslwrap.sh: configdata.pm
@@ -717,11 +706,6 @@ $(BLDDIR)/util/shlib_wrap.sh: configdata.pm
 	    ln -sf "../$(SRCDIR)/util/shlib_wrap.sh" "$(BLDDIR)/util"; \
-copy-certs: FORCE
-	@if [ "$(SRCDIR)" != "$(BLDDIR)" ]; then \
-	    cp -R "$(SRCDIR)/certs" "$(BLDDIR)/"; \
-	fi
 $(SRCDIR)/apps/openssl-vms.cnf: $(SRCDIR)/apps/openssl.cnf
 	$(PERL) $(SRCDIR)/VMS/VMSify-conf.pl \
                 < $(SRCDIR)/apps/openssl.cnf > $(SRCDIR)/apps/openssl-vms.cnf
diff --git a/GitConfigure b/GitConfigure
deleted file mode 100755
index 3451553..0000000
--- a/GitConfigure
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-BRANCH=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`
-./Configure $@
-make files
-util/mk1mf.pl OUT=out.$BRANCH TMP=tmp.$BRANCH INC=inc.$BRANCH copy > makefile.$BRANCH
-which bsdmake > /dev/null && MAKE=bsdmake
-$MAKE -f makefile.$BRANCH init
diff --git a/GitMake b/GitMake
deleted file mode 100755
index db30004..0000000
--- a/GitMake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-BRANCH=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`
-which bsdmake > /dev/null && MAKE=bsdmake
-$MAKE -f makefile.$BRANCH $@
diff --git a/Makefile.in b/Makefile.in
index 4e7aa71..6111309 100644
--- a/Makefile.in
+++ b/Makefile.in
@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ libclean:
 	rm -f *.map *.so *.so.* *.dylib *.dll engines/*.so engines/*.dll engines/*.dylib *.a engines/*.a */lib */*/lib
 clean:	libclean
-	rm -f */*/*.o */*.o *.o core a.out fluff rehash.time testlog make.log cctest cctest.c
+	rm -f */*/*.o */*.o *.o core a.out fluff testlog make.log cctest cctest.c
 	rm -rf *.bak certs/.0
 	@set -e; target=clean; $(RECURSIVE_BUILD_CMD)
 	rm -f $(LIBS) tags TAGS
@@ -471,22 +471,9 @@ gentests:
 	@(cd test && echo "generating dummy tests (if needed)..." && \
-rehash: rehash.time
-rehash.time: certs build_apps build_tools
-	@if [ -z "$(CROSS_COMPILE)" ]; then \
-		(OPENSSL="`pwd`/util/opensslwrap.sh"; \
-		[ -x "apps/openssl.exe" ] && OPENSSL="apps/openssl.exe" || :; \
-		$$OPENSSL rehash certs/demo \
-		|| $(PERL) tools/c_rehash certs/demo) && \
-		touch rehash.time; \
-	else :; fi
 test:   files tests
-tests:  build_tests rehash
+tests:  build_tests 
 	@(cd test && echo "testing..." && \
 	$(CLEARENV) && $(MAKE) -e $(BUILDENV) TOP=.. TESTS='$(TESTS)' OPENSSL_DEBUG_MEMORY=on OPENSSL_CONF=../apps/openssl.cnf tests );
 	@if [ -z "$(CROSS_COMPILE)" ]; then \
diff --git a/PROBLEMS b/PROBLEMS
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ff48dc..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-* System libcrypto.dylib and libssl.dylib are used by system ld on MacOS X.
-    NOTE: The problem described here only applies when OpenSSL isn't built
-    with shared library support (i.e. without the "shared" configuration
-    option).  If you build with shared library support, you will have no
-    problems as long as you set up DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH properly at all times.
-This is really a misfeature in ld, which seems to look for .dylib libraries
-along the whole library path before it bothers looking for .a libraries.  This
-means that -L switches won't matter unless OpenSSL is built with shared
-library support.
-The workaround may be to change the following lines in apps/Makefile and
-  LIBCRYPTO=-L.. -lcrypto
-  LIBSSL=-L.. -lssl
-  LIBCRYPTO=../libcrypto.a
-  LIBSSL=../libssl.a
-It's possible that something similar is needed for shared library support
-as well.  That hasn't been well tested yet.
-Another solution that many seem to recommend is to move the libraries
-/usr/lib/libcrypto.0.9.dylib, /usr/lib/libssl.0.9.dylib to a different
-directory, build and install OpenSSL and anything that depends on your
-build, then move libcrypto.0.9.dylib and libssl.0.9.dylib back to their
-original places.  Note that the version numbers on those two libraries
-may differ on your machine.
-As long as Apple doesn't fix the problem with ld, this problem building
-OpenSSL will remain as is. Well, the problem was addressed in 0.9.8f by
-passing -Wl,-search_paths_first, but it's unknown if the flag was
-supported from the initial MacOS X release.
-* Parallell make leads to errors
-While running tests, running a parallell make is a bad idea.  Many test
-scripts use the same name for output and input files, which means different
-will interfere with each other and lead to test failure.
-The solution is simple for now: don't run parallel make when testing.
-* Bugs in gcc triggered
-- According to a problem report, there are bugs in gcc 3.0 that are
-  triggered by some of the code in OpenSSL, more specifically in
-  PEM_get_EVP_CIPHER_INFO().  The triggering code is the following:
-	header+=11;
-	if (*header != '4') return(0); header++;
-	if (*header != ',') return(0); header++;
-  What happens is that gcc might optimize a little too agressively, and
-  you end up with an extra incrementation when *header != '4'.
-  We recommend that you upgrade gcc to as high a 3.x version as you can.
-- According to multiple problem reports, some of our message digest
-  implementations trigger bug[s] in code optimizer in gcc 3.3 for sparc64
-  and gcc 2.96 for ppc. Former fails to complete RIPEMD160 test, while
-  latter - SHA one.
-  The recomendation is to upgrade your compiler. This naturally applies to
-  other similar cases.
-- There is a subtle Solaris x86-specific gcc run-time environment bug, which
-  "falls between" OpenSSL [0.9.8 and later], Solaris ld and GCC. The bug
-  manifests itself as Segmentation Fault upon early application start-up.
-  The problem can be worked around by patching the environment according to
-  http://www.openssl.org/~appro/values.c.
-* solaris64-sparcv9-cc SHA-1 performance with WorkShop 6 compiler.
-As subject suggests SHA-1 might perform poorly (4 times slower)
-if compiled with WorkShop 6 compiler and -xarch=v9. The cause for
-this seems to be the fact that compiler emits multiplication to
-perform shift operations:-( To work the problem around configure
-with './Configure solaris64-sparcv9-cc -DMD32_REG_T=int'.
-* Problems with hp-parisc2-cc target when used with "no-asm" flag
-When using the hp-parisc2-cc target, wrong bignum code is generated.
-This is due to the SIXTY_FOUR_BIT build being compiled with the +O3
-aggressive optimization.
-The problem manifests itself by the BN_kronecker test hanging in an
-endless loop. Reason: the BN_kronecker test calls BN_generate_prime()
-which itself hangs. The reason could be tracked down to the bn_mul_comba8()
-function in bn_asm.c. At some occasions the higher 32bit value of r[7]
-is off by 1 (meaning: calculated=shouldbe+1). Further analysis failed,
-as no debugger support possible at +O3 and additional fprintf()'s
-introduced fixed the bug, therefore it is most likely a bug in the
-The bug was found in the BN_kronecker test but may also lead to
-failures in other parts of the code.
-(See Ticket #426.)
-Workaround: modify the target to +O2 when building with no-asm.
-* Problems building shared libraries on SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.6
-  with gcc 2.95.3
-The symptoms appear when running the test suite, more specifically
-test/ectest, with the following result:
-ectest.c:186: ABORT
-The cause of the problem seems to be that isxdigit(), called from
-BN_hex2bn(), returns 0 on a perfectly legitimate hex digit.  Further
-investigation shows that any of the isxxx() macros return 0 on any
-input.  A direct look in the information array that the isxxx() use,
-called __ctype, shows that it contains all zeroes...
-Taking a look at the newly created libcrypto.so with nm, one can see
-that the variable __ctype is defined in libcrypto's .bss (which
-explains why it is filled with zeroes):
-$ nm -Pg libcrypto.so | grep __ctype
-__ctype B 0011659c
-__ctype2 U         
-Curiously, __ctype2 is undefined, in spite of being declared in
-/usr/include/ctype.h in exactly the same way as __ctype.
-Any information helping to solve this issue would be deeply
-NOTE: building non-shared doesn't come with this problem.
-* ULTRIX build fails with shell errors, such as "bad substitution"
-  and "test: argument expected"
-The problem is caused by ULTRIX /bin/sh supporting only original
-Bourne shell syntax/semantics, and the trouble is that the vast
-majority is so accustomed to more modern syntax, that very few
-people [if any] would recognize the ancient syntax even as valid.
-This inevitably results in non-trivial scripts breaking on ULTRIX,
-and OpenSSL isn't an exclusion. Fortunately there is workaround,
-hire /bin/ksh to do the job /bin/sh fails to do.
-1. Trick make(1) to use /bin/ksh by setting up following environ-
-   ment variables *prior* you execute ./Configure and make:
-	MAKESHELL=/bin/ksh
-   or if your shell is csh-compatible:
-	setenv MAKESHELL /bin/ksh
-2. Trick /bin/sh to use alternative expression evaluator. Create
-   following 'test' script for example in /tmp:
-	#!/bin/ksh
-	${0##*/} "$@"
-   Then 'chmod a+x /tmp/test; ln /tmp/test /tmp/[' and *prepend*
-   your $PATH with chosen location, e.g. PATH=/tmp:$PATH. Alter-
-   natively just replace system /bin/test and /bin/[ with the
-   above script.
-* hpux64-ia64-cc fails blowfish test.
-Compiler bug, presumably at particular patch level. It should be noted
-that same compiler generates correct 32-bit code, a.k.a. hpux-ia64-cc
-target. Drop optimization level to +O2 when compiling 64-bit bf_skey.o.
-* no-engines generates errors.
-Unfortunately, the 'no-engines' configuration option currently doesn't
-work properly.  Use 'no-hw' and you'll will at least get no hardware
-support.  We'll see how we fix that on OpenSSL versions past 0.9.8.
-* 'make test' fails in BN_sqr [commonly with "error 139" denoting SIGSEGV]
-  if elder GNU binutils were deployed to link shared libcrypto.so.
-As subject suggests the failure is caused by a bug in elder binutils,
-either as or ld, and was observed on FreeBSD and Linux. There are two
-options. First is naturally to upgrade binutils, the second one - to
-reconfigure with additional no-sse2 [or 386] option passed to ./config.
-* If configured with ./config no-dso, toolkit still gets linked with -ldl,
-  which most notably poses a problem when linking with dietlibc.
-We don't have framework to associate -ldl with no-dso, therefore the only
-way is to edit Makefile right after ./config no-dso and remove -ldl from
-EX_LIBS line.
-* hpux-parisc2-cc no-asm build fails with SEGV in ECDSA/DH.
-Compiler bug, presumably at particular patch level. Remaining
-hpux*-parisc*-cc configurations can be affected too. Drop optimization
-level to +O2 when compiling bn_nist.o.
-* solaris64-sparcv9-cc link failure
-Solaris 8 ar can fail to maintain symbol table in .a, which results in
-link failures. Apply 109147-09 or later or modify Makefile generated
-by ./Configure solaris64-sparcv9-cc and replace RANLIB assignment with
-	RANLIB= /usr/ccs/bin/ar rs
diff --git a/certs/README.RootCerts b/certs/README.RootCerts
deleted file mode 100644
index c760b61..0000000
--- a/certs/README.RootCerts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-The OpenSSL project does not (any longer) include root CA certificates.
-Please check out the FAQ:
-  * How can I set up a bundle of commercial root CA certificates?
diff --git a/certs/demo/ca-cert.pem b/certs/demo/ca-cert.pem
deleted file mode 100644
index d209f94..0000000
--- a/certs/demo/ca-cert.pem
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-issuer= C = AU, ST = Queensland, O = CryptSoft Pty Ltd, CN = Test PCA (1024 bit)
-subject= C = AU, ST = Queensland, O = CryptSoft Pty Ltd, CN = Test CA (1024 bit)
------END PRIVATE KEY-----
diff --git a/certs/demo/dsa-ca.pem b/certs/demo/dsa-ca.pem
deleted file mode 100644
index 00087a4..0000000
--- a/certs/demo/dsa-ca.pem
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/certs/demo/dsa-pca.pem b/certs/demo/dsa-pca.pem
deleted file mode 100644
index d57549c..0000000
--- a/certs/demo/dsa-pca.pem
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/certs/demo/pca-cert.pem b/certs/demo/pca-cert.pem
deleted file mode 100644
index f49206f..0000000
--- a/certs/demo/pca-cert.pem
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-issuer= C = AU, ST = Queensland, O = CryptSoft Pty Ltd, CN = Test PCA (1024 bit)
-subject= C = AU, ST = Queensland, O = CryptSoft Pty Ltd, CN = Test PCA (1024 bit)
------END PRIVATE KEY-----
diff --git a/certs/expired/ICE.crl b/certs/expired/ICE.crl
deleted file mode 100644
index 21939e8..0000000
--- a/certs/expired/ICE.crl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
------BEGIN X509 CRL-----
------END X509 CRL-----
diff --git a/openssl.doxy b/openssl.doxy
deleted file mode 100644
index 479c311..0000000
--- a/openssl.doxy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-INPUT=ssl include
diff --git a/test/Attic/VMSca-response.1 b/test/Attic/VMSca-response.1
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b13789..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/VMSca-response.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/test/Attic/VMSca-response.2 b/test/Attic/VMSca-response.2
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b48ee4..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/VMSca-response.2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/test/Attic/bctest b/test/Attic/bctest
deleted file mode 100755
index bdb3218..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/bctest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-# This script is used by test/Makefile.ssl to check whether a sane 'bc'
-# is installed.
-# ('make test_bn' should not try to run 'bc' if it does not exist or if
-# it is a broken 'bc' version that is known to cause trouble.)
-# If 'bc' works, we also test if it knows the 'print' command.
-# In any case, output an appropriate command line for running (or not
-# running) bc.
-# First we try "bc", then "$dir/bc" for each item in $PATH.
-for dir in dummy:$PATH; do
-    if [ "$try_without_dir" = true ]; then
-      # first iteration
-      bc=bc
-      try_without_dir=false
-    else
-      # second and later iterations
-      bc="$dir/bc"
-      if [ ! -f "$bc" ]; then  # '-x' is not available on Ultrix
-        bc=''
-      fi
-    fi
-    if [ ! "$bc" = '' ]; then
-        failure=none
-        # Test for SunOS 5.[78] bc bug
-        "$bc" >tmp.bctest <<\EOF
-(a/b)*b + (a%b) - a
-        if [ 0 != "`cat tmp.bctest`" ]; then
-            failure=SunOStest
-        fi
-        if [ "$failure" = none ]; then
-            # Test for SCO bc bug.
-            "$bc" >tmp.bctest <<\EOF
-1239157EC6E3D8D50199 * -FFDD63BA1A4648F0D804F8A1C66C53F0D2110590E8A3907EC73B4\
-B9812A0E4A5773D8B2541171239157EC6E3D8D50199 - FFBACC221682DA464B6D7F123482522\
-37F1907D0C56F8BFBF52B9704 % -E557905B56B13441574CAFCE2BD257A750B1A8B2C88D0E36\
-F617E3145BBFBE9AFD0D6E437EA4FF6F04BC67C4F1458B4F0F47B64 - 1C2BBBB19B74E86FD32\
-            if [ "0
-0" != "`cat tmp.bctest`" ]; then
-                failure=SCOtest
-            fi
-        fi
-        if [ "$failure" = none ]; then
-            # bc works; now check if it knows the 'print' command.
-            if [ "OK" = "`echo 'print \"OK\"' | $bc 2>/dev/null`" ]
-            then
-                echo "$bc"
-            else
-                echo "sed 's/print.*//' | $bc"
-            fi
-            exit 0
-        fi
-        echo "$bc does not work properly ('$failure' failed).  Looking for another bc ..." >&2
-    fi
-echo "No working bc found.  Consider installing GNU bc." >&2
-if [ "$1" = ignore ]; then
-  echo "cat >/dev/null"
-  exit 0
-exit 1
diff --git a/test/Attic/bctest.com b/test/Attic/bctest.com
deleted file mode 100644
index d7e5ec1..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/bctest.com
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-$! Check operation of "bc".
-$! 2010-04-05 SMS.  New.  Based (loosely) on "bctest".
-$ tmp_file_name = "tmp.bctest"
-$ failure = ""
-$! Basic command test.
-$ on warning then goto bc_fail
-$ bc
-$ on error then exit
-$! Test for SunOS 5.[78] bc bug.
-$ if (failure .eqs. "")
-$ then
-$     define /user_mode sys$output 'tmp_file_name'
-$     bc
-(a/b)*b + (a%b) - a
-$     status = $status
-$     output_expected = "0"
-$     gosub check_output
-$     if (output .ne. 1)
-$     then
-$         failure = "SunOStest"
-$     else
-$         delete 'f$parse( tmp_file_name)'
-$     endif
-$ endif
-$! Test for SCO bc bug.
