[openssl-commits] [openssl] master update
Andy Polyakov
appro at openssl.org
Tue Jun 14 21:21:31 UTC 2016
The branch master has been updated
via 627c95337611151b4293944e1b706fea7e1ba5dc (commit)
via 74daca72a59d7200929b23096f2ff15e93a2ee25 (commit)
via 46f047d76b22b6a7b6ed92467b5b288b63d574e9 (commit)
via b53d32574b58e7a8a170d3127add3f048a6f4d0a (commit)
from a15cfae6561e9f68e6fd505f718e04fd9adae86a (commit)
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 627c95337611151b4293944e1b706fea7e1ba5dc
Author: Andy Polyakov <appro at openssl.org>
Date: Sat Jun 4 19:24:57 2016 +0200
aes/asm/aesp8-ppc.pl: implement "tweak chaining".
This is useful in Linux kernel context, in cases data happens
to be fragmented and processing can take multiple calls.
Reviewed-by: Rich Salz <rsalz at openssl.org>
commit 74daca72a59d7200929b23096f2ff15e93a2ee25
Author: Andy Polyakov <appro at openssl.org>
Date: Mon May 30 23:58:40 2016 +0200
test/evptests.txt: add more XTS tests.
Reviewed-by: Rich Salz <rsalz at openssl.org>
commit 46f047d76b22b6a7b6ed92467b5b288b63d574e9
Author: Andy Polyakov <appro at openssl.org>
Date: Mon May 30 21:33:52 2016 +0200
evp/e_aes.c: wire hardware-assisted XTS subroutines.
Reviewed-by: Rich Salz <rsalz at openssl.org>
commit b53d32574b58e7a8a170d3127add3f048a6f4d0a
Author: Andy Polyakov <appro at openssl.org>
Date: Mon May 30 21:33:29 2016 +0200
aes/asm/aesp8-ppc.pl: add XTS subroutines.
Reviewed-by: Rich Salz <rsalz at openssl.org>
Summary of changes:
crypto/aes/asm/aesp8-ppc.pl | 1856 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
crypto/evp/e_aes.c | 14 +
test/evptests.txt | 85 ++
3 files changed, 1955 insertions(+)
diff --git a/crypto/aes/asm/aesp8-ppc.pl b/crypto/aes/asm/aesp8-ppc.pl
index ad54204..3fdf1ec 100755
--- a/crypto/aes/asm/aesp8-ppc.pl
+++ b/crypto/aes/asm/aesp8-ppc.pl
@@ -27,6 +27,19 @@
# instructions are interleaved. It's reckoned that eventual
# misalignment penalties at page boundaries are in average lower
# than additional overhead in pure AltiVec approach.
+# May 2016
+# Add XTS subroutine, 9x on little- and 12x improvement on big-endian
+# systems were measured.
+# Current large-block performance in cycles per byte processed with
+# 128-bit key (less is better).
+# CBC en-/decrypt CTR XTS
+# POWER8[le] 3.96/0.72 0.74 1.1
+# POWER8[be] 3.75/0.65 0.66 1.0
$flavour = shift;
@@ -1894,6 +1907,1849 @@ Lctr32_enc8x_done:
}} }}}
+{{{ # XTS procedures #
+# int aes_p8_xts_[en|de]crypt(const char *inp, char *out, size_t len, #
+# const AES_KEY *key1, const AES_KEY *key2, #
+# [const] unsigned char iv[16]); #
+# If $key2 is NULL, then a "tweak chaining" mode is engaged, in which #
+# input tweak value is assumed to be encrypted already, and last tweak #
+# value, one suitable for consecutive call on same chunk of data, is #
+# written back to original buffer. In addition, in "tweak chaining" #
+# mode only complete input blocks are processed. #
+my ($inp,$out,$len,$key1,$key2,$ivp,$rounds,$idx) = map("r$_",(3..10));
+my ($rndkey0,$rndkey1,$inout) = map("v$_",(0..2));
+my ($output,$inptail,$inpperm,$leperm,$keyperm) = map("v$_",(3..7));
+my ($tweak,$seven,$eighty7,$tmp,$tweak1) = map("v$_",(8..12));
+my $taillen = $key2;
+ ($inp,$idx) = ($idx,$inp); # reassign
+.globl .${prefix}_xts_encrypt
+.align 5
+ mr $inp,r3 # reassign
+ li r3,-1
+ ${UCMP}i $len,16
+ bltlr-
+ lis r0,0xfff0
+ mfspr r12,256 # save vrsave
+ li r11,0
+ mtspr 256,r0
+ vspltisb $seven,0x07 # 0x070707..07
+ le?lvsl $leperm,r11,r11
+ le?vspltisb $tmp,0x0f
+ le?vxor $leperm,$leperm,$seven
+ li $idx,15
+ lvx $tweak,0,$ivp # load [unaligned] iv
+ lvsl $inpperm,0,$ivp
+ lvx $inptail,$idx,$ivp
+ le?vxor $inpperm,$inpperm,$tmp
+ vperm $tweak,$tweak,$inptail,$inpperm
+ neg r11,$inp
+ lvsr $inpperm,0,r11 # prepare for unaligned load
+ lvx $inout,0,$inp
+ addi $inp,$inp,15 # 15 is not typo
+ le?vxor $inpperm,$inpperm,$tmp
+ ${UCMP}i $key2,0 # key2==NULL?
+ beq Lxts_enc_no_key2
+ ?lvsl $keyperm,0,$key2 # prepare for unaligned key
+ lwz $rounds,240($key2)
+ srwi $rounds,$rounds,1
+ subi $rounds,$rounds,1
+ li $idx,16
+ lvx $rndkey0,0,$key2
+ lvx $rndkey1,$idx,$key2
+ addi $idx,$idx,16
+ ?vperm $rndkey0,$rndkey0,$rndkey1,$keyperm
+ vxor $tweak,$tweak,$rndkey0
+ lvx $rndkey0,$idx,$key2
+ addi $idx,$idx,16
+ mtctr $rounds
+ ?vperm $rndkey1,$rndkey1,$rndkey0,$keyperm
+ vcipher $tweak,$tweak,$rndkey1
+ lvx $rndkey1,$idx,$key2
+ addi $idx,$idx,16
+ ?vperm $rndkey0,$rndkey0,$rndkey1,$keyperm
+ vcipher $tweak,$tweak,$rndkey0
+ lvx $rndkey0,$idx,$key2
+ addi $idx,$idx,16
+ bdnz Ltweak_xts_enc
+ ?vperm $rndkey1,$rndkey1,$rndkey0,$keyperm
+ vcipher $tweak,$tweak,$rndkey1
+ lvx $rndkey1,$idx,$key2
+ ?vperm $rndkey0,$rndkey0,$rndkey1,$keyperm
+ vcipherlast $tweak,$tweak,$rndkey0
+ li $ivp,0 # don't chain the tweak
+ b Lxts_enc
+ li $idx,-16
+ and $len,$len,$idx # in "tweak chaining"
+ # mode only complete
+ # blocks are processed
+ lvx $inptail,0,$inp
+ addi $inp,$inp,16
+ ?lvsl $keyperm,0,$key1 # prepare for unaligned key
+ lwz $rounds,240($key1)
+ srwi $rounds,$rounds,1
+ subi $rounds,$rounds,1
+ li $idx,16
+ vslb $eighty7,$seven,$seven # 0x808080..80
+ vor $eighty7,$eighty7,$seven # 0x878787..87
+ vspltisb $tmp,1 # 0x010101..01
+ vsldoi $eighty7,$eighty7,$tmp,15 # 0x870101..01
+ ${UCMP}i $len,96
+ bge _aesp8_xts_encrypt6x
+ andi. $taillen,$len,15
+ subic r0,$len,32
+ subi $taillen,$taillen,16
+ subfe r0,r0,r0
+ and r0,r0,$taillen
+ add $inp,$inp,r0
+ lvx $rndkey0,0,$key1
+ lvx $rndkey1,$idx,$key1
+ addi $idx,$idx,16
+ vperm $inout,$inout,$inptail,$inpperm
+ ?vperm $rndkey0,$rndkey0,$rndkey1,$keyperm
+ vxor $inout,$inout,$tweak
+ vxor $inout,$inout,$rndkey0
+ lvx $rndkey0,$idx,$key1
+ addi $idx,$idx,16
+ mtctr $rounds
+ b Loop_xts_enc
+.align 5
+ ?vperm $rndkey1,$rndkey1,$rndkey0,$keyperm
+ vcipher $inout,$inout,$rndkey1
+ lvx $rndkey1,$idx,$key1
+ addi $idx,$idx,16
+ ?vperm $rndkey0,$rndkey0,$rndkey1,$keyperm
+ vcipher $inout,$inout,$rndkey0
+ lvx $rndkey0,$idx,$key1
+ addi $idx,$idx,16
+ bdnz Loop_xts_enc
+ ?vperm $rndkey1,$rndkey1,$rndkey0,$keyperm
+ vcipher $inout,$inout,$rndkey1
+ lvx $rndkey1,$idx,$key1
+ li $idx,16
+ ?vperm $rndkey0,$rndkey0,$rndkey1,$keyperm
+ vxor $rndkey0,$rndkey0,$tweak
+ vcipherlast $output,$inout,$rndkey0
+ le?vperm $tmp,$output,$output,$leperm
+ be?nop
+ le?stvx_u $tmp,0,$out
+ be?stvx_u $output,0,$out
+ addi $out,$out,16
+ subic. $len,$len,16
+ beq Lxts_enc_done
+ vmr $inout,$inptail
+ lvx $inptail,0,$inp
+ addi $inp,$inp,16
+ lvx $rndkey0,0,$key1
+ lvx $rndkey1,$idx,$key1
+ addi $idx,$idx,16
+ subic r0,$len,32
+ subfe r0,r0,r0
+ and r0,r0,$taillen
+ add $inp,$inp,r0
+ vsrab $tmp,$tweak,$seven # next tweak value
+ vaddubm $tweak,$tweak,$tweak
+ vsldoi $tmp,$tmp,$tmp,15
+ vand $tmp,$tmp,$eighty7
+ vxor $tweak,$tweak,$tmp
+ vperm $inout,$inout,$inptail,$inpperm
+ ?vperm $rndkey0,$rndkey0,$rndkey1,$keyperm
+ vxor $inout,$inout,$tweak
+ vxor $output,$output,$rndkey0 # just in case $len<16
+ vxor $inout,$inout,$rndkey0
+ lvx $rndkey0,$idx,$key1
+ addi $idx,$idx,16
+ mtctr $rounds
+ ${UCMP}i $len,16
+ bge Loop_xts_enc
+ vxor $output,$output,$tweak
+ lvsr $inpperm,0,$len # $inpperm is no longer needed
+ vxor $inptail,$inptail,$inptail # $inptail is no longer needed
+ vspltisb $tmp,-1
+ vperm $inptail,$inptail,$tmp,$inpperm
+ vsel $inout,$inout,$output,$inptail
+ subi r11,$out,17
+ subi $out,$out,16
+ mtctr $len
+ li $len,16
+ lbzu r0,1(r11)
+ stb r0,16(r11)
+ bdnz Loop_xts_enc_steal
+ mtctr $rounds
+ b Loop_xts_enc # one more time...
