[openssl-commits] [openssl] master update

Richard Levitte levitte at openssl.org
Thu Mar 10 13:36:12 UTC 2016

The branch master has been updated
       via  b33c5ffeea346fe671ff72b93ede3faa9ef6b865 (commit)
      from  3415c711b056cc7950ad25b55760a4f57fde02c4 (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit b33c5ffeea346fe671ff72b93ede3faa9ef6b865
Author: Richard Levitte <levitte at openssl.org>
Date:   Thu Mar 10 14:20:50 2016 +0100

    Harmonize the option processing in 'config' and 'config.com'
    The help text for -d in 'config' was aged, and the option processing
    in 'config.com' was just different.  This harmonizes 'config.com' with
    the instructions in INSTALL and both current reality.
    Reviewed-by: Rich Salz <rsalz at openssl.org>


Summary of changes:
 config     |  2 +-
 config.com | 64 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 2 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/config b/config
index ba66b33..ae349ec 100755
--- a/config
+++ b/config
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ case "$i" in
 -t*) TEST="true";;
 -h*) TEST="true"; cat <<EOF
 Usage: config [options]
- -d	Add a debug- prefix to machine choice.
+ -d	Build with debugging when possible.
  -t	Test mode, do not run the Configure perl script.
  -h	This help.
diff --git a/config.com b/config.com
index b43acfa..4151a88 100644
--- a/config.com
+++ b/config.com
@@ -2,14 +2,15 @@ $	! OpenSSL config: determine the architecture and run Configure
 $	!
 $	! Very simple for the moment, it will take the following arguments:
 $	!
-$	! 32		sets /POINTER_SIZE=32
-$	! 64		sets /POINTER_SIZE=64
-$	! DEBUG		sets debugging
-$	! HELP		prints a usage and exits
+$	! -32 or 32	sets /POINTER_SIZE=32
+$	! -64 or 64	sets /POINTER_SIZE=64
+$	! -d		sets debugging
+$	! -h		prints a usage and exits
+$	! -t		test mode, doesn't run Configure
 $	arch == f$edit( f$getsyi( "arch_name"), "lowercase")
 $	pointer_size = ""
-$	debug = ""
+$	test = 0
 $	collected_args = ""
@@ -18,20 +19,43 @@ $	LOOP1:
 $	    P_index = P_index + 1
 $	    IF P_index .GT. 8 THEN GOTO ENDLOOP1
-$	    IF P .EQS. "help" THEN GOTO USAGE
-$	    IF P .EQS. "32"
+$	    IF P .EQS. "-h"
+$           THEN
+$               TEST = 1
+$               P = ""
+$               TYPE SYS$INPUT
+$               DECK
+Usage: @config [options]
+  -32 or 32	Build with 32-bit pointer size.
+  -64 or 64	Build with 64-bit pointer size.
+  -d		Build with debugging.
+  -t            Test mode, do not run the Configure perl script.
+  -h		This help.
+Any other text will be passed to the Configure perl script.
+See INSTALL for instructions.
+$               EOD
+$           ENDIF
+$	    IF P .EQS. "-t"
+$	    THEN
+$		test = 1
+$		P = ""
+$	    ENDIF
+$	    IF P .EQS. "-32" .OR. P .EQS. "32"
 $	    THEN
 $		pointer_size = "-P32"
 $		P = ""
 $	    ENDIF
-$	    IF P .EQS. "64"
+$	    IF P .EQS. "-64" .OR. P .EQS. "64"
 $	    THEN
 $		pointer_size = "-P64"
 $		P = ""
 $	    ENDIF
-$	    IF P .EQS. "debug"
+$	    IF P .EQS. "-d"
 $	    THEN
-$		debug = "--debug"
+$               collected_args = collected_args + " --debug"
 $		P = ""
 $	    ENDIF
 $	    IF P .NES. "" THEN -
@@ -48,18 +72,12 @@ $	    GOTO LOOP1
 $	target = "vms-''arch'''pointer_size'"
-$	PERL 'here'Configure "''target'" 'debug' 'collected_args'
+$       IF test
+$       THEN
+$           WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "PERL ''here'Configure ""''target'""''collected_args'"
+$       ELSE
+$           PERL 'here'Configure "''target'" 'debug' 'collected_args'
+$       ENDIF
+$       EXIT $STATUS
-usage: @config [options]
-  32		build with 32-bit pointer size
-  64		build with 64-bit pointer size
-  DEBUG		build with debugging
-  HELP		this text
-Any other option is simply passed to Configure.
-$	EOD

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