-$ if (failure .eqs. "")
-$ then
-$     define /user_mode sys$output 'tmp_file_name'
-$     bc
-1239157EC6E3D8D50199 * -FFDD63BA1A4648F0D804F8A1C66C53F0D2110590E8A3907EC73B4\
-B9812A0E4A5773D8B2541171239157EC6E3D8D50199 - FFBACC221682DA464B6D7F123482522\
-37F1907D0C56F8BFBF52B9704 % -E557905B56B13441574CAFCE2BD257A750B1A8B2C88D0E36\
-F617E3145BBFBE9AFD0D6E437EA4FF6F04BC67C4F1458B4F0F47B64 - 1C2BBBB19B74E86FD32\
-$     status = $status
-$     output_expected = "0\0"
-$     gosub check_output
-$     if (output .ne. 1)
-$     then
-$         failure = "SCOtest"
-$     else
-$         delete 'f$parse( tmp_file_name)'
-$     endif
-$ endif
-$! Test for working 'print' command.
-$ if (failure .eqs. "")
-$ then
-$     define /user_mode sys$output 'tmp_file_name'
-$     bc
-print "OK"
-$     status = $status
-$     output_expected = "OK"
-$     gosub check_output
-$     if (output .ne. 1)
-$     then
-$         failure = "printtest"
-$     else
-$         delete 'f$parse( tmp_file_name)'
-$     endif
-$ endif
-$ if (failure .nes. "")
-$ then
-$     write sys$output -
-       "No working bc found.  Consider installing GNU bc."
-$     exit %X00030000 ! %DCL-W-NORMAL
-$ endif
-$ exit
-$! Complete "bc" command failure.
-$ bc_fail:
-$ write sys$output -
-   "No ""bc"" program/symbol found.  Consider installing GNU bc."
-$ exit %X00030000 ! %DCL-W-NORMAL
-$! Output check subroutine.
-$ check_output:
-$     eof = 0
-$     line_nr = 0
-$     open /read tmp_file 'tmp_file_name'
-$     c_o_loop:
-$         read /error = error_read tmp_file line
-$         goto ok_read
-$         error_read:
-$         eof = 1
-$         ok_read:
-$         line_expected = f$element( line_nr, "\", output_expected)
-$         line_nr = line_nr+ 1
-$     if ((line_expected .nes. "\") .and. (.not. eof) .and. -
-       (line_expected .eqs. line)) then goto c_o_loop
-$     if ((line_expected .eqs. "\") .and. eof)
-$     then
-$         output = 1
-$     else
-$         output = 0
-$     endif
-$     close tmp_file
-$ return
diff --git a/test/Attic/bntest.com b/test/Attic/bntest.com
deleted file mode 100644
index 6545d2e..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/bntest.com
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-$! Analyze bntest output file.
-$! Exit status = 1 (success) if all tests passed,
-$!               0 (warning) if any test failed.
-$! 2011-02-20 SMS.  Added code to skip "#" comments in the input file.
-$! 2010-04-05 SMS.  New.  Based (loosely) on perl code in bntest-vms.sh.
-$!                  Expect data like:
-$!                        test test_name1
-$!                        0
-$!                        [...]
-$!                        test test_name2
-$!                        0
-$!                        [...]
-$!                        [...]
-$!                  Some tests have no following "0" lines.
-$ result_file_name = f$edit( p1, "TRIM")
-$ if (result_file_name .eqs. "")
-$ then
-$     result_file_name = "bntest-vms.out"
-$ endif
-$ fail = 0
-$ passed = 0
-$ tests = 0
-$ on control_c then goto tidy
-$ on error then goto tidy
-$ open /read result_file 'result_file_name'
-$ read_loop:
-$     read /end = read_loop_end /error = tidy result_file line
-$     t1 = f$element( 0, " ", line)
-$!    Skip "#" comment lines.
-$     if (f$extract( 0, 1, f$edit( line, "TRIM")) .eqs. "#") then -
-       goto read_loop
-$     if (t1 .eqs. "test")
-$     then
-$         passed = passed+ 1
-$         tests = tests+ 1
-$         fail = 1
-$         t2 = f$extract( 5, 1000, line)
-$         write sys$output "verify ''t2'"
-$     else
-$         if (t1 .nes. "0")
-$         then
-$             write sys$output "Failed! bc: ''line'"
-$             passed = passed- fail
-$             fail = 0
-$         endif
-$     endif
-$ goto read_loop
-$ read_loop_end:
-$ write sys$output "''passed'/''tests' tests passed"
-$ tidy:
-$ if f$trnlnm( "result_file", "LNM$PROCESS_TABLE", , "SUPERVISOR", , "CONFINE")
-$ then
-$     close result_file
-$ endif
-$ if ((tests .gt. 0) .and. (tests .eq. passed))
-$ then
-$    exit 1
-$ else
-$    exit 0
-$ endif
diff --git a/test/Attic/cms-test.pl b/test/Attic/cms-test.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ee3f02..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/cms-test.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,629 +0,0 @@
-# test/cms-test.pl
-# Written by Dr Stephen N Henson (steve at openssl.org) for the OpenSSL
-# project.
-# ====================================================================
-# Copyright (c) 2008 The OpenSSL Project.  All rights reserved.
-# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
-# are met:
-# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
-#    the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
-#    distribution.
-# 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
-#    software must display the following acknowledgment:
-#    "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project
-#    for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (http://www.OpenSSL.org/)"
-# 4. The names "OpenSSL Toolkit" and "OpenSSL Project" must not be used to
-#    endorse or promote products derived from this software without
-#    prior written permission. For written permission, please contact
-#    licensing at OpenSSL.org.
-# 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "OpenSSL"
-#    nor may "OpenSSL" appear in their names without prior written
-#    permission of the OpenSSL Project.
-# 6. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following
-#    acknowledgment:
-#    "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project
-#    for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.OpenSSL.org/)"
-# ====================================================================
-# CMS, PKCS7 consistency test script. Run extensive tests on
-# OpenSSL PKCS#7 and CMS implementations.
-my $ossl_path;
-my $redir = " 2> cms.err > cms.out";
-# Make VMS work
-if ( $^O eq "VMS" && -f "OSSLX:openssl.exe" ) {
-    $ossl_path = "pipe mcr OSSLX:openssl";
-    $null_path = "NL:";
-    # On VMS, the lowest 3 bits of the exit code indicates severity
-    # 1 is success (perl translates it to 0 for $?), 2 is error
-    # (perl doesn't translate it)
-    $failure_code = 512;	# 2 << 8 = 512
-# Make MSYS work
-elsif ( $^O eq "MSWin32" && -f "../apps/openssl.exe" ) {
-    $ossl_path = "cmd /c ..\\apps\\openssl";
-    $null_path = "NUL";
-    $failure_code = 256;
-elsif ( -f "../apps/openssl$ENV{EXE_EXT}" ) {
-    $ossl_path = "../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../apps/openssl";
-    $null_path = "/dev/null";
-    $failure_code = 256;
-elsif ( -f "..\\out32dll\\openssl.exe" ) {
-    $ossl_path = "..\\out32dll\\openssl.exe";
-    $null_path = "NUL";
-    $failure_code = 256;
-elsif ( -f "..\\out32\\openssl.exe" ) {
-    $ossl_path = "..\\out32\\openssl.exe";
-    $null_path = "NUL";
-    $failure_code = 256;
-else {
-    die "Can't find OpenSSL executable";
-my $pk7cmd   = "$ossl_path smime ";
-my $cmscmd   = "$ossl_path cms ";
-my $smdir    = "smime-certs";
-my $halt_err = 1;
-my $badcmd = 0;
-my $no_ec;
-my $no_ec2m;
-my $no_ecdh;
-my $ossl8 = `$ossl_path version -v` =~ /0\.9\.8/;
-system ("$ossl_path no-cms > $null_path");
-if ($? == 0)
-        {
-        print "CMS disabled\n";
-        exit 0;
-        }
-system ("$ossl_path no-ec > $null_path");
-if ($? == 0)
-	{
-	$no_ec = 1;
-	}
-elsif ($? == $failure_code)
-	{
-	$no_ec = 0;
-	}
-	{
-	die "Error checking for EC support\n";
-	}
-system ("$ossl_path no-ec2m > $null_path");
-if ($? == 0)
-	{
-	$no_ec2m = 1;
-	}
-elsif ($? == $failure_code)
-	{
-	$no_ec2m = 0;
-	}
-	{
-	die "Error checking for EC2M support\n";
-	}
-system ("$ossl_path no-ec > $null_path");
-if ($? == 0)
-	{
-	$no_ecdh = 1;
-	}
-elsif ($? == $failure_code)
-	{
-	$no_ecdh = 0;
-	}
-	{
-	die "Error checking for ECDH support\n";
-	}
-my @smime_pkcs7_tests = (
-    [
-        "signed content DER format, RSA key",
-        "-sign -in smcont.txt -outform \"DER\" -nodetach"
-          . " -certfile $smdir/smroot.pem"
-          . " -signer $smdir/smrsa1.pem -out test.cms",
-        "-verify -in test.cms -inform \"DER\" "
-          . " \"-CAfile\" $smdir/smroot.pem -out smtst.txt"
-    ],
-    [
-        "signed detached content DER format, RSA key",
-        "-sign -in smcont.txt -outform \"DER\""
-          . " -signer $smdir/smrsa1.pem -out test.cms",
-        "-verify -in test.cms -inform \"DER\" "
-          . " \"-CAfile\" $smdir/smroot.pem -out smtst.txt -content smcont.txt"
-    ],
-    [
-        "signed content test streaming BER format, RSA",
-        "-sign -in smcont.txt -outform \"DER\" -nodetach"
-          . " -stream -signer $smdir/smrsa1.pem -out test.cms",
-        "-verify -in test.cms -inform \"DER\" "
-          . " \"-CAfile\" $smdir/smroot.pem -out smtst.txt"
-    ],
-    [
-        "signed content DER format, DSA key",
-        "-sign -in smcont.txt -outform \"DER\" -nodetach"
-          . " -signer $smdir/smdsa1.pem -out test.cms",
-        "-verify -in test.cms -inform \"DER\" "
-          . " \"-CAfile\" $smdir/smroot.pem -out smtst.txt"
-    ],
-    [
-        "signed detached content DER format, DSA key",
-        "-sign -in smcont.txt -outform \"DER\""
-          . " -signer $smdir/smdsa1.pem -out test.cms",
-        "-verify -in test.cms -inform \"DER\" "
-          . " \"-CAfile\" $smdir/smroot.pem -out smtst.txt -content smcont.txt"
-    ],
-    [
-        "signed detached content DER format, add RSA signer",
-        "-resign -inform \"DER\" -in test.cms -outform \"DER\""
-          . " -signer $smdir/smrsa1.pem -out test2.cms",
-        "-verify -in test2.cms -inform \"DER\" "
-          . " \"-CAfile\" $smdir/smroot.pem -out smtst.txt -content smcont.txt"
-    ],
-    [
-        "signed content test streaming BER format, DSA key",
-        "-sign -in smcont.txt -outform \"DER\" -nodetach"
-          . " -stream -signer $smdir/smdsa1.pem -out test.cms",
-        "-verify -in test.cms -inform \"DER\" "
-          . " \"-CAfile\" $smdir/smroot.pem -out smtst.txt"
-    ],
-    [
-        "signed content test streaming BER format, 2 DSA and 2 RSA keys",
-        "-sign -in smcont.txt -outform \"DER\" -nodetach"
-          . " -signer $smdir/smrsa1.pem -signer $smdir/smrsa2.pem"
-          . " -signer $smdir/smdsa1.pem -signer $smdir/smdsa2.pem"
-          . " -stream -out test.cms",
-        "-verify -in test.cms -inform \"DER\" "
-          . " \"-CAfile\" $smdir/smroot.pem -out smtst.txt"
-    ],
-    [
-"signed content test streaming BER format, 2 DSA and 2 RSA keys, no attributes",
-        "-sign -in smcont.txt -outform \"DER\" -noattr -nodetach"
-          . " -signer $smdir/smrsa1.pem -signer $smdir/smrsa2.pem"
-          . " -signer $smdir/smdsa1.pem -signer $smdir/smdsa2.pem"
-          . " -stream -out test.cms",
-        "-verify -in test.cms -inform \"DER\" "
-          . " \"-CAfile\" $smdir/smroot.pem -out smtst.txt"
-    ],
-    [
-        "signed content test streaming S/MIME format, 2 DSA and 2 RSA keys",
-        "-sign -in smcont.txt -nodetach"
-          . " -signer $smdir/smrsa1.pem -signer $smdir/smrsa2.pem"
-          . " -signer $smdir/smdsa1.pem -signer $smdir/smdsa2.pem"
-          . " -stream -out test.cms",
-        "-verify -in test.cms " . " \"-CAfile\" $smdir/smroot.pem -out smtst.txt"
-    ],
-    [
-"signed content test streaming multipart S/MIME format, 2 DSA and 2 RSA keys",
-        "-sign -in smcont.txt"
-          . " -signer $smdir/smrsa1.pem -signer $smdir/smrsa2.pem"
-          . " -signer $smdir/smdsa1.pem -signer $smdir/smdsa2.pem"
-          . " -stream -out test.cms",
-        "-verify -in test.cms " . " \"-CAfile\" $smdir/smroot.pem -out smtst.txt"
-    ],
-    [
-        "enveloped content test streaming S/MIME format, 3 recipients",
-        "-encrypt -in smcont.txt"
-          . " -stream -out test.cms"
-          . " $smdir/smrsa1.pem $smdir/smrsa2.pem $smdir/smrsa3.pem ",
-        "-decrypt -recip $smdir/smrsa1.pem -in test.cms -out smtst.txt"
-    ],
-    [
-"enveloped content test streaming S/MIME format, 3 recipients, 3rd used",
-        "-encrypt -in smcont.txt"
-          . " -stream -out test.cms"
-          . " $smdir/smrsa1.pem $smdir/smrsa2.pem $smdir/smrsa3.pem ",
-        "-decrypt -recip $smdir/smrsa3.pem -in test.cms -out smtst.txt"
-    ],
-    [
-"enveloped content test streaming S/MIME format, 3 recipients, key only used",
-        "-encrypt -in smcont.txt"
-          . " -stream -out test.cms"
-          . " $smdir/smrsa1.pem $smdir/smrsa2.pem $smdir/smrsa3.pem ",
-        "-decrypt -inkey $smdir/smrsa3.pem -in test.cms -out smtst.txt"
-    ],
-    [
-"enveloped content test streaming S/MIME format, AES-256 cipher, 3 recipients",
-        "-encrypt -in smcont.txt"
-          . " -aes256 -stream -out test.cms"
-          . " $smdir/smrsa1.pem $smdir/smrsa2.pem $smdir/smrsa3.pem ",
-        "-decrypt -recip $smdir/smrsa1.pem -in test.cms -out smtst.txt"
-    ],
-my @smime_cms_tests = (
-    [
-        "signed content test streaming BER format, 2 DSA and 2 RSA keys, keyid",
-        "-sign -in smcont.txt -outform \"DER\" -nodetach -keyid"
-          . " -signer $smdir/smrsa1.pem -signer $smdir/smrsa2.pem"
-          . " -signer $smdir/smdsa1.pem -signer $smdir/smdsa2.pem"
-          . " -stream -out test.cms",
-        "-verify -in test.cms -inform \"DER\" "
-          . " \"-CAfile\" $smdir/smroot.pem -out smtst.txt"
-    ],
-    [
-        "signed content test streaming PEM format, 2 DSA and 2 RSA keys",
-        "-sign -in smcont.txt -outform PEM -nodetach"
-          . " -signer $smdir/smrsa1.pem -signer $smdir/smrsa2.pem"
-          . " -signer $smdir/smdsa1.pem -signer $smdir/smdsa2.pem"
-          . " -stream -out test.cms",
-        "-verify -in test.cms -inform PEM "
-          . " \"-CAfile\" $smdir/smroot.pem -out smtst.txt"
-    ],
-    [
-        "signed content MIME format, RSA key, signed receipt request",
-        "-sign -in smcont.txt -signer $smdir/smrsa1.pem -nodetach"
-          . " -receipt_request_to test\@openssl.org -receipt_request_all"
-          . " -out test.cms",
-        "-verify -in test.cms "
-          . " \"-CAfile\" $smdir/smroot.pem -out smtst.txt"
-    ],
-    [
-        "signed receipt MIME format, RSA key",
-        "-sign_receipt -in test.cms"
-          . " -signer $smdir/smrsa2.pem"
-          . " -out test2.cms",
-        "-verify_receipt test2.cms -in test.cms"
-          . " \"-CAfile\" $smdir/smroot.pem"
-    ],
-    [
-        "enveloped content test streaming S/MIME format, 3 recipients, keyid",
-        "-encrypt -in smcont.txt"
-          . " -stream -out test.cms -keyid"
-          . " $smdir/smrsa1.pem $smdir/smrsa2.pem $smdir/smrsa3.pem ",
-        "-decrypt -recip $smdir/smrsa1.pem -in test.cms -out smtst.txt"
-    ],
-    [
-        "enveloped content test streaming PEM format, KEK",
-        "-encrypt -in smcont.txt -outform PEM -aes128"
-          . " -stream -out test.cms "
-          . " -secretkey 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F "
-          . " -secretkeyid C0FEE0",
-        "-decrypt -in test.cms -out smtst.txt -inform PEM"
-          . " -secretkey 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F "
-          . " -secretkeyid C0FEE0"
-    ],
-    [
-        "enveloped content test streaming PEM format, KEK, key only",
-        "-encrypt -in smcont.txt -outform PEM -aes128"
-          . " -stream -out test.cms "
-          . " -secretkey 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F "
-          . " -secretkeyid C0FEE0",
-        "-decrypt -in test.cms -out smtst.txt -inform PEM"
-          . " -secretkey 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F "
-    ],
-    [
-        "data content test streaming PEM format",
-        "-data_create -in smcont.txt -outform PEM -nodetach"
-          . " -stream -out test.cms",
-        "-data_out -in test.cms -inform PEM -out smtst.txt"
-    ],
-    [
-        "encrypted content test streaming PEM format, 128 bit RC2 key",
-        "\"-EncryptedData_encrypt\" -in smcont.txt -outform PEM"
