[openssl-commits] [web] master update

Mark J. Cox mark at openssl.org
Mon Jan 29 14:43:41 UTC 2018

The branch master has been updated
       via  29fa8cd6bc697a67e4db1119b5bef27b0b4bcc03 (commit)
       via  03dec203a3f85d987f741c7829475b683fc918bc (commit)
       via  e262bc5351e541a304a25b73e9b94ed6654a3a39 (commit)
       via  a7c867f84d9b6f4a29379aa93f6e9dbd23eb2623 (commit)
       via  056dc1c2c25ecd48428048c9e241b9b32daa8bb4 (commit)
      from  a0ccfe09df6a7a59a610c40e2f0e17065878e077 (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 29fa8cd6bc697a67e4db1119b5bef27b0b4bcc03
Author: Mark J. Cox <mark at awe.com>
Date:   Mon Jan 29 14:42:59 2018 +0000

    tabs not spaces

commit 03dec203a3f85d987f741c7829475b683fc918bc
Author: Mark J. Cox <mark at awe.com>
Date:   Mon Jan 29 14:39:23 2018 +0000

    Switch out the vulnerabilities.xsl for python, the differences to the
    final page should be ordering (now for a given date in CVE order),
    dates don't have suffixes like "1st", and ranges of affected versions
    are used instead of listing every affected version

commit e262bc5351e541a304a25b73e9b94ed6654a3a39
Author: Mark J. Cox <mark at awe.com>
Date:   Mon Jan 29 14:38:27 2018 +0000

    change mind, don't use output dir since we need to know what inc files
    we create, so we'll do that as an option later

commit a7c867f84d9b6f4a29379aa93f6e9dbd23eb2623
Author: Mark J. Cox <mark at awe.com>
Date:   Mon Jan 29 14:34:06 2018 +0000

    we use an inc file for vulnerabilities page

commit 056dc1c2c25ecd48428048c9e241b9b32daa8bb4
Author: Mark J. Cox <mark at awe.com>
Date:   Mon Jan 29 14:31:53 2018 +0000

    The xslt we use to convert the vulnerabilities.xml is clever, but esoteric, so
    let's replace it with python instead and that way we can do things like
    collapse the "affected" lists, and possibly in the future create multiple
    pages (like a page for 1.0.2, 1.0.1 etc)


Summary of changes:
 Makefile       |   5 +--
 bin/mk-cvepage | 113 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 115 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 bin/mk-cvepage

