[openssl-commits] [web] master update

Tim Hudson tjh at openssl.org
Wed Dec 20 22:56:30 UTC 2017

The branch master has been updated
       via  cb8f4455c27c76afbdb0508219c7c4a463f091f8 (commit)
      from  a7dbee66025f55cf83f75d93d3689ac31e137627 (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit cb8f4455c27c76afbdb0508219c7c4a463f091f8
Author: Tim Hudson <tjh at cryptsoft.com>
Date:   Thu Dec 21 08:54:56 2017 +1000

    add leave-of-absence as per OMC vote


Summary of changes:
 policies/omc-bylaws.html | 26 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+)

diff --git a/policies/omc-bylaws.html b/policies/omc-bylaws.html
index f39bf63..681b235 100644
--- a/policies/omc-bylaws.html
+++ b/policies/omc-bylaws.html
@@ -188,6 +188,32 @@
           <p>All votes and their outcomes should be recorded and available to
           all OMC members.</p>
+	  <h2>Leave of absence</h2>
+	  <p>An active OMC member or committer may request a leave of absence 
+	  from the project. A leave of absence from the OMC or committer shall 
+	  suspend inactivity determination for the specified role. All access to 
+	  OMC or committer resources shall be suspended (disabled) and the OMC
+	  member shall be excluded from voting and the committer shall be excluded
+	  from reviewing or approving source changes. On return from a leave of 
+	  absence, the OMC member or committer will be deemed to have become active 
+	  as of the date of return.</p>
+	  <p>All of the following criteria must be met in order to qualify as a
+	  leave of absence:</p>
+	  <ul>
+	    <li>a) the member must request via email to the OMC a leave of 
+	           absence at least one week in advance of the requested
+	           period of leave;</li>
+	    <li>b) only one leave of absence is permitted per calendar year;</li>
+	    <li>c) the leave of absence must specify the date of return from
+	           the leave of absence; </li>
+	  <li>d) the length of the leave of absence shall be a minimum of one calendar 
+	         month and shall not exceed three calendar months (one quarter); and </li>
+	  <li>e) the leave of absence applies to all the roles within the 
+	         project (i.e. both OMC and committer if both roles apply).</li>
+	  </ul>
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