-          . " -rc2 -secretkey 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F"
-          . " -stream -out test.cms",
-        "\"-EncryptedData_decrypt\" -in test.cms -inform PEM "
-          . " -secretkey 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F -out smtst.txt"
-    ],
-    [
-        "encrypted content test streaming PEM format, 40 bit RC2 key",
-        "\"-EncryptedData_encrypt\" -in smcont.txt -outform PEM"
-          . " -rc2 -secretkey 0001020304"
-          . " -stream -out test.cms",
-        "\"-EncryptedData_decrypt\" -in test.cms -inform PEM "
-          . " -secretkey 0001020304 -out smtst.txt"
-    ],
-    [
-        "encrypted content test streaming PEM format, triple DES key",
-        "\"-EncryptedData_encrypt\" -in smcont.txt -outform PEM"
-          . " -des3 -secretkey 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F1011121314151617"
-          . " -stream -out test.cms",
-        "\"-EncryptedData_decrypt\" -in test.cms -inform PEM "
-          . " -secretkey 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F1011121314151617"
-          . " -out smtst.txt"
-    ],
-    [
-        "encrypted content test streaming PEM format, 128 bit AES key",
-        "\"-EncryptedData_encrypt\" -in smcont.txt -outform PEM"
-          . " -aes128 -secretkey 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F"
-          . " -stream -out test.cms",
-        "\"-EncryptedData_decrypt\" -in test.cms -inform PEM "
-          . " -secretkey 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F -out smtst.txt"
-    ],
-my @smime_cms_comp_tests = (
-    [
-        "compressed content test streaming PEM format",
-        "-compress -in smcont.txt -outform PEM -nodetach"
-          . " -stream -out test.cms",
-        "-uncompress -in test.cms -inform PEM -out smtst.txt"
-    ]
-my @smime_cms_param_tests = (
-    [
-        "signed content test streaming PEM format, RSA keys, PSS signature",
-        "-sign -in smcont.txt -outform PEM -nodetach"
-          . " -signer $smdir/smrsa1.pem -keyopt rsa_padding_mode:pss"
-	  . " -out test.cms",
-        "-verify -in test.cms -inform PEM "
-          . " \"-CAfile\" $smdir/smroot.pem -out smtst.txt"
-    ],
-    [
-        "signed content test streaming PEM format, RSA keys, PSS signature, no attributes",
-        "-sign -in smcont.txt -outform PEM -nodetach -noattr"
-          . " -signer $smdir/smrsa1.pem -keyopt rsa_padding_mode:pss"
-	  . " -out test.cms",
-        "-verify -in test.cms -inform PEM "
-          . " \"-CAfile\" $smdir/smroot.pem -out smtst.txt"
-    ],
-    [
-        "signed content test streaming PEM format, RSA keys, PSS signature, SHA384 MGF1",
-        "-sign -in smcont.txt -outform PEM -nodetach"
-          . " -signer $smdir/smrsa1.pem -keyopt rsa_padding_mode:pss"
-	  . " -keyopt rsa_mgf1_md:sha384 -out test.cms",
-        "-verify -in test.cms -inform PEM "
-          . " \"-CAfile\" $smdir/smroot.pem -out smtst.txt"
-    ],
-    [
-"enveloped content test streaming S/MIME format, OAEP default parameters",
-        "-encrypt -in smcont.txt"
-          . " -stream -out test.cms"
-          . " -recip $smdir/smrsa1.pem -keyopt rsa_padding_mode:oaep",
-        "-decrypt -recip $smdir/smrsa1.pem -in test.cms -out smtst.txt"
-    ],
-    [
-"enveloped content test streaming S/MIME format, OAEP SHA256",
-        "-encrypt -in smcont.txt"
-          . " -stream -out test.cms"
-          . " -recip $smdir/smrsa1.pem -keyopt rsa_padding_mode:oaep"
-	  . " -keyopt rsa_oaep_md:sha256",
-        "-decrypt -recip $smdir/smrsa1.pem -in test.cms -out smtst.txt"
-    ],
-    [
-"enveloped content test streaming S/MIME format, ECDH",
-        "-encrypt -in smcont.txt"
-          . " -stream -out test.cms"
-          . " -recip $smdir/smec1.pem",
-        "-decrypt -recip $smdir/smec1.pem -in test.cms -out smtst.txt"
-    ],
-    [
-"enveloped content test streaming S/MIME format, ECDH, key identifier",
-        "-encrypt -keyid -in smcont.txt"
-          . " -stream -out test.cms"
-          . " -recip $smdir/smec1.pem",
-        "-decrypt -recip $smdir/smec1.pem -in test.cms -out smtst.txt"
-    ],
-    [
-"enveloped content test streaming S/MIME format, ECDH, AES128, SHA256 KDF",
-        "-encrypt -in smcont.txt"
-          . " -stream -out test.cms"
-          . " -recip $smdir/smec1.pem -aes128 -keyopt ecdh_kdf_md:sha256",
-        "-decrypt -recip $smdir/smec1.pem -in test.cms -out smtst.txt"
-    ],
-    [
-"enveloped content test streaming S/MIME format, ECDH, K-283, cofactor DH",
-        "-encrypt -in smcont.txt"
-          . " -stream -out test.cms"
-          . " -recip $smdir/smec2.pem -aes128"
-	  . " -keyopt ecdh_kdf_md:sha256 -keyopt ecdh_cofactor_mode:1",
-        "-decrypt -recip $smdir/smec2.pem -in test.cms -out smtst.txt"
-    ],
-    [
-"enveloped content test streaming S/MIME format, X9.42 DH",
-        "-encrypt -in smcont.txt"
-          . " -stream -out test.cms"
-          . " -recip $smdir/smdh.pem -aes128",
-        "-decrypt -recip $smdir/smdh.pem -in test.cms -out smtst.txt"
-    ]
-print "CMS => PKCS#7 compatibility tests\n";
-run_smime_tests( \$badcmd, \@smime_pkcs7_tests, $cmscmd, $pk7cmd );
-print "CMS <= PKCS#7 compatibility tests\n";
-run_smime_tests( \$badcmd, \@smime_pkcs7_tests, $pk7cmd, $cmscmd );
-print "CMS <=> CMS consistency tests\n";
-run_smime_tests( \$badcmd, \@smime_pkcs7_tests, $cmscmd, $cmscmd );
-run_smime_tests( \$badcmd, \@smime_cms_tests,   $cmscmd, $cmscmd );
-print "CMS <=> CMS consistency tests, modified key parameters\n";
-run_smime_tests( \$badcmd, \@smime_cms_param_tests,   $cmscmd, $cmscmd );
-if ( `$ossl_path version -f` =~ /ZLIB/ ) {
-    run_smime_tests( \$badcmd, \@smime_cms_comp_tests, $cmscmd, $cmscmd );
-else {
-    print "Zlib not supported: compression tests skipped\n";
-print "Running modified tests for OpenSSL 0.9.8 cms backport\n" if($ossl8);
-if ($badcmd) {
-    print "$badcmd TESTS FAILED!!\n";
-else {
-    print "ALL TESTS SUCCESSFUL.\n";
-unlink "test.cms";
-unlink "test2.cms";
-unlink "smtst.txt";
-unlink "cms.out";
-unlink "cms.err";
-sub run_smime_tests {
-    my ( $rv, $aref, $scmd, $vcmd ) = @_;
-    foreach $smtst (@$aref) {
-        my ( $tnam, $rscmd, $rvcmd ) = @$smtst;
-	if ($ossl8)
-		{
-		# Skip smime resign: 0.9.8 smime doesn't support -resign	
-		next if ($scmd =~ /smime/ && $rscmd =~ /-resign/);
-		# Disable streaming: option not supported in 0.9.8
-		$tnam =~ s/streaming//;	
-		$rscmd =~ s/-stream//;	
-		$rvcmd =~ s/-stream//;
-		}
-	if ($no_ec && $tnam =~ /ECDH/)
-		{
-		print "$tnam: skipped, EC disabled\n";
-		next;
-		}
-	if ($no_ecdh && $tnam =~ /ECDH/)
-		{
-		print "$tnam: skipped, ECDH disabled\n";
-		next;
-		}
-	if ($no_ec2m && $tnam =~ /K-283/)
-		{
-		print "$tnam: skipped, EC2M disabled\n";
-		next;
-		}
-        system("$scmd$rscmd$redir");
-        if ($?) {
-            print "$tnam: generation error\n";
-            $$rv++;
-            exit 1 if $halt_err;
-            next;
-        }
-        system("$vcmd$rvcmd$redir");
-        if ($?) {
-            print "$tnam: verify error\n";
-            $$rv++;
-            exit 1 if $halt_err;
-            next;
-        }
-	if (!cmp_files("smtst.txt", "smcont.txt")) {
-            print "$tnam: content verify error\n";
-            $$rv++;
-            exit 1 if $halt_err;
-            next;
-	}
-        print "$tnam: OK\n";
-    }
-sub cmp_files {
-    use FileHandle;
-    my ( $f1, $f2 ) = @_;
-    my $fp1 = FileHandle->new();
-    my $fp2 = FileHandle->new();
-    my ( $rd1, $rd2 );
-    if ( !open( $fp1, "<$f1" ) ) {
-        print STDERR "Can't Open file $f1\n";
-        return 0;
-    }
-    if ( !open( $fp2, "<$f2" ) ) {
-        print STDERR "Can't Open file $f2\n";
-        return 0;
-    }
-    binmode $fp1;
-    binmode $fp2;
-    my $ret = 0;
-    for ( ; ; ) {
-        $n1 = sysread $fp1, $rd1, 4096;
-        $n2 = sysread $fp2, $rd2, 4096;
-        last if ( $n1 != $n2 );
-        last if ( $rd1 ne $rd2 );
-        if ( $n1 == 0 ) {
-            $ret = 1;
-            last;
-        }
-    }
-    close $fp1;
-    close $fp2;
-    return $ret;
diff --git a/test/Attic/tcrl b/test/Attic/tcrl
deleted file mode 100644
index 951c9dd..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/tcrl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-cmd='../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../apps/openssl crl'
-if [ "$1"x != "x" ]; then
-	t=$1
-	t=testcrl.pem
-echo testing crl conversions
-cp $t crl-fff.p
-echo "p -> d"
-$cmd -in crl-fff.p -inform p -outform d >crl-f.d || exit 1
-echo "p -> p"
-$cmd -in crl-fff.p -inform p -outform p >crl-f.p || exit 1
-echo "d -> d"
-$cmd -in crl-f.d -inform d -outform d >crl-ff.d1 || exit 1
-echo "p -> d"
-$cmd -in crl-f.p -inform p -outform d >crl-ff.d3 || exit 1
-echo "d -> p"
-$cmd -in crl-f.d -inform d -outform p >crl-ff.p1 || exit 1
-echo "p -> p"
-$cmd -in crl-f.p -inform p -outform p >crl-ff.p3 || exit 1
-cmp crl-fff.p crl-f.p || exit 1
-cmp crl-fff.p crl-ff.p1 || exit 1
-cmp crl-fff.p crl-ff.p3 || exit 1
-cmp crl-f.p crl-ff.p1 || exit 1
-cmp crl-f.p crl-ff.p3 || exit 1
-/bin/rm -f crl-f.* crl-ff.* crl-fff.*
-exit 0
diff --git a/test/Attic/tcrl.com b/test/Attic/tcrl.com
deleted file mode 100644
index dd96a2b..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/tcrl.com
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-$! TCRL.COM  --  Tests crl keys
-$	__arch = "VAX"
-$	if f$getsyi("cpu") .ge. 128 then -
-	   __arch = f$edit( f$getsyi( "ARCH_NAME"), "UPCASE")
-$	if __arch .eqs. "" then __arch = "UNK"
-$	if (p2 .eqs. "64") then __arch = __arch+ "_64"
-$	exe_dir = "sys$disk:[-.''__arch'.exe.apps]"
-$	cmd = "mcr ''exe_dir'openssl crl"
-$	t = "testcrl.pem"
-$	if p1 .nes. "" then t = p1
-$	write sys$output "testing CRL conversions"
-$	if f$search("fff.*") .nes "" then delete fff.*;*
-$	if f$search("ff.*") .nes "" then delete ff.*;*
-$	if f$search("f.*") .nes "" then delete f.*;*
-$	convert/fdl=sys$input: 't' fff.p
-$	write sys$output "p -> d"
-$	'cmd' -in fff.p -inform p -outform d -out f.d
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	write sys$output "p -> t"
-$!	'cmd' -in fff.p -inform p -outform t -out f.t
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "p -> p"
-$	'cmd' -in fff.p -inform p -outform p -out f.p
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "d -> d"
-$	'cmd' -in f.d -inform d -outform d -out ff.d1
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	write sys$output "t -> d"
-$!	'cmd' -in f.t -inform t -outform d -out ff.d2
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "p -> d"
-$	'cmd' -in f.p -inform p -outform d -out ff.d3
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	write sys$output "d -> t"
-$!	'cmd' -in f.d -inform d -outform t -out ff.t1
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	write sys$output "t -> t"
-$!	'cmd' -in f.t -inform t -outform t -out ff.t2
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	write sys$output "p -> t"
-$!	'cmd' -in f.p -inform p -outform t -out ff.t3
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "d -> p"
-$	'cmd' -in f.d -inform d -outform p -out ff.p1
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	write sys$output "t -> p"
-$!	'cmd' -in f.t -inform t -outform p -out ff.p2
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "p -> p"
-$	'cmd' -in f.p -inform p -outform p -out ff.p3
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare fff.p f.p
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare fff.p ff.p1
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	backup/compare fff.p ff.p2
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare fff.p ff.p3
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	backup/compare f.t ff.t1
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	backup/compare f.t ff.t2
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	backup/compare f.t ff.t3
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare f.p ff.p1
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	backup/compare f.p ff.p2
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare f.p ff.p3
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	delete f.*;*,ff.*;*,fff.*;*
diff --git a/test/Attic/testca b/test/Attic/testca
deleted file mode 100644
index 452558b..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/testca
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-if test "$OSTYPE" = msdosdjgpp; then
-    PATH="../apps\;$PATH"
-    PATH="../apps:$PATH"
-export PATH
-/bin/rm -fr demoCA
-SSLEAY_CONFIG="-config CAss.cnf"
-$PERL ../apps/CA.pl -newca </dev/null
-SSLEAY_CONFIG="-config Uss.cnf"
-$PERL ../apps/CA.pl -newreq
-SSLEAY_CONFIG="-config ../apps/openssl.cnf"
-yes | $PERL ../apps/CA.pl -sign
-$PERL ../apps/CA.pl -verify newcert.pem
-/bin/rm -fr demoCA newcert.pem newreq.pem
diff --git a/test/Attic/testca.com b/test/Attic/testca.com
deleted file mode 100644
index 78cda9e..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/testca.com
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-$	__arch = "VAX"
-$	if f$getsyi("cpu") .ge. 128 then -
-	   __arch = f$edit( f$getsyi( "ARCH_NAME"), "UPCASE")
-$	if __arch .eqs. "" then __arch = "UNK"
-$       if (p1 .eqs. "64") then __arch = __arch+ "_64"
-$	openssl = "mcr ''exe_dir'openssl"
-$	SSLEAY_CONFIG="-config ""CAss.cnf"""
-$	set noon
-$	if f$search("demoCA.dir") .nes. ""
-$	then
-$	    @[-.util]deltree [.demoCA]*.*
-$	    set file/prot=(S:RWED,O:RWED,G:RWED,W:RWED) demoCA.dir;*
-$	    delete demoCA.dir;*
-$	endif
-$	set on
-$	open/read sys$ca_input VMSca-response.1
-$	@[-.apps]CA.com -input sys$ca_input -newca
-$	close sys$ca_input
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	SSLEAY_CONFIG="-config ""Uss.cnf"""
-$	@[-.apps]CA.com -newreq
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	SSLEAY_CONFIG="-config [-.apps]openssl-vms.cnf"
-$	open/read sys$ca_input VMSca-response.2
-$	@[-.apps]CA.com -input sys$ca_input -sign
-$	close sys$ca_input
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	@[-.apps]CA.com -verify newcert.pem
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	set noon
-$	@[-.util]deltree [.demoCA]*.*
-$	set file/prot=(S:RWED,O:RWED,G:RWED,W:RWED) demoCA.dir;*
-$	delete demoCA.dir;*
-$	if f$search("newcert.pem") .nes. "" then delete newcert.pem;*
-$	if f$search("newcert.pem") .nes. "" then delete newreq.pem;*
-$	set on
-$!	#usage: CA -newcert|-newreq|-newca|-sign|-verify
-$	exit
diff --git a/test/Attic/testenc b/test/Attic/testenc
deleted file mode 100644
index 941a302..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/testenc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-cmd="../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../apps/openssl"
-cat $testsrc >$test;
-echo cat
-$cmd enc < $test > $test.cipher
-$cmd enc < $test.cipher >$test.clear
-cmp $test $test.clear || exit 1
-/bin/rm $test.cipher $test.clear
-echo base64
-$cmd enc -a -e < $test > $test.cipher
-$cmd enc -a -d < $test.cipher >$test.clear
-cmp $test $test.clear || exit 1
-/bin/rm $test.cipher $test.clear
-for i in `$cmd list -cipher-commands`
-	echo $i
-	$cmd $i -bufsize 113 -e -k test < $test > $test.$i.cipher
-	$cmd $i -bufsize 157 -d -k test < $test.$i.cipher >$test.$i.clear
-	cmp $test $test.$i.clear || exit 1
-	/bin/rm $test.$i.cipher $test.$i.clear
-	echo $i base64
-	$cmd $i -bufsize 113 -a -e -k test < $test > $test.$i.cipher
-	$cmd $i -bufsize 157 -a -d -k test < $test.$i.cipher >$test.$i.clear
-	cmp $test $test.$i.clear || exit 1
-	/bin/rm $test.$i.cipher $test.$i.clear
-rm -f $test
diff --git a/test/Attic/testenc.com b/test/Attic/testenc.com
deleted file mode 100644
index fcd6639..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/testenc.com
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-$! TESTENC.COM  --  Test encoding and decoding
-$	__arch = "VAX"
-$	if f$getsyi("cpu") .ge. 128 then -
-	   __arch = f$edit( f$getsyi( "ARCH_NAME"), "UPCASE")
-$	if __arch .eqs. "" then __arch = "UNK"
-$	if (p1 .eqs. 64) then __arch = __arch+ "_64"
-$	exe_dir = "sys$disk:[-.''__arch'.exe.apps]"
-$	testsrc = "makefile."
