[openssl-commits] [openssl] master update

Richard Levitte levitte at openssl.org
Mon Jan 8 13:39:26 UTC 2018

The branch master has been updated
       via  47eeaf45b510d056efcd5382550ed73e4d1af377 (commit)
      from  f720194cbc174806fe1ce9c349edd249d8076c02 (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 47eeaf45b510d056efcd5382550ed73e4d1af377
Author: Richard Levitte <levitte at openssl.org>
Date:   Mon Jan 8 12:28:08 2018 +0100

    Separate general linking flags from extra libraries
    So far, we've placed all extra library related flags together, ending
    up in the make variable EX_LIBS.  This turns out to be problematic, as
    for example, some compilers don't quite agree with something like
        cc -o foo foo.o -L/whatever -lsomething
    They prefer this:
        cc -L/whatever -o foo foo.o -lsomething
    IBM's compiler on OS/390 is such a compiler that we know of, and we
    have previously handled that as a previous case.
    The answer here is to make a more general solution, where linking
    options are divided in two parts, where one ends up in LDFLAGS and
    the other in EX_LIBS (they corresponds to what is called LDFLAGS and
    LDLIBS in the GNU world)
    Reviewed-by: Rich Salz <rsalz at openssl.org>
    (Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/5033)


Summary of changes:
 Configurations/00-base-templates.conf | 16 +++++--------
 Configurations/10-main.conf           | 32 ++++++++++++++------------
 Configurations/50-djgpp.conf          |  3 ++-
 Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl     | 42 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 Configure                             | 10 ++++++++-
 5 files changed, 63 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Configurations/00-base-templates.conf b/Configurations/00-base-templates.conf
index ce59fbf..f153992 100644
--- a/Configurations/00-base-templates.conf
+++ b/Configurations/00-base-templates.conf
@@ -59,18 +59,12 @@ my %targets=(
         inherit_from    => [ "BASE_common" ],
         template        => 1,
+        lflags          =>
+            sub { $withargs{zlib_lib} ? "-L".$withargs{zlib_lib} : () },
         ex_libs         =>
-            sub {
-                unless ($disabled{zlib}) {
-                    if (defined($disabled{"zlib-dynamic"})) {
-                        if (defined($withargs{zlib_lib})) {
-                            return "-L".$withargs{zlib_lib}." -lz";
-                        } else {
-                            return "-lz";
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                return (); },
+            sub { !defined($disabled{zlib})
+                  && defined($disabled{"zlib-dynamic"})
+                  ? "-lz" : () },
         build_scheme    => [ "unified", "unix" ],
         build_file      => "Makefile",
diff --git a/Configurations/10-main.conf b/Configurations/10-main.conf
index 08bb839..bc7c496 100644
--- a/Configurations/10-main.conf
+++ b/Configurations/10-main.conf
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ my %targets = (
                                    release => "-O3"),
         thread_scheme    => "(unknown)",
         sys_id           => "VOS",
-        lflags           => "-Wl,-map",
+        lflags           => add("-Wl,-map"),
         bn_ops           => "BN_LLONG",
         shared_extension => ".so",
@@ -564,7 +564,8 @@ my %targets = (
         cc               => "gcc",
         cflags           => "-D_ENDIAN -DBN_DIV2W -O3 -D_POSIX_SOURCE -D_SOCKET_SOURCE -I/SYSLOG/PUB",
         sys_id           => "MPE",
-        ex_libs          => add("-L/SYSLOG/PUB -lsyslog -lsocket -lcurses"),
+        lflags           => add("-L/SYSLOG/PUB"),
+        ex_libs          => add("-lsyslog -lsocket -lcurses"),
         thread_scheme    => "(unknown)",
         bn_ops           => "BN_LLONG",
