[openssl-commits] [openssl] master update
Richard Levitte
levitte at openssl.org
Mon Mar 21 10:00:25 UTC 2016
The branch master has been updated
via 0ef1ce49eeed417c143a8c1bf77ce0d843306e3d (commit)
via 753585b94897f5628cf9c13d8a6c97861074febb (commit)
from 0351baae36afe1182237e0bd88ec9d13f5c97f32 (commit)
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 0ef1ce49eeed417c143a8c1bf77ce0d843306e3d
Author: Richard Levitte <levitte at openssl.org>
Date: Thu Mar 17 22:29:20 2016 +0100
Remove generation of ms/version32.rc from Configure, use util/mkrc.pl
utils/mkrc.pl was added a while ago as a better generator for the
Windows DLL resource file. Finalize the change by removing the
ms/version32.rc generator from Configure and adding resource file
support using mkrc.pl in Configurations/windows-makefile.pl
Reviewed-by: Andy Polyakov <appro at openssl.org>
commit 753585b94897f5628cf9c13d8a6c97861074febb
Author: Richard Levitte <levitte at openssl.org>
Date: Thu Mar 17 21:31:44 2016 +0100
Remove the mk1mf VC-WIN* builds and its supporting scripts
The mk1mf build for the VC-WIN* targets is broken and the unified
scheme works well enough, so we clean out the old.
Reviewed-by: Andy Polyakov <appro at openssl.org>
Summary of changes:
Configurations/10-main.conf | 2 +
Configurations/windows-makefile.tmpl | 9 +-
Configure | 60 -----
ms/do_fips.bat | 82 ------
ms/do_ms.bat | 11 -
ms/do_nasm.bat | 7 -
ms/do_win64a.bat | 19 --
ms/do_win64i.bat | 9 -
util/do_ms.sh | 19 --
util/mk1mf.pl | 34 +--
util/pl/VC-32.pl | 471 -----------------------------------
11 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 712 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 ms/do_fips.bat
delete mode 100755 ms/do_ms.bat
delete mode 100755 ms/do_nasm.bat
delete mode 100755 ms/do_win64a.bat
delete mode 100755 ms/do_win64i.bat
delete mode 100755 util/do_ms.sh
delete mode 100644 util/pl/VC-32.pl
diff --git a/Configurations/10-main.conf b/Configurations/10-main.conf
index 8716096..5b64803 100644
--- a/Configurations/10-main.conf
+++ b/Configurations/10-main.conf
@@ -1222,6 +1222,8 @@ sub vc_wince_info {
cc => "cl",
coutflag => "/Fo",
+ rc => "rc",
+ rcoutflag => "/fo",
lib_cflags => sub { join(" ",
($disabled{shared} ? "/Zl" : ()),
"/Zi /Fdlib") },
diff --git a/Configurations/windows-makefile.tmpl b/Configurations/windows-makefile.tmpl
index e4faa95..89c9e49 100644
--- a/Configurations/windows-makefile.tmpl
+++ b/Configurations/windows-makefile.tmpl
@@ -97,6 +97,8 @@ ENGINESDIR={- use File::Spec::Functions;
CC={- $target{cc} -}
CFLAGS={- join(" ",(map { "-D".$_} @{$target{defines}}, @{$config{defines}})) -} {- join(" ", quotify_l("-DENGINESDIR=\"$enginesdir\"", "-DOPENSSLDIR=\"$openssldir\"")) -} {- $target{cflags} -} {- $config{cflags} -}
COUTFLAG={- $target{coutflag} || "/Fo" -}
+RC={- $target{rc} || "rc" -}
+RCOUTFLAG={- $target{rcoutflag} || "/fo" -}
LD={- $target{ld} || "link" -}
LDFLAGS={- $target{lflags} -}
LDOUTFLAG={- $target{loutflag} || "/out:" -}
@@ -343,15 +345,20 @@ EOF
my $mkdef_pl = abs2rel(rel2abs(catfile($config{sourcedir},
"util", "mkdef.pl")),
+ my $mkrc_pl = abs2rel(rel2abs(catfile($config{sourcedir},
+ "util", "mkrc.pl")),
+ rel2abs($config{builddir}));
my $target = shlib_import($lib);
return <<"EOF"
$target: $deps $ordinalsfile $mkdef_pl
\$(PERL) $mkdef_pl "$mkdef_key" 32 > $shlib.def
\$(PERL) -i.tmp -pe "s|^LIBRARY\\s+${mkdef_key}32|LIBRARY $shlib|;" $shlib.def
DEL $shlib.def.tmp