-$	test = "p.txt"
-$	cmd = "mcr ''exe_dir'openssl"
-$	if f$search(test) .nes. "" then delete 'test';*
-$	convert/fdl=sys$input: 'testsrc' 'test'
-$	if f$search(test+"-cipher") .nes. "" then delete 'test'-cipher;*
-$	if f$search(test+"-clear") .nes. "" then delete 'test'-clear;*
-$	write sys$output "cat"
-$	'cmd' enc -in 'test' -out 'test'-cipher
-$	'cmd' enc -in 'test'-cipher -out 'test'-clear
-$	backup/compare 'test' 'test'-clear
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	delete 'test'-cipher;*,'test'-clear;*
-$	write sys$output "base64"
-$	'cmd' enc -a -e -in 'test' -out 'test'-cipher
-$	'cmd' enc -a -d -in 'test'-cipher -out 'test'-clear
-$	backup/compare 'test' 'test'-clear
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	delete 'test'-cipher;*,'test'-clear;*
-$	define/user sys$output 'test'-cipher-commands
-$	'cmd' list -cipher-commands
-$	open/read f 'test'-cipher-commands
-$ loop_cipher_commands:
-$	read/end=loop_cipher_commands_end f i
-$	write sys$output i
-$	if f$search(test+"-"+i+"-cipher") .nes. "" then -
-		delete 'test'-'i'-cipher;*
-$	if f$search(test+"-"+i+"-clear") .nes. "" then -
-		delete 'test'-'i'-clear;*
-$	'cmd' 'i' -bufsize 113 -e -k test -in 'test' -out 'test'-'i'-cipher
-$	'cmd' 'i' -bufsize 157 -d -k test -in 'test'-'i'-cipher -out 'test'-'i'-clear
-$	backup/compare 'test' 'test'-'i'-clear
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	delete 'test'-'i'-cipher;*,'test'-'i'-clear;*
-$	write sys$output i," base64"
-$	'cmd' 'i' -bufsize 113 -a -e -k test -in 'test' -out 'test'-'i'-cipher
-$	'cmd' 'i' -bufsize 157 -a -d -k test -in 'test'-'i'-cipher -out 'test'-'i'-clear
-$	backup/compare 'test' 'test'-'i'-clear
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	delete 'test'-'i'-cipher;*,'test'-'i'-clear;*
-$	goto loop_cipher_commands
-$ loop_cipher_commands_end:
-$	close f
-$	delete 'test'-cipher-commands;*
-$	delete 'test';*
diff --git a/test/Attic/testgen b/test/Attic/testgen
deleted file mode 100644
index 1140f8a..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/testgen
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-/bin/rm -f $T.1 $T.2 $T.key
-if test "$OSTYPE" = msdosdjgpp; then
-    PATH=../apps\;$PATH;
-    PATH=../apps:$PATH;
-export PATH
-echo "generating certificate request"
-echo "string to make the random number generator think it has entropy" >> ./.rnd
-if ../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../apps/openssl no-rsa >/dev/null; then
-  req_new='-newkey dsa:../apps/dsa512.pem'
-  req_new='-new'
-  echo "There should be a 2 sequences of .'s and some +'s."
-  echo "There should not be more that at most 80 per line"
-rm -f testkey.pem testreq.pem
-echo Generating request
-../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../apps/openssl req -config test.cnf $req_new -out testreq.pem || exit 1
-echo Verifying signature on request
-../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../apps/openssl req -config test.cnf -verify -in testreq.pem -noout || exit 1
-exit 0
diff --git a/test/Attic/testgen.com b/test/Attic/testgen.com
deleted file mode 100644
index e076da2..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/testgen.com
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-$	__arch = "VAX"
-$	if f$getsyi("cpu") .ge. 128 then -
-	   __arch = f$edit( f$getsyi( "ARCH_NAME"), "UPCASE")
-$	if __arch .eqs. "" then __arch = "UNK"
-$	if (p1 .eqs. 64) then __arch = __arch+ "_64"
-$	exe_dir = "sys$disk:[-.''__arch'.exe.apps]"
-$	T = "testcert"
-$	KEY = 512
-$	CA = "[-.certs]testca.pem"
-$	set noon
-$	if f$search(T+".1;*") .nes. "" then delete 'T'.1;*
-$	if f$search(T+".2;*") .nes. "" then delete 'T'.2;*
-$	if f$search(T+".key;*") .nes. "" then delete 'T'.key;*
-$	set on
-$	write sys$output "generating certificate request"
-$	append/new nl: .rnd
-$	open/append random_file .rnd
-$	write random_file -
-	 "string to make the random number generator think it has entropy"
-$	close random_file
-$	set noon
-$	define/user sys$output nla0:
-$	mcr 'exe_dir'openssl no-rsa
-$	save_severity=$SEVERITY
-$	set on
-$	if save_severity
-$	then
-$	    req_new="-newkey dsa:[-.apps]dsa512.pem"
-$	else
-$	    req_new="-new"
-$	    write sys$output -
-	     "There should be a 2 sequences of .'s and some +'s."
-$	    write sys$output -
-	     "There should not be more that at most 80 per line"
-$	endif
-$	write sys$output "This could take some time."
-$	mcr 'exe_dir'openssl req -config test.cnf 'req_new' -out testreq.pem
-$	if $severity .ne. 1
-$	then
-$	    write sys$output "problems creating request"
-$	    exit 3
-$	endif
-$	mcr 'exe_dir'openssl req -config test.cnf -verify -in testreq.pem -noout
-$	if $severity .ne. 1
-$	then
-$	    write sys$output "signature on req is wrong"
-$	    exit 3
-$	endif
diff --git a/test/Attic/testss b/test/Attic/testss
deleted file mode 100644
index 45aedc8..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/testss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-reqcmd="../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../apps/openssl req"
-x509cmd="../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../apps/openssl x509 $digest"
-verifycmd="../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../apps/openssl verify"
-CAreq2="req2CA.ss"	# temp
-echo string to make the random number generator think it has entropy >> ./.rnd
-req_dsa='-newkey dsa:../apps/dsa1024.pem'
-if ../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../apps/openssl no-rsa >/dev/null; then
-  req_new=$req_dsa
-  req_new='-new'
-echo make cert request
-$reqcmd -config $CAconf -out $CAreq -keyout $CAkey $req_new || exit 1
-echo convert request into self-signed cert
-$x509cmd -CAcreateserial -in $CAreq -days 30 -req -out $CAcert -signkey $CAkey -extfile $CAconf -extensions v3_ca >err.ss || exit 1
-echo convert cert into a cert request
-$x509cmd -in $CAcert -x509toreq -signkey $CAkey -out $CAreq2 >err.ss || exit 1
-echo verify request 1
-$reqcmd -config $dummycnf -verify -in $CAreq -noout || exit 1
-echo verify request 1
-$reqcmd -config $dummycnf -verify -in $CAreq2 -noout || exit 1
-echo verify signature
-$verifycmd -CAfile $CAcert $CAcert || exit 1
-echo make a user cert request
-$reqcmd -config $Uconf -out $Ureq -keyout $Ukey $req_new >err.ss || exit 1
-echo sign user cert request
-$x509cmd -CAcreateserial -in $Ureq -days 30 -req -out $Ucert -CA $CAcert -CAkey $CAkey -CAserial $CAserial -extfile $Uconf -extensions v3_ee >err.ss || exit 1
-$verifycmd -CAfile $CAcert $Ucert || exit 1
-echo Certificate details
-$x509cmd -subject -issuer -startdate -enddate -noout -in $Ucert || exit 1
-if ../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../apps/openssl no-dsa >/dev/null; then
-        echo skipping DSA certificate creation
-        echo make a DSA user cert request
-        CN2="DSA Certificate" $reqcmd -config $Uconf -out $Dreq -keyout $Dkey $req_dsa >err.ss || exit 1
-        echo sign DSA user cert request
-        $x509cmd -CAcreateserial -in $Dreq -days 30 -req -out $Dcert -CA $CAcert -CAkey $CAkey -CAserial $CAserial -extfile $Uconf -extensions v3_ee_dsa >err.ss || exit 1
-        $verifycmd -CAfile $CAcert $Dcert || exit 1
-        echo DSA Certificate details
-        $x509cmd -subject -issuer -startdate -enddate -noout -in $Dcert || exit 1
-if ../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../apps/openssl no-ec >/dev/null; then
-        echo skipping ECDSA/ECDH certificate creation
-        echo make an ECDSA/ECDH user cert request
-        ../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../apps/openssl ecparam -name P-256 -out ecp.ss || exit 1
-        CN2="ECDSA Certificate" $reqcmd -config $Uconf -out $Ereq -keyout $Ekey -newkey ec:ecp.ss >err.ss || exit 1
-        echo sign ECDSA/ECDH user cert request
-        $x509cmd -CAcreateserial -in $Ereq -days 30 -req -out $Ecert -CA $CAcert -CAkey $CAkey -CAserial $CAserial -extfile $Uconf -extensions v3_ee_ec >err.ss || exit 1
-        $verifycmd -CAfile $CAcert $Ecert || exit 1
-        echo ECDSA Certificate details
-        $x509cmd -subject -issuer -startdate -enddate -noout -in $Ecert || exit 1
-echo make a proxy cert request
-$reqcmd -config $P1conf -out $P1req -keyout $P1key $req_new >err.ss || exit 1
-echo sign proxy with user cert
-$x509cmd -CAcreateserial -in $P1req -days 30 -req -out $P1cert -CA $Ucert -CAkey $Ukey -extfile $P1conf -extensions v3_proxy >err.ss || exit 1
-cat $Ucert > $P1intermediate
-$verifycmd -CAfile $CAcert -untrusted $P1intermediate $P1cert
-echo Certificate details
-$x509cmd -subject -issuer -startdate -enddate -noout -in $P1cert
-echo make another proxy cert request
-$reqcmd -config $P2conf -out $P2req -keyout $P2key $req_new >err.ss || exit 1
-echo sign second proxy cert request with the first proxy cert
-$x509cmd -CAcreateserial -in $P2req -days 30 -req -out $P2cert -CA $P1cert -CAkey $P1key -extfile $P2conf -extensions v3_proxy >err.ss || exit 1
-echo Certificate details
-cat $Ucert $P1cert > $P2intermediate
-$verifycmd -CAfile $CAcert -untrusted $P2intermediate $P2cert
-$x509cmd -subject -issuer -startdate -enddate -noout -in $P2cert
-echo The generated CA certificate is $CAcert
-echo The generated CA private key is $CAkey
-echo The generated user certificate is $Ucert
-echo The generated user private key is $Ukey
-echo The first generated proxy certificate is $P1cert
-echo The first generated proxy private key is $P1key
-echo The second generated proxy certificate is $P2cert
-echo The second generated proxy private key is $P2key
-/bin/rm err.ss
-exit 0
diff --git a/test/Attic/testss.com b/test/Attic/testss.com
deleted file mode 100644
index 32a74d0..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/testss.com
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-$	__arch = "VAX"
-$	if f$getsyi("cpu") .ge. 128 then -
-	   __arch = f$edit( f$getsyi( "ARCH_NAME"), "UPCASE")
-$	if __arch .eqs. "" then __arch = "UNK"
-$	if (p1 .eqs. "64") then __arch = __arch+ "_64"
-$	exe_dir = "sys$disk:[-.''__arch'.exe.apps]"
-$	digest="-md5"
-$	reqcmd = "mcr ''exe_dir'openssl req"
-$	x509cmd = "mcr ''exe_dir'openssl x509 ''digest'"
-$	verifycmd = "mcr ''exe_dir'openssl verify"
-$	dummycnf = "sys$disk:[-.apps]openssl-vms.cnf"
-$	CAkey="""keyCA.ss"""
-$	CAcert="""certCA.ss"""
-$	CAreq="""reqCA.ss"""
-$	CAconf="""CAss.cnf"""
-$	CAreq2="""req2CA.ss"""	! temp
-$	Uconf="""Uss.cnf"""
-$	Ukey="""keyU.ss"""
-$	Ureq="""reqU.ss"""
-$	Ucert="""certU.ss"""
-$	write sys$output ""
-$	write sys$output "make a certificate request using 'req'"
-$	set noon
-$	define/user sys$output nla0:
-$	mcr 'exe_dir'openssl no-rsa
-$	save_severity=$SEVERITY
-$	set on
-$	if save_severity
-$	then
-$	    req_new="-newkey dsa:[-.apps]dsa512.pem"
-$	else
-$	    req_new="-new"
-$	endif
-$	'reqcmd' -config 'CAconf' -out 'CAreq' -keyout 'CAkey' 'req_new' ! -out err.ss
-$	if $severity .ne. 1
-$	then
-$		write sys$output "error using 'req' to generate a certificate request"
-$		exit 3
-$	endif
-$	write sys$output ""
-$	write sys$output "convert the certificate request into a self signed certificate using 'x509'"
-$	define /user sys$output err.ss
-$	'x509cmd' "-CAcreateserial" -in 'CAreq' -days 30 -req -out 'CAcert' -signkey 'CAkey'
-$	if $severity .ne. 1
-$	then
-$		write sys$output "error using 'x509' to self sign a certificate request"
-$		exit 3
-$	endif
-$	write sys$output ""
-$	write sys$output "convert a certificate into a certificate request using 'x509'"
-$	define /user sys$output err.ss
-$	'x509cmd' -in 'CAcert' -x509toreq -signkey 'CAkey' -out 'CAreq2'
-$	if $severity .ne. 1
-$	then
-$		write sys$output "error using 'x509' convert a certificate to a certificate request"
-$		exit 3
-$	endif
-$	'reqcmd' -config 'dummycnf' -verify -in 'CAreq' -noout
-$	if $severity .ne. 1
-$	then
-$		write sys$output "first generated request is invalid"
-$		exit 3
-$	endif
-$	'reqcmd' -config 'dummycnf' -verify -in 'CAreq2' -noout
-$	if $severity .ne. 1
-$	then
-$		write sys$output "second generated request is invalid"
-$		exit 3
-$	endif
-$	'verifycmd' "-CAfile" 'CAcert' 'CAcert'
-$	if $severity .ne. 1
-$	then
-$		write sys$output "first generated cert is invalid"
-$		exit 3
-$	endif
-$	write sys$output ""
-$	write sys$output "make another certificate request using 'req'"
-$	define /user sys$output err.ss
-$	'reqcmd' -config 'Uconf' -out 'Ureq' -keyout 'Ukey' 'req_new'
-$	if $severity .ne. 1
-$	then
-$		write sys$output "error using 'req' to generate a certificate request"
-$		exit 3
-$	endif
-$	write sys$output ""
-$	write sys$output "sign certificate request with the just created CA via 'x509'"
-$	define /user sys$output err.ss
-$	'x509cmd' "-CAcreateserial" -in 'Ureq' -days 30 -req -out 'Ucert' "-CA" 'CAcert' "-CAkey" 'CAkey'
-$	if $severity .ne. 1
-$	then
-$		write sys$output "error using 'x509' to sign a certificate request"
-$		exit 3
-$	endif
-$	'verifycmd' "-CAfile" 'CAcert' 'Ucert'
-$	write sys$output ""
-$	write sys$output "Certificate details"
-$	'x509cmd' -subject -issuer -startdate -enddate -noout -in 'Ucert'
-$	write sys$output ""
-$	write sys$output "The generated CA certificate is ",CAcert
-$	write sys$output "The generated CA private key is ",CAkey
-$	write sys$output "The generated user certificate is ",Ucert
-$	write sys$output "The generated user private key is ",Ukey
-$	if f$search("err.ss;*") .nes. "" then delete err.ss;*
diff --git a/test/Attic/testssl b/test/Attic/testssl
deleted file mode 100644
index d41a4bd..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/testssl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
-if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
-  key=../apps/server.pem
-  key="$1"
-if [ "$2" = "" ]; then
-  cert=../apps/server.pem
-  cert="$2"
-ssltest="../util/shlib_wrap.sh ./ssltest -s_key $key -s_cert $cert -c_key $key -c_cert $cert"
-if ../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../apps/openssl x509 -in $cert -text -noout | fgrep 'DSA Public Key' >/dev/null; then
-  dsa_cert=YES
-  dsa_cert=NO
-if [ "$3" = "" ]; then
-  CA="-CApath ../certs"
-  CA="-CAfile $3"
-if [ "$4" = "" ]; then
-  extra=""
-  extra="$4"
-echo test sslv3
-$ssltest -ssl3 $extra || exit 1
-echo test sslv3 with server authentication
-$ssltest -ssl3 -server_auth $CA $extra || exit 1
-echo test sslv3 with client authentication