@@ -1384,10 +1385,10 @@ my %targets = (
                                      : " /MC"; }),
                    debug   => "/Od -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG",
                    release => "/O1i"),
-        lflags           => combine("/nologo /opt:ref",
-                                    sub { vc_wince_info()->{lflags}; },
-                                    sub { defined(env('PORTSDK_LIBPATH'))
-                                              ? "/entry:mainCRTstartup" : (); }),
+        lflags           => add(combine("/nologo /opt:ref",
+                                        sub { vc_wince_info()->{lflags}; },
+                                        sub { defined(env('PORTSDK_LIBPATH'))
+                                                  ? "/entry:mainCRTstartup" : (); })),
         sys_id           => "WINCE",
         bn_ops           => "BN_LLONG EXPORT_VAR_AS_FN",
         ex_libs          => add(sub {
@@ -1639,49 +1640,51 @@ my %targets = (
         cc               => "ccppc",
         cflags           => "-D_REENTRANT -mrtp -mhard-float -mstrict-align -fno-implicit-fp -DPPC32_fp60x -O2 -fstrength-reduce -fno-builtin -fno-strict-aliasing -Wall -DCPU=PPC32 -DTOOL_FAMILY=gnu -DTOOL=gnu -I\$(WIND_BASE)/target/usr/h -I\$(WIND_BASE)/target/usr/h/wrn/coreip",
         sys_id           => "VXWORKS",
-        ex_libs          => add("-Wl,--defsym,__wrs_rtp_base=0xe0000000 -L \$(WIND_BASE)/target/usr/lib/ppc/PPC32/common"),
+        lflags           => add("-L \$(WIND_BASE)/target/usr/lib/ppc/PPC32/common"),
+        ex_libs          => add("-Wl,--defsym,__wrs_rtp_base=0xe0000000"),
     "vxworks-ppcgen" => {
         inherit_from     => [ "BASE_unix" ],
         cc               => "ccppc",
         cflags           => "-D_REENTRANT -mrtp -msoft-float -mstrict-align -O1 -fno-builtin -fno-strict-aliasing -Wall -DCPU=PPC32 -DTOOL_FAMILY=gnu -DTOOL=gnu -I\$(WIND_BASE)/target/usr/h -I\$(WIND_BASE)/target/usr/h/wrn/coreip",
         sys_id           => "VXWORKS",
-        ex_libs          => add("-Wl,--defsym,__wrs_rtp_base=0xe0000000 -L \$(WIND_BASE)/target/usr/lib/ppc/PPC32/sfcommon"),
+        lflags           => add("-L \$(WIND_BASE)/target/usr/lib/ppc/PPC32/sfcommon"),
+        ex_libs          => add("-Wl,--defsym,__wrs_rtp_base=0xe0000000"),
     "vxworks-ppc405" => {
         inherit_from     => [ "BASE_unix" ],
         cc               => "ccppc",
         cflags           => "-g -msoft-float -mlongcall -DCPU=PPC405 -I\$(WIND_BASE)/target/h",
         sys_id           => "VXWORKS",
-        lflags           => "-r",
+        lflags           => add("-r"),
     "vxworks-ppc750" => {
         inherit_from     => [ "BASE_unix" ],
         cc               => "ccppc",
         cflags           => "-ansi -nostdinc -DPPC750 -D_REENTRANT -fvolatile -fno-builtin -fno-for-scope -fsigned-char -Wall -msoft-float -mlongcall -DCPU=PPC604 -I\$(WIND_BASE)/target/h \$(DEBUG_FLAG)",
         sys_id           => "VXWORKS",
-        lflags           => "-r",
+        lflags           => add("-r"),
     "vxworks-ppc750-debug" => {
         inherit_from     => [ "BASE_unix" ],
         cc               => "ccppc",
         cflags           => "-ansi -nostdinc -DPPC750 -D_REENTRANT -fvolatile -fno-builtin -fno-for-scope -fsigned-char -Wall -msoft-float -mlongcall -DCPU=PPC604 -I\$(WIND_BASE)/target/h -DPEDANTIC -DDEBUG -g",
         sys_id           => "VXWORKS",
-        lflags           => "-r",
+        lflags           => add("-r"),
     "vxworks-ppc860" => {
         inherit_from     => [ "BASE_unix" ],
         cc               => "ccppc",
         cflags           => "-nostdinc -msoft-float -DCPU=PPC860 -DNO_STRINGS_H -I\$(WIND_BASE)/target/h",
         sys_id           => "VXWORKS",
-        lflags           => "-r",
+        lflags           => add("-r"),