+ ${UCMP}i $ivp,0
+ beq Lxts_enc_ret
+ vsrab $tmp,$tweak,$seven # next tweak value
+ vaddubm $tweak,$tweak,$tweak
+ vsldoi $tmp,$tmp,$tmp,15
+ vand $tmp,$tmp,$eighty7
+ vxor $tweak,$tweak,$tmp
+ le?vperm $tweak,$tweak,$tweak,$leperm
+ stvx_u $tweak,0,$ivp
+ mtspr 256,r12 # restore vrsave
+ li r3,0
+ blr
+ .long 0
+ .byte 0,12,0x04,0,0x80,6,6,0
+ .long 0
+.size .${prefix}_xts_encrypt,.-.${prefix}_xts_encrypt
+.globl .${prefix}_xts_decrypt
+.align 5
+ mr $inp,r3 # reassign
+ li r3,-1
+ ${UCMP}i $len,16
+ bltlr-
+ lis r0,0xfff8
+ mfspr r12,256 # save vrsave
+ li r11,0
+ mtspr 256,r0
+ andi. r0,$len,15
+ neg r0,r0
+ andi. r0,r0,16
+ sub $len,$len,r0
+ vspltisb $seven,0x07 # 0x070707..07
+ le?lvsl $leperm,r11,r11
+ le?vspltisb $tmp,0x0f
+ le?vxor $leperm,$leperm,$seven
+ li $idx,15
+ lvx $tweak,0,$ivp # load [unaligned] iv
+ lvsl $inpperm,0,$ivp
+ lvx $inptail,$idx,$ivp
+ le?vxor $inpperm,$inpperm,$tmp
+ vperm $tweak,$tweak,$inptail,$inpperm
+ neg r11,$inp
+ lvsr $inpperm,0,r11 # prepare for unaligned load
+ lvx $inout,0,$inp
+ addi $inp,$inp,15 # 15 is not typo
+ le?vxor $inpperm,$inpperm,$tmp
+ ${UCMP}i $key2,0 # key2==NULL?
+ beq Lxts_dec_no_key2
+ ?lvsl $keyperm,0,$key2 # prepare for unaligned key
+ lwz $rounds,240($key2)
+ srwi $rounds,$rounds,1
+ subi $rounds,$rounds,1
+ li $idx,16
+ lvx $rndkey0,0,$key2
+ lvx $rndkey1,$idx,$key2
+ addi $idx,$idx,16
+ ?vperm $rndkey0,$rndkey0,$rndkey1,$keyperm
+ vxor $tweak,$tweak,$rndkey0
+ lvx $rndkey0,$idx,$key2
+ addi $idx,$idx,16
+ mtctr $rounds
+ ?vperm $rndkey1,$rndkey1,$rndkey0,$keyperm
+ vcipher $tweak,$tweak,$rndkey1
+ lvx $rndkey1,$idx,$key2
+ addi $idx,$idx,16
+ ?vperm $rndkey0,$rndkey0,$rndkey1,$keyperm
+ vcipher $tweak,$tweak,$rndkey0
+ lvx $rndkey0,$idx,$key2
+ addi $idx,$idx,16
+ bdnz Ltweak_xts_dec
+ ?vperm $rndkey1,$rndkey1,$rndkey0,$keyperm
+ vcipher $tweak,$tweak,$rndkey1
+ lvx $rndkey1,$idx,$key2
+ ?vperm $rndkey0,$rndkey0,$rndkey1,$keyperm
+ vcipherlast $tweak,$tweak,$rndkey0
+ li $ivp,0 # don't chain the tweak
+ b Lxts_dec
+ neg $idx,$len
+ andi. $idx,$idx,15
+ add $len,$len,$idx # in "tweak chaining"
+ # mode only complete
+ # blocks are processed
+ lvx $inptail,0,$inp
+ addi $inp,$inp,16
+ ?lvsl $keyperm,0,$key1 # prepare for unaligned key
+ lwz $rounds,240($key1)
+ srwi $rounds,$rounds,1
+ subi $rounds,$rounds,1
+ li $idx,16
+ vslb $eighty7,$seven,$seven # 0x808080..80
+ vor $eighty7,$eighty7,$seven # 0x878787..87
+ vspltisb $tmp,1 # 0x010101..01
+ vsldoi $eighty7,$eighty7,$tmp,15 # 0x870101..01
+ ${UCMP}i $len,96
+ bge _aesp8_xts_decrypt6x
+ lvx $rndkey0,0,$key1
+ lvx $rndkey1,$idx,$key1
+ addi $idx,$idx,16
+ vperm $inout,$inout,$inptail,$inpperm
+ ?vperm $rndkey0,$rndkey0,$rndkey1,$keyperm
+ vxor $inout,$inout,$tweak
+ vxor $inout,$inout,$rndkey0
+ lvx $rndkey0,$idx,$key1
+ addi $idx,$idx,16
+ mtctr $rounds
+ ${UCMP}i $len,16
+ blt Ltail_xts_dec
+ be?b Loop_xts_dec
+.align 5
+ ?vperm $rndkey1,$rndkey1,$rndkey0,$keyperm
+ vncipher $inout,$inout,$rndkey1
+ lvx $rndkey1,$idx,$key1
+ addi $idx,$idx,16
+ ?vperm $rndkey0,$rndkey0,$rndkey1,$keyperm
+ vncipher $inout,$inout,$rndkey0
+ lvx $rndkey0,$idx,$key1
+ addi $idx,$idx,16
+ bdnz Loop_xts_dec
+ ?vperm $rndkey1,$rndkey1,$rndkey0,$keyperm
+ vncipher $inout,$inout,$rndkey1
+ lvx $rndkey1,$idx,$key1
+ li $idx,16
+ ?vperm $rndkey0,$rndkey0,$rndkey1,$keyperm
+ vxor $rndkey0,$rndkey0,$tweak
+ vncipherlast $output,$inout,$rndkey0
+ le?vperm $tmp,$output,$output,$leperm
+ be?nop
+ le?stvx_u $tmp,0,$out
+ be?stvx_u $output,0,$out
+ addi $out,$out,16
+ subic. $len,$len,16
+ beq Lxts_dec_done
+ vmr $inout,$inptail
+ lvx $inptail,0,$inp
+ addi $inp,$inp,16
+ lvx $rndkey0,0,$key1
+ lvx $rndkey1,$idx,$key1
+ addi $idx,$idx,16
+ vsrab $tmp,$tweak,$seven # next tweak value
+ vaddubm $tweak,$tweak,$tweak
+ vsldoi $tmp,$tmp,$tmp,15
+ vand $tmp,$tmp,$eighty7
+ vxor $tweak,$tweak,$tmp
+ vperm $inout,$inout,$inptail,$inpperm
+ ?vperm $rndkey0,$rndkey0,$rndkey1,$keyperm
+ vxor $inout,$inout,$tweak
+ vxor $inout,$inout,$rndkey0
+ lvx $rndkey0,$idx,$key1
+ addi $idx,$idx,16
+ mtctr $rounds
+ ${UCMP}i $len,16
+ bge Loop_xts_dec
+ vsrab $tmp,$tweak,$seven # next tweak value
+ vaddubm $tweak1,$tweak,$tweak
+ vsldoi $tmp,$tmp,$tmp,15
+ vand $tmp,$tmp,$eighty7
+ vxor $tweak1,$tweak1,$tmp
+ subi $inp,$inp,16
+ add $inp,$inp,$len
+ vxor $inout,$inout,$tweak # :-(
+ vxor $inout,$inout,$tweak1 # :-)
+ ?vperm $rndkey1,$rndkey1,$rndkey0,$keyperm
+ vncipher $inout,$inout,$rndkey1
+ lvx $rndkey1,$idx,$key1
+ addi $idx,$idx,16
+ ?vperm $rndkey0,$rndkey0,$rndkey1,$keyperm
+ vncipher $inout,$inout,$rndkey0
+ lvx $rndkey0,$idx,$key1
+ addi $idx,$idx,16
+ bdnz Loop_xts_dec_short
+ ?vperm $rndkey1,$rndkey1,$rndkey0,$keyperm
+ vncipher $inout,$inout,$rndkey1
+ lvx $rndkey1,$idx,$key1
+ li $idx,16
+ ?vperm $rndkey0,$rndkey0,$rndkey1,$keyperm
+ vxor $rndkey0,$rndkey0,$tweak1
+ vncipherlast $output,$inout,$rndkey0
+ le?vperm $tmp,$output,$output,$leperm
+ be?nop
+ le?stvx_u $tmp,0,$out
+ be?stvx_u $output,0,$out
+ vmr $inout,$inptail
+ lvx $inptail,0,$inp
+ #addi $inp,$inp,16
+ lvx $rndkey0,0,$key1
+ lvx $rndkey1,$idx,$key1
+ addi $idx,$idx,16
+ vperm $inout,$inout,$inptail,$inpperm
+ ?vperm $rndkey0,$rndkey0,$rndkey1,$keyperm
+ lvsr $inpperm,0,$len # $inpperm is no longer needed
+ vxor $inptail,$inptail,$inptail # $inptail is no longer needed
+ vspltisb $tmp,-1
+ vperm $inptail,$inptail,$tmp,$inpperm
+ vsel $inout,$inout,$output,$inptail
+ vxor $rndkey0,$rndkey0,$tweak
+ vxor $inout,$inout,$rndkey0
+ lvx $rndkey0,$idx,$key1
+ addi $idx,$idx,16
+ subi r11,$out,1
+ mtctr $len
+ li $len,16
+ lbzu r0,1(r11)
+ stb r0,16(r11)
+ bdnz Loop_xts_dec_steal
+ mtctr $rounds
+ b Loop_xts_dec # one more time...