-$ssltest -ssl3 -client_auth $CA $extra || exit 1
-echo test sslv3 with both client and server authentication
-$ssltest -ssl3 -server_auth -client_auth $CA $extra || exit 1
-echo test sslv2/sslv3
-$ssltest $extra || exit 1
-echo test sslv2/sslv3 with server authentication
-$ssltest -server_auth $CA $extra || exit 1
-echo test sslv2/sslv3 with client authentication
-$ssltest -client_auth $CA $extra || exit 1
-echo test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication
-$ssltest -server_auth -client_auth $CA $extra || exit 1
-echo test sslv3 via BIO pair
-$ssltest -bio_pair -ssl3 $extra || exit 1
-echo test sslv3 with server authentication via BIO pair
-$ssltest -bio_pair -ssl3 -server_auth $CA $extra || exit 1
-echo test sslv3 with client authentication via BIO pair
-$ssltest -bio_pair -ssl3 -client_auth $CA $extra || exit 1
-echo test sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair
-$ssltest -bio_pair -ssl3 -server_auth -client_auth $CA $extra || exit 1
-echo test sslv2/sslv3 via BIO pair
-$ssltest $extra || exit 1
-echo test dtlsv1
-$ssltest -dtls1 $extra || exit 1
-echo test dtlsv1 with server authentication
-$ssltest -dtls1 -server_auth $CA $extra || exit 1
-echo test dtlsv1 with client authentication
-$ssltest -dtls1 -client_auth $CA $extra || exit 1
-echo test dtlsv1 with both client and server authentication
-$ssltest -dtls1 -server_auth -client_auth $CA $extra || exit 1
-echo test dtlsv1.2
-$ssltest -dtls12 $extra || exit 1
-echo test dtlsv1.2 with server authentication
-$ssltest -dtls12 -server_auth $CA $extra || exit 1
-echo test dtlsv1.2 with client authentication
-$ssltest -dtls12 -client_auth $CA $extra || exit 1
-echo test dtlsv1.2 with both client and server authentication
-$ssltest -dtls12 -server_auth -client_auth $CA $extra || exit 1
-if [ $dsa_cert = NO ]; then
-  echo 'test sslv2/sslv3 w/o (EC)DHE via BIO pair'
-  $ssltest -bio_pair -no_dhe -no_ecdhe $extra || exit 1
-echo test sslv2/sslv3 with 1024bit DHE via BIO pair
-$ssltest -bio_pair -dhe1024dsa -v $extra || exit 1
-echo test sslv2/sslv3 with server authentication
-$ssltest -bio_pair -server_auth $CA $extra || exit 1
-echo test sslv2/sslv3 with client authentication via BIO pair
-$ssltest -bio_pair -client_auth $CA $extra || exit 1
-echo test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair
-$ssltest -bio_pair -server_auth -client_auth $CA $extra || exit 1
-echo test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair and app verify
-$ssltest -bio_pair -server_auth -client_auth -app_verify $CA $extra || exit 1
-test_cipher() {
-    _cipher=$1
-    echo "Testing $_cipher"
-    prot=""
-    if [ $2 = "SSLv3" ] ; then
-      prot="-ssl3"
-    fi
-    _exarg=$3
-    $ssltest $_exarg -cipher $_cipher $prot
-    if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
-	  echo "Failed $_cipher"
-	  exit 1
-    fi
-echo "Testing ciphersuites"
-if ../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../apps/openssl no-dhparam >/dev/null; then
-  echo "skipping DHE tests"
-  ciphers="$ciphers:-kDHE"
-if ../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../apps/openssl no-dsa >/dev/null; then
-  echo "skipping DSA tests"
-  ciphers="$ciphers:-aDSA"
-  exkeys="$exkeys -s_cert certD.ss -s_key keyD.ss"
-if ../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../apps/openssl no-ec >/dev/null; then
-  echo "skipping EC tests"
-  ciphers="$ciphers:!aECDSA:!kECDH"
-  exkeys="$exkeys -s_cert certE.ss -s_key keyE.ss"
-for protocol in TLSv1.2 SSLv3; do
-  echo "Testing ciphersuites for $protocol"
-  for cipher in `../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../apps/openssl ciphers "$protocol:$ciphers" | tr ':' ' '`; do
-    test_cipher $cipher $protocol "$exkeys"
-  done
-    echo "testing connection with weak DH, expecting failure"
-    if [ $protocol = "SSLv3" ] ; then
-      $ssltest -s_cipher "EDH" -c_cipher "EDH:@SECLEVEL=1" -dhe512 -ssl3
-    else
-      $ssltest -s_cipher "EDH" -c_cipher "EDH:@SECLEVEL=1" -dhe512
-    fi
-    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
-      echo "FAIL: connection with weak DH succeeded"
-      exit 1
-    fi
-if ../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../apps/openssl no-dhparam; then
-  echo skipping anonymous DH tests
-  echo test tls1 with 1024bit anonymous DH, multiple handshakes
-  $ssltest -v -bio_pair -tls1 -cipher ADH -dhe1024dsa -num 10 -f -time $extra || exit 1
-if ../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../apps/openssl no-rsa; then
-  echo skipping RSA tests
-  echo 'test tls1 with 1024bit RSA, no (EC)DHE, multiple handshakes'
-  ../util/shlib_wrap.sh ./ssltest -v -bio_pair -tls1 -s_cert ../apps/server2.pem -no_dhe -no_ecdhe -num 10 -f -time $extra || exit 1
-  if ../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../apps/openssl no-dhparam; then
-    echo skipping RSA+DHE tests
-  else
-    echo test tls1 with 1024bit RSA, 1024bit DHE, multiple handshakes
-    ../util/shlib_wrap.sh ./ssltest -v -bio_pair -tls1 -s_cert ../apps/server2.pem -dhe1024dsa -num 10 -f -time $extra || exit 1
-  fi
-echo test tls1 with PSK
-$ssltest -tls1 -cipher PSK -psk abc123 $extra || exit 1
-echo test tls1 with PSK via BIO pair
-$ssltest -bio_pair -tls1 -cipher PSK -psk abc123 $extra || exit 1
-# Next Protocol Negotiation Tests
-$ssltest -bio_pair -tls1 -npn_client || exit 1
-$ssltest -bio_pair -tls1 -npn_server || exit 1
-$ssltest -bio_pair -tls1 -npn_server_reject || exit 1
-$ssltest -bio_pair -tls1 -npn_client -npn_server_reject || exit 1
-$ssltest -bio_pair -tls1 -npn_client -npn_server || exit 1
-$ssltest -bio_pair -tls1 -npn_client -npn_server -num 2 || exit 1
-$ssltest -bio_pair -tls1 -npn_client -npn_server -num 2 -reuse || exit 1
-# Custom Extension tests
-echo test tls1 with custom extensions
-$ssltest -bio_pair -tls1 -custom_ext || exit 1
-# Serverinfo tests
-echo test tls1 with serverinfo
-$ssltest -bio_pair -tls1 -serverinfo_file $serverinfo || exit 1
-$ssltest -bio_pair -tls1 -serverinfo_file $serverinfo -serverinfo_sct || exit 1
-$ssltest -bio_pair -tls1 -serverinfo_file $serverinfo -serverinfo_tack || exit 1
-$ssltest -bio_pair -tls1 -serverinfo_file $serverinfo -serverinfo_sct -serverinfo_tack || exit 1
-$ssltest -bio_pair -tls1 -custom_ext -serverinfo_file $serverinfo -serverinfo_sct -serverinfo_tack || exit 1
-# ALPN tests
-$ssltest -bio_pair -tls1 -alpn_client foo -alpn_server bar || exit 1
-$ssltest -bio_pair -tls1 -alpn_client foo -alpn_server foo -alpn_expected foo || exit 1
-$ssltest -bio_pair -tls1 -alpn_client foo,bar -alpn_server foo -alpn_expected foo || exit 1
-$ssltest -bio_pair -tls1 -alpn_client bar,foo -alpn_server foo -alpn_expected foo || exit 1
-$ssltest -bio_pair -tls1 -alpn_client bar,foo -alpn_server foo,bar -alpn_expected foo || exit 1
-$ssltest -bio_pair -tls1 -alpn_client bar,foo -alpn_server bar,foo -alpn_expected bar || exit 1
-$ssltest -bio_pair -tls1 -alpn_client foo,bar -alpn_server bar,foo -alpn_expected bar || exit 1
-$ssltest -bio_pair -tls1 -alpn_client baz -alpn_server bar,foo || exit 1
-if ../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../apps/openssl no-srp; then
-  echo skipping SRP tests
-  echo test tls1 with SRP
-  $ssltest -tls1 -cipher SRP -srpuser test -srppass abc123 || exit 1
-  echo test tls1 with SRP via BIO pair
-  $ssltest -bio_pair -tls1 -cipher SRP -srpuser test -srppass abc123 || exit 1
-  echo test tls1 with SRP auth
-  $ssltest -tls1 -cipher aSRP -srpuser test -srppass abc123 || exit 1
-  echo test tls1 with SRP auth via BIO pair
-  $ssltest -bio_pair -tls1 -cipher aSRP -srpuser test -srppass abc123 || exit 1
-# Multi-buffer tests
-if [ -z "$extra" -a `uname -m` = "x86_64" ]; then
-  $ssltest -cipher AES128-SHA    -bytes 8m	|| exit 1
-  $ssltest -cipher AES128-SHA256 -bytes 8m	|| exit 1
-exit 0
diff --git a/test/Attic/testssl.com b/test/Attic/testssl.com
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f9b233..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/testssl.com
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-$	__arch = "VAX"
-$	if f$getsyi("cpu") .ge. 128 then -
-	   __arch = f$edit( f$getsyi( "ARCH_NAME"), "UPCASE")
-$	if __arch .eqs. "" then __arch = "UNK"
-$	if (p4 .eqs. "64") then __arch = __arch+ "_64"
-$	texe_dir = "sys$disk:[-.''__arch'.exe.test]"
-$	exe_dir = "sys$disk:[-.''__arch'.exe.apps]"
-$	if p1 .eqs. ""
-$	then
-$	    key="[-.apps]server.pem"
-$	else
-$	    key=p1
-$	endif
-$	if p2 .eqs. ""
-$	then
-$	    cert="[-.apps]server.pem"
-$	else
-$	    cert=p2
-$	endif
-$	ssltest = "mcr ''texe_dir'ssltest -key ''key'"+ -
-	 " -cert ''cert' -c_key ''key' -c_cert ''cert'"
-$	set noon
-$	define/user sys$output testssl-x509-output.
-$	define/user sys$error nla0:
-$	mcr 'exe_dir'openssl x509 -in 'cert' -text -noout
-$	define/user sys$error nla0:
-$	search/output=nla0: testssl-x509-output. "DSA Public Key"/exact
-$	if $severity .eq. 1
-$	then
-$	    dsa_cert = "YES"
-$	else
-$	    dsa_cert = "NO"
-$	endif
-$	delete testssl-x509-output.;*
-$	if p3 .eqs. ""
-$	then
-$	    copy/concatenate [-.certs]*.pem certs.tmp
-$	    CA = """-CAfile"" certs.tmp"
-$	else
-$	    CA = """-CAfile"" "+p3
-$	endif
-$	write sys$output "test sslv3"
-$	'ssltest' -ssl3
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then goto exit3
-$	write sys$output "test sslv3 with server authentication"
-$	'ssltest' -ssl3 -server_auth 'CA'
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then goto exit3
-$	write sys$output "test sslv3 with client authentication"
-$	'ssltest' -ssl3 -client_auth 'CA'
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then goto exit3
-$	write sys$output "test sslv3 with both client and server authentication"
-$	'ssltest' -ssl3 -server_auth -client_auth 'CA'
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then goto exit3
-$	write sys$output "test sslv2/sslv3"
-$	'ssltest'
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then goto exit3
-$	write sys$output "test sslv2/sslv3 with server authentication"
-$	'ssltest' -server_auth 'CA'
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then goto exit3
-$	write sys$output "test sslv2/sslv3 with client authentication"
-$	'ssltest' -client_auth 'CA'
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then goto exit3
-$	write sys$output "test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication"
-$	'ssltest' -server_auth -client_auth 'CA'
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then goto exit3
-$	write sys$output "test sslv3 via BIO pair"
-$	'ssltest' -bio_pair -ssl3 
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then goto exit3
-$	write sys$output "test sslv3 with server authentication via BIO pair"
-$	'ssltest' -bio_pair -ssl3 -server_auth 'CA' 
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then goto exit3
-$	write sys$output "test sslv3 with client authentication via BIO pair"
-$	'ssltest' -bio_pair -ssl3 -client_auth 'CA' 
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then goto exit3
-$	write sys$output "test sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair"
-$	'ssltest' -bio_pair -ssl3 -server_auth -client_auth 'CA' 
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then goto exit3
-$	write sys$output "test sslv2/sslv3 via BIO pair"
-$	'ssltest' 
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then goto exit3
-$	if .not. dsa_cert
-$	then
-$	    write sys$output "test sslv2/sslv3 w/o DHE via BIO pair"
-$	    'ssltest' -bio_pair -no_dhe
-$	    if $severity .ne. 1 then goto exit3
-$	endif
-$	write sys$output "test sslv2/sslv3 with 1024 bit DHE via BIO pair"
-$	'ssltest' -bio_pair -dhe1024dsa -v
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then goto exit3
-$	write sys$output "test sslv2/sslv3 with server authentication"
-$	'ssltest' -bio_pair -server_auth 'CA' 
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then goto exit3
-$	write sys$output "test sslv2/sslv3 with client authentication via BIO pair"
-$	'ssltest' -bio_pair -client_auth 'CA' 
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then goto exit3
-$	write sys$output "test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair"
-$	'ssltest' -bio_pair -server_auth -client_auth 'CA' 
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then goto exit3
-$	define/user sys$output nla0:
-$	mcr 'exe_dir'openssl no-rsa
-$	no_rsa=$SEVERITY
-$	define/user sys$output nla0:
-$	mcr 'exe_dir'openssl no-dhparam
-$	no_dh=$SEVERITY
-$	if no_dh
-$	then
-$	    write sys$output "skipping anonymous DH tests"
-$	else
-$	    write sys$output "test tls1 with 1024bit anonymous DH, multiple handshakes"
-$	    'ssltest' -v -bio_pair -tls1 -cipher "ADH" -dhe1024dsa -num 10 -f -time
-$	    if $severity .ne. 1 then goto exit3
-$	endif
-$	if no_rsa
-$	then
-$	    write sys$output "skipping RSA tests"
-$	else
-$	    write sys$output "test tls1 with 1024bit RSA, no DHE, multiple handshakes"
-$	    mcr 'texe_dir'ssltest -v -bio_pair -tls1 -cert [-.apps]server2.pem -no_dhe -num 10 -f -time
-$	    if $severity .ne. 1 then goto exit3
-$	    if no_dh
-$	    then
-$		write sys$output "skipping RSA+DHE tests"
-$	    else
-$		write sys$output "test tls1 with 1024bit RSA, 1024bit DHE, multiple handshakes"
-$		mcr 'texe_dir'ssltest -v -bio_pair -tls1 -cert [-.apps]server2.pem -dhe1024dsa -num 10 -f -time
-$		if $severity .ne. 1 then goto exit3
-$	    endif
-$	endif
-$	RET = 1
-$	goto exit
-$ exit3:
-$	RET = 3
-$ exit:
-$	if p3 .eqs. "" then delete certs.tmp;*
-$	set on
-$	exit 'RET'
diff --git a/test/Attic/testsslproxy b/test/Attic/testsslproxy
deleted file mode 100644
index 58bbda8..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/testsslproxy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-echo 'Testing a lot of proxy conditions.'
-echo 'Some of them may turn out being invalid, which is fine.'
-for auth in A B C BC; do
-    for cond in A B C 'A|B&!C'; do
-	sh ./testssl $1 $2 $3 "-proxy -proxy_auth $auth -proxy_cond $cond"
-	if [ $? = 3 ]; then exit 1; fi
-    done
diff --git a/test/Attic/testtsa b/test/Attic/testtsa
deleted file mode 100644
index fc68ff9..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/testtsa
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-# A few very basic tests for the 'ts' time stamping authority command.