     "vxworks-simlinux" => {
         inherit_from     => [ "BASE_unix" ],
         cc               => "ccpentium",
         cflags           => "-B\$(WIND_BASE)/host/\$(WIND_HOST_TYPE)/lib/gcc-lib/ -D_VSB_CONFIG_FILE=\"\$(WIND_BASE)/target/lib/h/config/vsbConfig.h\" -DL_ENDIAN -DCPU=SIMLINUX -DTOOL_FAMILY=gnu -DTOOL=gnu -fno-builtin -fno-defer-pop -DNO_STRINGS_H -I\$(WIND_BASE)/target/h -I\$(WIND_BASE)/target/h/wrn/coreip -DOPENSSL_NO_HW_PADLOCK",
         sys_id           => "VXWORKS",
-        lflags           => "-r",
+        lflags           => add("-r"),
         ranlib           => "ranlibpentium",
     "vxworks-mips" => {
@@ -1690,7 +1693,8 @@ my %targets = (
         cflags           => combine("-mrtp -mips2 -O -G 0 -B\$(WIND_BASE)/host/\$(WIND_HOST_TYPE)/lib/gcc-lib/ -D_VSB_CONFIG_FILE=\"\$(WIND_BASE)/target/lib/h/config/vsbConfig.h\" -DCPU=MIPS32 -msoft-float -mno-branch-likely -DTOOL_FAMILY=gnu -DTOOL=gnu -fno-builtin -fno-defer-pop -DNO_STRINGS_H -I\$(WIND_BASE)/target/usr/h -I\$(WIND_BASE)/target/h/wrn/coreip",
         sys_id           => "VXWORKS",
-        ex_libs          => add("-Wl,--defsym,__wrs_rtp_base=0xe0000000 -L \$(WIND_BASE)/target/usr/lib/mips/MIPSI32/sfcommon"),
+        lflags           => add("-L \$(WIND_BASE)/target/usr/lib/mips/MIPSI32/sfcommon"),
+        ex_libs          => add("-Wl,--defsym,__wrs_rtp_base=0xe0000000"),
         thread_scheme    => "pthreads",
         perlasm_scheme   => "o32",
         ranlib           => "ranlibmips",
diff --git a/Configurations/50-djgpp.conf b/Configurations/50-djgpp.conf
index fa8e662..b4d19e2 100644
--- a/Configurations/50-djgpp.conf
+++ b/Configurations/50-djgpp.conf
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ my %targets = (
         cc               => "gcc",
         cflags           => "-I/dev/env/WATT_ROOT/inc -DTERMIOS -DL_ENDIAN -fomit-frame-pointer -O2 -Wall",
         sys_id           => "MSDOS",
-        ex_libs          => add("-L/dev/env/WATT_ROOT/lib -lwatt"),
+        lflags           => add("-L/dev/env/WATT_ROOT/lib"),
+        ex_libs          => add("-lwatt"),
         bn_ops           => "BN_LLONG",
         perlasm_scheme   => "a.out",
diff --git a/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl b/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl
index 43b1f03..601a8ea 100644
--- a/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl
+++ b/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ CFLAGS={- our $cflags2 = join(" ",(map { "-D".$_} @{$target{defines}}, @{$config
 CFLAGS_Q={- $cflags2 =~ s|([\\"])|\\$1|g; $cflags2 -} {- $config{cflags} -}
 CXX= $(CROSS_COMPILE){- $target{cxx} -}
 CXXFLAGS={- our $cxxflags2 = join(" ",(map { "-D".$_} @{$target{defines}}, @{$config{defines}}),"-DOPENSSLDIR=\"\\\"\$(OPENSSLDIR)\\\"\"","-DENGINESDIR=\"\\\"\$(ENGINESDIR)\\\"\"") -} {- $target{cxxflags} -} {- $config{cxxflags} -} -std=c++11
-LDFLAGS= {- $target{lflags} -}
+LDFLAGS= {- $config{lflags} -} {- $target{lflags} -}
 PLIB_LDFLAGS= {- $target{plib_lflags} -}
 EX_LIBS= {- $target{ex_libs} -} {- $config{ex_libs} -}
 LIB_CFLAGS={- $target{shared_cflag} || "" -}
@@ -944,10 +944,15 @@ EOF
       my $libd = dirname($lib);
       my $libn = basename($lib);
       (my $libname = $libn) =~ s/^lib//;
-      my $linklibs = join("", map { my $d = dirname($_);
-                                    my $f = basename($_);
+      my @linkdirs = ();
+      foreach (@{args{deps}}) {
+          my $d = dirname($_);
+          push @linkdirs, $d unless grep { $d eq $_ } @linkdirs;
+      }
+      my $linkflags = join("", map { "-L$_ " } @linkdirs);
+      my $linklibs = join("", map { my $f = basename($_);
                                     (my $l = $f) =~ s/^lib//;
-                                    " -L$d -l$l" } @{$args{deps}});
+                                    " -l$l" } @{$args{deps}});