+ \$(PERL) $mkrc_pl $shlib$shlibext > $shlib.rc
+ \$(RC) \$(RCOUTFLAG)$shlib.res $shlib.rc
/implib:$target \$(LDOUTFLAG)$shlib$shlibext /def:$shlib.def @<<
-$objs$linklibs \$(EX_LIBS)
+$objs $shlib.res$linklibs \$(EX_LIBS)
DEL /F apps\\$shlib$shlibext
DEL /F test\\$shlib$shlibext
diff --git a/Configure b/Configure
index 255c2cc..67c4013 100755
--- a/Configure
+++ b/Configure
@@ -1874,66 +1874,6 @@ my %builders = (
my $platform = shift;
# The only reason we do this is to have something to build MINFO from
- # create the ms/version32.rc file if needed
- my ($v1, $v2, $v3, $v4);
- if ($config{version_num} =~ /^0x([0-9a-f]{1})([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{1})L$/i) {
- $v1=hex $1;
- $v2=hex $2;
- $v3=hex $3;
- $v4=hex $4;
- }
- open (OUT,">ms/version32.rc") || die "Can't open ms/version32.rc";
- print OUT <<"EOF";
-#include <winver.h>
-LANGUAGE 0x09,0x01
- FILEVERSION $v1,$v2,$v3,$v4
- PRODUCTVERSION $v1,$v2,$v3,$v4
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
- BLOCK "040904b0"
- // Required:
- VALUE "CompanyName", "The OpenSSL Project, http://www.openssl.org/\\0"
- VALUE "FileDescription", "OpenSSL Shared Library\\0"
- VALUE "FileVersion", "$config{version}\\0"
-#if defined(CRYPTO)
- VALUE "InternalName", "libcrypto32\\0"
- VALUE "OriginalFilename", "libcrypto32.dll\\0"
-#elif defined(SSL)
- VALUE "InternalName", "libssl32\\0"
- VALUE "OriginalFilename", "libssl32.dll\\0"
- VALUE "ProductName", "The OpenSSL Toolkit\\0"
- VALUE "ProductVersion", "$config{version}\\0"
- // Optional:
- //VALUE "Comments", "\\0"
- VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright © 1998-2015 The OpenSSL Project. Copyright © 1995-1998 Eric A. Young, Tim J. Hudson. All rights reserved.\\0"
- //VALUE "LegalTrademarks", "\\0"
- //VALUE "PrivateBuild", "\\0"
- //VALUE "SpecialBuild", "\\0"
- BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
- VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 0x4b0
- close(OUT);
diff --git a/ms/do_fips.bat b/ms/do_fips.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index 73b0a3e..0000000
--- a/ms/do_fips.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
- at echo off
-echo Processor Architecture Undefined: defaulting to X86
-goto X86
-if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% == x86 goto X86
-echo Processor Architecture Unrecognized: defaulting to X86
-echo Auto Configuring for X86
-if x%ASM% == xno-asm goto compile
-SET ASM=nasm
-goto compile
-echo Auto Configuring for IA64
-goto compile
-echo Auto Configuring for AMD64
-if x%ASM% == xno-asm goto compile
-SET ASM=nasm
-if x%ASM% == xno-asm SET EXARG=no-asm
-perl Configure %TARGET% %EXARG% fipscheck
-echo on
-perl util\mkfiles.pl >MINFO
- at if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto error
-perl util\mk1mf.pl dll %ASM% %TARGET% >ms\ntdll.mak
- at if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto error
-nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak clean
-nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak
- at if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto error
-nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak install
- at if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto error
- at echo.
- at echo.
- at echo.
- at echo ***************************
- at echo ****FIPS BUILD SUCCESS*****
- at echo ***************************
- at goto end
- at echo.
- at echo.
- at echo.
