[openssl-commits] [openssl] master update

Richard Levitte levitte at openssl.org
Thu May 3 13:13:25 UTC 2018

The branch master has been updated
       via  463e6ef500ead3fefccc470ce2f82429bb060e70 (commit)
       via  ce147f7333fa56ab87a0878b34649991a5dae8f5 (commit)
      from  b1860d6c71733314417d053a72af66ae72e8268e (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 463e6ef500ead3fefccc470ce2f82429bb060e70
Author: Richard Levitte <levitte at openssl.org>
Date:   Wed May 2 06:16:04 2018 +0200

    VMS: modernise rand_pool_acquire_entropy, step 2
    Add more items that could serve as entropy source.
    Reviewed-by: Andy Polyakov <appro at openssl.org>
    (Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/6151)

commit ce147f7333fa56ab87a0878b34649991a5dae8f5
Author: Richard Levitte <levitte at openssl.org>
Date:   Mon Apr 30 18:04:10 2018 +0200

    VMS: modernise rand_pool_acquire_entropy, step 1
    Stop redefining structures that are already defined in system
    headers.  This also means we can stop setting the pointer size
    globally, because the system structures will have the correct pointer
    sizes either way.  The only exception is passing the right pointer
    size to a function.
    Stop trying to twist things around with rand(), that's the job of the
    DRBG that we feed.
    Stop assuming the location of the JPI$_FINALEXC item, look it up
    Signal an exception if the sys$getjpiw call fails (it means the item
    list isn't set up right, so works as an assertion, but using VMS
    Reviewed-by: Andy Polyakov <appro at openssl.org>
    (Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/6151)


Summary of changes:
 crypto/rand/rand_vms.c | 474 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 393 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-)

