[openssl-commits] [web] master update

Matt Caswell matt at openssl.org
Mon Feb 13 18:29:05 UTC 2017

The branch master has been updated
       via  001a0f55253e2dc9dd7360b6e5d20a158c319bcc (commit)
      from  bd52d4392ffaaf5d36a6df2880dc0cd35c02d2dd (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 001a0f55253e2dc9dd7360b6e5d20a158c319bcc
Author: Matt Caswell <matt at openssl.org>
Date:   Mon Feb 13 18:28:52 2017 +0000

    Add Bylaws to the website


Summary of changes:
 policies/bylaws.html   | 214 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 policies/index.html    |  11 ++-
 policies/sidebar.shtml |   3 +
 3 files changed, 224 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 policies/bylaws.html

diff --git a/policies/bylaws.html b/policies/bylaws.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bda93de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/policies/bylaws.html
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
+<!--#include virtual="/inc/head.shtml" -->
+<!--#include virtual="/inc/banner.shtml" -->
+<div id="main">
+  <div id="content">
+    <div class="blog-index">
+      <article>
+        <header>
+          <h2>OpenSSL Bylaws</h2>
+          <h5>
+            First issued 13th February 2017<br/>
+          </h5>
+        </header>
+        <div class="entry-content">
+          <p>This document defines the bylaws under which the OpenSSL Project
+          operates. It defines the different project roles, how they contribute
+          to the project, and how project decisions are made.</p>
+          <h2>Roles and Responsibilities</h2>
+          <h3>Users</h3>
+          <p>Users include any individual or organisation that downloads,
+          installs, compiles, or uses the OpenSSL command line applications or
+          the OpenSSL libraries or the OpenSSL documentation. This includes
+          OpenSSL-based derivatives such as patched versions of OpenSSL provided
+          through OS distributions, often known as "downstream" versions.</p>
+          <p>Users may request help and assistance from the project through any
+          appropriate forum as designated by the OpenSSL Management Committee
+          (OMC). Users may also report bugs, issues, or feature requests; or
+          make pull requests through any OMC designated channel.</p>
+          <h3>Committers</h3>
+          <p>Committers have the ability to make new commits to the main OpenSSL
+          Project repository. Collectively, they have the responsibility for
+          maintaining the contents of that repository. They must ensure that any
+          committed contributions are consistent with all appropriate OpenSSL
+          policies and procedures as defined by the OMC.</p>
+          <p>Committers also have a responsibility to review code submissions in
+          accordance with OpenSSL project policies and procedures.</p>
+          <p>Commit access is granted as a result of a vote by the OMC. It may
+          be withdrawn at any time by a vote of the OMC.</p>
+          <p>A condition of commit access is that the committer has signed an
+          Individual Contributor Licence Agreement (ICLA). If contributions may
+          also be from the employer of an individual with commit access then a
+          Corporate Contributor Licence Agreement (CCLA) must also be signed and
+          include the name of the committer.</p>
+          <p>In order to retain commit access a committer must have authored or
+          reviewed at least one commit within the previous two calendar
+          quarters. This will be checked at the beginning of each calendar
+          quarter. This rule does not apply if the committer first received
+          their commit access during the previous calendar quarter.</p>
+          <h3>OpenSSL Management Committee (OMC)</h3>
+          <p>The OMC represents the official voice of the project. All official
+          OMC decisions are taken on the basis of a vote.</p>
+          <p>The OMC:</p>
+          <ul>
+            <li>makes all decisions regarding management and strategic direction
+            of the project;</li>
+            <li>sets and maintains all policies and procedures;</li>
+            <li>nominates, elects and removes committers and OMC members as
+            required;</li>
+            <li>ensures security issues are dealt with in an appropriate
+            manner;</li>
+            <li>schedules releases and determines future release plans and the
+            development roadmap and priorities;</li>
+            <li>maintains all other repositories according to the policies and
+            procedures they define.</li>
+          </ul>
+          <p>Membership of the OMC is by invitation only from the existing OMC
+          following a passing vote. OMC members may or may not be committers as
+          well. If an OMC member is also a committer then all rules that apply
+          to committers still apply.</p>
+          <p>The OMC makes decisions on behalf of the project. In order to have
+          a valid voice on the OMC, members must be actively contributing to the
+          project. Note that there are many ways to contribute to the project
+          but the ones that count in order to participate in the OMC
+          decision-making process are the ones listed below.</p>
+          <p>OMC members may become inactive. In order to remain active a member
+          must, in any calendar quarter, contribute by:</p>
+          <ul>
+            <li>a) Having authored, or been recorded as a reviewer of, at least
+            one commit made to any OpenSSL repository (including non-code based
+            ones) and</li>
+            <li>b) vote in at least two-thirds of the total votes closed in the
+            first two months of the quarter and the last month of the preceding
+            quarter.</li>
+          </ul>
+          <p>The above rules will be applied at the beginning of each calender
+          quarter. It does not apply if the OMC member was first appointed, or
+          became active again during the previous calendar quarter. The voting
+          requirement only includes those votes after the time the member joined
+          or was made active again.</p>
+          <p>If an OMC member remains inactive for one calendar quarter then
+          they will no longer be considered an OMC member, but will be listed as