- at echo ***************************
- at echo ****FIPS BUILD FAILURE*****
- at echo ***************************
diff --git a/ms/do_ms.bat b/ms/do_ms.bat
deleted file mode 100755
index 396395f..0000000
--- a/ms/do_ms.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-perl util\mkfiles.pl >MINFO
-perl util\mk1mf.pl no-asm VC-WIN32 >ms\nt.mak
-perl util\mk1mf.pl dll no-asm VC-WIN32 >ms\ntdll.mak
-if x%OSVERSION% == x goto skipce
-perl util\mk1mf.pl no-asm VC-CE >ms\ce.mak
-perl util\mk1mf.pl dll no-asm VC-CE >ms\cedll.mak
-perl util\mkdef.pl 32 libcrypto > ms\libcrypto32.def
-perl util\mkdef.pl 32 libssl > ms\libssl32.def
diff --git a/ms/do_nasm.bat b/ms/do_nasm.bat
deleted file mode 100755
index ad0cebd..0000000
--- a/ms/do_nasm.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-perl util\mkfiles.pl >MINFO
-perl util\mk1mf.pl nasm VC-WIN32 >ms\nt.mak
-perl util\mk1mf.pl dll nasm VC-WIN32 >ms\ntdll.mak
-perl util\mkdef.pl 32 libcrypto > ms\libcrypto32.def
-perl util\mkdef.pl 32 libssl > ms\libssl32.def
diff --git a/ms/do_win64a.bat b/ms/do_win64a.bat
deleted file mode 100755
index 6219a48..0000000
--- a/ms/do_win64a.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-perl util\mkfiles.pl >MINFO
-cmd /c "nasm -f win64 -v" >NUL 2>&1
-if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto ml64
-perl ms\uplink-x86_64.pl nasm > ms\uptable.asm
-nasm -f win64 -o ms\uptable.obj ms\uptable.asm
-goto proceed
-perl ms\uplink-x86_64.pl masm > ms\uptable.asm
-ml64 -c -Foms\uptable.obj ms\uptable.asm
-perl util\mk1mf.pl VC-WIN64A >ms\nt.mak
-perl util\mk1mf.pl dll VC-WIN64A >ms\ntdll.mak
-perl util\mkdef.pl 32 libcrypto > ms\libcrypto32.def
-perl util\mkdef.pl 32 libssl > ms\libssl32.def
diff --git a/ms/do_win64i.bat b/ms/do_win64i.bat
deleted file mode 100755
index d542d85..0000000
--- a/ms/do_win64i.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-perl util\mkfiles.pl >MINFO
-perl ms\uplink-ia64.pl > ms\uptable.asm
-ias -o ms\uptable.obj ms\uptable.asm
-perl util\mk1mf.pl VC-WIN64I >ms\nt.mak
-perl util\mk1mf.pl dll VC-WIN64I >ms\ntdll.mak
-perl util\mkdef.pl 32 libcrypto > ms\libcrypto32.def
-perl util\mkdef.pl 32 libssl > ms\libssl32.def
diff --git a/util/do_ms.sh b/util/do_ms.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index e82fc11..0000000
--- a/util/do_ms.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# generate the Microsoft makefiles and .def files
-# perl util/mk1mf.pl no-sock VC-MSDOS >ms/msdos.mak
-# perl util/mk1mf.pl VC-W31-32 >ms/w31.mak
-perl util/mk1mf.pl dll VC-WIN16 >ms/w31dll.mak
-# perl util/mk1mf.pl VC-WIN32 >ms/nt.mak
-perl util/mk1mf.pl dll VC-WIN32 >ms/ntdll.mak
-perl util/mk1mf.pl Mingw32 >ms/mingw32.mak
-perl util/mk1mf.pl Mingw32-files >ms/mingw32f.mak
-perl util/mkdef.pl 16 libcrypto > ms/libcrypto16.def
-perl util/mkdef.pl 32 libcrypto > ms/libcrypto32.def
-perl util/mkdef.pl 16 libssl > ms/libssl16.def
-perl util/mkdef.pl 32 libssl > ms/libssl32.def
diff --git a/util/mk1mf.pl b/util/mk1mf.pl
index f03f83d..0c52530 100755
--- a/util/mk1mf.pl
+++ b/util/mk1mf.pl
@@ -99,11 +99,6 @@ die "Makefile is not the toplevel Makefile!\n" if $ssl_version eq "";
- "VC-WIN32", "Microsoft Visual C++ [4-6] - Windows NT or 9X",
- "VC-WIN64I", "Microsoft C/C++ - Win64/IA-64",
- "VC-WIN64A", "Microsoft C/C++ - Win64/x64",
- "VC-CE", "Microsoft eMbedded Visual C++ 3.0 - Windows CE ONLY",
- "VC-NT", "Microsoft Visual C++ [4-6] - Windows NT ONLY",
"Mingw32", "GNU C++ - Windows NT or 9x",
"Mingw32-files", "Create files with DOS copy ...",
"linux-elf","Linux elf",