diff --git a/crypto/rand/rand_vms.c b/crypto/rand/rand_vms.c
index 5561abc..0037466 100644
--- a/crypto/rand/rand_vms.c
+++ b/crypto/rand/rand_vms.c
@@ -10,16 +10,24 @@
 #include "e_os.h"
 #if defined(OPENSSL_SYS_VMS)
+# define __NEW_STARLET 1         /* New starlet definitions since VMS 7.0 */
 # include <unistd.h>
 # include "internal/cryptlib.h"
 # include <openssl/rand.h>
 # include "internal/rand_int.h"
 # include "rand_lcl.h"
 # include <descrip.h>
+# include <dvidef.h>
 # include <jpidef.h>
+# include <rmidef.h>
+# include <syidef.h>
 # include <ssdef.h>
 # include <starlet.h>
-# include <efndef>
+# include <efndef.h>
+# include <gen64def.h>
+# include <iosbdef.h>
+# include <iledef.h>
+# include <lib$routines.h>
 # ifdef __DECC
 #  pragma message disable DOLLARID
 # endif
@@ -28,106 +36,410 @@
 #  error "Unsupported seeding method configured; must be os"
 # endif
- * Use 32-bit pointers almost everywhere.  Define the type to which to cast a
- * pointer passed to an external function.
- */
+/* We need to make sure we have the right size pointer in some cases */
-#  define PTR_T __void_ptr64
 #  pragma pointer_size save
 #  pragma pointer_size 32
-# else
-#  define PTR_T void *
+# endif
+typedef uint32_t *uint32_t__ptr32;
+#  pragma pointer_size restore
 # endif
-static struct items_data_st {
+struct item_st {
     short length, code;         /* length is number of bytes */
-} items_data[] = {
-    {4, JPI$_BUFIO},
-    {4, JPI$_CPUTIM},
-    {4, JPI$_DIRIO},
-    {4, JPI$_IMAGECOUNT},
-    {8, JPI$_LAST_LOGIN_I},
-    {8, JPI$_LOGINTIM},
-    {4, JPI$_PAGEFLTS},
-    {4, JPI$_PID},
-    {4, JPI$_PPGCNT},
-    {4, JPI$_WSPEAK},
-    {4, JPI$_FINALEXC},
-    {0, 0}
+static const struct item_st DVI_item_data[] = {
+    {4,   DVI$_ERRCNT},
+    {4,   DVI$_REFCNT},
+static const struct item_st JPI_item_data[] = {
+    {4,   JPI$_BUFIO},
+    {4,   JPI$_CPUTIM},
+    {4,   JPI$_DIRIO},
+    {4,   JPI$_IMAGECOUNT},
+    {4,   JPI$_PAGEFLTS},
+    {4,   JPI$_PID},
+    {4,   JPI$_PPGCNT},
+    {4,   JPI$_WSPEAK},
+    /*
+     * Note: the direct result is just a 32-bit address.  However, it points
+     * to a list of 4 32-bit words, so we make extra space for them so we can
+     * do in-place replacement of values
+     */
+    {16,  JPI$_FINALEXC},
+static const struct item_st JPI_item_data_64bit[] = {
+    {8,   JPI$_LAST_LOGIN_I},
+    {8,   JPI$_LOGINTIM},
+static const struct item_st RMI_item_data[] = {
+    {4,   RMI$_COLPG},
+    {4,   RMI$_MWAIT},
+    {4,   RMI$_CEF},
+    {4,   RMI$_PFW},
+    {4,   RMI$_LEF},
+    {4,   RMI$_LEFO},
+    {4,   RMI$_HIB},
+    {4,   RMI$_HIBO},
+    {4,   RMI$_SUSP},
+    {4,   RMI$_SUSPO},
+    {4,   RMI$_FPG},
+    {4,   RMI$_COM},
+    {4,   RMI$_COMO},
+    {4,   RMI$_CUR},
+#if defined __alpha
+    {4,   RMI$_FRLIST},
+    {4,   RMI$_MODLIST},
+    {4,   RMI$_FAULTS},
+    {4,   RMI$_PREADS},
+    {4,   RMI$_PWRITES},
+    {4,   RMI$_PWRITIO},
+    {4,   RMI$_PREADIO},
+    {4,   RMI$_GVALFLTS},
+    {4,   RMI$_WRTINPROG},
+    {4,   RMI$_FREFLTS},
+    {4,   RMI$_DZROFLTS},
+    {4,   RMI$_SYSFAULTS},
+    {4,   RMI$_ISWPCNT},
+    {4,   RMI$_DIRIO},
+    {4,   RMI$_BUFIO},
+    {4,   RMI$_MBREADS},
+    {4,   RMI$_MBWRITES},
+    {4,   RMI$_LOGNAM},
+    {4,   RMI$_FCPCALLS},
+    {4,   RMI$_FCPREAD},
+    {4,   RMI$_FCPWRITE},
+    {4,   RMI$_FCPCACHE},
+    {4,   RMI$_FCPCPU},
+    {4,   RMI$_FCPHIT},
+    {4,   RMI$_FCPSPLIT},
+    {4,   RMI$_FCPFAULT},
+    {4,   RMI$_ENQNEW},
+    {4,   RMI$_ENQCVT},
+    {4,   RMI$_DEQ},
+    {4,   RMI$_BLKAST},
+    {4,   RMI$_ENQWAIT},
+    {4,   RMI$_ENQNOTQD},
+    {4,   RMI$_DLCKSRCH},
+    {4,   RMI$_DLCKFND},
+    {4,   RMI$_NUMLOCKS},
+    {4,   RMI$_NUMRES},
+    {4,   RMI$_ARRLOCPK},
+    {4,   RMI$_DEPLOCPK},
+    {4,   RMI$_ARRTRAPK},
+    {4,   RMI$_TRCNGLOS},
+    {4,   RMI$_RCVBUFFL},
+    {4,   RMI$_ENQNEWLOC},
+    {4,   RMI$_ENQNEWIN},
+    {4,   RMI$_ENQNEWOUT},
+    {4,   RMI$_ENQCVTLOC},
+    {4,   RMI$_ENQCVTIN},
+    {4,   RMI$_ENQCVTOUT},
+    {4,   RMI$_DEQLOC},
+    {4,   RMI$_DEQIN},
+    {4,   RMI$_DEQOUT},
+    {4,   RMI$_BLKLOC},
+    {4,   RMI$_BLKIN},
+    {4,   RMI$_BLKOUT},
+    {4,   RMI$_DIRIN},
+    {4,   RMI$_DIROUT},
+    /* We currently get a fault when trying these.  TODO: To be figured out. */
+#if 0
+    {140, RMI$_MSCP_EVERYTHING},   /* 35 32-bit words */
+    {152, RMI$_DDTM_ALL},          /* 38 32-bit words */
+    {80,  RMI$_TMSCP_EVERYTHING}   /* 20 32-bit words */
+    {4,   RMI$_LPZ_PAGCNT},
+    {4,   RMI$_LPZ_HITS},
