[openssl-commits] [tools] master update

Rich Salz rsalz at openssl.org
Mon Mar 26 18:33:10 UTC 2018

The branch master has been updated
       via  38108eb94667a35f449685fc34832b1255311b13 (commit)
      from  c24b4571fda7c7bfa526f91494d61f7bc94c4807 (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 38108eb94667a35f449685fc34832b1255311b13
Author: Rich Salz <rsalz at openssl.org>
Date:   Mon Mar 26 14:32:54 2018 -0400

    Add -m flag


Summary of changes:
 license/rmcommit | 41 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/license/rmcommit b/license/rmcommit
index f128c47..02bc769 100755
--- a/license/rmcommit
+++ b/license/rmcommit
@@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
 #! /usr/bin/env python
-"""Remove commits from a user.
+"""Remove commits from the log.
+    -m X Just the specified commits from the user X
+Arguments is a list of commit prefixes.
 import mysql.connector, os, re, subprocess, sys
-import string, random
+import getopt, string, random
 dbconfig = {
         'user': 'license',
         'password': open('rwpass.txt').read().strip(),
@@ -12,22 +17,36 @@ dbconfig = {
 conn = mysql.connector.connect(**dbconfig)
 cursor = conn.cursor()
-# Get email identifier
-cursor.execute('SELECT uid FROM users WHERE email = %s', (sys.argv[1],))
 email = None
-for c in cursor:
-    email = c[0]
-if not email:
-    print sys.argv[1], "not found"
+    opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hm:")
+    print __doc__
     raise SystemExit
+for o,a in opts:
+    if o == '-h':
+        print __doc__
+        raise SystemExit
+    elif o == '-m':
+        cursor.execute('SELECT uid FROM users WHERE email = %s', (a,))
+        for c in cursor:
+            email = c[0]
+        if not email:
+            print a, "not found"
+            raise SystemExit
-for cids in sys.argv[2:]:
+for cids in args:
     pat = cids + '%'
     cursor.execute('SELECT cid FROM commits WHERE commit LIKE %s', (pat,))
     cid = None
     for c in cursor:
         cid = c[0]
     if cid:
-        cursor.execute('DELETE FROM log WHERE uid=%s AND cid LIKE %s',
-                (email, cid))
+        if email:
+            cursor.execute('DELETE FROM log WHERE uid=%s AND cid=%s',
+                    (email, cid))
+        else:
+            cursor.execute('DELETE FROM log WHERE cid=%s', (cid,))
+    else:
+        print "Commit", cids, "not found"

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