@@ -201,13 +196,7 @@ if ($platform eq "auto" || $platform eq 'copy') {
print STDERR "Imported platform $mf_platform\n";
-if (($platform =~ /VC-(.+)/))
- {
- $FLAVOR=$1;
- $NT = 1 if $1 eq "NT";
- require 'VC-32.pl';
- }
-elsif ($platform eq "Mingw32")
+if ($platform eq "Mingw32")
require 'Mingw32.pl';
@@ -856,19 +845,6 @@ foreach (values %lib_nam)
-# hack to add version info on MSVC
-if (($platform eq "VC-WIN32") || ($platform eq "VC-WIN64A")
- || ($platform eq "VC-WIN64I") || ($platform eq "VC-NT")) {
- $rules.= <<"EOF";
-\$(OBJ_D)\\\$(CRYPTO).res: ms\\version32.rc
- \$(RSC) /fo"\$(OBJ_D)\\\$(CRYPTO).res" /d CRYPTO ms\\version32.rc
-\$(OBJ_D)\\\$(SSL).res: ms\\version32.rc
- \$(RSC) /fo"\$(OBJ_D)\\\$(SSL).res" /d SSL ms\\version32.rc
foreach (split(/\s+/,$test))
@@ -1123,14 +1099,6 @@ sub do_defs
$Vars{$var}.="$t ";
- # hack to add version info on MSVC
- if ($shlib && (($platform eq "VC-WIN32") || ($platfrom eq "VC-WIN64I") || ($platform eq "VC-WIN64A") || ($platform eq "VC-NT")))
- {
- if ($var eq "CRYPTOOBJ")
- { $ret.="\$(OBJ_D)\\\$(CRYPTO).res "; }
- elsif ($var eq "SSLOBJ")
- { $ret.="\$(OBJ_D)\\\$(SSL).res "; }
- }
chomp($ret); # Does this actually do something? /RL
diff --git a/util/pl/VC-32.pl b/util/pl/VC-32.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c9bee5..0000000
--- a/util/pl/VC-32.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,471 +0,0 @@
-# VC-32.pl - unified script for Microsoft Visual C++, covering Win32,
-# Win64 and WinCE [follow $FLAVOR variable to trace the differences].
-$ssl= "libssl32";
-if ($fips && !$shlib)
- {
- $crypto="libcryptofips32";
- $crypto_compat = "libcryptocompat32.lib";
- }
- {
- $crypto="libcrypto32";
- }
-if ($fipscanisterbuild)
- {
- $fips_canister_path = "\$(LIB_D)\\fipscanister.lib";
- }
-$cp='$(PERL) util/copy.pl';
-$cp2='$(PERL) util/copy.pl -stripcr';
-$mkdir='$(PERL) util/mkdir-p.pl';
-$rm='del /Q';
-$mv='move /Y';
-# Santize -L options for ms link
-$l_flags =~ s/-L("\[^"]+")/\/libpath:$1/g;
-$l_flags =~ s/-L(\S+)/\/libpath:$1/g;
-# C compiler stuff
-if ($FLAVOR =~ /WIN64/)
- {
- # Note that we currently don't have /WX on Win64! There is a lot of
- # warnings, but only of two types:
- #
- # C4344: conversion from '__int64' to 'int/long', possible loss of data
- # C4267: conversion from 'size_t' to 'int/long', possible loss of data
- #
- # Amount of latter type is minimized by aliasing strlen to function of
- # own desing and limiting its return value to 2GB-1 (see e_os.h). As
- # per 0.9.8 release remaining warnings were explicitly examined and
- # considered safe to ignore.
- #
- $base_cflags= " $mf_cflag" . ($mf_shared_cflag ? " $mf_shared_cflag" : "");
- my $f = ($shlib and !$fipscanisterbuild)?' /MD':' /MT';
- $opt_cflags=$f.' /Ox';
- $dbg_cflags=$f.'d /Od -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG';
- $lflags="/nologo /subsystem:console /opt:ref";
- *::perlasm_compile_target = sub {
- my ($target,$source,$bname)=@_;
- my $ret;
- $bname =~ s/(.*)\.[^\.]$/$1/;
- $ret=<<___;
-\$(TMP_D)$o$bname.asm: $source
- set ASM=\$(ASM)
- \$(PERL) $source \$\@
- $ret .= "\t\$(PERL) util\\fipsas.pl . \$@ norunasm \$(CFLAG)\n" if $fipscanisterbuild;
- $ret.=<<___;
-$target: \$(TMP_D)$o$bname.asm
- \$(ASM) $afile\$\@ \$(TMP_D)$o$bname.asm
- }
- }
-elsif ($FLAVOR =~ /CE/)
- {
- # sanity check
- die '%OSVERSION% is not defined' if (!defined($ENV{'OSVERSION'}));
- die '%PLATFORM% is not defined' if (!defined($ENV{'PLATFORM'}));
- die '%TARGETCPU% is not defined' if (!defined($ENV{'TARGETCPU'}));
- #
- # Idea behind this is to mimic flags set by eVC++ IDE...