+ ${UCMP}i $ivp,0
+ beq Lxts_dec_ret
+ vsrab $tmp,$tweak,$seven # next tweak value
+ vaddubm $tweak,$tweak,$tweak
+ vsldoi $tmp,$tmp,$tmp,15
+ vand $tmp,$tmp,$eighty7
+ vxor $tweak,$tweak,$tmp
+ le?vperm $tweak,$tweak,$tweak,$leperm
+ stvx_u $tweak,0,$ivp
+ mtspr 256,r12 # restore vrsave
+ li r3,0
+ blr
+ .long 0
+ .byte 0,12,0x04,0,0x80,6,6,0
+ .long 0
+.size .${prefix}_xts_decrypt,.-.${prefix}_xts_decrypt
+{{ # Optimized XTS procedures #
+my $key_=$key2;
+my ($x00,$x10,$x20,$x30,$x40,$x50,$x60,$x70)=map("r$_",(0,3,26..31));
+ $x00=0 if ($flavour =~ /osx/);
+my ($in0, $in1, $in2, $in3, $in4, $in5 )=map("v$_",(0..5));
+my ($out0, $out1, $out2, $out3, $out4, $out5)=map("v$_",(7,12..16));
+my ($twk0, $twk1, $twk2, $twk3, $twk4, $twk5)=map("v$_",(17..22));
+my $rndkey0="v23"; # v24-v25 rotating buffer for first found keys
+ # v26-v31 last 6 round keys
+my ($keyperm)=($out0); # aliases with "caller", redundant assignment
+my $taillen=$x70;
+.align 5
+ $STU $sp,-`($FRAME+21*16+6*$SIZE_T)`($sp)
+ mflr r11
+ li r7,`$FRAME+8*16+15`
+ li r3,`$FRAME+8*16+31`
+ $PUSH r11,`$FRAME+21*16+6*$SIZE_T+$LRSAVE`($sp)
+ stvx v20,r7,$sp # ABI says so
+ addi r7,r7,32
+ stvx v21,r3,$sp
+ addi r3,r3,32
+ stvx v22,r7,$sp
+ addi r7,r7,32
+ stvx v23,r3,$sp
+ addi r3,r3,32
+ stvx v24,r7,$sp
+ addi r7,r7,32
+ stvx v25,r3,$sp
+ addi r3,r3,32
+ stvx v26,r7,$sp
+ addi r7,r7,32
+ stvx v27,r3,$sp
+ addi r3,r3,32
+ stvx v28,r7,$sp
+ addi r7,r7,32
+ stvx v29,r3,$sp
+ addi r3,r3,32
+ stvx v30,r7,$sp
+ stvx v31,r3,$sp
+ li r0,-1
+ stw $vrsave,`$FRAME+21*16-4`($sp) # save vrsave
+ li $x10,0x10
+ $PUSH r26,`$FRAME+21*16+0*$SIZE_T`($sp)
+ li $x20,0x20
+ $PUSH r27,`$FRAME+21*16+1*$SIZE_T`($sp)
+ li $x30,0x30
+ $PUSH r28,`$FRAME+21*16+2*$SIZE_T`($sp)
+ li $x40,0x40
+ $PUSH r29,`$FRAME+21*16+3*$SIZE_T`($sp)
+ li $x50,0x50
+ $PUSH r30,`$FRAME+21*16+4*$SIZE_T`($sp)
+ li $x60,0x60
+ $PUSH r31,`$FRAME+21*16+5*$SIZE_T`($sp)
+ li $x70,0x70
+ mtspr 256,r0
+ subi $rounds,$rounds,3 # -4 in total
+ lvx $rndkey0,$x00,$key1 # load key schedule
+ lvx v30,$x10,$key1
+ addi $key1,$key1,0x20
+ lvx v31,$x00,$key1
+ ?vperm $rndkey0,$rndkey0,v30,$keyperm
+ addi $key_,$sp,$FRAME+15
+ mtctr $rounds
+ ?vperm v24,v30,v31,$keyperm
+ lvx v30,$x10,$key1
+ addi $key1,$key1,0x20
+ stvx v24,$x00,$key_ # off-load round[1]
+ ?vperm v25,v31,v30,$keyperm
+ lvx v31,$x00,$key1
+ stvx v25,$x10,$key_ # off-load round[2]
+ addi $key_,$key_,0x20
+ bdnz Load_xts_enc_key
+ lvx v26,$x10,$key1
+ ?vperm v24,v30,v31,$keyperm
+ lvx v27,$x20,$key1
+ stvx v24,$x00,$key_ # off-load round[3]
+ ?vperm v25,v31,v26,$keyperm
+ lvx v28,$x30,$key1
+ stvx v25,$x10,$key_ # off-load round[4]
+ addi $key_,$sp,$FRAME+15 # rewind $key_
+ ?vperm v26,v26,v27,$keyperm
+ lvx v29,$x40,$key1
+ ?vperm v27,v27,v28,$keyperm
+ lvx v30,$x50,$key1
+ ?vperm v28,v28,v29,$keyperm
+ lvx v31,$x60,$key1
+ ?vperm v29,v29,v30,$keyperm
+ lvx $twk5,$x70,$key1 # borrow $twk5
+ ?vperm v30,v30,v31,$keyperm
+ lvx v24,$x00,$key_ # pre-load round[1]
+ ?vperm v31,v31,$twk5,$keyperm
+ lvx v25,$x10,$key_ # pre-load round[2]
+ vperm $in0,$inout,$inptail,$inpperm
+ subi $inp,$inp,31 # undo "caller"
+ vxor $twk0,$tweak,$rndkey0
+ vsrab $tmp,$tweak,$seven # next tweak value
+ vaddubm $tweak,$tweak,$tweak
+ vsldoi $tmp,$tmp,$tmp,15
+ vand $tmp,$tmp,$eighty7
+ vxor $out0,$in0,$twk0
+ vxor $tweak,$tweak,$tmp
+ lvx_u $in1,$x10,$inp
+ vxor $twk1,$tweak,$rndkey0
+ vsrab $tmp,$tweak,$seven # next tweak value
+ vaddubm $tweak,$tweak,$tweak
+ vsldoi $tmp,$tmp,$tmp,15
+ le?vperm $in1,$in1,$in1,$leperm
+ vand $tmp,$tmp,$eighty7
+ vxor $out1,$in1,$twk1
+ vxor $tweak,$tweak,$tmp
+ lvx_u $in2,$x20,$inp
+ andi. $taillen,$len,15
+ vxor $twk2,$tweak,$rndkey0
+ vsrab $tmp,$tweak,$seven # next tweak value
+ vaddubm $tweak,$tweak,$tweak
+ vsldoi $tmp,$tmp,$tmp,15
+ le?vperm $in2,$in2,$in2,$leperm
+ vand $tmp,$tmp,$eighty7
+ vxor $out2,$in2,$twk2
+ vxor $tweak,$tweak,$tmp
+ lvx_u $in3,$x30,$inp
+ sub $len,$len,$taillen
+ vxor $twk3,$tweak,$rndkey0
+ vsrab $tmp,$tweak,$seven # next tweak value
+ vaddubm $tweak,$tweak,$tweak
+ vsldoi $tmp,$tmp,$tmp,15
+ le?vperm $in3,$in3,$in3,$leperm
+ vand $tmp,$tmp,$eighty7
+ vxor $out3,$in3,$twk3
+ vxor $tweak,$tweak,$tmp
+ lvx_u $in4,$x40,$inp
+ subi $len,$len,0x60
+ vxor $twk4,$tweak,$rndkey0
+ vsrab $tmp,$tweak,$seven # next tweak value
+ vaddubm $tweak,$tweak,$tweak
+ vsldoi $tmp,$tmp,$tmp,15
+ le?vperm $in4,$in4,$in4,$leperm
+ vand $tmp,$tmp,$eighty7
+ vxor $out4,$in4,$twk4
+ vxor $tweak,$tweak,$tmp
+ lvx_u $in5,$x50,$inp
+ addi $inp,$inp,0x60
+ vxor $twk5,$tweak,$rndkey0
+ vsrab $tmp,$tweak,$seven # next tweak value
+ vaddubm $tweak,$tweak,$tweak
+ vsldoi $tmp,$tmp,$tmp,15
+ le?vperm $in5,$in5,$in5,$leperm
+ vand $tmp,$tmp,$eighty7
+ vxor $out5,$in5,$twk5
+ vxor $tweak,$tweak,$tmp
+ vxor v31,v31,$rndkey0
+ mtctr $rounds
+ b Loop_xts_enc6x
+.align 5
+ vcipher $out0,$out0,v24
+ vcipher $out1,$out1,v24
+ vcipher $out2,$out2,v24
+ vcipher $out3,$out3,v24
+ vcipher $out4,$out4,v24
+ vcipher $out5,$out5,v24
+ lvx v24,$x20,$key_ # round[3]
+ addi $key_,$key_,0x20
+ vcipher $out0,$out0,v25
+ vcipher $out1,$out1,v25
+ vcipher $out2,$out2,v25
+ vcipher $out3,$out3,v25
+ vcipher $out4,$out4,v25
+ vcipher $out5,$out5,v25
+ lvx v25,$x10,$key_ # round[4]
+ bdnz Loop_xts_enc6x
+ subic $len,$len,96 # $len-=96
+ vxor $in0,$twk0,v31 # xor with last round key
+ vcipher $out0,$out0,v24
+ vcipher $out1,$out1,v24
+ vsrab $tmp,$tweak,$seven # next tweak value
+ vxor $twk0,$tweak,$rndkey0
+ vaddubm $tweak,$tweak,$tweak
+ vcipher $out2,$out2,v24
+ vcipher $out3,$out3,v24
+ vsldoi $tmp,$tmp,$tmp,15
+ vcipher $out4,$out4,v24
+ vcipher $out5,$out5,v24
+ subfe. r0,r0,r0 # borrow?-1:0
+ vand $tmp,$tmp,$eighty7
+ vcipher $out0,$out0,v25
+ vcipher $out1,$out1,v25
+ vxor $tweak,$tweak,$tmp
+ vcipher $out2,$out2,v25
+ vcipher $out3,$out3,v25
+ vxor $in1,$twk1,v31
+ vsrab $tmp,$tweak,$seven # next tweak value
+ vxor $twk1,$tweak,$rndkey0
+ vcipher $out4,$out4,v25
+ vcipher $out5,$out5,v25
+ and r0,r0,$len
+ vaddubm $tweak,$tweak,$tweak
+ vsldoi $tmp,$tmp,$tmp,15
+ vcipher $out0,$out0,v26
+ vcipher $out1,$out1,v26
+ vand $tmp,$tmp,$eighty7
+ vcipher $out2,$out2,v26
+ vcipher $out3,$out3,v26
+ vxor $tweak,$tweak,$tmp
+ vcipher $out4,$out4,v26
+ vcipher $out5,$out5,v26
+ add $inp,$inp,r0 # $inp is adjusted in such
+ # way that at exit from the
+ # loop inX-in5 are loaded
+ # with last "words"
+ vxor $in2,$twk2,v31
+ vsrab $tmp,$tweak,$seven # next tweak value
+ vxor $twk2,$tweak,$rndkey0