-if test "$OSTYPE" = msdosdjgpp; then
-    PATH="../apps\;$PATH"
-    PATH="../apps:$PATH"
-export SH PATH
-# Because that's what ../apps/CA.pl really looks at
-export OPENSSL
-RUN () {
-    ../../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../../apps/openssl ts $*
-create_tsa_cert () {
-    INDEX=$1
-    export INDEX
-    EXT=$2
-    TSDNSECT=ts_cert_dn
-    export TSDNSECT
-    ../../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../../apps/openssl req -new \
-	-out tsa_req${INDEX}.pem -keyout tsa_key${INDEX}.pem || exit 1
-    echo using extension $EXT
-    ../../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../../apps/openssl x509 -req \
-	-in tsa_req${INDEX}.pem -out tsa_cert${INDEX}.pem \
-	-CA tsaca.pem -CAkey tsacakey.pem -CAcreateserial \
-	-extfile $OPENSSL_CONF -extensions $EXT || exit 1
-create_time_stamp_response () {
-    RUN -reply -section $3 -queryfile $1 -out $2 || exit 1
-verify_time_stamp_response () {
-    RUN -verify -queryfile $1 -in $2 -CAfile tsaca.pem \
-	-untrusted tsa_cert1.pem || exit 1
-    RUN -verify -data $3 -in $2 -CAfile tsaca.pem \
-	-untrusted tsa_cert1.pem || exit 1
-verify_time_stamp_response_fail () {
-    RUN -verify -queryfile $1 -in $2 -CAfile tsaca.pem \
-	-untrusted tsa_cert1.pem && exit 1
-    echo ok
-# main functions
-echo setting up TSA test directory
-rm -rf tsa 2>/dev/null
-mkdir tsa
-cd ./tsa
-echo creating a new CA for the TSA tests
-export TSDNSECT
-../../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../../apps/openssl req -new -x509 -nodes \
-	-out tsaca.pem -keyout tsacakey.pem || exit 1
-echo creating tsa_cert1.pem TSA server cert
-create_tsa_cert 1 tsa_cert
-echo creating tsa_cert2.pem non-TSA server cert
-create_tsa_cert 2 non_tsa_cert
-echo creating req1.req time stamp request for file testtsa
-RUN -query -data ../testtsa -policy tsa_policy1 -cert -out req1.tsq || exit 1
-echo printing req1.req
-RUN -query -in req1.tsq -text
-echo generating valid response for req1.req
-create_time_stamp_response req1.tsq resp1.tsr tsa_config1
-echo printing response
-RUN -reply -in resp1.tsr -text || exit 1
-echo verifying valid response
-verify_time_stamp_response req1.tsq resp1.tsr ../testtsa
-echo verifying valid token
-RUN -reply -in resp1.tsr -out resp1.tsr.token -token_out || exit 1
-RUN -verify -queryfile req1.tsq -in resp1.tsr.token -token_in \
-    -CAfile tsaca.pem -untrusted tsa_cert1.pem || exit 1
-RUN -verify -data ../testtsa -in resp1.tsr.token -token_in \
-    -CAfile tsaca.pem -untrusted tsa_cert1.pem || exit 1
-echo creating req2.req time stamp request for file testtsa
-RUN -query -data ../testtsa -policy tsa_policy2 -no_nonce \
-    -out req2.tsq || exit 1
-echo printing req2.req
-RUN -query -in req2.tsq -text
-echo generating valid response for req2.req
-create_time_stamp_response req2.tsq resp2.tsr tsa_config1
-echo checking -token_in and -token_out options with -reply
-RUN -reply -in resp2.tsr -out $TOKEN_DER -token_out || exit 1
-RUN -reply -in $TOKEN_DER -token_in -out $RESPONSE2 || exit 1
-cmp $RESPONSE2 resp2.tsr || exit 1
-RUN -reply -in resp2.tsr -text -token_out || exit 1
-RUN -reply -in $TOKEN_DER -token_in -text -token_out || exit 1
-RUN -reply -queryfile req2.tsq -text -token_out || exit 1
-echo printing response
-RUN -reply -in resp2.tsr -text || exit 1
-echo verifying valid response
-verify_time_stamp_response req2.tsq resp2.tsr ../testtsa
-echo verifying response against wrong request, it should fail
-verify_time_stamp_response_fail req1.tsq resp2.tsr
-echo verifying response against wrong request, it should fail
-verify_time_stamp_response_fail req2.tsq resp1.tsr
-echo creating req3.req time stamp request for file CAtsa.cnf
-RUN -query -data ../CAtsa.cnf -no_nonce -out req3.tsq || exit 1
-echo printing req3.req
-RUN -query -in req3.tsq -text
-echo verifying response against wrong request, it should fail
-verify_time_stamp_response_fail req3.tsq resp1.tsr
-echo cleaning up
-cd ..
-rm -rf tsa
-exit 0
diff --git a/test/Attic/testtsa.com b/test/Attic/testtsa.com
deleted file mode 100644
index 8503633..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/testtsa.com
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-$! A few very basic tests for the 'ts' time stamping authority command.
-$	__arch = "VAX"
-$	if f$getsyi("cpu") .ge. 128 then -
-	   __arch = f$edit( f$getsyi( "ARCH_NAME"), "UPCASE")
-$	if __arch .eqs. "" then __arch = "UNK"
-$	if (p4 .eqs. "64") then __arch = __arch+ "_64"
-$	exe_dir = "sys$disk:[-.''__arch'.exe.apps]"
-$	openssl = "mcr ''f$parse(exe_dir+"openssl.exe")'"
-$	OPENSSL_CONF = "[-]CAtsa.cnf"
-$	! Because that's what ../apps/CA.pl really looks at
-$ error:
-$	subroutine
-$		write sys$error "TSA test failed!"
-$		exit 3
-$	endsubroutine
-$ setup_dir:
-$	subroutine
-$		if f$search("tsa.dir") .nes ""
-$		then
-$			@[-.util]deltree [.tsa]*.*
-$ 			set file/prot=(S:RWED,O:RWED,G:RWED,W:RWED) tsa.dir;*
-$ 			delete tsa.dir;*
-$		endif
-$		create/dir [.tsa]
-$		set default [.tsa]
-$	endsubroutine
-$ clean_up_dir:
-$	subroutine
-$		set default [-]
-$		@[-.util]deltree [.tsa]*.*
-$ 		set file/prot=(S:RWED,O:RWED,G:RWED,W:RWED) tsa.dir;*
-$ 		delete tsa.dir;*
-$	endsubroutine
-$ create_ca:
-$	subroutine
-$		write sys$output "Creating a new CA for the TSA tests..."
-$		TSDNSECT = "ts_ca_dn"
-$		openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -
-			-out tsaca.pem -keyout tsacakey.pem
-$		if $severity .ne. 1 then call error
-$	endsubroutine
-$ create_tsa_cert:
-$	subroutine
-$		INDEX=p1
-$		EXT=p2
-$		TSDNSECT = "ts_cert_dn"
-$		openssl req -new -
-			-out tsa_req'INDEX'.pem -keyout tsa_key'INDEX'.pem
-$		if $severity .ne. 1 then call error
-$		write sys$output "Using extension ''EXT'"
-$		openssl x509 -req -
-			-in tsa_req'INDEX'.pem -out tsa_cert'INDEX'.pem -
-			"-CA" tsaca.pem "-CAkey" tsacakey.pem "-CAcreateserial" -
-			-extfile 'OPENSSL_CONF' -extensions "''EXT'"
-$		if $severity .ne. 1 then call error
-$	endsubroutine
-$ print_request:
-$	subroutine
-$		openssl ts -query -in 'p1' -text
-$	endsubroutine
-$ create_time_stamp_request1: subroutine
-$		openssl ts -query -data [-]testtsa.com -policy tsa_policy1 -
-			-cert -out req1.tsq
-$		if $severity .ne. 1 then call error
-$	endsubroutine
-$ create_time_stamp_request2: subroutine
-$		openssl ts -query -data [-]testtsa.com -policy tsa_policy2 -
-			-no_nonce -out req2.tsq
-$		if $severity .ne. 1 then call error
-$	endsubroutine
-$ create_time_stamp_request3: subroutine
-$		openssl ts -query -data [-]CAtsa.cnf -no_nonce -out req3.tsq
-$		if $severity .ne. 1 then call error
-$	endsubroutine
-$ print_response:
-$	subroutine
-$		openssl ts -reply -in 'p1' -text
-$		if $severity .ne. 1 then call error
-$	endsubroutine
-$ create_time_stamp_response:
-$	subroutine
-$		openssl ts -reply -section 'p3' -queryfile 'p1' -out 'p2'
-$		if $severity .ne. 1 then call error
-$	endsubroutine
-$ time_stamp_response_token_test:
-$	subroutine
-$		RESPONSE2 = p2+ "-copy_tsr"
-$		TOKEN_DER = p2+ "-token_der"
-$		openssl ts -reply -in 'p2' -out 'TOKEN_DER' -token_out
-$		if $severity .ne. 1 then call error
-$		openssl ts -reply -in 'TOKEN_DER' -token_in -out 'RESPONSE2'
-$		if $severity .ne. 1 then call error
-$		backup/compare 'RESPONSE2' 'p2'
-$		if $severity .ne. 1 then call error
-$		openssl ts -reply -in 'p2' -text -token_out
-$		if $severity .ne. 1 then call error
-$		openssl ts -reply -in 'TOKEN_DER' -token_in -text -token_out
-$		if $severity .ne. 1 then call error
-$		openssl ts -reply -queryfile 'p1' -text -token_out
-$		if $severity .ne. 1 then call error
-$	endsubroutine
-$ verify_time_stamp_response:
-$	subroutine
-$		openssl ts -verify -queryfile 'p1' -in 'p2' -
-			"-CAfile" tsaca.pem -untrusted tsa_cert1.pem
-$		if $severity .ne. 1 then call error
-$		openssl ts -verify -data 'p3' -in 'p2' -
-			"-CAfile" tsaca.pem -untrusted tsa_cert1.pem
-$		if $severity .ne. 1 then call error
-$	endsubroutine
-$ verify_time_stamp_token:
-$	subroutine
-$		! create the token from the response first
-$		openssl ts -reply -in "''p2'" -out "''p2'-token" -token_out
-$		if $severity .ne. 1 then call error
-$		openssl ts -verify -queryfile "''p1'" -in "''p2'-token" -
-		 -token_in "-CAfile" tsaca.pem -untrusted tsa_cert1.pem
-$		if $severity .ne. 1 then call error
-$		openssl ts -verify -data "''p3'" -in "''p2'-token" -
-		 -token_in "-CAfile" tsaca.pem -untrusted tsa_cert1.pem
-$		if $severity .ne. 1 then call error
-$	endsubroutine
-$ verify_time_stamp_response_fail:
-$	subroutine
-$		openssl ts -verify -queryfile 'p1' -in 'p2' -
-			"-CAfile" tsaca.pem -untrusted tsa_cert1.pem
-$		! Checks if the verification failed, as it should have.
-$		if $severity .eq. 1 then call error
-$		write sys$output "Ok"
-$	endsubroutine
-$	! Main body ----------------------------------------------------------
-$	set noon
-$	write sys$output "Setting up TSA test directory..."
-$	call setup_dir
-$	write sys$output "Creating CA for TSA tests..."
-$	call create_ca
-$	write sys$output "Creating tsa_cert1.pem TSA server cert..."
-$	call create_tsa_cert 1 "tsa_cert"
-$	write sys$output "Creating tsa_cert2.pem non-TSA server cert..."
-$	call create_tsa_cert 2 "non_tsa_cert"
-$	write sys$output "Creating req1.req time stamp request for file testtsa..."
-$	call create_time_stamp_request1
-$	write sys$output "Printing req1.req..."
-$	call print_request "req1.tsq"
-$	write sys$output "Generating valid response for req1.req..."
-$	call create_time_stamp_response "req1.tsq" "resp1.tsr" "tsa_config1"
-$	write sys$output "Printing response..."
-$	call print_response "resp1.tsr"
-$	write sys$output "Verifying valid response..."
-$	call verify_time_stamp_response "req1.tsq" "resp1.tsr" "[-]testtsa.com"
-$	write sys$output "Verifying valid token..."
-$	call verify_time_stamp_token "req1.tsq" "resp1.tsr" "[-]testtsa.com"
-$	! The tests below are commented out, because invalid signer certificates
-$	! can no longer be specified in the config file.
-$	! write sys$output "Generating _invalid_ response for req1.req..."
-$	! call create_time_stamp_response "req1.tsq" "resp1_bad.tsr" "tsa_config2"
-$	! write sys$output "Printing response..."
-$	! call print_response "resp1_bad.tsr"
-$	! write sys$output "Verifying invalid response, it should fail..."
-$	! call verify_time_stamp_response_fail "req1.tsq" "resp1_bad.tsr"
-$	write sys$output "Creating req2.req time stamp request for file testtsa..."
-$	call create_time_stamp_request2
-$	write sys$output "Printing req2.req..."
-$	call print_request "req2.tsq"
-$	write sys$output "Generating valid response for req2.req..."
-$	call create_time_stamp_response "req2.tsq" "resp2.tsr" "tsa_config1"
-$	write sys$output "Checking '-token_in' and '-token_out' options with '-reply'..."
-$	call time_stamp_response_token_test "req2.tsq" "resp2.tsr"
-$	write sys$output "Printing response..."
-$	call print_response "resp2.tsr"
-$	write sys$output "Verifying valid response..."
-$	call verify_time_stamp_response "req2.tsq" "resp2.tsr" "[-]testtsa.com"
-$	write sys$output "Verifying response against wrong request, it should fail..."
-$	call verify_time_stamp_response_fail "req1.tsq" "resp2.tsr"
-$	write sys$output "Verifying response against wrong request, it should fail..."
-$	call verify_time_stamp_response_fail "req2.tsq" "resp1.tsr"
-$	write sys$output "Creating req3.req time stamp request for file CAtsa.cnf..."
-$	call create_time_stamp_request3
-$	write sys$output "Printing req3.req..."
-$	call print_request "req3.tsq"
-$	write sys$output "Verifying response against wrong request, it should fail..."
-$	call verify_time_stamp_response_fail "req3.tsq" "resp1.tsr"
-$	write sys$output "Cleaning up..."
-$	call clean_up_dir
-$	set on
-$	exit
diff --git a/test/Attic/tkey b/test/Attic/tkey
deleted file mode 100644
index 47ac1be..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/tkey
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-if ../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../apps/openssl no-$ktype; then
-  echo skipping $ktype $ptype conversion test
-  exit 0
-if [ $ptype = "public" ]; then
-    cmd="../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../apps/openssl $ktype -pubin -pubout"
-    cmd="../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../apps/openssl $ktype"
-echo testing $ktype $ptype conversions
-cp $t $ktype-fff.p
-echo "p -> d"
-$cmd -in $ktype-fff.p -inform p -outform d >$ktype-f.d || exit 1
-echo "p -> p"
-$cmd -in $ktype-fff.p -inform p -outform p >$ktype-f.p || exit 1
-echo "d -> d"
-$cmd -in $ktype-f.d -inform d -outform d >$ktype-ff.d1 || exit 1
-echo "p -> d"
-$cmd -in $ktype-f.p -inform p -outform d >$ktype-ff.d3 || exit 1
-echo "d -> p"
-$cmd -in $ktype-f.d -inform d -outform p >$ktype-ff.p1 || exit 1
-echo "p -> p"
-$cmd -in $ktype-f.p -inform p -outform p >$ktype-ff.p3 || exit 1
-cmp $ktype-fff.p $ktype-f.p || exit 1
-cmp $ktype-fff.p $ktype-ff.p1 || exit 1
-cmp $ktype-fff.p $ktype-ff.p3 || exit 1
-cmp $ktype-f.p $ktype-ff.p1 || exit 1
-cmp $ktype-f.p $ktype-ff.p3 || exit 1
-/bin/rm -f $ktype-f.* $ktype-ff.* $ktype-fff.*
-[ $ptype = "public" ] && exit 0
-echo testing $ktype PKCS#8 conversions
-cmd="../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../apps/openssl pkey"
-$cmd -in $t -out $ktype-fff.p
-echo "p -> d"
-$cmd -in $ktype-fff.p -inform p -outform d >$ktype-f.d || exit 1
-echo "p -> p"
-$cmd -in $ktype-fff.p -inform p -outform p >$ktype-f.p || exit 1
-echo "d -> d"
-$cmd -in $ktype-f.d -inform d -outform d >$ktype-ff.d1 || exit 1
-echo "p -> d"
-$cmd -in $ktype-f.p -inform p -outform d >$ktype-ff.d3 || exit 1
-echo "d -> p"
-$cmd -in $ktype-f.d -inform d -outform p >$ktype-ff.p1 || exit 1
-echo "p -> p"
-$cmd -in $ktype-f.p -inform p -outform p >$ktype-ff.p3 || exit 1
-cmp $ktype-fff.p $ktype-f.p || exit 1
-cmp $ktype-fff.p $ktype-ff.p1 || exit 1
-cmp $ktype-fff.p $ktype-ff.p3 || exit 1
-cmp $ktype-f.p $ktype-ff.p1 || exit 1
-cmp $ktype-f.p $ktype-ff.p3 || exit 1
-/bin/rm -f $ktype-f.* $ktype-ff.* $ktype-fff.*
diff --git a/test/Attic/tocsp b/test/Attic/tocsp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fc291c..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/tocsp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-cmd='../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../apps/openssl'
-# 17 December 2012 so we don't get certificate expiry errors.
