[openssl-commits] [openssl] master update

Richard Levitte levitte at openssl.org
Tue May 24 22:46:03 UTC 2016

The branch master has been updated
       via  b202bf675b54dddf268d168a9a7c5db9f62e05ae (commit)
       via  05a7aee0e2b9102c8b2ececdc1dfdb727c453c95 (commit)
      from  73b61c7e14115ae98c174bfdd7c7733d6cc7e909 (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit b202bf675b54dddf268d168a9a7c5db9f62e05ae
Author: Richard Levitte <levitte at openssl.org>
Date:   Mon May 16 14:58:33 2016 +0200

    Complete the list of files to clean up on Windows
    Reviewed-by: Rich Salz <rsalz at openssl.org>

commit 05a7aee0e2b9102c8b2ececdc1dfdb727c453c95
Author: Richard Levitte <levitte at openssl.org>
Date:   Mon May 16 14:54:39 2016 +0200

    Communicate Configure generated header files to build files
    Add Configure generated header files to $unified_info{generate}.  This
    makes sure the build files will pick them up with the rest for the
    GENERATED macro, and thereby make sure they get cleaned away by 'make
    Reviewed-by: Rich Salz <rsalz at openssl.org>


Summary of changes:
 Configurations/common.tmpl           |  2 ++
 Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl    |  7 ++++++-
 Configurations/windows-makefile.tmpl | 13 ++++++++++++-
 Configure                            |  7 +++++++
 4 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Configurations/common.tmpl b/Configurations/common.tmpl
index af1746a..e3f49e7 100644
--- a/Configurations/common.tmpl
+++ b/Configurations/common.tmpl
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@
      my $bin = shift;
      my %opts = @_;
      if ($unified_info{generate}->{$src}) {
+         die "$src is generated by Configure, should not appear in build file\n"
+             if ref $unified_info{generate}->{$src} eq "";
          my $script = $unified_info{generate}->{$src}->[0];
          $OUT .= generatesrc(src => $src,
                              generator => $unified_info{generate}->{$src},
diff --git a/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl b/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl
index 469bd32..8c27ba9 100644
--- a/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl
+++ b/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl
@@ -84,7 +84,12 @@ DEPS={- join(" ", map { (my $x = $_) =~ s|\.o$|$depext|; $x; }
                   grep { $unified_info{sources}->{$_}->[0] =~ /\.c$/ }
                   keys %{$unified_info{sources}}); -}
 {- output_on() if $disabled{makedepend}; "" -}
-GENERATED={- join(" ", map { (my $x = $_) =~ s|\.S$|\.s|; $x } keys %{$unified_info{generate}}) -}
+GENERATED={- join(" ",
+                  ( map { (my $x = $_) =~ s|\.S$|\.s|; $x }
+                    grep { defined $unified_info{generate}->{$_} }
+                    map { @{$unified_info{sources}->{$_}} }
+                    grep { /\.o$/ } keys %{$unified_info{sources}} ),
+                  ( grep { /\.h$/ } keys %{$unified_info{generate}} )) -}
 {- output_off() if $disabled{apps}; "" -}
diff --git a/Configurations/windows-makefile.tmpl b/Configurations/windows-makefile.tmpl
index d72c7bc..454f2ed 100644
--- a/Configurations/windows-makefile.tmpl
+++ b/Configurations/windows-makefile.tmpl
@@ -77,6 +77,12 @@ DEPS={- join(" ", map { (my $x = $_) =~ s|\.o$|$depext|; $x; }
                   grep { $unified_info{sources}->{$_}->[0] =~ /\.c$/ }
                   keys %{$unified_info{sources}}); -}
 {- output_on() if $disabled{makedepend}; "" -}
+GENERATED={- join(" ",
+                  ( map { (my $x = $_) =~ s|\.[sS]$|\.asm|; $x }
+                    grep { defined $unified_info{generate}->{$_} }
+                    map { @{$unified_info{sources}->{$_}} }
+                    grep { /\.o$/ } keys %{$unified_info{sources}} ),
+                  ( grep { /\.h$/ } keys %{$unified_info{generate}} )) -}
 # Do not edit these manually. Use Configure with --prefix or --openssldir
 # to change this!  Short explanation in the top comment in Configure
@@ -171,18 +177,23 @@ uninstall: uninstall_docs uninstall_sw
 	$(PERL) -e "map { m/(.*)\.dll$$/; unlink glob """$$1.*"""; } @ARGV" $(SHLIBS)
+	$(PERL) -e "map { m/(.*)\.dll$$/; unlink glob """apps/$$1.*"""; } @ARGV" $(SHLIBS)
+	$(PERL) -e "map { m/(.*)\.dll$$/; unlink glob """test/$$1.*"""; } @ARGV" $(SHLIBS)
 	-del /Q /F $(LIBS)
 	-del /Q ossl_static.pdb
 clean: libclean
-	-del /Q /S /F *.asm
+	-del /Q /S /F $(GENERATED)
 	-del /Q /S /F *.d
 	-del /Q /S /F *.obj
 	-del /Q /S /F *.pdb
 	-del /Q /S /F *.exp
 	-del /Q /S /F engines\*.ilk
 	-del /Q /S /F engines\*.lib
+	-del /Q /S /F apps\*.lib
+	-del /Q /S /F engines\*.manifest
+	-del /Q /S /F apps\*.manifest
diff --git a/Configure b/Configure
index 215ffb8..95d457c 100755
--- a/Configure
+++ b/Configure
@@ -1731,6 +1731,13 @@ EOF
+    ### Add information about files generated by Configure
+    foreach (map { abs2rel($_) } @generated_headers) {
+        die "Configure gerenerated header file $_ has a GENERATE in a build.info\n"
+            if $unified_info{generate}->{$_};
+        $unified_info{generate}->{$_} = "Generated by Configure";
+    }
     ### Make unified_info a bit more efficient
     # One level structures
     foreach (("programs", "libraries", "engines", "scripts", "extra", "overrides")) {

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