+          an OMC Alumni. OMC Alumni have no access to OMC internal resources
+          (including email lists) but may request a vote at any time to
+          reinstate their membership in the OMC.</p>
+          <p>Any OMC member can propose a vote to declare another member
+          inactive or remove them from OMC membership entirely.</p>
+          <p>An OMC member can declare themselves inactive, leave the OMC, or
+          leave the project entirely. This does not require a vote.</p>
+          <p>An inactive OMC member can propose a vote that the OMC declare them
+          active again. Inactive OMC members cannot vote but can propose issues
+          to vote on and participate in discussions. They retain access to OMC
+          internal resources.</p>
+          <h3>OpenSSL Software Foundation (OSF)</h3>
+          <p>The OpenSSL Software Foundation represents the OpenSSL project in
+          legal and most official formal capacities in relation to external
+          entities and individuals. This includes, but is not limited to,
+          managing contributor license agreements, managing donations,
+          registering and holding trademarks, registering and holding domain
+          names, obtaining external legal advice, and so on.</p>
+          <p>Any OMC member may serve as a director of OSF if they wish. To do
+          so they should send a request to any existing OSF director.</p>
+          <h3>OpenSSL Software Services (OSS)</h3>
+          <p>OpenSSL Software Services represents the OpenSSL project for most
+          commercial and quasi-commercial  contexts, such as providing formal
+          support contracts and brokering consulting contracts for OpenSSL
+          committers.</p>
+          <p>Any OMC member may serve as a director of OSS if they wish, subject
+          to certain contractual requirements. To do so they should send a
+          request to any existing OSS director.</p>
+          <h3>OpenSSL Validation Services (OVS)</h3>
+          <p>OpenSSL Validation Services handles commercial activities specific
+          to FIPS 140 validations and the OpenSSL FIPS Object Module. Membership
+          of this organisation is by invitation from an existing director.</p>
+          <h2>OMC Voting Procedures</h2>
+          <p>A vote to change these bylaws will pass if it obtains an in favour
+          vote by more than two thirds of the active OMC members and less than
+          one quarter votes against by the active OMC members. A vote that does
+          not change these bylaws will pass if it has had a vote registered from
+          a majority of active OMC members and has had more votes registered in
+          favour than votes registered against.</p>
+          <p>Only active OMC members may vote. A registered vote is a vote in
+          favour, a vote against, or an abstention.</p>
+          <p>Any OMC member (active or inactive) can propose a vote. OMC Alumni
+          may only propose a vote to reinstate themselves to the OMC. Each vote
+          must include a closing date which must be between seven and fourteen
+          calendar days after the start of the vote. Votes to change these
+          bylaws must be fourteen calendar days in duration.</p>
+          <p>In exceptional cases, the closing date for non-bylaw changing votes
+          could be less than seven calendar days; for example, a critical issue
+          that needs rapid action. A critical issue is hard to define precisely
+          but would include cases where a security fix is needed and the details
+          will soon be made public. At least one other active OMC member besides
+          the proposer needs to agree to the shorter timescale.</p>
+          <p>A vote closes on its specified date. In addition, any active OMC
+          member can declare a vote closed once the number of uncast votes could
+          not affect the outcome. Any active OMC member may change their vote up
+          until the vote is closed. No vote already cast can be changed after
+          the vote is closed. Votes may continue to be cast and recorded after a
+          vote is closed up until fourteen days after the start of the vote.
+          These votes will count for the purposes of determining OMC member
+          activity, but will otherwise not affect the outcome of the vote.</p>
+          <p>All votes and their outcomes should be recorded and available to
+          all OMC members.</p>
+        </div>
+        <footer>
+          You are here: <a href="/">Home</a>
+          : <a href="/policies">Policies</a>
+          : <a href="">Bylaws</a>
+          <br/><a href="/sitemap.txt">Sitemap</a>
+        </footer>
+      </article>
+    </div>
+    <!--#include virtual="sidebar.shtml" -->
+  </div>
+<!--#include virtual="/inc/footer.shtml" -->
diff --git a/policies/index.html b/policies/index.html
index c08efe2..80437e5 100644
--- a/policies/index.html
+++ b/policies/index.html
@@ -47,10 +47,13 @@
 	    page on <a href="cla.html">Contributor Agreements</a>.
-            The OpenSSL project is managed by the OpenSSL Software
-            Foundation, a Delaware (US) non-profit corporation. Signing
-            one of our CLA's grants certain rights to OSF. Its
-            <a href="osf-bylaws.pdf">by-laws</a> are available.
+            The OpenSSL project is managed by the OpenSSL Management Committee
+            (OMC). The OMC works in accordance with the project bylaws which are
+            available <a href="bylaws.html">here</a>. The OpenSSL project is
+            represented in legal and most official formal capacities by the
+            OpenSSL Software Foundation, a Delaware (US) non-profit corporation.
+            Signing one of our CLA's grants certain rights to OSF. The OSF is
+            operated according to its own <a href="osf-bylaws.pdf">by-laws</a>.
 	    We are pleased to mention that
diff --git a/policies/sidebar.shtml b/policies/sidebar.shtml
index 2d4677f..0cb6766 100644
--- a/policies/sidebar.shtml
+++ b/policies/sidebar.shtml
@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@
 	<a href="secpolicy.html">Security Policy</a>
+	<a href="bylaws.html">Project Bylaws</a>
+      </li>
+      <li>
 	<a href="codingstyle.html">Coding Style</a>

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