[openssl-commits] [openssl] master update

davidben at google.com davidben at google.com
Tue Apr 3 20:10:11 UTC 2018

The branch master has been updated
       via  dc55e4f70f401c5869410d6a0c068c18c3fd53ec (commit)
      from  b2b4dfcca6cf2230107a711f7af1cd8ee3f74229 (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit dc55e4f70f401c5869410d6a0c068c18c3fd53ec
Author: David Benjamin <davidben at google.com>
Date:   Wed Mar 28 12:21:45 2018 -0400

    Fix a bug in ecp_nistp224.c.
    felem_neg does not produce an output within the tight bounds suitable
    for felem_contract. This affects build configurations which set
    point_double and point_add, in the non-z*_is_zero cases, tolerate and
    fix up the wider bounds, so this only affects point_add calls where the
    other point is infinity. Thus it only affects the final addition in
    arbitrary-point multiplication, giving the wrong y-coordinate. This is a
    no-op for ECDH and ECDSA, which only use the x-coordinate of
    arbitrary-point operations.
    Note: ecp_nistp521.c has the same issue in that the documented
    preconditions are violated by the test case. I have not addressed this
    in this PR. ecp_nistp521.c does not immediately produce the wrong
    answer; felem_contract there appears to be a bit more tolerant than its
    documented preconditions. However, I haven't checked the point_add
    property above holds. ecp_nistp521.c should either get this same fix, to
    be conservative, or have the bounds analysis and comments reworked for
    the wider bounds.
    Reviewed-by: Rich Salz <rsalz at openssl.org>
    (Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/5779)


Summary of changes:
 crypto/ec/ecp_nistp224.c | 28 ++++++++++++----------------
 test/ectest.c            |  9 +++++++++
 2 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/crypto/ec/ecp_nistp224.c b/crypto/ec/ecp_nistp224.c
index 4ece15c..346f84d 100644
--- a/crypto/ec/ecp_nistp224.c
+++ b/crypto/ec/ecp_nistp224.c
@@ -395,22 +395,6 @@ static void felem_sum(felem out, const felem in)
     out[3] += in[3];
-/* Get negative value: out = -in */
-/* Assumes in[i] < 2^57 */
-static void felem_neg(felem out, const felem in)
-    static const limb two58p2 = (((limb) 1) << 58) + (((limb) 1) << 2);
-    static const limb two58m2 = (((limb) 1) << 58) - (((limb) 1) << 2);
-    static const limb two58m42m2 = (((limb) 1) << 58) -
-        (((limb) 1) << 42) - (((limb) 1) << 2);
-    /* Set to 0 mod 2^224-2^96+1 to ensure out > in */
-    out[0] = two58p2 - in[0];
-    out[1] = two58m42m2 - in[1];
-    out[2] = two58m2 - in[2];
-    out[3] = two58m2 - in[3];
 /* Subtract field elements: out -= in */
 /* Assumes in[i] < 2^57 */
 static void felem_diff(felem out, const felem in)
@@ -680,6 +664,18 @@ static void felem_contract(felem out, const felem in)
+ * Get negative value: out = -in
+ * Requires in[i] < 2^63,
+ * ensures out[0] < 2^56, out[1] < 2^56, out[2] < 2^56, out[3] <= 2^56 + 2^16
+ */
+static void felem_neg(felem out, const felem in)
+    widefelem tmp = {0};
+    felem_diff_128_64(tmp, in);
+    felem_reduce(out, tmp);
  * Zero-check: returns 1 if input is 0, and 0 otherwise. We know that field
  * elements are reduced to in < 2^225, so we only need to check three cases:
  * 0, 2^224 - 2^96 + 1, and 2^225 - 2^97 + 2
diff --git a/test/ectest.c b/test/ectest.c
index 66d84a7..1c31cce 100644
--- a/test/ectest.c
+++ b/test/ectest.c
@@ -1377,6 +1377,15 @@ static int nistp_single_test(int idx)
     if (!TEST_int_eq(0, EC_POINT_cmp(NISTP, Q, Q_CHECK, ctx)))
         goto err;
+    /* regression test for felem_neg bug */
+    if (!TEST_true(BN_set_word(m, 32))
+        || !TEST_true(BN_set_word(n, 31))
+        || !TEST_true(EC_POINT_copy(P, G))
+        || !TEST_true(EC_POINT_invert(NISTP, P, ctx))
+        || !TEST_true(EC_POINT_mul(NISTP, Q, m, P, n, ctx))
+        || !TEST_int_eq(0, EC_POINT_cmp(NISTP, Q, G, ctx)))
+      goto err;
     r = group_order_tests(NISTP);

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