[openssl-commits] [openssl] master update

Rich Salz rsalz at openssl.org
Tue Feb 27 21:06:15 UTC 2018

The branch master has been updated
       via  22defb43507ce026a9eb717df433f1ba7531ffe7 (commit)
      from  4c861b381667b8e496483bf89f72674ad7e5fc25 (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 22defb43507ce026a9eb717df433f1ba7531ffe7
Author: Rich Salz <rsalz at openssl.org>
Date:   Tue Feb 27 15:14:18 2018 -0500

    Make some perl scripts output to stdout
    And only generate one output "file" at a time for objects.pl
    Reviewed-by: Richard Levitte <levitte at openssl.org>
    (Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/5432)


Summary of changes:
 Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl |  9 ++++++--
 crypto/objects/obj_dat.pl         | 45 ++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 crypto/objects/objects.pl         | 35 ++++++++++++++++--------------
 3 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl b/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl
index 78b1a5e..6c0eb42 100644
--- a/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl
+++ b/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl
@@ -651,13 +651,18 @@ generate_crypto_bn:
 	( cd $(SRCDIR); $(PERL) crypto/bn/bn_prime.pl > crypto/bn/bn_prime.h )
+	( cd $(SRCDIR); $(PERL) crypto/objects/objects.pl -n \
+				crypto/objects/objects.txt \
+				crypto/objects/obj_mac.num \
+				> crypto/objects/obj_mac.new && \
+	    mv crypto/objects/obj_mac.new crypto/objects/obj_mac.num )
 	( cd $(SRCDIR); $(PERL) crypto/objects/objects.pl \
 				crypto/objects/objects.txt \
 				crypto/objects/obj_mac.num \
-				include/openssl/obj_mac.h )
+				> include/openssl/obj_mac.h )
 	( cd $(SRCDIR); $(PERL) crypto/objects/obj_dat.pl \
 				include/openssl/obj_mac.h \
-				crypto/objects/obj_dat.h )
+				> crypto/objects/obj_dat.h )
 	( cd $(SRCDIR); $(PERL) crypto/objects/objxref.pl \
 				crypto/objects/obj_mac.num \
 				crypto/objects/obj_xref.txt \
diff --git a/crypto/objects/obj_dat.pl b/crypto/objects/obj_dat.pl
index 392617c..e80900d 100644
--- a/crypto/objects/obj_dat.pl
+++ b/crypto/objects/obj_dat.pl
@@ -152,8 +152,7 @@ for (my $i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
 # Finally ready to generate the output.
-open(OUT, ">$ARGV[1]") || die "Can't open output file $ARGV[1], $!";
-print OUT <<"EOF";
+print <<"EOF";
  * WARNING: do not edit!
  * Generated by crypto/objects/obj_dat.pl
@@ -167,44 +166,44 @@ print OUT <<"EOF";
-print OUT "/* Serialized OID's */\n";
-printf OUT "static const unsigned char so[%d] = {\n", $lvalues + 1;
-print OUT @lvalues;
-print OUT "};\n\n";
+print "/* Serialized OID's */\n";
+printf "static const unsigned char so[%d] = {\n", $lvalues + 1;
+print @lvalues;
+print "};\n\n";
-printf OUT "#define NUM_NID %d\n", $n;
-printf OUT "static const ASN1_OBJECT nid_objs[NUM_NID] = {\n";
-print OUT @out;
-print  OUT "};\n\n";
+printf "#define NUM_NID %d\n", $n;
+printf "static const ASN1_OBJECT nid_objs[NUM_NID] = {\n";
+print @out;
+print  "};\n\n";
     no warnings "uninitialized";
     @a = grep(defined $sn{$nid{$_}}, 0 .. $n);
-printf OUT "#define NUM_SN %d\n", $#a + 1;
-printf OUT "static const unsigned int sn_objs[NUM_SN] = {\n";
+printf "#define NUM_SN %d\n", $#a + 1;
+printf "static const unsigned int sn_objs[NUM_SN] = {\n";
 foreach (sort { $sn{$nid{$a}} cmp $sn{$nid{$b}} } @a) {