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index dbaa5a5..3c73ac3 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -115,10 +115,9 @@ news/newsflash.inc: news/newsflash.txt
 	    -e 's@^@<tr><td class="d">@' \
 	    -e 's@: @</td><td class="t">@' \
 	    -e 's@$$@</td></tr>@'
-news/vulnerabilities.inc: bin/vulnerabilities.xsl news/vulnerabilities.xml
+news/vulnerabilities.inc: bin/mk-cvepage news/vulnerabilities.xml
 	@rm -f $@
-	xsltproc bin/vulnerabilities.xsl news/vulnerabilities.xml >$@
+	./bin/mk-cvepage -i news/vulnerabilities.xml > $@
 source/.htaccess: $(wildcard source/openssl-*.tar.gz) bin/mk-latest
 	@rm -f @?
 	./bin/mk-latest source >$@
diff --git a/bin/mk-cvepage b/bin/mk-cvepage
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c8e9d1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/mk-cvepage
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python
+# Convert our XML file to a HTML file for the web page
+# let's replace vulnerabilities.xsl
+from xml.dom import minidom
+import simplejson as json
+import codecs
+import re
+from optparse import OptionParser
+import datetime
+import sys
+# Versions of OpenSSL we never released, to allow us to display ranges, it's not a big deal if they
+# are not included here, it just makes things look better if they are.
+neverreleased = "1.0.0h,";
+def merge_affects(issue,base):
+    # let's merge the affects into a nice list which is better for Mitre text but we have to take into account our stange lettering scheme
+    prev = ""
+    anext = ""
+    alist = list()
+    vlist = list()
+    for affects in issue.getElementsByTagName('affects'): # so we can sort them
+       version = affects.getAttribute("version")
+       if (not base or base in version):
+           vlist.append(version)
+    for ver in sorted(vlist):
+       # print "version %s (last was %s, next was %s)" %(ver,prev,anext)
+       if (ver != anext):
+          alist.append([ver])
+       elif len(alist[-1]) > 1:
+          alist[-1][-1] = ver
+       else:
+          alist[-1].append(ver)
+       prev = ver
+       if (unicode.isdigit(ver[-1])):   # First version after 1.0.1 is 1.0.1a
+           anext = ver + "a"
+       elif (ver[-1] == "y"):
+           anext = ver[:-1] + "za"    # We ran out of letters once so y->za->zb....
+       else:
+           anext = ver[:-1]+chr(ord(ver[-1])+1) # otherwise after 1.0.1a is 1.0.1b
+       while (anext in neverreleased): # skip unreleased versions
+          anext = anext[:-1]+chr(ord(anext[-1])+1)
+    return ",".join(['-'.join(map(str,aff)) for aff in alist])
+parser = OptionParser()
+parser.add_option("-i", "--input", help="input vulnerability file live openssl-web/news/vulnerabilities.xml", dest="input")
+(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+# We need an output directory not stdout because we might write multiple files
+if not options.input:
+   print "needs input file"
+   parser.print_help()
+   exit();
+cvej = list()
+with codecs.open(options.input,"r","utf-8") as vulnfile:
+    vulns = vulnfile.read()
+dom = minidom.parseString(vulns.encode("utf-8"))
+issues = dom.getElementsByTagName('issue')
+thisyear = ""
+allyears = []
+# Display issues latest by date first, if same date then by highest CVE
+allissues = ""
+for issue in sorted(issues, key=lambda x: (x.getAttribute('public'), x.getElementsByTagName('cve')[0].getAttribute('name')),reverse=True):
+    date = issue.getAttribute('public')
+    year = date[:-4]
+    if (year != thisyear):
+        if (thisyear != ""):
+            allissues += "</dl>";
+        allissues += "<h3><a name=\"y%s\">%s</a><dl>" %(year,year)
+        allyears.append(year)
+        thisyear = year
+    cve = issue.getElementsByTagName('cve')[0].getAttribute('name')
+    allissues += "<dt>"
+    if cve:
+        allissues += "<a href=\"https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-%s\">CVE-%s</a> " %(cve,cve)
+    for adv in issue.getElementsByTagName('advisory'):
+        allissues += "<a href=\"%s\">(OpenSSL advisory)</a> " %(adv.getAttribute("url"))
+    for sev in issue.getElementsByTagName('impact'):
+        allissues += "<a href=\"/policies/secpolicy.html#%s\">[%s severity]</a> " %(sev.getAttribute('severity'),sev.getAttribute('severity'))
+    t = datetime.datetime(int(date[:4]), int(date[4:6]), int(date[6:8]), 0, 0)
+    allissues += t.strftime("%d %B %Y: ")
+    allissues += "<a href=\"#toc\"><img src=\"/img/up.gif\"/></a></dt><dd>"
+    allissues += issue.getElementsByTagName('description')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue.strip()
+    for reported in issue.getElementsByTagName('reported'):
+       allissues += " Reported by %s. " %(reported.getAttribute("source"))
+    allissues += "<ul>"
+    for affects in issue.getElementsByTagName('fixed'):
+        allissues += "<li>Fixed in OpenSSL %s " %(affects.getAttribute('version'))
+        for git in affects.getElementsByTagName('git'):
+            allissues += "<a href=\"https://github.com/openssl/openssl/commit/%s\">(git commit)</a> " %(git.getAttribute('hash'))            
+        allissues += "(Affected "+merge_affects(issue,affects.getAttribute("base"))+")"       
+        allissues += "</li>"
+    allissues += "</ul></dd>"
+allissues += "</dl>"
+preface = "<!-- do not edit this file it is autogenerated, edit vulnerabilities.xml -->"
+preface += "<p><a name=\"toc\">Jump to year: </a>"
+preface += ", ".join( "<a href=\"#y%s\">%s</a>" %(year,year) for year in allyears)
+preface += "</p>"
+preface += allissues

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