       my @objs = map { (my $x = $_) =~ s|\.o$|$objext|; $x }
                  grep { $_ =~ m|\.o$| }
@@ -974,7 +979,7 @@ EOF
 # simplest, {libname}\$(SHLIB_EXT_IMPORT) for Windows POSIX layers and
 # {libname}\$(SHLIB_EXT_SIMPLE) for the Unix platforms.
 $target: $deps
-	\$(CC) \$(CFLAGS) \$(LIB_CFLAGS) \$(LIB_LDFLAGS)$shared_soname$shared_imp \\
+	\$(CC) \$(CFLAGS) \$(LIB_CFLAGS) $linkflags\$(LIB_LDFLAGS)$shared_soname$shared_imp \\
 		-o $target_full$shared_def $objs \\
                 \$(PLIB_LDFLAGS) $linklibs \$(EX_LIBS)
@@ -999,10 +1004,15 @@ EOF
       my $dso = $args{lib};
       my $dsod = dirname($dso);
       my $dson = basename($dso);
-      my $linklibs = join("", map { my $d = dirname($_);
-                                    my $f = basename($_);
+      my @linkdirs = ();
+      foreach (@{args{deps}}) {
+          my $d = dirname($_);
+          push @linkdirs, $d unless grep { $d eq $_ } @linkdirs;
+      }
+      my $linkflags = join("", map { "-L$_ " } @linkdirs);
+      my $linklibs = join("", map { my $f = basename($_);
                                     (my $l = $f) =~ s/^lib//;
-                                    " -L$d -l$l" } @{$args{deps}});
+                                    " -l$l" } @{$args{deps}});
       my @objs = map { (my $x = $_) =~ s|\.o$|$objext|; $x } @{$args{objs}};
       my @deps = compute_lib_depends(@{$args{deps}});
       my $objs = join(" ", @objs);
@@ -1010,7 +1020,7 @@ EOF
       my $target = dso($dso);
       return <<"EOF";
 $target: $objs $deps
+	\$(CC) \$(CFLAGS) \$(DSO_CFLAGS) $linkflags\$(DSO_LDFLAGS) \\
 		-o $target $objs \\
                 \$(PLIB_LDFLAGS) $linklibs \$(EX_LIBS)
@@ -1034,14 +1044,19 @@ EOF
       my $objs = join(" ", map { (my $x = $_) =~ s|\.o$|$objext|; $x }
       my $deps = join(" ",compute_lib_depends(@{$args{deps}}));
+      my @linkdirs = ();
+      foreach (@{args{deps}}) {
+          next if $_ =~ /\.a$/;
+          my $d = dirname($_);
+          push @linkdirs, $d unless grep { $d eq $_ } @linkdirs;
+      }
+      my $linkflags = join("", map { "-L$_ " } @linkdirs);
       my $linklibs = join("", map { if ($_ =~ /\.a$/) {
                                         " $_";
                                     } else {
-                                        my $d = dirname($_);
                                         my $f = basename($_);
-                                        $d = "." if $d eq $f;
                                         (my $l = $f) =~ s/^lib//;
-                                        " -L$d -l$l"
+                                        " -l$l"
                                   } @{$args{deps}});
       my $cmd = '$(CC)';
@@ -1053,7 +1068,8 @@ EOF
       return <<"EOF";
 $bin$exeext: $objs $deps
 	rm -f $bin$exeext
-	\$\${LDCMD:-$cmd} $cmdflags \$(LDFLAGS) \$(BIN_LDFLAGS) -o $bin$exeext $objs \\
+	\$\${LDCMD:-$cmd} $cmdflags $linkflags\$(LDFLAGS) \$(BIN_LDFLAGS) \\
+		-o $bin$exeext $objs \\
 		\$(PLIB_LDFLAGS) $linklibs \$(EX_LIBS)
diff --git a/Configure b/Configure
index b66e251..b172595 100755
--- a/Configure
+++ b/Configure
@@ -526,6 +526,7 @@ $config{openssl_algorithm_defines}=[];
+my $ldflags="";
 my $libs="";
 my $target="";
@@ -729,7 +730,11 @@ while (@argvcopy)
 			read_config $1;
-		elsif (/^-[lL](.*)$/ or /^-Wl,/)
+		elsif (/^-L(.*)$/)
+			{
+			$ldflags.=$_." ";
+			}
+		elsif (/^-l(.*)$/ or /^-Wl,/)
 			$libs.=$_." ";
@@ -1050,6 +1055,7 @@ $config{build_file} = $target{build_file};
 $config{defines} = [];
 $config{cflags} = "";
 $config{cxxflags} = "";
+$config{lflags} = "";
 $config{ex_libs} = "";
 $config{shared_ldflag} = "";
@@ -1121,6 +1127,7 @@ if (!$disabled{dso} && $target{dso_scheme} ne "")
 $config{ex_libs}="$libs$config{ex_libs}" if ($libs ne "");
+$config{lflags}="$config{lflags}$ldflags" if ($ldflags ne "");
 # If threads aren't disabled, check how possible they are
 unless ($disabled{threads}) {
@@ -2176,6 +2183,7 @@ print "DEFINES       =",join(" ", @{$target{defines}}, @{$config{defines}}),"\n"
 #print "RANLIB        =", $target{ranlib} eq '$(CROSS_COMPILE)ranlib' ?
 #                             "$config{cross_compile_prefix}ranlib" :
 #                             "$target{ranlib}", "\n";
+print "LDFLAGS       =$config{lflags} $target{lflags}\n";
 print "EX_LIBS       =$target{ex_libs} $config{ex_libs}\n";
 my %builders = (

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