- #
- $wcevers = $ENV{'OSVERSION'}; # WCENNN
- die '%OSVERSION% value is insane' if ($wcevers !~ /^WCE([1-9])([0-9]{2})$/);
- $wcecdefs = "-D_WIN32_WCE=$1$2 -DUNDER_CE=$1$2"; # -D_WIN32_WCE=NNN
- $wcelflag = "/subsystem:windowsce,$1.$2"; # ...,N.NN
- $wceplatf = $ENV{'PLATFORM'};
- $wceplatf =~ tr/a-z0-9 /A-Z0-9_/d;
- $wcecdefs .= " -DWCE_PLATFORM_$wceplatf";
- $wcetgt = $ENV{'TARGETCPU'}; # just shorter name...
- SWITCH: for($wcetgt) {
- /^X86/ && do { $wcecdefs.=" -Dx86 -D_X86_ -D_i386_ -Di_386_";
- $wcelflag.=" /machine:X86"; last; };
- /^ARMV4[IT]/ && do { $wcecdefs.=" -DARM -D_ARM_ -D$wcetgt";
- $wcecdefs.=" -DTHUMB -D_THUMB_" if($wcetgt=~/T$/);
- $wcecdefs.=" -QRarch4T -QRinterwork-return";
- $wcelflag.=" /machine:THUMB"; last; };
- /^ARM/ && do { $wcecdefs.=" -DARM -D_ARM_ -D$wcetgt";
- $wcelflag.=" /machine:ARM"; last; };
- /^MIPSIV/ && do { $wcecdefs.=" -DMIPS -D_MIPS_ -DR4000 -D$wcetgt";
- $wcecdefs.=" -D_MIPS64 -QMmips4 -QMn32";
- $wcelflag.=" /machine:MIPSFPU"; last; };
- /^MIPS16/ && do { $wcecdefs.=" -DMIPS -D_MIPS_ -DR4000 -D$wcetgt";
- $wcecdefs.=" -DMIPSII -QMmips16";
- $wcelflag.=" /machine:MIPS16"; last; };
- /^MIPSII/ && do { $wcecdefs.=" -DMIPS -D_MIPS_ -DR4000 -D$wcetgt";
- $wcecdefs.=" -QMmips2";
- $wcelflag.=" /machine:MIPS"; last; };
- /^R4[0-9]{3}/ && do { $wcecdefs.=" -DMIPS -D_MIPS_ -DR4000";
- $wcelflag.=" /machine:MIPS"; last; };
- /^SH[0-9]/ && do { $wcecdefs.=" -D$wcetgt -D_$wcetgt_ -DSHx";
- $wcecdefs.=" -Qsh4" if ($wcetgt =~ /^SH4/);
- $wcelflag.=" /machine:$wcetgt"; last; };
- { $wcecdefs.=" -D$wcetgt -D_$wcetgt_";
- $wcelflag.=" /machine:$wcetgt"; last; };
- }
- $cc=($ENV{CC} or "cl");
- $base_cflags.=" $wcecdefs";
- $base_cflags.=' -I$(WCECOMPAT)/include' if (defined($ENV{'WCECOMPAT'}));
- $base_cflags.=' -I$(PORTSDK_LIBPATH)/../../include' if (defined($ENV{'PORTSDK_LIBPATH'}));
- if (`$cc 2>&1` =~ /Version ([0-9]+)\./ && $1>=14) {
- $base_cflags.=($shlib and !$fipscanisterbuild)?' /MD':' /MT';
- } else {
- $base_cflags.=' /MC';
- }
- $opt_cflags=' /O1i'; # optimize for space, but with intrinsics...