+ vaddubm $tweak,$tweak,$tweak
+ vcipher $out0,$out0,v27
+ vcipher $out1,$out1,v27
+ vsldoi $tmp,$tmp,$tmp,15
+ vcipher $out2,$out2,v27
+ vcipher $out3,$out3,v27
+ vand $tmp,$tmp,$eighty7
+ vcipher $out4,$out4,v27
+ vcipher $out5,$out5,v27
+ addi $key_,$sp,$FRAME+15 # rewind $key_
+ vxor $tweak,$tweak,$tmp
+ vcipher $out0,$out0,v28
+ vcipher $out1,$out1,v28
+ vxor $in3,$twk3,v31
+ vsrab $tmp,$tweak,$seven # next tweak value
+ vxor $twk3,$tweak,$rndkey0
+ vcipher $out2,$out2,v28
+ vcipher $out3,$out3,v28
+ vaddubm $tweak,$tweak,$tweak
+ vsldoi $tmp,$tmp,$tmp,15
+ vcipher $out4,$out4,v28
+ vcipher $out5,$out5,v28
+ lvx v24,$x00,$key_ # re-pre-load round[1]
+ vand $tmp,$tmp,$eighty7
+ vcipher $out0,$out0,v29
+ vcipher $out1,$out1,v29
+ vxor $tweak,$tweak,$tmp
+ vcipher $out2,$out2,v29
+ vcipher $out3,$out3,v29
+ vxor $in4,$twk4,v31
+ vsrab $tmp,$tweak,$seven # next tweak value
+ vxor $twk4,$tweak,$rndkey0
+ vcipher $out4,$out4,v29
+ vcipher $out5,$out5,v29
+ lvx v25,$x10,$key_ # re-pre-load round[2]
+ vaddubm $tweak,$tweak,$tweak
+ vsldoi $tmp,$tmp,$tmp,15
+ vcipher $out0,$out0,v30
+ vcipher $out1,$out1,v30
+ vand $tmp,$tmp,$eighty7
+ vcipher $out2,$out2,v30
+ vcipher $out3,$out3,v30
+ vxor $tweak,$tweak,$tmp
+ vcipher $out4,$out4,v30
+ vcipher $out5,$out5,v30
+ vxor $in5,$twk5,v31
+ vsrab $tmp,$tweak,$seven # next tweak value
+ vxor $twk5,$tweak,$rndkey0
+ vcipherlast $out0,$out0,$in0
+ lvx_u $in0,$x00,$inp # load next input block
+ vaddubm $tweak,$tweak,$tweak
+ vsldoi $tmp,$tmp,$tmp,15
+ vcipherlast $out1,$out1,$in1
+ lvx_u $in1,$x10,$inp
+ vcipherlast $out2,$out2,$in2
+ le?vperm $in0,$in0,$in0,$leperm
+ lvx_u $in2,$x20,$inp
+ vand $tmp,$tmp,$eighty7
+ vcipherlast $out3,$out3,$in3
+ le?vperm $in1,$in1,$in1,$leperm
+ lvx_u $in3,$x30,$inp
+ vcipherlast $out4,$out4,$in4
+ le?vperm $in2,$in2,$in2,$leperm
+ lvx_u $in4,$x40,$inp
+ vxor $tweak,$tweak,$tmp
+ vcipherlast $tmp,$out5,$in5 # last block might be needed
+ # in stealing mode
+ le?vperm $in3,$in3,$in3,$leperm
+ lvx_u $in5,$x50,$inp
+ addi $inp,$inp,0x60
+ le?vperm $in4,$in4,$in4,$leperm
+ le?vperm $in5,$in5,$in5,$leperm
+ le?vperm $out0,$out0,$out0,$leperm
+ le?vperm $out1,$out1,$out1,$leperm
+ stvx_u $out0,$x00,$out # store output
+ vxor $out0,$in0,$twk0
+ le?vperm $out2,$out2,$out2,$leperm
+ stvx_u $out1,$x10,$out
+ vxor $out1,$in1,$twk1
+ le?vperm $out3,$out3,$out3,$leperm
+ stvx_u $out2,$x20,$out
+ vxor $out2,$in2,$twk2
+ le?vperm $out4,$out4,$out4,$leperm
+ stvx_u $out3,$x30,$out
+ vxor $out3,$in3,$twk3
+ le?vperm $out5,$tmp,$tmp,$leperm
+ stvx_u $out4,$x40,$out
+ vxor $out4,$in4,$twk4
+ le?stvx_u $out5,$x50,$out
+ be?stvx_u $tmp, $x50,$out
+ vxor $out5,$in5,$twk5
+ addi $out,$out,0x60
+ mtctr $rounds
+ beq Loop_xts_enc6x # did $len-=96 borrow?
+ addic. $len,$len,0x60
+ beq Lxts_enc6x_zero
+ cmpwi $len,0x20
+ blt Lxts_enc6x_one
+ nop
+ beq Lxts_enc6x_two
+ cmpwi $len,0x40
+ blt Lxts_enc6x_three
+ nop
+ beq Lxts_enc6x_four
+ vxor $out0,$in1,$twk0
+ vxor $out1,$in2,$twk1
+ vxor $out2,$in3,$twk2
+ vxor $out3,$in4,$twk3
+ vxor $out4,$in5,$twk4
+ bl _aesp8_xts_enc5x
+ le?vperm $out0,$out0,$out0,$leperm
+ vmr $twk0,$twk5 # unused tweak
+ le?vperm $out1,$out1,$out1,$leperm
+ stvx_u $out0,$x00,$out # store output
+ le?vperm $out2,$out2,$out2,$leperm
+ stvx_u $out1,$x10,$out
+ le?vperm $out3,$out3,$out3,$leperm
+ stvx_u $out2,$x20,$out
+ vxor $tmp,$out4,$twk5 # last block prep for stealing
+ le?vperm $out4,$out4,$out4,$leperm
+ stvx_u $out3,$x30,$out
+ stvx_u $out4,$x40,$out
+ addi $out,$out,0x50
+ bne Lxts_enc6x_steal
+ b Lxts_enc6x_done
+.align 4
+ vxor $out0,$in2,$twk0
+ vxor $out1,$in3,$twk1
+ vxor $out2,$in4,$twk2
+ vxor $out3,$in5,$twk3
+ vxor $out4,$out4,$out4
+ bl _aesp8_xts_enc5x
+ le?vperm $out0,$out0,$out0,$leperm
+ vmr $twk0,$twk4 # unused tweak
+ le?vperm $out1,$out1,$out1,$leperm
+ stvx_u $out0,$x00,$out # store output
+ le?vperm $out2,$out2,$out2,$leperm
+ stvx_u $out1,$x10,$out
+ vxor $tmp,$out3,$twk4 # last block prep for stealing
+ le?vperm $out3,$out3,$out3,$leperm
+ stvx_u $out2,$x20,$out
+ stvx_u $out3,$x30,$out
+ addi $out,$out,0x40
+ bne Lxts_enc6x_steal
+ b Lxts_enc6x_done
+.align 4
+ vxor $out0,$in3,$twk0
+ vxor $out1,$in4,$twk1
+ vxor $out2,$in5,$twk2
+ vxor $out3,$out3,$out3
+ vxor $out4,$out4,$out4
+ bl _aesp8_xts_enc5x
+ le?vperm $out0,$out0,$out0,$leperm
+ vmr $twk0,$twk3 # unused tweak
+ le?vperm $out1,$out1,$out1,$leperm
+ stvx_u $out0,$x00,$out # store output
+ vxor $tmp,$out2,$twk3 # last block prep for stealing
+ le?vperm $out2,$out2,$out2,$leperm
+ stvx_u $out1,$x10,$out
+ stvx_u $out2,$x20,$out
+ addi $out,$out,0x30
+ bne Lxts_enc6x_steal
+ b Lxts_enc6x_done
+.align 4
+ vxor $out0,$in4,$twk0
+ vxor $out1,$in5,$twk1
+ vxor $out2,$out2,$out2
+ vxor $out3,$out3,$out3
+ vxor $out4,$out4,$out4
+ bl _aesp8_xts_enc5x
+ le?vperm $out0,$out0,$out0,$leperm
+ vmr $twk0,$twk2 # unused tweak
+ vxor $tmp,$out1,$twk2 # last block prep for stealing
+ le?vperm $out1,$out1,$out1,$leperm
+ stvx_u $out0,$x00,$out # store output
+ stvx_u $out1,$x10,$out
+ addi $out,$out,0x20
+ bne Lxts_enc6x_steal
+ b Lxts_enc6x_done
+.align 4
+ vxor $out0,$in5,$twk0
+ nop
+ vcipher $out0,$out0,v24
+ lvx v24,$x20,$key_ # round[3]
+ addi $key_,$key_,0x20
+ vcipher $out0,$out0,v25
+ lvx v25,$x10,$key_ # round[4]
+ bdnz Loop_xts_enc1x
+ add $inp,$inp,$taillen
+ cmpwi $taillen,0
+ vcipher $out0,$out0,v24
+ subi $inp,$inp,16
+ vcipher $out0,$out0,v25
+ lvsr $inpperm,0,$taillen
+ vcipher $out0,$out0,v26
+ lvx_u $in0,0,$inp
+ vcipher $out0,$out0,v27
+ addi $key_,$sp,$FRAME+15 # rewind $key_
+ vcipher $out0,$out0,v28
+ lvx v24,$x00,$key_ # re-pre-load round[1]
+ vcipher $out0,$out0,v29
+ lvx v25,$x10,$key_ # re-pre-load round[2]
+ vxor $twk0,$twk0,v31
+ le?vperm $in0,$in0,$in0,$leperm
+ vcipher $out0,$out0,v30
+ vperm $in0,$in0,$in0,$inpperm
+ vcipherlast $out0,$out0,$twk0
+ vmr $twk0,$twk1 # unused tweak
+ vxor $tmp,$out0,$twk1 # last block prep for stealing
+ le?vperm $out0,$out0,$out0,$leperm
+ stvx_u $out0,$x00,$out # store output
+ addi $out,$out,0x10
+ bne Lxts_enc6x_steal
+ b Lxts_enc6x_done
+.align 4
+ cmpwi $taillen,0
+ beq Lxts_enc6x_done
+ add $inp,$inp,$taillen
+ subi $inp,$inp,16
+ lvx_u $in0,0,$inp
+ lvsr $inpperm,0,$taillen # $in5 is no more
+ le?vperm $in0,$in0,$in0,$leperm
+ vperm $in0,$in0,$in0,$inpperm
+ vxor $tmp,$tmp,$twk0
+ vxor $in0,$in0,$twk0
+ vxor $out0,$out0,$out0
+ vspltisb $out1,-1
+ vperm $out0,$out0,$out1,$inpperm
+ vsel $out0,$in0,$tmp,$out0 # $tmp is last block, remember?
