[openssl-commits] [tools] master update

Rich Salz rsalz at openssl.org
Tue Jul 4 14:31:07 UTC 2017

The branch master has been updated
       via  5e7c8fc60ec209e332bf707297c6ac3901d7db3b (commit)
      from  7dd524ccc83008915d9ae0b7e1affff7315e8f01 (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 5e7c8fc60ec209e332bf707297c6ac3901d7db3b
Author: Pauli <paul.dale at oracle.com>
Date:   Tue Jul 4 12:02:35 2017 +1000

    Make the final question before push have a _yes_/_no_ answer.
    The response is treated case insensitively and short forms are
    accepted (_y_ and _n_).
    Reviewed-by: Rich Salz <rsalz at openssl.org>


Summary of changes:
 review-tools/ghmerge        | 18 ++++++++++++++++--
 review-tools/pick-to-branch | 19 ++++++++++++++++---
 2 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/review-tools/ghmerge b/review-tools/ghmerge
index fc263a6..9d00c31 100755
--- a/review-tools/ghmerge
+++ b/review-tools/ghmerge
@@ -59,6 +59,20 @@ fi
 # echo Rebuilding
 # opensslbuild |& tail -3
-echo -n Press return to push: ; read foo
-git push origin $REL
+while true
+    echo -n "Enter YES to push or NO to abort: "
+    read x
+    x="`echo $x | tr A-Z a-z`"
+    if [ "$x" = "y" -o "$x" = "yes" -o "$x" = "n" -o "$x" = "no" ]
+    then
+        break
+    fi
+if [ "$x" = "y" -o "$x" = "yes" ]
+    git push origin $REL
 git branch -D $WORK
diff --git a/review-tools/pick-to-branch b/review-tools/pick-to-branch
index 54b8058..374b5e5 100755
--- a/review-tools/pick-to-branch
+++ b/review-tools/pick-to-branch
@@ -43,7 +43,20 @@ git co --quiet master || exit 1
 git co $branch || exit 1
 git cherry-pick -e -x $id
-echo -n 'Git push (ctrl-c to cancel): '
-read x
-git push
+while true
+    echo -n "Enter YES to push or NO to abort: "
+    read x
+    x="`echo $x | tr A-Z a-z`"
+    if [ "$x" = "y" -o "$x" = "yes" -o "$x" = "n" -o "$x" = "no" ]
+    then
+        break
+    fi
+if [ "$x" = "y" -o "$x" = "yes" ]
+    git push
 git co master

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