- $dbg_cflags=' /Od -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG';
- $lflags="/nologo /opt:ref $wcelflag";
- }
-else # Win32
- {
- $base_cflags= " $mf_cflag" . ($mf_shared_cflag ? " $mf_shared_cflag" : "");
- my $f = ($shlib and !$fipscanisterbuild)?' /MD':' /MT';
- $opt_cflags=$f.' /Ox /O2 /Ob2';
- $dbg_cflags=$f.'d /Od -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG';
- $lflags="/nologo /subsystem:console /opt:ref";
- }
-$lib_cflag='/Zl' if (!$shlib or $fipscanisterbuild); # remove /DEFAULTLIBs
-$out_def ="out32"; $out_def.="dll" if ($shlib);
- $out_def.='_$(TARGETCPU)' if ($FLAVOR =~ /CE/);
-$tmp_def ="tmp32"; $tmp_def.="dll" if ($shlib);
- $tmp_def.='_$(TARGETCPU)' if ($FLAVOR =~ /CE/);
-if ($debug)
- {
- $cflags=$dbg_cflags.$base_cflags;
- }
- {
- $cflags=$opt_cflags.$base_cflags;
- }
-# generate symbols.pdb unconditionally
-$app_cflag.=" /Zi /Fd\$(TMP_D)/app";
-$lib_cflag.=" /Zi /Fd\$(TMP_D)/lib";
-$lflags.=" /debug";
-$lflags.=" /fixed" if ($fips && $FLAVOR !~ /WIN64/);
-# EXE linking stuff
-if ($no_sock) { $ex_libs=''; }
-elsif ($FLAVOR =~ /CE/) { $ex_libs='ws2.lib'; }
-else { $ex_libs='ws2_32.lib'; }
-if ($FLAVOR =~ /CE/)
- {
- $ex_libs.=' crypt32.lib'; # for e_capi.c
- if (defined($ENV{WCECOMPAT}))
- {
- $ex_libs.= ' $(WCECOMPAT)/lib';
- if (-f "$ENV{WCECOMPAT}/lib/$ENV{TARGETCPU}/wcecompatex.lib")
- {
- $ex_libs.='/$(TARGETCPU)/wcecompatex.lib';
- }
- else
- {
- $ex_libs.='/wcecompatex.lib';
- }
- }
- $ex_libs.=' $(PORTSDK_LIBPATH)/portlib.lib' if (defined($ENV{'PORTSDK_LIBPATH'}));
- $ex_libs.=' /nodefaultlib coredll.lib corelibc.lib' if ($ENV{'TARGETCPU'} eq "X86");
- }
- {
- $ex_libs.=' gdi32.lib advapi32.lib crypt32.lib user32.lib';
- $ex_libs.=' bufferoverflowu.lib' if ($FLAVOR =~ /WIN64/ and `cl 2>&1` =~ /14\.00\.4[0-9]{4}\./);
- # WIN32 UNICODE build gets linked with unicows.lib for
- # backward compatibility with Win9x.
- $ex_libs="unicows.lib $ex_libs" if ($FLAVOR =~ /WIN32/ and $cflags =~ /\-DUNICODE/);
- }
-# static library stuff
-$mklib='lib /nologo';
-$app_ex_obj="setargv.obj" if ($FLAVOR !~ /CE/);
-if ($FLAVOR =~ /WIN64A/) {
- if (`nasm -v 2>NUL` =~ /NASM version ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/ && $1 >= 2.0) {
- $asm='nasm -f win64 -DNEAR -Ox -g';
- $afile='-o ';
- } else {
- $asm='ml64 /c /Cp /Cx /Zi';
- $afile='/Fo';
- }
-} elsif ($FLAVOR =~ /WIN64I/) {
- $asm='ias -d debug';
- $afile="-o ";
-} elsif ($nasm) {
- my $ver=`nasm -v 2>NUL`;
- my $vew=`nasmw -v 2>NUL`;
- # pick newest version
- $asm=($ver ge $vew?"nasm":"nasmw")." -f win32";
- $asmtype="win32n";
- $afile='-o ';
-} else {
- $asm='ml /nologo /Cp /coff /c /Cx /Zi';
- $afile='/Fo';
- $asmtype="win32";
-if (!$no_asm)
- {
- win32_import_asm($mf_bn_asm, "bn", \$bn_asm_obj, \$bn_asm_src);
- win32_import_asm($mf_aes_asm, "aes", \$aes_asm_obj, \$aes_asm_src);
- win32_import_asm($mf_des_asm, "des", \$des_enc_obj, \$des_enc_src);
- win32_import_asm($mf_bf_asm, "bf", \$bf_enc_obj, \$bf_enc_src);
- win32_import_asm($mf_cast_asm, "cast", \$cast_enc_obj, \$cast_enc_src);
- win32_import_asm($mf_rc4_asm, "rc4", \$rc4_enc_obj, \$rc4_enc_src);
- win32_import_asm($mf_rc5_asm, "rc5", \$rc5_enc_obj, \$rc5_enc_src);
- win32_import_asm($mf_md5_asm, "md5", \$md5_asm_obj, \$md5_asm_src);
- win32_import_asm($mf_sha_asm, "sha", \$sha1_asm_obj, \$sha1_asm_src);
- win32_import_asm($mf_rmd_asm, "ripemd", \$rmd160_asm_obj, \$rmd160_asm_src);
- win32_import_asm($mf_wp_asm, "whrlpool", \$whirlpool_asm_obj, \$whirlpool_asm_src);
- win32_import_asm($mf_modes_asm, "modes", \$modes_asm_obj, \$modes_asm_src);
- win32_import_asm($mf_cpuid_asm, "", \$cpuid_asm_obj, \$cpuid_asm_src);
- $perl_asm = 1;
- }
-if ($shlib && $FLAVOR !~ /CE/)
- {
- $mlflags.=" $lflags /dll";
- $lib_cflag.=" -D_WINDLL";
- #
- # Engage Applink...