+ subi r30,$out,17
+ subi $out,$out,16
+ mtctr $taillen
+ lbzu r0,1(r30)
+ stb r0,16(r30)
+ bdnz Loop_xts_enc6x_steal
+ li $taillen,0
+ mtctr $rounds
+ b Loop_xts_enc1x # one more time...
+.align 4
+ ${UCMP}i $ivp,0
+ beq Lxts_enc6x_ret
+ vxor $tweak,$twk0,$rndkey0
+ le?vperm $tweak,$tweak,$tweak,$leperm
+ stvx_u $tweak,0,$ivp
+ mtlr r11
+ li r10,`$FRAME+15`
+ li r11,`$FRAME+31`
+ stvx $seven,r10,$sp # wipe copies of round keys
+ addi r10,r10,32
+ stvx $seven,r11,$sp
+ addi r11,r11,32
+ stvx $seven,r10,$sp
+ addi r10,r10,32
+ stvx $seven,r11,$sp
+ addi r11,r11,32
+ stvx $seven,r10,$sp
+ addi r10,r10,32
+ stvx $seven,r11,$sp
+ addi r11,r11,32
+ stvx $seven,r10,$sp
+ addi r10,r10,32
+ stvx $seven,r11,$sp
+ addi r11,r11,32
+ mtspr 256,$vrsave
+ lvx v20,r10,$sp # ABI says so
+ addi r10,r10,32
+ lvx v21,r11,$sp
+ addi r11,r11,32
+ lvx v22,r10,$sp
+ addi r10,r10,32
+ lvx v23,r11,$sp
+ addi r11,r11,32
+ lvx v24,r10,$sp
+ addi r10,r10,32
+ lvx v25,r11,$sp
+ addi r11,r11,32
+ lvx v26,r10,$sp
+ addi r10,r10,32
+ lvx v27,r11,$sp
+ addi r11,r11,32
+ lvx v28,r10,$sp
+ addi r10,r10,32
+ lvx v29,r11,$sp
+ addi r11,r11,32
+ lvx v30,r10,$sp
+ lvx v31,r11,$sp
+ $POP r26,`$FRAME+21*16+0*$SIZE_T`($sp)
+ $POP r27,`$FRAME+21*16+1*$SIZE_T`($sp)
+ $POP r28,`$FRAME+21*16+2*$SIZE_T`($sp)
+ $POP r29,`$FRAME+21*16+3*$SIZE_T`($sp)
+ $POP r30,`$FRAME+21*16+4*$SIZE_T`($sp)
+ $POP r31,`$FRAME+21*16+5*$SIZE_T`($sp)
+ addi $sp,$sp,`$FRAME+21*16+6*$SIZE_T`
+ blr
+ .long 0
+ .byte 0,12,0x04,1,0x80,6,6,0
+ .long 0
+.align 5
+ vcipher $out0,$out0,v24
+ vcipher $out1,$out1,v24
+ vcipher $out2,$out2,v24
+ vcipher $out3,$out3,v24
+ vcipher $out4,$out4,v24
+ lvx v24,$x20,$key_ # round[3]
+ addi $key_,$key_,0x20
+ vcipher $out0,$out0,v25
+ vcipher $out1,$out1,v25
+ vcipher $out2,$out2,v25
+ vcipher $out3,$out3,v25
+ vcipher $out4,$out4,v25
+ lvx v25,$x10,$key_ # round[4]
+ bdnz _aesp8_xts_enc5x
+ add $inp,$inp,$taillen
+ cmpwi $taillen,0
+ vcipher $out0,$out0,v24
+ vcipher $out1,$out1,v24
+ vcipher $out2,$out2,v24
+ vcipher $out3,$out3,v24
+ vcipher $out4,$out4,v24
+ subi $inp,$inp,16
+ vcipher $out0,$out0,v25
+ vcipher $out1,$out1,v25
+ vcipher $out2,$out2,v25
+ vcipher $out3,$out3,v25
+ vcipher $out4,$out4,v25
+ vxor $twk0,$twk0,v31
+ vcipher $out0,$out0,v26
+ lvsr $inpperm,r0,$taillen # $in5 is no more
+ vcipher $out1,$out1,v26
+ vcipher $out2,$out2,v26
+ vcipher $out3,$out3,v26
+ vcipher $out4,$out4,v26
+ vxor $in1,$twk1,v31
+ vcipher $out0,$out0,v27
+ lvx_u $in0,0,$inp
+ vcipher $out1,$out1,v27
+ vcipher $out2,$out2,v27
+ vcipher $out3,$out3,v27
+ vcipher $out4,$out4,v27
+ vxor $in2,$twk2,v31
+ addi $key_,$sp,$FRAME+15 # rewind $key_
+ vcipher $out0,$out0,v28
+ vcipher $out1,$out1,v28
+ vcipher $out2,$out2,v28
+ vcipher $out3,$out3,v28
+ vcipher $out4,$out4,v28
+ lvx v24,$x00,$key_ # re-pre-load round[1]
+ vxor $in3,$twk3,v31
+ vcipher $out0,$out0,v29
+ le?vperm $in0,$in0,$in0,$leperm
+ vcipher $out1,$out1,v29
+ vcipher $out2,$out2,v29
+ vcipher $out3,$out3,v29
+ vcipher $out4,$out4,v29
+ lvx v25,$x10,$key_ # re-pre-load round[2]
+ vxor $in4,$twk4,v31
+ vcipher $out0,$out0,v30
+ vperm $in0,$in0,$in0,$inpperm
+ vcipher $out1,$out1,v30
+ vcipher $out2,$out2,v30
+ vcipher $out3,$out3,v30
+ vcipher $out4,$out4,v30
+ vcipherlast $out0,$out0,$twk0
+ vcipherlast $out1,$out1,$in1
+ vcipherlast $out2,$out2,$in2
+ vcipherlast $out3,$out3,$in3
+ vcipherlast $out4,$out4,$in4
+ blr
+ .long 0
+ .byte 0,12,0x14,0,0,0,0,0
+.align 5
+ $STU $sp,-`($FRAME+21*16+6*$SIZE_T)`($sp)
+ mflr r11
+ li r7,`$FRAME+8*16+15`
+ li r3,`$FRAME+8*16+31`
+ $PUSH r11,`$FRAME+21*16+6*$SIZE_T+$LRSAVE`($sp)
+ stvx v20,r7,$sp # ABI says so
+ addi r7,r7,32
+ stvx v21,r3,$sp
+ addi r3,r3,32
+ stvx v22,r7,$sp
+ addi r7,r7,32
+ stvx v23,r3,$sp
+ addi r3,r3,32
+ stvx v24,r7,$sp
+ addi r7,r7,32
+ stvx v25,r3,$sp
+ addi r3,r3,32
+ stvx v26,r7,$sp
+ addi r7,r7,32
+ stvx v27,r3,$sp
+ addi r3,r3,32
+ stvx v28,r7,$sp
+ addi r7,r7,32
+ stvx v29,r3,$sp
+ addi r3,r3,32
+ stvx v30,r7,$sp
+ stvx v31,r3,$sp
+ li r0,-1
+ stw $vrsave,`$FRAME+21*16-4`($sp) # save vrsave
+ li $x10,0x10
+ $PUSH r26,`$FRAME+21*16+0*$SIZE_T`($sp)
+ li $x20,0x20
+ $PUSH r27,`$FRAME+21*16+1*$SIZE_T`($sp)
+ li $x30,0x30
+ $PUSH r28,`$FRAME+21*16+2*$SIZE_T`($sp)
+ li $x40,0x40
+ $PUSH r29,`$FRAME+21*16+3*$SIZE_T`($sp)
+ li $x50,0x50
+ $PUSH r30,`$FRAME+21*16+4*$SIZE_T`($sp)
+ li $x60,0x60
+ $PUSH r31,`$FRAME+21*16+5*$SIZE_T`($sp)
+ li $x70,0x70
+ mtspr 256,r0
+ subi $rounds,$rounds,3 # -4 in total
+ lvx $rndkey0,$x00,$key1 # load key schedule
+ lvx v30,$x10,$key1
+ addi $key1,$key1,0x20
+ lvx v31,$x00,$key1
+ ?vperm $rndkey0,$rndkey0,v30,$keyperm
+ addi $key_,$sp,$FRAME+15
+ mtctr $rounds
+ ?vperm v24,v30,v31,$keyperm
+ lvx v30,$x10,$key1
+ addi $key1,$key1,0x20
+ stvx v24,$x00,$key_ # off-load round[1]
+ ?vperm v25,v31,v30,$keyperm
+ lvx v31,$x00,$key1
+ stvx v25,$x10,$key_ # off-load round[2]
+ addi $key_,$key_,0x20
+ bdnz Load_xts_dec_key
+ lvx v26,$x10,$key1
+ ?vperm v24,v30,v31,$keyperm
+ lvx v27,$x20,$key1
+ stvx v24,$x00,$key_ # off-load round[3]
+ ?vperm v25,v31,v26,$keyperm
+ lvx v28,$x30,$key1
+ stvx v25,$x10,$key_ # off-load round[4]
+ addi $key_,$sp,$FRAME+15 # rewind $key_
+ ?vperm v26,v26,v27,$keyperm
+ lvx v29,$x40,$key1
+ ?vperm v27,v27,v28,$keyperm
+ lvx v30,$x50,$key1
+ ?vperm v28,v28,v29,$keyperm
+ lvx v31,$x60,$key1
+ ?vperm v29,v29,v30,$keyperm
+ lvx $twk5,$x70,$key1 # borrow $twk5
+ ?vperm v30,v30,v31,$keyperm
+ lvx v24,$x00,$key_ # pre-load round[1]
+ ?vperm v31,v31,$twk5,$keyperm
+ lvx v25,$x10,$key_ # pre-load round[2]
+ vperm $in0,$inout,$inptail,$inpperm
+ subi $inp,$inp,31 # undo "caller"
+ vxor $twk0,$tweak,$rndkey0
+ vsrab $tmp,$tweak,$seven # next tweak value
+ vaddubm $tweak,$tweak,$tweak
+ vsldoi $tmp,$tmp,$tmp,15
+ vand $tmp,$tmp,$eighty7
+ vxor $out0,$in0,$twk0
+ vxor $tweak,$tweak,$tmp
+ lvx_u $in1,$x10,$inp
+ vxor $twk1,$tweak,$rndkey0
+ vsrab $tmp,$tweak,$seven # next tweak value
+ vaddubm $tweak,$tweak,$tweak
+ vsldoi $tmp,$tmp,$tmp,15
