[openssl-commits] [openssl] master update

Andy Polyakov appro at openssl.org
Sat Mar 10 15:27:25 UTC 2018

The branch master has been updated
       via  78a50c7524e86137e4db3d57d1a06eb573b26054 (commit)
      from  a23f03166e0ec49ac09b3671e7ab4ba4fa57d42a (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 78a50c7524e86137e4db3d57d1a06eb573b26054
Author: Andy Polyakov <appro at openssl.org>
Date:   Fri Mar 9 17:28:06 2018 +0100

    Configurations/10-main.conf: VC-<target> cleanups.
    Reviewed-by: Richard Levitte <levitte at openssl.org>
    (Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/5574)


Summary of changes:
 Configurations/00-base-templates.conf |  9 ++++
 Configurations/10-main.conf           | 79 +++++++++++++----------------------
 2 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Configurations/00-base-templates.conf b/Configurations/00-base-templates.conf
index a1837ca..c074bd6 100644
--- a/Configurations/00-base-templates.conf
+++ b/Configurations/00-base-templates.conf
@@ -109,6 +109,15 @@ my %targets=(
         inherit_from    => [ "BASE_common" ],
         template        => 1,
+        lib_defines      =>
+            sub {
+                my @defs = ();
+                unless ($disabled{"zlib-dynamic"}) {
+                    my $zlib = $withargs{zlib_lib} // "ZLIB1";
+                    push @defs, quotify("perl", 'LIBZ="' . $zlib . '"');
+                }
+                return [ @defs ];
+            },
         ex_libs         =>
             sub {
                 unless ($disabled{zlib}) {
diff --git a/Configurations/10-main.conf b/Configurations/10-main.conf
index 6b57549..0407a812 100644
--- a/Configurations/10-main.conf
+++ b/Configurations/10-main.conf
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ sub vc_win64a_info {
         } elsif ($disabled{asm}) {
             # assembler is still used to compile uplink shim
             $vc_win64a_info = { AS        => "ml64",
-                                ASFLAGS   => "/Zi",
+                                ASFLAGS   => "/nologo /Zi",
                                 asflags   => "/c /Cp /Cx",
                                 asoutflag => "/Fo" };
         } else {
@@ -1346,46 +1346,45 @@ my %targets = (
 #### Visual C targets
-# Win64 targets, WIN64I denotes IA-64 and WIN64A - AMD64
+# Win64 targets, WIN64I denotes IA-64/Itanium and WIN64A - AMD64
-# Note about -wd4090, disable warning C4090. This warning returns false
+# Note about /wd4090, disable warning C4090. This warning returns false
 # positives in some situations. Disabling it altogether masks both
 # legitimate and false cases, but as we compile on multiple platforms,
 # we rely on other compilers to catch legitimate cases.
 # Also note that we force threads no matter what.  Configuring "no-threads"
 # is ignored.
+# UNICODE is defined in VC-common and applies to all targets. It used to
+# be an opt-in option for VC-WIN32, but not anymore. The original reason
+# was because ANSI API was *native* system interface for no longer
+# supported Windows 9x. Keep in mind that UNICODE only affects how
+# OpenSSL libraries interact with underlying OS, it doesn't affect API
+# that OpenSSL presents to application.
     "VC-common" => {
         inherit_from     => [ "BASE_Windows" ],
         template         => 1,
         CC               => "cl",
         CPP              => '$(CC) /EP /C',
-        CFLAGS           => "-W3 -wd4090 -nologo",
+        CFLAGS           => "/W3 /wd4090 /nologo",
         LDFLAGS          => add("/debug"),
         coutflag         => "/Fo",
-        cflags           => '-Gs0 -GF -Gy',
         defines          => add("OPENSSL_SYS_WIN32", "WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN",
+                                "UNICODE", "_UNICODE",
-        lib_cflags       => add("/Zi /Fdossl_static"),
-        lib_defines      => add([ "L_ENDIAN" ],
-                                sub { my @defs = ();
-                                      unless ($disabled{"zlib-dynamic"}) {
-                                          my $zlib =
-                                              $withargs{zlib_lib} // "ZLIB1";
-                                          push @defs,
-                                              quotify("perl",
-                                                      'LIBZ="' . $zlib . '"');
-                                      }
-                                      return [ @defs ];
-                                  }),
-        dso_cflags       => "/Zi /Fddso",
-        bin_cflags       => "/Zi /Fdapp",
+        lib_cflags       => add("/Zi /Fdossl_static.pdb"),
+        lib_defines      => add("L_ENDIAN"),
+        dso_cflags       => "/Zi /Fddso.pdb",
+        bin_cflags       => "/Zi /Fdapp.pdb",
         shared_ldflag    => "/dll",
         shared_target    => "win-shared", # meaningless except it gives Configure a hint
         thread_scheme    => "winthreads",
         dso_scheme       => "win32",
         apps_aux_src     => add("win32_init.c"),
+        bn_ops           => "EXPORT_VAR_AS_FN",
         # additional parameter to build_scheme denotes install-path "flavour"
         build_scheme     => add("VC-common", { separator => undef }),
@@ -1394,7 +1393,8 @@ my %targets = (
         template         => 1,
