[openssl-commits] [tools] master update

Richard Levitte levitte at openssl.org
Thu Jun 15 23:12:33 UTC 2017

The branch master has been updated
       via  c73cece3320a866a6200ecd6615420b346150873 (commit)
      from  18464ff9f3635d574daa0aeb310a78969db79d8c (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit c73cece3320a866a6200ecd6615420b346150873
Author: Richard Levitte <richard at levitte.org>
Date:   Fri Jun 16 01:12:18 2017 +0200

    gitaddrev: more logic corrections
    Refactor reviewer addition to a function of its own.  It will return
    the person's rev tag on success.
    Furthermore, don't do any further checks on the --myemail argument,
    just try to add the corresponding rev tag as well.
    Finally, try to add the rev tag for the committer author, but
    immediately register that it should be removed from @reviewers after
    checking the reviewer count.  This ensures that the commit author
    never will figure as reviewer as well, even if the addresses differ
    from each other.


Summary of changes:
 review-tools/gitaddrev | 91 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 1 file changed, 45 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

diff --git a/review-tools/gitaddrev b/review-tools/gitaddrev
index f539982..f155e76 100755
--- a/review-tools/gitaddrev
+++ b/review-tools/gitaddrev
@@ -9,11 +9,6 @@ use Module::Load::Conditional qw(can_load);
 can_load(modules => { OpenSSL::Query::DB => undef });
 my $rmrev = 0;
-my @reviewers;
-my @nocla_reviewers;
-my @unknown_reviewers;
-my $skip_reviewer;
-my $omccount = 0;
 my @commits;
 my $skip = 0;
 my $matchstr;
@@ -26,6 +21,34 @@ my $trivial = 0;
 my $query = OpenSSL::Query->new();
+my @reviewers;
+my @nocla_reviewers;
+my @unknown_reviewers;
+my $skip_reviewer;
+my $omccount = 0;
+sub try_add_reviewer {
+    my $id = shift;
+    my $rc = undef;
+    my $rev = $query->find_person_tag($id, 'rev');
+    if ($rev) {
+	my $cla = $query->has_cla($rev);
+	if ($cla) {
+	    unless (grep {$_ eq $rev} @reviewers) {
+		$omccount++ if $query->is_member_of($id, 'omc');
+		push @reviewers, $rev;
+	    }
+	    $rc = $rev;
+	} else {
+	    push @nocla_reviewers, $id
+		unless grep {$_ eq $id} @nocla_reviewers;
+	}
+    } else {
+	push @unknown_reviewers, $id
+	    unless grep {$_ eq $id} @unknown_reviewers;
+    }
+    return $rc;
 foreach (@ARGV) {
     if (/^--list$/) {
 	my %list = ();
@@ -52,22 +75,7 @@ foreach (@ARGV) {
 	exit 0;
     } elsif (/^--reviewer=(.+)$/) {
-	my $rev = $query->find_person_tag($1, 'rev');
-	if ($rev) {
-	    my $cla = $query->has_cla($rev);
-	    if ($cla) {
-		unless (grep {$_ eq $rev} @reviewers) {
-		    $omccount++ if $query->is_member_of($1, 'omc');
-		    push @reviewers, $rev;
-		}
-	    } else {
-		push @nocla_reviewers, $1
-		    unless grep {$_ eq $1} @nocla_reviewers;
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    push @unknown_reviewers, $1
-		unless grep {$_ eq $1} @unknown_reviewers;
-	}
+	try_add_reviewer($1);
     } elsif (/^--prnum=(.+)$/) {
         $prnum = $1;
     } elsif (/^--commit=(.+)$/) {
@@ -76,35 +84,26 @@ foreach (@ARGV) {
     } elsif (/^--rmreviewers$/) {
         $rmrev = 1;
     } elsif (/^--myemail=(.+\@.+)$/) {
-	my $rev = $query->find_person_tag($1, 'rev');
-	if ($rev) {
-	    my $cla = $query->has_cla($rev);
-	    if ($cla) {
-		unless (grep {$_ eq $rev} @reviewers) {
-		    $omccount++ if $query->is_member_of($1, 'omc');
-		    push @reviewers, $rev;
-		}
-		# We can't add Reviewed-by: lines with our own name on commits
-		# we have authored ourselves.  However, we need to exist as an
-		# entry in @reviewers so the count check below won't show false
-		# positives, so instead, we set up this reviewer identity for
-		# removal before rewriting the commit message.
-		if ($ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL} eq $1) {
-		    $skip_reviewer = $rev;
-		}
-	    } else {
-		push @nocla_reviewers, $1
-		    unless grep {$_ eq $1} @nocla_reviewers;
-	    }
-	} else {
-	    push @unknown_reviewers, $1
-		unless grep {$_ eq $1} @unknown_reviewers;
-	}
+	try_add_reviewer($1);
     } elsif (/^--trivial$/) {
         $trivial = 1;
+# If the author is a registered committer, that identity passes as a reviewer
+# too.  There is a twist, though...  see next comment
+if (my $rev = try_add_reviewer($ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL})) {
+    # So here's the deal: We added the commit author because we need to keep
+    # count of the total amount of reviewers, which includes the commit author
+    # if it's a registered committer.  However, the author can "reviewed
+    # themselves", so no Reviewed-by: should be added for that identity.
+    # However, we still need to check the @reviewers count below, so the
+    # solution is to record this rev tag separately and remove it from
+    # @reviewers after the count check.
+    $skip_reviewer = $rev;
 if (@unknown_reviewers) {
     die "Unknown reviewers: ", join(", ", @unknown_reviewers), "\n";

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