+ le?vperm $in1,$in1,$in1,$leperm
+ vand $tmp,$tmp,$eighty7
+ vxor $out1,$in1,$twk1
+ vxor $tweak,$tweak,$tmp
+ lvx_u $in2,$x20,$inp
+ andi. $taillen,$len,15
+ vxor $twk2,$tweak,$rndkey0
+ vsrab $tmp,$tweak,$seven # next tweak value
+ vaddubm $tweak,$tweak,$tweak
+ vsldoi $tmp,$tmp,$tmp,15
+ le?vperm $in2,$in2,$in2,$leperm
+ vand $tmp,$tmp,$eighty7
+ vxor $out2,$in2,$twk2
+ vxor $tweak,$tweak,$tmp
+ lvx_u $in3,$x30,$inp
+ sub $len,$len,$taillen
+ vxor $twk3,$tweak,$rndkey0
+ vsrab $tmp,$tweak,$seven # next tweak value
+ vaddubm $tweak,$tweak,$tweak
+ vsldoi $tmp,$tmp,$tmp,15
+ le?vperm $in3,$in3,$in3,$leperm
+ vand $tmp,$tmp,$eighty7
+ vxor $out3,$in3,$twk3
+ vxor $tweak,$tweak,$tmp
+ lvx_u $in4,$x40,$inp
+ subi $len,$len,0x60
+ vxor $twk4,$tweak,$rndkey0
+ vsrab $tmp,$tweak,$seven # next tweak value
+ vaddubm $tweak,$tweak,$tweak
+ vsldoi $tmp,$tmp,$tmp,15
+ le?vperm $in4,$in4,$in4,$leperm
+ vand $tmp,$tmp,$eighty7
+ vxor $out4,$in4,$twk4
+ vxor $tweak,$tweak,$tmp
+ lvx_u $in5,$x50,$inp
+ addi $inp,$inp,0x60
+ vxor $twk5,$tweak,$rndkey0
+ vsrab $tmp,$tweak,$seven # next tweak value
+ vaddubm $tweak,$tweak,$tweak
+ vsldoi $tmp,$tmp,$tmp,15
+ le?vperm $in5,$in5,$in5,$leperm
+ vand $tmp,$tmp,$eighty7
+ vxor $out5,$in5,$twk5
+ vxor $tweak,$tweak,$tmp
+ vxor v31,v31,$rndkey0
+ mtctr $rounds
+ b Loop_xts_dec6x
+.align 5
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v24
+ vncipher $out1,$out1,v24
+ vncipher $out2,$out2,v24
+ vncipher $out3,$out3,v24
+ vncipher $out4,$out4,v24
+ vncipher $out5,$out5,v24
+ lvx v24,$x20,$key_ # round[3]
+ addi $key_,$key_,0x20
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v25
+ vncipher $out1,$out1,v25
+ vncipher $out2,$out2,v25
+ vncipher $out3,$out3,v25
+ vncipher $out4,$out4,v25
+ vncipher $out5,$out5,v25
+ lvx v25,$x10,$key_ # round[4]
+ bdnz Loop_xts_dec6x
+ subic $len,$len,96 # $len-=96
+ vxor $in0,$twk0,v31 # xor with last round key
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v24
+ vncipher $out1,$out1,v24
+ vsrab $tmp,$tweak,$seven # next tweak value
+ vxor $twk0,$tweak,$rndkey0
+ vaddubm $tweak,$tweak,$tweak
+ vncipher $out2,$out2,v24
+ vncipher $out3,$out3,v24
+ vsldoi $tmp,$tmp,$tmp,15
+ vncipher $out4,$out4,v24
+ vncipher $out5,$out5,v24
+ subfe. r0,r0,r0 # borrow?-1:0
+ vand $tmp,$tmp,$eighty7
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v25
+ vncipher $out1,$out1,v25
+ vxor $tweak,$tweak,$tmp
+ vncipher $out2,$out2,v25
+ vncipher $out3,$out3,v25
+ vxor $in1,$twk1,v31
+ vsrab $tmp,$tweak,$seven # next tweak value
+ vxor $twk1,$tweak,$rndkey0
+ vncipher $out4,$out4,v25
+ vncipher $out5,$out5,v25
+ and r0,r0,$len
+ vaddubm $tweak,$tweak,$tweak
+ vsldoi $tmp,$tmp,$tmp,15
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v26
+ vncipher $out1,$out1,v26
+ vand $tmp,$tmp,$eighty7
+ vncipher $out2,$out2,v26
+ vncipher $out3,$out3,v26
+ vxor $tweak,$tweak,$tmp
+ vncipher $out4,$out4,v26
+ vncipher $out5,$out5,v26
+ add $inp,$inp,r0 # $inp is adjusted in such
+ # way that at exit from the
+ # loop inX-in5 are loaded
+ # with last "words"
+ vxor $in2,$twk2,v31
+ vsrab $tmp,$tweak,$seven # next tweak value
+ vxor $twk2,$tweak,$rndkey0
+ vaddubm $tweak,$tweak,$tweak
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v27
+ vncipher $out1,$out1,v27
+ vsldoi $tmp,$tmp,$tmp,15
+ vncipher $out2,$out2,v27
+ vncipher $out3,$out3,v27
+ vand $tmp,$tmp,$eighty7
+ vncipher $out4,$out4,v27
+ vncipher $out5,$out5,v27
+ addi $key_,$sp,$FRAME+15 # rewind $key_
+ vxor $tweak,$tweak,$tmp
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v28
+ vncipher $out1,$out1,v28
+ vxor $in3,$twk3,v31
+ vsrab $tmp,$tweak,$seven # next tweak value
+ vxor $twk3,$tweak,$rndkey0
+ vncipher $out2,$out2,v28
+ vncipher $out3,$out3,v28
+ vaddubm $tweak,$tweak,$tweak
+ vsldoi $tmp,$tmp,$tmp,15
+ vncipher $out4,$out4,v28
+ vncipher $out5,$out5,v28
+ lvx v24,$x00,$key_ # re-pre-load round[1]
+ vand $tmp,$tmp,$eighty7
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v29
+ vncipher $out1,$out1,v29
+ vxor $tweak,$tweak,$tmp
+ vncipher $out2,$out2,v29
+ vncipher $out3,$out3,v29
+ vxor $in4,$twk4,v31
+ vsrab $tmp,$tweak,$seven # next tweak value
+ vxor $twk4,$tweak,$rndkey0
+ vncipher $out4,$out4,v29
+ vncipher $out5,$out5,v29
+ lvx v25,$x10,$key_ # re-pre-load round[2]
+ vaddubm $tweak,$tweak,$tweak
+ vsldoi $tmp,$tmp,$tmp,15
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v30
+ vncipher $out1,$out1,v30
+ vand $tmp,$tmp,$eighty7
+ vncipher $out2,$out2,v30
+ vncipher $out3,$out3,v30
+ vxor $tweak,$tweak,$tmp
+ vncipher $out4,$out4,v30
+ vncipher $out5,$out5,v30
+ vxor $in5,$twk5,v31
+ vsrab $tmp,$tweak,$seven # next tweak value
+ vxor $twk5,$tweak,$rndkey0
+ vncipherlast $out0,$out0,$in0
+ lvx_u $in0,$x00,$inp # load next input block
+ vaddubm $tweak,$tweak,$tweak
+ vsldoi $tmp,$tmp,$tmp,15
+ vncipherlast $out1,$out1,$in1
+ lvx_u $in1,$x10,$inp
+ vncipherlast $out2,$out2,$in2
+ le?vperm $in0,$in0,$in0,$leperm
+ lvx_u $in2,$x20,$inp
+ vand $tmp,$tmp,$eighty7
+ vncipherlast $out3,$out3,$in3
+ le?vperm $in1,$in1,$in1,$leperm
+ lvx_u $in3,$x30,$inp
+ vncipherlast $out4,$out4,$in4
+ le?vperm $in2,$in2,$in2,$leperm
+ lvx_u $in4,$x40,$inp
+ vxor $tweak,$tweak,$tmp
+ vncipherlast $out5,$out5,$in5
+ le?vperm $in3,$in3,$in3,$leperm
+ lvx_u $in5,$x50,$inp
+ addi $inp,$inp,0x60
+ le?vperm $in4,$in4,$in4,$leperm
+ le?vperm $in5,$in5,$in5,$leperm
+ le?vperm $out0,$out0,$out0,$leperm
+ le?vperm $out1,$out1,$out1,$leperm
+ stvx_u $out0,$x00,$out # store output
+ vxor $out0,$in0,$twk0
+ le?vperm $out2,$out2,$out2,$leperm
+ stvx_u $out1,$x10,$out
+ vxor $out1,$in1,$twk1
+ le?vperm $out3,$out3,$out3,$leperm
+ stvx_u $out2,$x20,$out
+ vxor $out2,$in2,$twk2
+ le?vperm $out4,$out4,$out4,$leperm
+ stvx_u $out3,$x30,$out
+ vxor $out3,$in3,$twk3
+ le?vperm $out5,$out5,$out5,$leperm
+ stvx_u $out4,$x40,$out
+ vxor $out4,$in4,$twk4
+ stvx_u $out5,$x50,$out
+ vxor $out5,$in5,$twk5
+ addi $out,$out,0x60
+ mtctr $rounds
+ beq Loop_xts_dec6x # did $len-=96 borrow?