         CFLAGS           => add(picker(debug   => '/Od',
                                        release => '/O2')),
-        cflags           => add(picker(debug   =>
+        cflags           => add(picker(default => '/Gs0 /GF /Gy',
+                                       debug   =>
                                        sub {
                                            ($disabled{shared} ? "" : "/MDd");
@@ -1402,8 +1402,7 @@ my %targets = (
                                        sub {
                                            ($disabled{shared} ? "" : "/MD");
-        defines          => add(picker(default => [ "UNICODE", "_UNICODE" ],
-                                       debug   => [ "DEBUG", "_DEBUG" ])),
+        defines          => add(picker(debug   => [ "DEBUG", "_DEBUG" ])),
         lib_cflags       => add(sub { $disabled{shared} ? "/MT /Zl" : () }),
         # Following might/should appears controversial, i.e. defining
         # /MDd without evaluating $disabled{shared}. It works in
@@ -1435,14 +1434,14 @@ my %targets = (
             push @ex_libs, 'bufferoverflowu.lib' if (`cl 2>&1` =~ /14\.00\.4[0-9]{4}\./);
             return join(" ", @_, @ex_libs);
-        bn_ops           => "SIXTY_FOUR_BIT EXPORT_VAR_AS_FN",
+        bn_ops           => add("SIXTY_FOUR_BIT"),
     "VC-WIN64I" => {
         inherit_from     => [ "VC-WIN64-common", asm("ia64_asm"),
                               sub { $disabled{shared} ? () : "ia64_uplink" } ],
         AS               => "ias",
         ASFLAGS          => "-d debug",
-        asoutflag        => "-o",
+        asoutflag        => "-o ",
         sys_id           => "WIN64I",
         bn_asm_src       => sub { return undef unless @_;
                                   my $r=join(" ", at _); $r=~s|bn-ia64.s|bn_asm.c|; $r; },
@@ -1463,27 +1462,15 @@ my %targets = (
         multilib         => "-x64",
     "VC-WIN32" => {
-        # x86 Win32 target used to default to ANSI API, but not anymore,
-        # UNICODE is the only option. The original reason for providing
-        # UNICODE as opt-in option was because ANSI API was *native*
-        # system interface for [no longer supported] Windows 9x.
         inherit_from     => [ "VC-noCE-common", asm("x86_asm"),
                               sub { $disabled{shared} ? () : "uplink_common" } ],
-        CFLAGS           => add("-WX"),
+        CFLAGS           => add("/WX"),
         AS               => sub { vc_win32_info()->{AS} },
         ASFLAGS          => sub { vc_win32_info()->{ASFLAGS} },
         asoutflag        => sub { vc_win32_info()->{asoutflag} },
         asflags          => sub { vc_win32_info()->{asflags} },
-        ex_libs          => add(sub {
-            my @ex_libs = ();
-            # WIN32 UNICODE build gets linked with unicows.lib for
-            # backward compatibility with Win9x.
-            push @ex_libs, 'unicows.lib'
-                if (grep { $_ eq "UNICODE" } @{$user{CPPDEFINES}});
-            return join(" ", @ex_libs, @_);
-        }),
         sys_id           => "WIN32",
-        bn_ops           => "BN_LLONG EXPORT_VAR_AS_FN",
+        bn_ops           => add("BN_LLONG"),
         perlasm_scheme   => sub { vc_win32_info()->{perlasm_scheme} },
         # "WOW" stands for "Windows on Windows", and "VC-WOW" engages
         # some installation path heuristics in windows-makefile.tmpl...
@@ -1491,14 +1478,8 @@ my %targets = (
     "VC-CE" => {
         inherit_from     => [ "VC-common" ],
-        AS               => "ml",
-        ASFLAGS          => "/nologo",
-        asoutflag        => "/Fo",
-        asflags          => "/Cp /coff /c /Cx /Zi",
-        CC               => "cl",
-        CFLAGS           => picker(default => '/W3 /WX /nologo',
-                                   debug   => "/Od",
-                                   release => "/O1i"),
+        CFLAGS           => add(picker(debug   => "/Od",
+                                       release => "/O1i")),
         CPPDEFINES       => picker(debug   => [ "DEBUG", "_DEBUG" ]),
         LDFLAGS          => add("/nologo /opt:ref"),
         cflags           =>
@@ -1508,9 +1489,7 @@ my %targets = (
                               ? ($disabled{shared} ? " /MT" : " /MD")
                               : " /MC"; }),
         cppflags         => sub { vc_wince_info()->{cppflags}; },
-        defines          => [ "WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN" ],
-        lib_defines      => [ "L_ENDIAN", "DSO_WIN32", "NO_CHMOD",
-                              "OPENSSL_SMALL_FOOTPRINT" ],
+        lib_defines      => add("NO_CHMOD", "OPENSSL_SMALL_FOOTPRINT"),
         lib_cppflags     => sub { vc_wince_info()->{cppflags}; },
         includes         =>
             add(combine(sub { defined(env('WCECOMPAT'))
@@ -1522,7 +1501,7 @@ my %targets = (
                                         sub { defined(env('PORTSDK_LIBPATH'))
                                                   ? "/entry:mainCRTstartup" : (); })),
         sys_id           => "WINCE",
-        bn_ops           => "BN_LLONG EXPORT_VAR_AS_FN",
+        bn_ops           => add("BN_LLONG"),
         ex_libs          => add(sub {
             my @ex_libs = ();
             push @ex_libs, 'ws2.lib' unless $disabled{sock};

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