[openssl-commits] [openssl] master update

Richard Levitte levitte at openssl.org
Wed Apr 12 14:00:22 UTC 2017

The branch master has been updated
       via  f75f007c35d06717277f78bc8d46af76ee44fe45 (commit)
      from  e80a0f65d473833908bece6f2d0a2ecc16639474 (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit f75f007c35d06717277f78bc8d46af76ee44fe45
Author: Richard Levitte <levitte at openssl.org>
Date:   Wed Apr 12 15:53:09 2017 +0200

    OpenSSL::Test: supported filtered command output
    95-test_external_boringssl.t had a specialised run() variant to prefix
    the command output so it wouldn't disturb Test::Harness.  This
    functionality if now moved to the run() command, using the added
    option 'prefix' that can be set to the string to prefix the output
    Reviewed-by: Rich Salz <rsalz at openssl.org>
    (Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/3201)


Summary of changes:
 test/recipes/95-test_external_boringssl.t | 22 +++++-----------------
 test/testlib/OpenSSL/Test.pm              | 21 +++++++++++++++++++--
 2 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/recipes/95-test_external_boringssl.t b/test/recipes/95-test_external_boringssl.t
index a49e6ea..56505cf 100644
--- a/test/recipes/95-test_external_boringssl.t
+++ b/test/recipes/95-test_external_boringssl.t
@@ -22,22 +22,10 @@ plan skip_all => "BoringSSL runner not detected"
 plan tests => 1;
 indir $ENV{BORING_RUNNER_DIR} => sub {
-    ok(filter_run(cmd(["go", "test", "-shim-path",
-                       bldtop_file("test", "ossl_shim", "ossl_shim"),
-                       "-shim-config",
-                       srctop_file("test", "ossl_shim", "ossl_config.json"),
-                       "-pipe", "-allow-unimplemented"])),
+    ok(run(cmd(["go", "test", "-shim-path",
+                bldtop_file("test", "ossl_shim", "ossl_shim"),
+                "-shim-config",
+                srctop_file("test", "ossl_shim", "ossl_config.json"),
+                "-pipe", "-allow-unimplemented"]), prefix => "go test: "),
        "running BoringSSL tests");
 }, create => 0, cleanup => 0;
-# Filter the output so that the "ok" printed by go test doesn't confuse
-# Test::More. Without that it thinks there has been one more test run than was
-# planned
-sub filter_run {
-    my $cmd = cmdstr(shift);
-    open(PIPE, "-|", $cmd);
-    while(<PIPE>) {
-        print STDOUT "go test: ", $_;
-    }
-    close PIPE;
diff --git a/test/testlib/OpenSSL/Test.pm b/test/testlib/OpenSSL/Test.pm
index 06fea0c..c76ca1c 100644
--- a/test/testlib/OpenSSL/Test.pm
+++ b/test/testlib/OpenSSL/Test.pm
@@ -403,6 +403,12 @@ return the resulting output as an array of lines.  If false or not given,
 the command will be executed with C<system()>, and C<run> will return 1 if
 the command was successful or 0 if it wasn't.
+=item B<prefix =E<gt> EXPR>
+If specified, EXPR will be used as a string to prefix the output from the
+command.  This is useful if the output contains lines starting with C<ok >
+or C<not ok > that can disturb Test::Harness.
 =item B<statusvar =E<gt> VARREF>
 If used, B<VARREF> must be a reference to a scalar variable.  It will be
@@ -452,8 +458,19 @@ sub run {
     # do.  For example, a program that gets aborted (and therefore signals
     # SIGABRT = 6) will appear to exit with the code 134.  We mimic this
     # to make it easier to compare with a manual run of the command.
-    if ($opts{capture}) {
-	@r = `$prefix$cmd`;
+    if ($opts{capture} || defined($opts{prefix})) {
+	my $pipe;
+	open($pipe, '-|', "$prefix$cmd") or die "Can't start command: $!";
+	while(<$pipe>) {
+	    my $l = ($opts{prefix} // "") . $_;
+	    if ($opts{capture}) {
+		push @r, $l;
+	    } else {
+		print STDOUT $l;
+	    }
+	}
+	close $pipe;
     } else {

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