- #
- $app_ex_obj.=" \$(OBJ_D)\\applink.obj /implib:\$(TMP_D)\\junk.lib";
- $cflags.=" -DOPENSSL_USE_APPLINK -I.";
- # I'm open for better suggestions than overriding $banner...
- $banner=<<'___';
- @echo Building OpenSSL
-$(OBJ_D)\applink.obj: ms\applink.c
- $(CC) /Fo$(OBJ_D)\applink.obj $(APP_CFLAGS) -c ms\applink.c
-$(OBJ_D)\uplink.obj: ms\uplink.c ms\applink.c
- $(CC) /Fo$(OBJ_D)\uplink.obj $(SHLIB_CFLAGS) -c ms\uplink.c
-LIBS_DEP=$(LIBS_DEP) $(OBJ_D)\applink.obj
- $banner.=<<'___' if ($FLAVOR =~ /WIN64/);
-CRYPTOOBJ=ms\uptable.obj $(CRYPTOOBJ)
- }
-elsif ($shlib && $FLAVOR =~ /CE/)
- {
- $mlflags.=" $lflags /dll";
- $lflags.=' /entry:mainCRTstartup' if(defined($ENV{'PORTSDK_LIBPATH'}));
- $lib_cflag.=" -D_WINDLL";
- $lib_cflag.=" -D_DLL" if (!$fipscanisterbuild);
- }
-sub do_rehash_rule {
- my ($target, $deps) = @_;
- my $ret = <<"EOF";
-$target: $deps
- echo off > $target
- return $ret
-sub do_test_rule {
- my ($target, $deps, $test_cmd) = @_;
- my $ret = <<"EOF";
-$target: $deps force.$target
- set TOP=.
- set BIN_D=\$(BIN_D)
- set TEST_D=\$(TEST_D)
- set PERL=\$(PERL)
- \$(PERL) test\\$test_cmd \$(TESTS)
-sub do_lib_rule
- {
- my($objs,$target,$name,$shlib,$ign,$base_addr) = @_;
- local($ret);
- $taget =~ s/\//$o/g if $o ne '/';
- my $base_arg;
- if ($base_addr ne "")
- {
- $base_arg= " /base:$base_addr";
- }
- else
- {
- $base_arg = "";
- }
- if ($name ne "")
- {
- $name =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
- $name = "/def:ms/${name}.def";
- }
-# $target="\$(LIB_D)$o$target";
-# $ret.="$target: $objs\n";
- if (!$shlib)
- {
-# $ret.="\t\$(RM) \$(O_$Name)\n";
- $ret.="$target: $objs\n";
- $ret.="\t\$(MKLIB) $lfile$target @<<\n $objs\n<<\n";
- }
- else
- {
- local($ex)=($target =~ /O_CRYPTO/)?'':' $(L_CRYPTO)';
- $ex.=" $zlib_lib" if $zlib_opt == 1 && $target =~ /O_CRYPTO/;
- if ($fips && $target =~ /O_CRYPTO/)
- {
- $ret.="$target: $objs \$(PREMAIN_DSO_EXE)";
- $ret.="\n\tSET FIPS_LINK=\$(LINK_CMD)\n";
- $ret.="\tSET FIPS_CC=\$(CC)\n";
- $ret.="\tSET FIPS_CC_ARGS=/Fo\$(OBJ_D)${o}fips_premain.obj \$(SHLIB_CFLAGS) -c\n";
- $ret.="\tSET FIPS_SHA1_EXE=\$(FIPS_SHA1_EXE)\n";
- $ret.="\tSET FIPS_TARGET=$target\n";
- $ret.="\tSET FIPSLIB_D=\$(FIPSLIB_D)\n";
- $ret.="\t\$(FIPSLINK) \$(MLFLAGS) /map $base_arg $efile$target ";
- $ret.="$name @<<\n \$(SHLIB_EX_OBJ) $objs \$(EX_LIBS) ";
- $ret.="\$(OBJ_D)${o}fips_premain.obj $ex\n<<\n";
- }
- else
- {
- $ret.="$target: $objs";
- $ret.="\n\t\$(LINK_CMD) \$(MLFLAGS) $efile$target $name @<<\n \$(SHLIB_EX_OBJ) $objs $ex \$(EX_LIBS)\n<<\n";