-check_time="-attime 1355875200"
-test_ocsp () {
-	$cmd base64 -d -in $ocspdir/$1 | \
-		$cmd ocsp -respin - -partial_chain $check_time \
-		-CAfile $ocspdir/$2 -verify_other $ocspdir/$2 -CApath /dev/null
-	[ $? != $3 ] && exit 1
-echo "=== VALID OCSP RESPONSES ==="
-echo "NON-DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp ND1.ors ND1_Issuer_ICA.pem 0
-echo "NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-test_ocsp ND2.ors ND2_Issuer_Root.pem 0
-echo "NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp ND3.ors ND3_Issuer_Root.pem 0
-echo "DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp D1.ors D1_Issuer_ICA.pem 0
-echo "DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-test_ocsp D2.ors D2_Issuer_Root.pem 0
-echo "DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp D3.ors D3_Issuer_Root.pem 0
-echo "NON-DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp ISOP_ND1.ors ND1_Issuer_ICA.pem 1
-echo "NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-test_ocsp ISOP_ND2.ors ND2_Issuer_Root.pem 1
-echo "NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp ISOP_ND3.ors ND3_Issuer_Root.pem 1
-echo "DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp ISOP_D1.ors D1_Issuer_ICA.pem 1
-echo "DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-test_ocsp ISOP_D2.ors D2_Issuer_Root.pem 1
-echo "DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp ISOP_D3.ors D3_Issuer_Root.pem 1
-echo "NON-DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp WRID_ND1.ors ND1_Issuer_ICA.pem 1
-echo "NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-test_ocsp WRID_ND2.ors ND2_Issuer_Root.pem 1
-echo "NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp WRID_ND3.ors ND3_Issuer_Root.pem 1
-echo "DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp WRID_D1.ors D1_Issuer_ICA.pem 1
-echo "DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-test_ocsp WRID_D2.ors D2_Issuer_Root.pem 1
-echo "DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp WRID_D3.ors D3_Issuer_Root.pem 1
-echo "NON-DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp WINH_ND1.ors ND1_Issuer_ICA.pem 1
-echo "NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-test_ocsp WINH_ND2.ors ND2_Issuer_Root.pem 1
-echo "NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp WINH_ND3.ors ND3_Issuer_Root.pem 1
-echo "DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp WINH_D1.ors D1_Issuer_ICA.pem 1
-echo "DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-test_ocsp WINH_D2.ors D2_Issuer_Root.pem 1
-echo "DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp WINH_D3.ors D3_Issuer_Root.pem 1
-echo "NON-DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp WIKH_ND1.ors ND1_Issuer_ICA.pem 1
-echo "NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-test_ocsp WIKH_ND2.ors ND2_Issuer_Root.pem 1
-echo "NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp WIKH_ND3.ors ND3_Issuer_Root.pem 1
-echo "DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp WIKH_D1.ors D1_Issuer_ICA.pem 1
-echo "DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-test_ocsp WIKH_D2.ors D2_Issuer_Root.pem 1
-echo "DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp WIKH_D3.ors D3_Issuer_Root.pem 1
-echo "DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp WKDOSC_D1.ors D1_Issuer_ICA.pem 1
-echo "DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-test_ocsp WKDOSC_D2.ors D2_Issuer_Root.pem 1
-echo "DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp WKDOSC_D3.ors D3_Issuer_Root.pem 1
-echo "DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp ISDOSC_D1.ors D1_Issuer_ICA.pem 1
-echo "DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-test_ocsp ISDOSC_D2.ors D2_Issuer_Root.pem 1
-echo "DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp ISDOSC_D3.ors D3_Issuer_Root.pem 1
-echo "NON-DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp ND1.ors WSNIC_ND1_Issuer_ICA.pem 1
-echo "NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-test_ocsp ND2.ors WSNIC_ND2_Issuer_Root.pem 1
-echo "NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp ND3.ors WSNIC_ND3_Issuer_Root.pem 1
-echo "DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp D1.ors WSNIC_D1_Issuer_ICA.pem 1
-echo "DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-test_ocsp D2.ors WSNIC_D2_Issuer_Root.pem 1
-echo "DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp D3.ors WSNIC_D3_Issuer_Root.pem 1
-echo "=== WRONG KEY in the ISSUER CERTIFICATE ==="
-echo "NON-DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp ND1.ors WKIC_ND1_Issuer_ICA.pem 1
-echo "NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-test_ocsp ND2.ors WKIC_ND2_Issuer_Root.pem 1
-echo "NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp ND3.ors WKIC_ND3_Issuer_Root.pem 1
-echo "DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp D1.ors WKIC_D1_Issuer_ICA.pem 1
-echo "DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-test_ocsp D2.ors WKIC_D2_Issuer_Root.pem 1
-echo "DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp D3.ors WKIC_D3_Issuer_Root.pem 1
-# Expect success, because we're explicitly trusting the issuer certificate.
-echo "NON-DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp ND1.ors ISIC_ND1_Issuer_ICA.pem 0
-echo "NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-test_ocsp ND2.ors ISIC_ND2_Issuer_Root.pem 0
-echo "NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp ND3.ors ISIC_ND3_Issuer_Root.pem 0
-echo "DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp D1.ors ISIC_D1_Issuer_ICA.pem 0
-echo "DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-test_ocsp D2.ors ISIC_D2_Issuer_Root.pem 0
-echo "DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-test_ocsp D3.ors ISIC_D3_Issuer_Root.pem 0
-exit 0
diff --git a/test/Attic/tocsp.com b/test/Attic/tocsp.com
deleted file mode 100644
index 97253fe..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/tocsp.com
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-$! TOCSP.COM  --  Test ocsp
-$	__arch = "VAX"
-$       if f$getsyi("cpu") .ge. 128 then -
-           __arch = f$edit( f$getsyi( "ARCH_NAME"), "UPCASE")
-$       if __arch .eqs. "" then __arch = "UNK"
-$       if (p2 .eqs. "64") then __arch = __arch+ "_64"
-$       exe_dir = "sys$disk:[-.''__arch'.exe.apps]"
-$       cmd = "mcr ''f$parse(exe_dir+"openssl.exe")'"
-$	ocspdir = "ocsp-tests"
-$!	17 December 2012 so we don't get certificate expiry errors.
-$	check_time="-attime 1355875200"
-$ test_ocsp:
-$	subroutine
-$		'cmd' base64 -d -in [.'ocspdir']'p1' -out ocsp-test.test-bin
-$		'cmd' ocsp -respin ocsp-test.test-bin -partial_chain 'check_time' -
-		      "-CAfile" [.'ocspdir']'p2' -verify_other [.'ocspdir']'p2' "-CApath" NLA0:
-$		if $severity .ne. p3+1
-$		then
-$		    write sys$error "OCSP test failed!"
-$		    exit 3
-$		endif
-$	endsubroutine
-$	set noon
-$	write sys$output "=== VALID OCSP RESPONSES ==="
-$	write sys$output "NON-DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "ND1.ors" "ND1_Issuer_ICA.pem" 0
-$	write sys$output "NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-$	call test_ocsp "ND2.ors" "ND2_Issuer_Root.pem" 0
-$	write sys$output "NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "ND3.ors" "ND3_Issuer_Root.pem" 0
-$	write sys$output "DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "D1.ors" "D1_Issuer_ICA.pem" 0
-$	write sys$output "DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-$	call test_ocsp "D2.ors" "D2_Issuer_Root.pem" 0
-$	write sys$output "DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "D3.ors" "D3_Issuer_Root.pem" 0
-$	write sys$output "=== INVALID SIGNATURE on the OCSP RESPONSE ==="
-$	write sys$output "NON-DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "ISOP_ND1.ors" "ND1_Issuer_ICA.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-$	call test_ocsp "ISOP_ND2.ors" "ND2_Issuer_Root.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "ISOP_ND3.ors" "ND3_Issuer_Root.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "ISOP_D1.ors" "D1_Issuer_ICA.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-$	call test_ocsp "ISOP_D2.ors" "D2_Issuer_Root.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "ISOP_D3.ors" "D3_Issuer_Root.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "=== WRONG RESPONDERID in the OCSP RESPONSE ==="
-$	write sys$output "NON-DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "WRID_ND1.ors" "ND1_Issuer_ICA.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-$	call test_ocsp "WRID_ND2.ors" "ND2_Issuer_Root.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "WRID_ND3.ors" "ND3_Issuer_Root.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "WRID_D1.ors" "D1_Issuer_ICA.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-$	call test_ocsp "WRID_D2.ors" "D2_Issuer_Root.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "WRID_D3.ors" "D3_Issuer_Root.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "=== WRONG ISSUERNAMEHASH in the OCSP RESPONSE ==="
-$	write sys$output "NON-DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "WINH_ND1.ors" "ND1_Issuer_ICA.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-$	call test_ocsp "WINH_ND2.ors" "ND2_Issuer_Root.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "WINH_ND3.ors" "ND3_Issuer_Root.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "WINH_D1.ors" "D1_Issuer_ICA.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-$	call test_ocsp "WINH_D2.ors" "D2_Issuer_Root.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "WINH_D3.ors" "D3_Issuer_Root.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "=== WRONG ISSUERKEYHASH in the OCSP RESPONSE ==="
-$	write sys$output "NON-DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "WIKH_ND1.ors" "ND1_Issuer_ICA.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-$	call test_ocsp "WIKH_ND2.ors" "ND2_Issuer_Root.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "WIKH_ND3.ors" "ND3_Issuer_Root.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "WIKH_D1.ors" "D1_Issuer_ICA.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-$	call test_ocsp "WIKH_D2.ors" "D2_Issuer_Root.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "WIKH_D3.ors" "D3_Issuer_Root.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "=== WRONG KEY in the DELEGATED OCSP SIGNING CERTIFICATE ==="
-$	write sys$output "DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "WKDOSC_D1.ors" "D1_Issuer_ICA.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-$	call test_ocsp "WKDOSC_D2.ors" "D2_Issuer_Root.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "WKDOSC_D3.ors" "D3_Issuer_Root.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "ISDOSC_D1.ors" "D1_Issuer_ICA.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-$	call test_ocsp "ISDOSC_D2.ors" "D2_Issuer_Root.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "ISDOSC_D3.ors" "D3_Issuer_Root.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "=== WRONG SUBJECT NAME in the ISSUER CERTIFICATE ==="
-$	write sys$output "NON-DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "ND1.ors" "WSNIC_ND1_Issuer_ICA.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-$	call test_ocsp "ND2.ors" "WSNIC_ND2_Issuer_Root.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "ND3.ors" "WSNIC_ND3_Issuer_Root.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "D1.ors" "WSNIC_D1_Issuer_ICA.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-$	call test_ocsp "D2.ors" "WSNIC_D2_Issuer_Root.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "D3.ors" "WSNIC_D3_Issuer_Root.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "=== WRONG KEY in the ISSUER CERTIFICATE ==="
-$	write sys$output "NON-DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "ND1.ors" "WKIC_ND1_Issuer_ICA.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-$	call test_ocsp "ND2.ors" "WKIC_ND2_Issuer_Root.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "ND3.ors" "WKIC_ND3_Issuer_Root.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "D1.ors" "WKIC_D1_Issuer_ICA.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-$	call test_ocsp "D2.ors" "WKIC_D2_Issuer_Root.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "D3.ors" "WKIC_D3_Issuer_Root.pem" 1
-$	write sys$output "=== INVALID SIGNATURE on the ISSUER CERTIFICATE ==="
-$!	Expect success, because we're explicitly trusting the issuer certificate.
-$	write sys$output "NON-DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "ND1.ors" "ISIC_ND1_Issuer_ICA.pem" 0
-$	write sys$output "NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-$	call test_ocsp "ND2.ors" "ISIC_ND2_Issuer_Root.pem" 0
-$	write sys$output "NON-DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "ND3.ors" "ISIC_ND3_Issuer_Root.pem" 0
-$	write sys$output "DELEGATED; Intermediate CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "D1.ors" "ISIC_D1_Issuer_ICA.pem" 0
-$	write sys$output "DELEGATED; Root CA -> Intermediate CA"
-$	call test_ocsp "D2.ors" "ISIC_D2_Issuer_Root.pem" 0
-$	write sys$output "DELEGATED; Root CA -> EE"
-$	call test_ocsp "D3.ors" "ISIC_D3_Issuer_Root.pem" 0
-$	write sys$output "ALL OCSP TESTS SUCCESSFUL"
-$	set on
-$	exit
diff --git a/test/Attic/tpkcs7 b/test/Attic/tpkcs7
deleted file mode 100644
index 91e304b..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/tpkcs7
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-cmd='../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../apps/openssl pkcs7'
-if [ "$1"x != "x" ]; then
-	t=$1
-	t=testp7.pem
-echo testing pkcs7 conversions
-cp $t p7-fff.p
-echo "p -> d"
-$cmd -in p7-fff.p -inform p -outform d >p7-f.d || exit 1
-echo "p -> p"
-$cmd -in p7-fff.p -inform p -outform p >p7-f.p || exit 1
-echo "d -> d"
-$cmd -in p7-f.d -inform d -outform d >p7-ff.d1 || exit 1
-echo "p -> d"
-$cmd -in p7-f.p -inform p -outform d >p7-ff.d3 || exit 1
-echo "d -> p"
-$cmd -in p7-f.d -inform d -outform p >p7-ff.p1 || exit 1
-echo "p -> p"
-$cmd -in p7-f.p -inform p -outform p >p7-ff.p3 || exit 1
-cmp p7-fff.p p7-f.p || exit 1
-cmp p7-fff.p p7-ff.p1 || exit 1
-cmp p7-fff.p p7-ff.p3 || exit 1
-cmp p7-f.p p7-ff.p1 || exit 1
-cmp p7-f.p p7-ff.p3 || exit 1
-/bin/rm -f p7-f.* p7-ff.* p7-fff.*
-exit 0
diff --git a/test/Attic/tpkcs7.com b/test/Attic/tpkcs7.com
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fc4982..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/tpkcs7.com
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-$! TPKCS7.COM  --  Tests pkcs7 keys
-$	__arch = "VAX"
-$	if f$getsyi("cpu") .ge. 128 then -
-	   __arch = f$edit( f$getsyi( "ARCH_NAME"), "UPCASE")
-$	if __arch .eqs. "" then __arch = "UNK"
-$	if (p2 .eqs. "64") then __arch = __arch+ "_64"
-$	exe_dir = "sys$disk:[-.''__arch'.exe.apps]"
-$	cmd = "mcr ''exe_dir'openssl pkcs7"
-$	t = "testp7.pem"
-$	if p1 .nes. "" then t = p1
-$	write sys$output "testing PKCS7 conversions"
-$	if f$search("fff.*") .nes "" then delete fff.*;*
-$	if f$search("ff.*") .nes "" then delete ff.*;*
-$	if f$search("f.*") .nes "" then delete f.*;*
-$	convert/fdl=sys$input: 't' fff.p
-$	write sys$output "p -> d"
-$	'cmd' -in fff.p -inform p -outform d -out f.d
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "p -> p"
-$	'cmd' -in fff.p -inform p -outform p -out f.p
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "d -> d"
-$	'cmd' -in f.d -inform d -outform d -out ff.d1
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "p -> d"
-$	'cmd' -in f.p -inform p -outform d -out ff.d3
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "d -> p"
-$	'cmd' -in f.d -inform d -outform p -out ff.p1
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "p -> p"
-$	'cmd' -in f.p -inform p -outform p -out ff.p3
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare fff.p f.p
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare fff.p ff.p1
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare fff.p ff.p3
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare f.p ff.p1
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare f.p ff.p3
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	delete f.*;*,ff.*;*,fff.*;*
diff --git a/test/Attic/tpkcs7d b/test/Attic/tpkcs7d
deleted file mode 100644
index c5077da..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/tpkcs7d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-cmd='../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../apps/openssl pkcs7'
-if [ "$1"x != "x" ]; then
-	t=$1
-	t=pkcs7-1.pem
-echo "testing pkcs7 conversions (2)"
-cp $t p7d-fff.p
-echo "p -> d"
-$cmd -in p7d-fff.p -inform p -outform d >p7d-f.d || exit 1
-echo "p -> p"
-$cmd -in p7d-fff.p -inform p -outform p >p7d-f.p || exit 1
-echo "d -> d"
-$cmd -in p7d-f.d -inform d -outform d >p7d-ff.d1 || exit 1
-echo "p -> d"
-$cmd -in p7d-f.p -inform p -outform d >p7d-ff.d3 || exit 1
-echo "d -> p"
-$cmd -in p7d-f.d -inform d -outform p >p7d-ff.p1 || exit 1
-echo "p -> p"
-$cmd -in p7d-f.p -inform p -outform p >p7d-ff.p3 || exit 1
-cmp p7d-f.p p7d-ff.p1 || exit 1
-cmp p7d-f.p p7d-ff.p3 || exit 1
-/bin/rm -f p7d-f.* p7d-ff.* p7d-fff.*
-exit 0
diff --git a/test/Attic/tpkcs7d.com b/test/Attic/tpkcs7d.com
deleted file mode 100644
index eea8c88..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/tpkcs7d.com
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-$! TPKCS7.COM  --  Tests pkcs7 keys
-$	__arch = "VAX"
-$	if f$getsyi("cpu") .ge. 128 then -
-	   __arch = f$edit( f$getsyi( "ARCH_NAME"), "UPCASE")
-$	if __arch .eqs. "" then __arch = "UNK"
-$	if (p2 .eqs. "64") then __arch = __arch+ "_64"
-$	exe_dir = "sys$disk:[-.''__arch'.exe.apps]"
-$	cmd = "mcr ''exe_dir'openssl pkcs7"
-$	t = "pkcs7-1.pem"
-$	if p1 .nes. "" then t = p1
-$	write sys$output "testing PKCS7 conversions (2)"
-$	if f$search("fff.*") .nes "" then delete fff.*;*
-$	if f$search("ff.*") .nes "" then delete ff.*;*
-$	if f$search("f.*") .nes "" then delete f.*;*
-$	convert/fdl=sys$input: 't' fff.p
-$	write sys$output "p -> d"
-$	'cmd' -in fff.p -inform p -outform d -out f.d
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "p -> p"
-$	'cmd' -in fff.p -inform p -outform p -out f.p
