[openssl-commits] [openssl] master update

Richard Levitte levitte at openssl.org
Sat Mar 19 21:21:20 UTC 2016

The branch master has been updated
       via  674d5858df6cd3dc5cafa25875861f4742d64608 (commit)
      from  812e0c8d68da2f40e216aebc042cec6f38180a28 (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 674d5858df6cd3dc5cafa25875861f4742d64608
Author: Richard Levitte <levitte at openssl.org>
Date:   Sat Mar 19 18:59:48 2016 +0100

    If the asm file to be compiled isn't generated, leave the ext alone
    Closes RT#4447
    Reviewed-by: Viktor Dukhovni <viktor at openssl.org>


Summary of changes:
 Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl    | 7 ++++++-
 Configurations/windows-makefile.tmpl | 7 ++++++-
 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl b/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl
index 3a3fd2e..48cea07 100644
--- a/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl
+++ b/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl
@@ -841,7 +841,12 @@ EOF
   sub src2obj {
       my %args = @_;
       my $obj = $args{obj};
-      my @srcs = map { (my $x = $_) =~ s/\.S$/.s/; $x } ( @{$args{srcs}} );
+      my @srcs = map { if ($unified_info{generate}->{$_}) {
+                           (my $x = $_) =~ s/\.S$/.s/; $x
+                       } else {
+                           $_
+                       }
+                     } ( @{$args{srcs}} );
       my $srcs = join(" ",  @srcs);
       my $deps = join(" ", @srcs, @{$args{deps}});
       my $incs = join("", map { " -I".$_ } @{$args{incs}});
diff --git a/Configurations/windows-makefile.tmpl b/Configurations/windows-makefile.tmpl
index aea2693..e4faa95 100644
--- a/Configurations/windows-makefile.tmpl
+++ b/Configurations/windows-makefile.tmpl
@@ -290,7 +290,12 @@ EOF
  sub src2obj {
      my %args = @_;
      my $obj = $args{obj};
-     my @srcs = map { (my $x = $_) =~ s/\.[sS]$/.asm/; $x } ( @{$args{srcs}} );
+      my @srcs = map { if ($unified_info{generate}->{$_}) {
+                           (my $x = $_) =~ s/\.[sS]$/.asm/; $x
+                       } else {
+                           $_
+                       }
+                     } ( @{$args{srcs}} );
      my $srcs = join(" ",  @srcs);
      my $deps = join(" ", @srcs, @{$args{deps}});
      my $incs = join("", map { " /I ".$_ } @{$args{incs}});

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