[openssl-commits] [web] master update

Rich Salz rsalz at openssl.org
Fri May 13 14:16:50 UTC 2016

The branch master has been updated
       via  4bbc83711b4873f42123a85ec2e331b1bb101ab7 (commit)
      from  b8f0dea6d8df8cc11fd3d65003ee884e4c40fde1 (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 4bbc83711b4873f42123a85ec2e331b1bb101ab7
Author: Rich Salz <rsalz at akamai.com>
Date:   Fri May 13 10:16:46 2016 -0400

    Update patch/PR text


Summary of changes:
 community/index.html | 22 +++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/community/index.html b/community/index.html
index 5b71396..980dd21 100644
--- a/community/index.html
+++ b/community/index.html
@@ -53,6 +53,13 @@
+	    <p>The easiest way to respond to an existing request is to reply
+	    to the relevant message in <em>openssl-dev at openssl.org</em>.
+	    To help avoid duplicate copies, edit the recipient list so that
+	    only <em>rt at openssl.org</em> is listed and remove any quoted
+	    material.
+	    </p>
 	    <p>To report a bug or make an enhancement request, send email
 	    to <a href="mailto:rt at openssl.org">rt at openssl.org</a>.
 	    In the subject line, please make sure to indicate if it's a
@@ -62,18 +69,11 @@
 	    please send it as an attachment, and not inline in
 	    the message body.</p>
-	    <p>The easiest way to respond to an existing request is to reply
-	    to the relevant message in <em>openssl-dev at openssl.org</em>.
-	    To help avoid duplicate copies, edit the recipient list so that
-	    only <em>rt at openssl.org</em> is listed and remove any quoted
-	    material.
-	    </p>
-	    <p>You can also create a pull request in
+            <p>For more information about the best way to submit patches,
+            please see the file CONTRIBUTING in the distribution.
+	    In short, making a
 	    <a href="https://github.com/openssl/openssl">GitHub</a>,
-	    but if you do that, please also use RT and refer to the
-	    request number.  That way we are less likely to lose track
-	    of things.</p>
+            pull request is preferred.</p>
 	    You are here: <a href="/">Home</a>

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