+ addic. $len,$len,0x60
+ beq Lxts_dec6x_zero
+ cmpwi $len,0x20
+ blt Lxts_dec6x_one
+ nop
+ beq Lxts_dec6x_two
+ cmpwi $len,0x40
+ blt Lxts_dec6x_three
+ nop
+ beq Lxts_dec6x_four
+ vxor $out0,$in1,$twk0
+ vxor $out1,$in2,$twk1
+ vxor $out2,$in3,$twk2
+ vxor $out3,$in4,$twk3
+ vxor $out4,$in5,$twk4
+ bl _aesp8_xts_dec5x
+ le?vperm $out0,$out0,$out0,$leperm
+ vmr $twk0,$twk5 # unused tweak
+ vxor $twk1,$tweak,$rndkey0
+ le?vperm $out1,$out1,$out1,$leperm
+ stvx_u $out0,$x00,$out # store output
+ vxor $out0,$in0,$twk1
+ le?vperm $out2,$out2,$out2,$leperm
+ stvx_u $out1,$x10,$out
+ le?vperm $out3,$out3,$out3,$leperm
+ stvx_u $out2,$x20,$out
+ le?vperm $out4,$out4,$out4,$leperm
+ stvx_u $out3,$x30,$out
+ stvx_u $out4,$x40,$out
+ addi $out,$out,0x50
+ bne Lxts_dec6x_steal
+ b Lxts_dec6x_done
+.align 4
+ vxor $out0,$in2,$twk0
+ vxor $out1,$in3,$twk1
+ vxor $out2,$in4,$twk2
+ vxor $out3,$in5,$twk3
+ vxor $out4,$out4,$out4
+ bl _aesp8_xts_dec5x
+ le?vperm $out0,$out0,$out0,$leperm
+ vmr $twk0,$twk4 # unused tweak
+ vmr $twk1,$twk5
+ le?vperm $out1,$out1,$out1,$leperm
+ stvx_u $out0,$x00,$out # store output
+ vxor $out0,$in0,$twk5
+ le?vperm $out2,$out2,$out2,$leperm
+ stvx_u $out1,$x10,$out
+ le?vperm $out3,$out3,$out3,$leperm
+ stvx_u $out2,$x20,$out
+ stvx_u $out3,$x30,$out
+ addi $out,$out,0x40
+ bne Lxts_dec6x_steal
+ b Lxts_dec6x_done
+.align 4
+ vxor $out0,$in3,$twk0
+ vxor $out1,$in4,$twk1
+ vxor $out2,$in5,$twk2
+ vxor $out3,$out3,$out3
+ vxor $out4,$out4,$out4
+ bl _aesp8_xts_dec5x
+ le?vperm $out0,$out0,$out0,$leperm
+ vmr $twk0,$twk3 # unused tweak
+ vmr $twk1,$twk4
+ le?vperm $out1,$out1,$out1,$leperm
+ stvx_u $out0,$x00,$out # store output
+ vxor $out0,$in0,$twk4
+ le?vperm $out2,$out2,$out2,$leperm
+ stvx_u $out1,$x10,$out
+ stvx_u $out2,$x20,$out
+ addi $out,$out,0x30
+ bne Lxts_dec6x_steal
+ b Lxts_dec6x_done
+.align 4
+ vxor $out0,$in4,$twk0
+ vxor $out1,$in5,$twk1
+ vxor $out2,$out2,$out2
+ vxor $out3,$out3,$out3
+ vxor $out4,$out4,$out4
+ bl _aesp8_xts_dec5x
+ le?vperm $out0,$out0,$out0,$leperm
+ vmr $twk0,$twk2 # unused tweak
+ vmr $twk1,$twk3
+ le?vperm $out1,$out1,$out1,$leperm
+ stvx_u $out0,$x00,$out # store output
+ vxor $out0,$in0,$twk3
+ stvx_u $out1,$x10,$out
+ addi $out,$out,0x20
+ bne Lxts_dec6x_steal
+ b Lxts_dec6x_done
+.align 4
+ vxor $out0,$in5,$twk0
+ nop
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v24
+ lvx v24,$x20,$key_ # round[3]
+ addi $key_,$key_,0x20
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v25
+ lvx v25,$x10,$key_ # round[4]
+ bdnz Loop_xts_dec1x
+ subi r0,$taillen,1
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v24
+ andi. r0,r0,16
+ cmpwi $taillen,0
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v25
+ sub $inp,$inp,r0
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v26
+ lvx_u $in0,0,$inp
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v27
+ addi $key_,$sp,$FRAME+15 # rewind $key_
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v28
+ lvx v24,$x00,$key_ # re-pre-load round[1]
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v29
+ lvx v25,$x10,$key_ # re-pre-load round[2]
+ vxor $twk0,$twk0,v31
+ le?vperm $in0,$in0,$in0,$leperm
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v30
+ mtctr $rounds
+ vncipherlast $out0,$out0,$twk0
+ vmr $twk0,$twk1 # unused tweak
+ vmr $twk1,$twk2
+ le?vperm $out0,$out0,$out0,$leperm
+ stvx_u $out0,$x00,$out # store output
+ addi $out,$out,0x10
+ vxor $out0,$in0,$twk2
+ bne Lxts_dec6x_steal
+ b Lxts_dec6x_done
+.align 4
+ cmpwi $taillen,0
+ beq Lxts_dec6x_done
+ lvx_u $in0,0,$inp
+ le?vperm $in0,$in0,$in0,$leperm
+ vxor $out0,$in0,$twk1
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v24
+ lvx v24,$x20,$key_ # round[3]
+ addi $key_,$key_,0x20
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v25
+ lvx v25,$x10,$key_ # round[4]
+ bdnz Lxts_dec6x_steal
+ add $inp,$inp,$taillen
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v24
+ cmpwi $taillen,0
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v25
+ lvx_u $in0,0,$inp
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v26
+ lvsr $inpperm,0,$taillen # $in5 is no more
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v27
+ addi $key_,$sp,$FRAME+15 # rewind $key_
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v28
+ lvx v24,$x00,$key_ # re-pre-load round[1]
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v29
+ lvx v25,$x10,$key_ # re-pre-load round[2]
+ vxor $twk1,$twk1,v31
+ le?vperm $in0,$in0,$in0,$leperm
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v30
+ vperm $in0,$in0,$in0,$inpperm
+ vncipherlast $tmp,$out0,$twk1
+ le?vperm $out0,$tmp,$tmp,$leperm
+ le?stvx_u $out0,0,$out
+ be?stvx_u $tmp,0,$out
+ vxor $out0,$out0,$out0
+ vspltisb $out1,-1
+ vperm $out0,$out0,$out1,$inpperm
+ vsel $out0,$in0,$tmp,$out0
+ vxor $out0,$out0,$twk0
+ subi r30,$out,1
+ mtctr $taillen
+ lbzu r0,1(r30)
+ stb r0,16(r30)
+ bdnz Loop_xts_dec6x_steal
+ li $taillen,0
+ mtctr $rounds
+ b Loop_xts_dec1x # one more time...
+.align 4
+ ${UCMP}i $ivp,0
+ beq Lxts_dec6x_ret
+ vxor $tweak,$twk0,$rndkey0
+ le?vperm $tweak,$tweak,$tweak,$leperm
+ stvx_u $tweak,0,$ivp
+ mtlr r11
+ li r10,`$FRAME+15`
+ li r11,`$FRAME+31`
+ stvx $seven,r10,$sp # wipe copies of round keys
+ addi r10,r10,32
+ stvx $seven,r11,$sp
+ addi r11,r11,32
+ stvx $seven,r10,$sp
+ addi r10,r10,32
+ stvx $seven,r11,$sp
+ addi r11,r11,32
+ stvx $seven,r10,$sp
+ addi r10,r10,32
+ stvx $seven,r11,$sp
+ addi r11,r11,32
+ stvx $seven,r10,$sp
+ addi r10,r10,32
+ stvx $seven,r11,$sp
+ addi r11,r11,32
+ mtspr 256,$vrsave
+ lvx v20,r10,$sp # ABI says so
+ addi r10,r10,32
+ lvx v21,r11,$sp
+ addi r11,r11,32
+ lvx v22,r10,$sp
+ addi r10,r10,32
+ lvx v23,r11,$sp
+ addi r11,r11,32
+ lvx v24,r10,$sp
+ addi r10,r10,32
+ lvx v25,r11,$sp
+ addi r11,r11,32
+ lvx v26,r10,$sp
+ addi r10,r10,32
+ lvx v27,r11,$sp
+ addi r11,r11,32
+ lvx v28,r10,$sp
+ addi r10,r10,32
+ lvx v29,r11,$sp
+ addi r11,r11,32
+ lvx v30,r10,$sp
+ lvx v31,r11,$sp
+ $POP r26,`$FRAME+21*16+0*$SIZE_T`($sp)
+ $POP r27,`$FRAME+21*16+1*$SIZE_T`($sp)
+ $POP r28,`$FRAME+21*16+2*$SIZE_T`($sp)
+ $POP r29,`$FRAME+21*16+3*$SIZE_T`($sp)
+ $POP r30,`$FRAME+21*16+4*$SIZE_T`($sp)
+ $POP r31,`$FRAME+21*16+5*$SIZE_T`($sp)
+ addi $sp,$sp,`$FRAME+21*16+6*$SIZE_T`
+ blr
+ .long 0
+ .byte 0,12,0x04,1,0x80,6,6,0
+ .long 0
+.align 5
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v24
+ vncipher $out1,$out1,v24
+ vncipher $out2,$out2,v24
+ vncipher $out3,$out3,v24
+ vncipher $out4,$out4,v24
+ lvx v24,$x20,$key_ # round[3]
+ addi $key_,$key_,0x20
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v25
+ vncipher $out1,$out1,v25
+ vncipher $out2,$out2,v25
+ vncipher $out3,$out3,v25
+ vncipher $out4,$out4,v25
+ lvx v25,$x10,$key_ # round[4]
+ bdnz _aesp8_xts_dec5x
+ subi r0,$taillen,1
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v24
+ vncipher $out1,$out1,v24
+ vncipher $out2,$out2,v24
+ vncipher $out3,$out3,v24
+ vncipher $out4,$out4,v24
+ andi. r0,r0,16
+ cmpwi $taillen,0
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v25
+ vncipher $out1,$out1,v25
+ vncipher $out2,$out2,v25
+ vncipher $out3,$out3,v25
+ vncipher $out4,$out4,v25
+ vxor $twk0,$twk0,v31
+ sub $inp,$inp,r0
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v26
+ vncipher $out1,$out1,v26
+ vncipher $out2,$out2,v26
+ vncipher $out3,$out3,v26
+ vncipher $out4,$out4,v26
+ vxor $in1,$twk1,v31
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v27
+ lvx_u $in0,0,$inp
+ vncipher $out1,$out1,v27
+ vncipher $out2,$out2,v27
+ vncipher $out3,$out3,v27
+ vncipher $out4,$out4,v27
+ vxor $in2,$twk2,v31
+ addi $key_,$sp,$FRAME+15 # rewind $key_
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v28
+ vncipher $out1,$out1,v28
+ vncipher $out2,$out2,v28
+ vncipher $out3,$out3,v28
+ vncipher $out4,$out4,v28
+ lvx v24,$x00,$key_ # re-pre-load round[1]
+ vxor $in3,$twk3,v31
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v29
+ le?vperm $in0,$in0,$in0,$leperm
+ vncipher $out1,$out1,v29
+ vncipher $out2,$out2,v29
+ vncipher $out3,$out3,v29
+ vncipher $out4,$out4,v29
+ lvx v25,$x10,$key_ # re-pre-load round[2]
+ vxor $in4,$twk4,v31
+ vncipher $out0,$out0,v30
+ vncipher $out1,$out1,v30
+ vncipher $out2,$out2,v30
+ vncipher $out3,$out3,v30
+ vncipher $out4,$out4,v30
+ vncipherlast $out0,$out0,$twk0
+ vncipherlast $out1,$out1,$in1