-    printf OUT "    %4d,    /* \"$sn{$nid{$_}}\" */\n", $_;
+    printf "    %4d,    /* \"$sn{$nid{$_}}\" */\n", $_;
-print  OUT "};\n\n";
+print  "};\n\n";
     no warnings "uninitialized";
     @a = grep(defined $ln{$nid{$_}}, 0 .. $n);
-printf OUT "#define NUM_LN %d\n", $#a + 1;
-printf OUT "static const unsigned int ln_objs[NUM_LN] = {\n";
+printf "#define NUM_LN %d\n", $#a + 1;
+printf "static const unsigned int ln_objs[NUM_LN] = {\n";
 foreach (sort { $ln{$nid{$a}} cmp $ln{$nid{$b}} } @a) {
-    printf OUT "    %4d,    /* \"$ln{$nid{$_}}\" */\n", $_;
+    printf "    %4d,    /* \"$ln{$nid{$_}}\" */\n", $_;
-print  OUT "};\n\n";
+print  "};\n\n";
     no warnings "uninitialized";
     @a = grep(defined $obj{$nid{$_}}, 0 .. $n);
-printf OUT "#define NUM_OBJ %d\n", $#a + 1;
-printf OUT "static const unsigned int obj_objs[NUM_OBJ] = {\n";
+printf "#define NUM_OBJ %d\n", $#a + 1;
+printf "static const unsigned int obj_objs[NUM_OBJ] = {\n";
 # Compare DER; prefer shorter; if some length, use the "smaller" encoding.
 sub obj_cmp
@@ -224,8 +223,6 @@ foreach (sort obj_cmp @a) {
     my $v = $objd{$m};
     $v =~ s/L//g;
     $v =~ s/,/ /g;
-    printf OUT "    %4d,    /* %-32s %s */\n", $_, $m, $v;
+    printf "    %4d,    /* %-32s %s */\n", $_, $m, $v;
-print  OUT "};\n";
-close OUT;
+print  "};\n";
diff --git a/crypto/objects/objects.pl b/crypto/objects/objects.pl
index 20f726d..8f9b67f 100644
--- a/crypto/objects/objects.pl
+++ b/crypto/objects/objects.pl
@@ -6,7 +6,12 @@
 # in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
 # https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
-# Output year depends on the year of the script and the input files.
+use Getopt::Std;
+# Output year depends on the year of the script and the input file.
 my $YEAR = [localtime([stat($0)]->[9])]->[5] + 1900;
 my $iYEAR = [localtime([stat($ARGV[0])]->[9])]->[5] + 1900;
 $YEAR = $iYEAR if $iYEAR > $YEAR;
@@ -123,15 +128,15 @@ print STDERR "Added OID $Cname\n";
 close IN;
-open (NUMOUT,">$ARGV[1]") || die "Can't open output file $ARGV[1]";
-foreach (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %nidn)
-	{
-	print NUMOUT $nidn{$_},"\t\t",$_,"\n";
-	}
-close NUMOUT;
+if ( $opt_n ) {
+    foreach (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %nidn)
+            {
+            print $nidn{$_},"\t\t",$_,"\n";
+            }
+    exit;
-open (OUT,">$ARGV[2]") || die "Can't open output file $ARGV[2]";
-print OUT <<"EOF";
+print <<"EOF";
  * WARNING: do not edit!
  * Generated by crypto/objects/objects.pl
@@ -161,15 +166,13 @@ sub expand
 foreach (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %ordern)
-	print OUT "\n";
-	print OUT expand("#define SN_$Cname\t\t\"$sn{$Cname}\"\n") if $sn{$Cname} ne "";
-	print OUT expand("#define LN_$Cname\t\t\"$ln{$Cname}\"\n") if $ln{$Cname} ne "";
-	print OUT expand("#define NID_$Cname\t\t$nid{$Cname}\n") if $nid{$Cname} ne "";
-	print OUT expand("#define OBJ_$Cname\t\t$obj{$Cname}\n") if $obj{$Cname} ne "";
+	print "\n";
+	print expand("#define SN_$Cname\t\t\"$sn{$Cname}\"\n") if $sn{$Cname} ne "";
+	print expand("#define LN_$Cname\t\t\"$ln{$Cname}\"\n") if $ln{$Cname} ne "";
+	print expand("#define NID_$Cname\t\t$nid{$Cname}\n") if $nid{$Cname} ne "";
+	print expand("#define OBJ_$Cname\t\t$obj{$Cname}\n") if $obj{$Cname} ne "";
-close OUT;
 sub process_oid

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