- }
- $ret.="\tIF EXIST \$@.manifest mt -nologo -manifest \$@.manifest -outputresource:\$@;2\n\n";
- }
- $ret.="\n";
- return($ret);
- }
-sub do_link_rule
- {
- my($target,$files,$dep_libs,$libs,$standalone)=@_;
- local($ret,$_);
- $file =~ s/\//$o/g if $o ne '/';
- $n=&bname($target);
- $ret.="$target: $files $dep_libs\n";
- if ($standalone == 1)
- {
- $ret.=" \$(LINK_CMD) \$(LFLAGS) $efile$target @<<\n\t";
- $ret.= "\$(EX_LIBS) " if ($files =~ /O_FIPSCANISTER/ && !$fipscanisterbuild);
- $ret.="$files $libs\n<<\n";
- }
- elsif ($standalone == 2)
- {
- $ret.="\tSET FIPS_LINK=\$(LINK_CMD)\n";
- $ret.="\tSET FIPS_CC=\$(CC)\n";
- $ret.="\tSET FIPS_CC_ARGS=/Fo\$(OBJ_D)${o}fips_premain.obj \$(SHLIB_CFLAGS) -c\n";
- $ret.="\tSET PREMAIN_DSO_EXE=\n";
- $ret.="\tSET FIPS_TARGET=$target\n";
- $ret.="\tSET FIPS_SHA1_EXE=\$(FIPS_SHA1_EXE)\n";
- $ret.="\tSET FIPSLIB_D=\$(FIPSLIB_D)\n";
- $ret.="\t\$(FIPSLINK) \$(LFLAGS) /map $efile$target @<<\n";
- $ret.="\t\$(APP_EX_OBJ) $files \$(OBJ_D)${o}fips_premain.obj $libs\n<<\n";
- }
- else
- {
- $ret.="\t\$(LINK_CMD) \$(LFLAGS) $efile$target @<<\n";
- $ret.="\t\$(APP_EX_OBJ) $files $libs\n<<\n";
- }
- $ret.="\tIF EXIST \$@.manifest mt -nologo -manifest \$@.manifest -outputresource:\$@;1\n\n";
- return($ret);
- }
-sub do_rlink_rule
- {
- local($target,$rl_start, $rl_mid, $rl_end,$dep_libs,$libs)=@_;
- local($ret,$_);
- my $files = "$rl_start $rl_mid $rl_end";
- $file =~ s/\//$o/g if $o ne '/';
- $n=&bname($target);
- $ret.="$target: $files $dep_libs \$(FIPS_SHA1_EXE)\n";
- $ret.="\t\$(PERL) ms\\segrenam.pl \$\$a $rl_start\n";
- $ret.="\t\$(PERL) ms\\segrenam.pl \$\$b $rl_mid\n";
- $ret.="\t\$(PERL) ms\\segrenam.pl \$\$c $rl_end\n";
- $ret.="\t\$(MKLIB) $lfile$target @<<\n\t$files\n<<\n";
- $ret.="\t\$(FIPS_SHA1_EXE) $target > ${target}.sha1\n";
- $ret.="\t\$(PERL) util${o}copy.pl -stripcr fips${o}fips_premain.c \$(LIB_D)${o}fips_premain.c\n";
- $ret.="\t\$(CP) fips${o}fips_premain.c.sha1 \$(LIB_D)${o}fips_premain.c.sha1\n";
- $ret.="\n";
- return($ret);
- }
-sub win32_import_asm
- {
- my ($mf_var, $asm_name, $oref, $sref) = @_;
- my $asm_dir;
- if ($asm_name eq "")
- {
- $asm_dir = "crypto\\";
- }
- else
- {
- $asm_dir = "crypto\\$asm_name\\asm\\";
- }
- $$oref = "";
- $$sref = "";
- $mf_var =~ s/\.o//g;
- foreach (split(/ /, $mf_var))
- {
- $$sref .= $asm_dir . $_ . ".asm ";
- }
- foreach (split(/ /, $mf_var))
- {
- $$oref .= "\$(TMP_D)\\" . $_ . ".obj ";
- }
- $$oref =~ s/ $//;
- $$sref =~ s/ $//;
- }
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