+ vncipherlast $out2,$out2,$in2
+ vncipherlast $out3,$out3,$in3
+ vncipherlast $out4,$out4,$in4
+ mtctr $rounds
+ blr
+ .long 0
+ .byte 0,12,0x14,0,0,0,0,0
+}} }}}
my $consts=1;
foreach(split("\n",$code)) {
diff --git a/crypto/evp/e_aes.c b/crypto/evp/e_aes.c
index cfa65b8..7b66c9e 100644
--- a/crypto/evp/e_aes.c
+++ b/crypto/evp/e_aes.c
@@ -155,6 +155,8 @@ void AES_xts_decrypt(const char *inp, char *out, size_t len,
# define HWAES_decrypt aes_p8_decrypt
# define HWAES_cbc_encrypt aes_p8_cbc_encrypt
# define HWAES_ctr32_encrypt_blocks aes_p8_ctr32_encrypt_blocks
+# define HWAES_xts_encrypt aes_p8_xts_encrypt
+# define HWAES_xts_decrypt aes_p8_xts_decrypt
#if defined(AES_ASM) && !defined(I386_ONLY) && ( \
@@ -1008,6 +1010,12 @@ void HWAES_cbc_encrypt(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out,
void HWAES_ctr32_encrypt_blocks(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out,
size_t len, const AES_KEY *key,
const unsigned char ivec[16]);
+void HWAES_xts_encrypt(const unsigned char *inp, unsigned char *out,
+ size_t len, const AES_KEY *key1,
+ const AES_KEY *key2, const unsigned char iv[16]);
+void HWAES_xts_decrypt(const unsigned char *inp, unsigned char *out,
+ size_t len, const AES_KEY *key1,
+ const AES_KEY *key2, const unsigned char iv[16]);
#define BLOCK_CIPHER_generic_pack(nid,keylen,flags) \
@@ -1804,11 +1812,17 @@ static int aes_xts_init_key(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *key,
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_key_length(ctx) * 4,
xctx->xts.block1 = (block128_f) HWAES_encrypt;
+# ifdef HWAES_xts_encrypt
+ xctx->stream = HWAES_xts_encrypt;
+# endif
} else {
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_key_length(ctx) * 4,
xctx->xts.block1 = (block128_f) HWAES_decrypt;
+# ifdef HWAES_xts_decrypt
+ xctx->stream = HWAES_xts_decrypt;
HWAES_set_encrypt_key(key + EVP_CIPHER_CTX_key_length(ctx) / 2,
diff --git a/test/evptests.txt b/test/evptests.txt
index 93199b9..47e2a72 100644
--- a/test/evptests.txt
+++ b/test/evptests.txt
@@ -2096,6 +2096,91 @@ IV = 21436587a90000000000000000000000
Plaintext = 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+# Exercise different lengths covering even ciphertext stealing cases
+Cipher = aes-128-xts
+Key = 2718281828459045235360287471352631415926535897932384626433832795
+IV = 00000000000000000000000000000000
+Plaintext = 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f202122232425262728292a2b2c2d2e2f303132333435363738393a3b3c3d3e3f404142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f505152535455565758595a5b5c5d5e5f
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+Cipher = aes-128-xts
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+IV = 00000000000000000000000000000000
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+Cipher = aes-128-xts
+Key = 2718281828459045235360287471352631415926535897932384626433832795
+IV = 00000000000000000000000000000000
+Plaintext = 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f202122232425262728292a2b2c2d2e2f303132333435363738393a3b3c3d3e3f404142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f505152535455565758595a5b5c5d5e5f606162636465666768696a6b6c6d6e6f
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+Cipher = aes-128-xts
+Key = 2718281828459045235360287471352631415926535897932384626433832795
+IV = 00000000000000000000000000000000
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+Ciphertext = 27A7479BEFA1D476489F308CD4CFA6E2A96E4BBE3208FF25287DD3819616E89CC78CF7F5E543445F8333D8FA7F56000005279FA5D8B5E4AD40E736DDB4D35412328063FD2AAB53E5EA1E0A9F332500A5DF9487D07A5C92CC512C8866C7E860CEF4F253466EF4953ADC8FE2F5BC1FF57593FD
+Cipher = aes-128-xts
+Key = 2718281828459045235360287471352631415926535897932384626433832795
+IV = 00000000000000000000000000000000
+Plaintext = 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f202122232425262728292a2b2c2d2e2f303132333435363738393a3b3c3d3e3f404142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f505152535455565758595a5b5c5d5e5f606162636465666768696a6b6c6d6e6f707172737475767778797a7b7c7d7e7f
+Ciphertext = 27a7479befa1d476489f308cd4cfa6e2a96e4bbe3208ff25287dd3819616e89cc78cf7f5e543445f8333d8fa7f56000005279fa5d8b5e4ad40e736ddb4d35412328063fd2aab53e5ea1e0a9f332500a5df9487d07a5c92cc512c8866c7e860ce93fdf166a24912b422976146ae20ce846bb7dc9ba94a767aaef20c0d61ad0265
+Cipher = aes-128-xts
+Key = 2718281828459045235360287471352631415926535897932384626433832795
+IV = 00000000000000000000000000000000
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+Cipher = aes-128-xts
+Key = 2718281828459045235360287471352631415926535897932384626433832795
+IV = 00000000000000000000000000000000
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+Cipher = aes-128-xts
+Key = 2718281828459045235360287471352631415926535897932384626433832795
+IV = 00000000000000000000000000000000
+Plaintext = 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f202122232425262728292a2b2c2d2e2f303132333435363738393a3b3c3d3e3f404142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f505152535455565758595a5b5c5d5e5f606162636465666768696a6b6c6d6e6f707172737475767778797a7b7c7d7e7f808182838485868788898a8b8c8d8e8f9091
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+Cipher = aes-128-xts
+Key = 2718281828459045235360287471352631415926535897932384626433832795
+IV = 00000000000000000000000000000000
+Plaintext = 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f202122232425262728292a2b2c2d2e2f303132333435363738393a3b3c3d3e3f404142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f505152535455565758595a5b5c5d5e5f606162636465666768696a6b6c6d6e6f707172737475767778797a7b7c7d7e7f808182838485868788898a8b8c8d8e8f909192939495969798999a9b9c9d9e9f
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+IV = 00000000000000000000000000000000
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+Cipher = aes-128-xts
+Key = 2718281828459045235360287471352631415926535897932384626433832795
+IV = 00000000000000000000000000000000
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+Cipher = aes-128-xts
+Key = 2718281828459045235360287471352631415926535897932384626433832795
+IV = 00000000000000000000000000000000
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+Ciphertext = 27A7479BEFA1D476489F308CD4CFA6E2A96E4BBE3208FF25287DD3819616E89CC78CF7F5E543445F8333D8FA7F56000005279FA5D8B5E4AD40E736DDB4D35412328063FD2AAB53E5EA1E0A9F332500A5DF9487D07A5C92CC512C8866C7E860CE93FDF166A24912B422976146AE20CE846BB7DC9BA94A767AAEF20C0D61AD02655EA92DC4C4E41A8952C651D33174BE51A10C421110E6D81588EDE82103A252D82C6CBC24F9357BD1FB882AA4B2CC2E7FA750
+Cipher = aes-128-xts
+Key = 2718281828459045235360287471352631415926535897932384626433832795
+IV = 00000000000000000000000000000000
+Plaintext = 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f202122232425262728292a2b2c2d2e2f303132333435363738393a3b3c3d3e3f404142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f505152535455565758595a5b5c5d5e5f606162636465666768696a6b6c6d6e6f707172737475767778797a7b7c7d7e7f808182838485868788898a8b8c8d8e8f909192939495969798999a9b9c9d9e9fa0a1a2a3a4a5a6a7a8a9aaabacadaeafb0b1b2b3b4b5b6b7b8b9babbbcbdbebf
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+Cipher = aes-128-xts
+Key = 2718281828459045235360287471352631415926535897932384626433832795
+IV = 00000000000000000000000000000000
+Plaintext = 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f202122232425262728292a2b2c2d2e2f303132333435363738393a3b3c3d3e3f404142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f505152535455565758595a5b5c5d5e5f606162636465666768696a6b6c6d6e6f707172737475767778797a7b7c7d7e7f808182838485868788898a8b8c8d8e8f909192939495969798999a9b9c9d9e9fa0a1a2a3a4a5a6a7a8a9aaabacadaeafb0b1b2b3b4b5b6b7b8b9babbbcbdbebfc0c1
+Ciphertext = 27A7479BEFA1D476489F308CD4CFA6E2A96E4BBE3208FF25287DD3819616E89CC78CF7F5E543445F8333D8FA7F56000005279FA5D8B5E4AD40E736DDB4D35412328063FD2AAB53E5EA1E0A9F332500A5DF9487D07A5C92CC512C8866C7E860CE93FDF166A24912B422976146AE20CE846BB7DC9BA94A767AAEF20C0D61AD02655EA92DC4C4E41A8952C651D33174BE51A10C421110E6D81588EDE82103A252D8A750E8768DEFFFED9122810AAEB99F910409B03D164E727C31290FD4E039500872AF
# AES wrap tests from RFC3394
Cipher = id-aes128-wrap
Key = 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F
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