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "d -> d"
-$	'cmd' -in f.d -inform d -outform d -out ff.d1
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "p -> d"
-$	'cmd' -in f.p -inform p -outform d -out ff.d3
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "d -> p"
-$	'cmd' -in f.d -inform d -outform p -out ff.p1
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "p -> p"
-$	'cmd' -in f.p -inform p -outform p -out ff.p3
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare f.p ff.p1
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare f.p ff.p3
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	delete f.*;*,ff.*;*,fff.*;*
diff --git a/test/Attic/treq b/test/Attic/treq
deleted file mode 100644
index 2062d76..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/treq
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-cmd='../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../apps/openssl req -config ../apps/openssl.cnf'
-if [ "$1"x != "x" ]; then
-	t=$1
-	t=testreq.pem
-if $cmd -in $t -inform p -noout -text 2>&1 | fgrep -i 'Unknown Public Key'; then
-  echo "skipping req conversion test for $t"
-  exit 0
-echo testing req conversions
-cp $t req-fff.p
-echo "p -> d"
-$cmd -in req-fff.p -inform p -outform d >req-f.d || exit 1
-echo "p -> p"
-$cmd -in req-fff.p -inform p -outform p >req-f.p || exit 1
-echo "d -> d"
-$cmd -verify -in req-f.d -inform d -outform d >req-ff.d1 || exit 1
-echo "p -> d"
-$cmd -verify -in req-f.p -inform p -outform d >req-ff.d3 || exit 1
-echo "d -> p"
-$cmd -in req-f.d -inform d -outform p >req-ff.p1 || exit 1
-echo "p -> p"
-$cmd -in req-f.p -inform p -outform p >req-ff.p3 || exit 1
-cmp req-fff.p req-f.p || exit 1
-cmp req-fff.p req-ff.p1 || exit 1
-cmp req-fff.p req-ff.p3 || exit 1
-cmp req-f.p req-ff.p1 || exit 1
-cmp req-f.p req-ff.p3 || exit 1
-/bin/rm -f req-f.* req-ff.* req-fff.*
-exit 0
diff --git a/test/Attic/treq.com b/test/Attic/treq.com
deleted file mode 100644
index acf08b7..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/treq.com
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-$! TREQ.COM  --  Tests req keys
-$	__arch = "VAX"
-$	if f$getsyi("cpu") .ge. 128 then -
-	   __arch = f$edit( f$getsyi( "ARCH_NAME"), "UPCASE")
-$	if __arch .eqs. "" then __arch = "UNK"
-$	if (p2 .eqs. "64") then __arch = __arch+ "_64"
-$	exe_dir = "sys$disk:[-.''__arch'.exe.apps]"
-$	cmd = "mcr ''exe_dir'openssl req -config [-.apps]openssl-vms.cnf"
-$	t = "testreq.pem"
-$	if p1 .nes. "" then t = p1
-$	write sys$output "testing req conversions"
-$	if f$search("fff.*") .nes "" then delete fff.*;*
-$	if f$search("ff.*") .nes "" then delete ff.*;*
-$	if f$search("f.*") .nes "" then delete f.*;*
-$	convert/fdl=sys$input: 't' fff.p
-$	write sys$output "p -> d"
-$	'cmd' -in fff.p -inform p -outform d -out f.d
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	write sys$output "p -> t"
-$!	'cmd' -in fff.p -inform p -outform t -out f.t
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "p -> p"
-$	'cmd' -in fff.p -inform p -outform p -out f.p
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "d -> d"
-$	'cmd' -verify -in f.d -inform d -outform d -out ff.d1
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	write sys$output "t -> d"
-$!	'cmd' -verify -in f.t -inform t -outform d -out ff.d2
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "p -> d"
-$	'cmd' -verify -in f.p -inform p -outform d -out ff.d3
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	write sys$output "d -> t"
-$!	'cmd' -in f.d -inform d -outform t -out ff.t1
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	write sys$output "t -> t"
-$!	'cmd' -in f.t -inform t -outform t -out ff.t2
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	write sys$output "p -> t"
-$!	'cmd' -in f.p -inform p -outform t -out ff.t3
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "d -> p"
-$	'cmd' -in f.d -inform d -outform p -out ff.p1
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	write sys$output "t -> p"
-$!	'cmd' -in f.t -inform t -outform p -out ff.p2
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "p -> p"
-$	'cmd' -in f.p -inform p -outform p -out ff.p3
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare fff.p f.p
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare fff.p ff.p1
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	backup/compare fff.p ff.p2
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare fff.p ff.p3
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	backup/compare f.t ff.t1
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	backup/compare f.t ff.t2
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	backup/compare f.t ff.t3
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare f.p ff.p1
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	backup/compare f.p ff.p2
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare f.p ff.p3
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	delete f.*;*,ff.*;*,fff.*;*
diff --git a/test/Attic/trsa.com b/test/Attic/trsa.com
deleted file mode 100644
index 5418084..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/trsa.com
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-$! TRSA.COM  --  Tests rsa keys
-$	__arch = "VAX"
-$	if f$getsyi("cpu") .ge. 128 then -
-	   __arch = f$edit( f$getsyi( "ARCH_NAME"), "UPCASE")
-$	if __arch .eqs. "" then __arch = "UNK"
-$	if (p2 .eqs. "64") then __arch = __arch+ "_64"
-$	exe_dir = "sys$disk:[-.''__arch'.exe.apps]"
-$	set noon
-$	define/user sys$output nla0:
-$	mcr 'exe_dir'openssl no-rsa
-$	save_severity=$SEVERITY
-$	set on
-$	if save_severity
-$	then
-$	    write sys$output "skipping RSA conversion test"
-$	    exit
-$	endif
-$	cmd = "mcr ''exe_dir'openssl rsa"
-$	t = "testrsa.pem"
-$	if p1 .nes. "" then t = p1
-$	write sys$output "testing RSA conversions"
-$	if f$search("fff.*") .nes "" then delete fff.*;*
-$	if f$search("ff.*") .nes "" then delete ff.*;*
-$	if f$search("f.*") .nes "" then delete f.*;*
-$	convert/fdl=sys$input: 't' fff.p
-$	write sys$output "p -> d"
-$	'cmd' -in fff.p -inform p -outform d -out f.d
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	write sys$output "p -> t"
-$!	'cmd' -in fff.p -inform p -outform t -out f.t
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "p -> p"
-$	'cmd' -in fff.p -inform p -outform p -out f.p
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "d -> d"
-$	'cmd' -in f.d -inform d -outform d -out ff.d1
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	write sys$output "t -> d"
-$!	'cmd' -in f.t -inform t -outform d -out ff.d2
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "p -> d"
-$	'cmd' -in f.p -inform p -outform d -out ff.d3
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	write sys$output "d -> t"
-$!	'cmd' -in f.d -inform d -outform t -out ff.t1
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	write sys$output "t -> t"
-$!	'cmd' -in f.t -inform t -outform t -out ff.t2
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	write sys$output "p -> t"
-$!	'cmd' -in f.p -inform p -outform t -out ff.t3
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "d -> p"
-$	'cmd' -in f.d -inform d -outform p -out ff.p1
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	write sys$output "t -> p"
-$!	'cmd' -in f.t -inform t -outform p -out ff.p2
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "p -> p"
-$	'cmd' -in f.p -inform p -outform p -out ff.p3
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare fff.p f.p
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare fff.p ff.p1
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	backup/compare fff.p ff.p2
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare fff.p ff.p3
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	backup/compare f.t ff.t1
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	backup/compare f.t ff.t2
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	backup/compare f.t ff.t3
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare f.p ff.p1
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	backup/compare f.p ff.p2
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare f.p ff.p3
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	delete f.*;*,ff.*;*,fff.*;*
diff --git a/test/Attic/tsid b/test/Attic/tsid
deleted file mode 100644
index 546efb7..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/tsid
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-cmd='../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../apps/openssl sess_id'
-if [ "$1"x != "x" ]; then
-	t=$1
-	t=testsid.pem
-echo testing session-id conversions
-cp $t sid-fff.p
-echo "p -> d"
-$cmd -in sid-fff.p -inform p -outform d >sid-f.d || exit 1
-echo "p -> p"
-$cmd -in sid-fff.p -inform p -outform p >sid-f.p || exit 1
-echo "d -> d"
-$cmd -in sid-f.d -inform d -outform d >sid-ff.d1 || exit 1
-echo "p -> d"
-$cmd -in sid-f.p -inform p -outform d >sid-ff.d3 || exit 1
-echo "d -> p"
-$cmd -in sid-f.d -inform d -outform p >sid-ff.p1 || exit 1
-echo "p -> p"
-$cmd -in sid-f.p -inform p -outform p >sid-ff.p3 || exit 1
-cmp sid-fff.p sid-f.p || exit 1
-cmp sid-fff.p sid-ff.p1 || exit 1
-cmp sid-fff.p sid-ff.p3 || exit 1
-cmp sid-f.p sid-ff.p1 || exit 1
-cmp sid-f.p sid-ff.p3 || exit 1
-/bin/rm -f sid-f.* sid-ff.* sid-fff.*
-exit 0
diff --git a/test/Attic/tsid.com b/test/Attic/tsid.com
deleted file mode 100644
index b6c4e49..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/tsid.com
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-$! TSID.COM  --  Tests sid keys
-$	__arch = "VAX"
-$	if f$getsyi("cpu") .ge. 128 then -
-	   __arch = f$edit( f$getsyi( "ARCH_NAME"), "UPCASE")
-$	if __arch .eqs. "" then __arch = "UNK"
-$	if (p2 .eqs. "64") then __arch = __arch+ "_64"
-$	exe_dir = "sys$disk:[-.''__arch'.exe.apps]"
-$	cmd = "mcr ''exe_dir'openssl sess_id"
-$	t = "testsid.pem"
-$	if p1 .nes. "" then t = p1
-$	write sys$output "testing session-id conversions"
-$	if f$search("fff.*") .nes "" then delete fff.*;*
-$	if f$search("ff.*") .nes "" then delete ff.*;*
-$	if f$search("f.*") .nes "" then delete f.*;*
-$	convert/fdl=sys$input: 't' fff.p
-$	write sys$output "p -> d"
-$	'cmd' -in fff.p -inform p -outform d -out f.d
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	write sys$output "p -> t"
-$!	'cmd' -in fff.p -inform p -outform t -out f.t
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "p -> p"
-$	'cmd' -in fff.p -inform p -outform p -out f.p
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "d -> d"
-$	'cmd' -in f.d -inform d -outform d -out ff.d1
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	write sys$output "t -> d"
-$!	'cmd' -in f.t -inform t -outform d -out ff.d2
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "p -> d"
-$	'cmd' -in f.p -inform p -outform d -out ff.d3
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	write sys$output "d -> t"
-$!	'cmd' -in f.d -inform d -outform t -out ff.t1
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	write sys$output "t -> t"
-$!	'cmd' -in f.t -inform t -outform t -out ff.t2
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	write sys$output "p -> t"
-$!	'cmd' -in f.p -inform p -outform t -out ff.t3
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "d -> p"
-$	'cmd' -in f.d -inform d -outform p -out ff.p1
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	write sys$output "t -> p"
-$!	'cmd' -in f.t -inform t -outform p -out ff.p2
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "p -> p"
-$	'cmd' -in f.p -inform p -outform p -out ff.p3
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare fff.p f.p
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare fff.p ff.p1
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	backup/compare fff.p ff.p2
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare fff.p ff.p3
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	backup/compare f.t ff.t1
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	backup/compare f.t ff.t2
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	backup/compare f.t ff.t3
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare f.p ff.p1
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$!	backup/compare f.p ff.p2
-$!	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare f.p ff.p3
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	delete f.*;*,ff.*;*,fff.*;*
diff --git a/test/Attic/tverify.com b/test/Attic/tverify.com
deleted file mode 100644
index d888344..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/tverify.com
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-$	__arch = "VAX"
-$	if f$getsyi("cpu") .ge. 128 then -
-	   __arch = f$edit( f$getsyi( "ARCH_NAME"), "UPCASE")
-$	if __arch .eqs. "" then __arch = "UNK"
-$	if (p1 .eqs. "64") then __arch = __arch+ "_64"
-$	line_max = 255 ! Could be longer on modern non-VAX.
-$	temp_file_name = "certs_"+ f$getjpi( "", "PID")+ ".tmp"
-$	exe_dir = "sys$disk:[-.''__arch'.exe.apps]"
-$	cmd = "mcr ''exe_dir'openssl verify ""-CAfile"" ''temp_file_name'"
-$	cmd_len = f$length( cmd)
-$	pems = "[-.certs...]*.pem"
-$!	Concatenate all the certificate files.
-$	copy /concatenate 'pems' 'temp_file_name'
-$!	Loop through all the certificate files.
-$	args = ""
-$	old_f = ""
-$ loop_file: 
-$	    f = f$search( pems)
-$	    if ((f .nes. "") .and. (f .nes. old_f))
-$	    then
-$	      old_f = f
-$!	      If this file name would over-extend the command line, then
-$!	      run the command now.
-$	      if (cmd_len+ f$length( args)+ 1+ f$length( f) .gt. line_max)
-$	      then
-$	         if (args .eqs. "") then goto disaster
-$	         'cmd''args'
-$	         args = ""
-$	      endif
-$!	      Add the next file to the argument list.
-$	      args = args+ " "+ f
-$	   else
-$!            No more files in the list
-$	      goto loop_file_end
-$	   endif
-$	goto loop_file
-$	loop_file_end:
-$!	Run the command for any left-over arguments.
-$	if (args .nes. "")
-$	then
-$	   'cmd''args'
-$	endif
-$!	Delete the temporary file.
-$	if (f$search( "''temp_file_name';*") .nes. "") then -
-	 delete 'temp_file_name';*
-$	exit
-$	disaster:
-$	write sys$output "   Command line too long.  Doomed."
diff --git a/test/Attic/tx509 b/test/Attic/tx509
deleted file mode 100644
index dc9abc6..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/tx509
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-cmd='../util/shlib_wrap.sh ../apps/openssl x509'
-if [ "$1"x != "x" ]; then
-	t=$1
-	t=testx509.pem
-echo testing X509 conversions
-cp $t x509-fff.p
-echo "p -> d"
-$cmd -in x509-fff.p -inform p -outform d >x509-f.d || exit 1
-echo "p -> p"
-$cmd -in x509-fff.p -inform p -outform p >x509-f.p || exit 1
-echo "d -> d"
-$cmd -in x509-f.d -inform d -outform d >x509-ff.d1 || exit 1
-echo "p -> d"
-$cmd -in x509-f.p -inform p -outform d >x509-ff.d3 || exit 1
-echo "d -> p"
-$cmd -in x509-f.d -inform d -outform p >x509-ff.p1 || exit 1
-echo "p -> p"
-$cmd -in x509-f.p -inform p -outform p >x509-ff.p3 || exit 1
-cmp x509-fff.p x509-f.p || exit 1
-cmp x509-fff.p x509-ff.p1 || exit 1
-cmp x509-fff.p x509-ff.p3 || exit 1
-cmp x509-f.p x509-ff.p1 || exit 1
-cmp x509-f.p x509-ff.p3 || exit 1
-/bin/rm -f x509-f.* x509-ff.* x509-fff.*
-exit 0
diff --git a/test/Attic/tx509.com b/test/Attic/tx509.com
deleted file mode 100644
index 93ce988..0000000
--- a/test/Attic/tx509.com
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-$! TX509.COM  --  Tests x509 certificates
-$	__arch = "VAX"
-$	if f$getsyi("cpu") .ge. 128 then -
-	   __arch = f$edit( f$getsyi( "ARCH_NAME"), "UPCASE")
-$	if __arch .eqs. "" then __arch = "UNK"
-$	if (p2 .eqs. "64") then __arch = __arch+ "_64"
-$	exe_dir = "sys$disk:[-.''__arch'.exe.apps]"
-$	cmd = "mcr ''exe_dir'openssl x509"
-$	t = "testx509.pem"
-$	if p1 .nes. "" then t = p1
-$	write sys$output "testing X509 conversions"
-$	if f$search("fff.*") .nes "" then delete fff.*;*
-$	if f$search("ff.*") .nes "" then delete ff.*;*
-$	if f$search("f.*") .nes "" then delete f.*;*
-$	convert/fdl=sys$input: 't' fff.p
-$	write sys$output "p -> d"
-$	'cmd' -in fff.p -inform p -outform d -out f.d
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "p -> n"
-$	'cmd' -in fff.p -inform p -outform n -out f.n
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "p -> p"
-$	'cmd' -in fff.p -inform p -outform p -out f.p
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "d -> d"
-$	'cmd' -in f.d -inform d -outform d -out ff.d1
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "n -> d"
-$	'cmd' -in f.n -inform n -outform d -out ff.d2
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "p -> d"
-$	'cmd' -in f.p -inform p -outform d -out ff.d3
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "d -> n"
-$	'cmd' -in f.d -inform d -outform n -out ff.n1
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "n -> n"
-$	'cmd' -in f.n -inform n -outform n -out ff.n2
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "p -> n"
-$	'cmd' -in f.p -inform p -outform n -out ff.n3
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "d -> p"
-$	'cmd' -in f.d -inform d -outform p -out ff.p1
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "n -> p"
-$	'cmd' -in f.n -inform n -outform p -out ff.p2
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	write sys$output "p -> p"
-$	'cmd' -in f.p -inform p -outform p -out ff.p3
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare fff.p f.p
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare fff.p ff.p1
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare fff.p ff.p2
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare fff.p ff.p3
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare f.n ff.n1
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare f.n ff.n2
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare f.n ff.n3
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare f.p ff.p1
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare f.p ff.p2
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	backup/compare f.p ff.p3
-$	if $severity .ne. 1 then exit 3
-$	delete f.*;*,ff.*;*,fff.*;*

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