+    {4,   RMI$_LPZ_MISSES},
+    {4,   RMI$_LPZ_EXPCNT},
+    {4,   RMI$_LPZ_ALLOCF},
+    {4,   RMI$_LPZ_ALLOC2},
+    {4,   RMI$_ACCESS},
+    {4,   RMI$_ALLOC},
+    {4,   RMI$_FCPCREATE},
+    {4,   RMI$_VOLWAIT},
+    {4,   RMI$_FCPTURN},
+    {4,   RMI$_FCPERASE},
+    {4,   RMI$_OPENS},
+    {4,   RMI$_FIDHIT},
+    {4,   RMI$_FIDMISS},
+    {4,   RMI$_FILHDR_HIT},
+    {4,   RMI$_DIRFCB_HIT},
+    {4,   RMI$_DIRFCB_MISS},
+    {4,   RMI$_DIRDATA_HIT},
+    {4,   RMI$_EXTHIT},
+    {4,   RMI$_EXTMISS},
+    {4,   RMI$_QUOHIT},
+    {4,   RMI$_QUOMISS},
+    {4,   RMI$_STORAGMAP_HIT},
+    {4,   RMI$_VOLLCK},
+    {4,   RMI$_SYNCHLCK},
+    {4,   RMI$_SYNCHWAIT},
+    {4,   RMI$_ACCLCK},
+    {4,   RMI$_XQPCACHEWAIT},
+    {4,   RMI$_DIRDATA_MISS},
+    {4,   RMI$_FILHDR_MISS},
+    {4,   RMI$_STORAGMAP_MISS},
+    {4,   RMI$_PROCCNTMAX},
+    {4,   RMI$_PROCBATCNT},
+    {4,   RMI$_PROCINTCNT},
+    {4,   RMI$_PROCNETCNT},
+    {4,   RMI$_PROCLOADCNT},
+    {4,   RMI$_BADFLTS},
+    {4,   RMI$_EXEFAULTS},
+    {4,   RMI$_HDRINSWAPS},
+    {4,   RMI$_HDROUTSWAPS},
+    {4,   RMI$_IOPAGCNT},
+    {4,   RMI$_ISWPCNTPG},
+    {4,   RMI$_OSWPCNT},
+    {4,   RMI$_OSWPCNTPG},
+    {4,   RMI$_RDFAULTS},
+    {4,   RMI$_TRANSFLTS},
+    {4,   RMI$_WRTFAULTS},
+#if defined __alpha
+    {4,   RMI$_USERPAGES},
+    {4,   RMI$_VMSPAGES},
+    {4,   RMI$_TTWRITES},
+    {4,   RMI$_BUFOBJPAG},
+    {4,   RMI$_BUFOBJPAGS01},
+    {4,   RMI$_BUFOBJPAGS2},
+    {4,   RMI$_BUFOBJPAGMAXS01},
+    {4,   RMI$_BUFOBJPAGMAXS2},
+    {4,   RMI$_BUFOBJPAGPEAKS01},
+    {4,   RMI$_BUFOBJPGLTMAXS01},
+    {4,   RMI$_DLCK_INCMPLT},
+    {4,   RMI$_DLCKMSGS_IN},
+    {4,   RMI$_DLCKMSGS_OUT},
+    {4,   RMI$_MCHKERRS},
+    {4,   RMI$_MEMERRS},
+static const struct item_st RMI_item_data_64bit[] = {
+#if defined __ia64
+    {8,   RMI$_FRLIST},
+    {8,   RMI$_MODLIST},
+    {8,   RMI$_LCKMGR_REQCNT},
+    {8,   RMI$_LCKMGR_REQTIME},
+    {8,   RMI$_LCKMGR_SPINCNT},
+    {8,   RMI$_CPUINTSTK},
+    {8,   RMI$_CPUMPSYNCH},
+    {8,   RMI$_CPUKERNEL},
+    {8,   RMI$_CPUEXEC},
+    {8,   RMI$_CPUSUPER},
+    {8,   RMI$_CPUUSER},
+#if defined __ia64
+    {8,   RMI$_USERPAGES},
+    {8,   RMI$_TQETOTAL},
+    {8,   RMI$_TQESYSUB},
+    {8,   RMI$_TQEUSRTIMR},
+    {8,   RMI$_TQEUSRWAKE},
+static const struct item_st SYI_item_data[] = {
+    {4,   SYI$_PAGEFILE_FREE},
+ * Input:
+ * items_data           - an array of lengths and codes
+ * items_data_num       - number of elements in that array
+ *
+ * Output:
+ * items                - pre-allocated ILE3 array to be filled.
+ *                        It's assumed to have items_data_num elements plus
+ *                        one extra for the terminating NULL element
+ * databuffer           - pre-allocated 32-bit word array.
+ *
+ * Returns the number of elements used in databuffer
+ */
+static size_t prepare_item_list(const struct item_st *items_input,
+                                size_t items_input_num,
+                                ILE3 *items,
+                                uint32_t__ptr32 databuffer)
+    size_t data_sz = 0;
+    for (; items_input_num-- > 0; items_input++, items++) {
+        /* Special treatment of JPI$_FINALEXC */
+        if (items->ile3$w_code == JPI$_FINALEXC)
+            items->ile3$w_length = 4;
+        else
+            items->ile3$w_length = items_input->length;
+        items->ile3$w_code = items_input->code;
+        items->ile3$ps_bufaddr = databuffer;
+        items->ile3$ps_retlen_addr = 0;
+        databuffer += items_input->length / sizeof(databuffer[0]);
+        data_sz += items_input->length;
+    }
+    /* Terminating NULL entry */
+    items->ile3$w_length = items->ile3$w_code = 0;
+    items->ile3$ps_bufaddr = items->ile3$ps_retlen_addr = NULL;
+    return data_sz / sizeof(databuffer[0]);
+static void massage_JPI(ILE3 *items)
+    /*
+     * Special treatment of JPI$_FINALEXC
+     * The result of that item's data buffer is a 32-bit address to a list of
+     * 4 32-bit words.
+     */
+    for (; items->ile3$w_length != 0; items++) {
+        if (items->ile3$w_code == JPI$_FINALEXC) {
+            uint32_t *data = items->ile3$ps_bufaddr;
+            uint32_t *ptr = (uint32_t *)*data;
+            size_t j;
+            /*
+             * We know we made space for 4 32-bit words, so we can do in-place
+             * replacement.
+             */
+            for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
+                data[j] = ptr[j];
+            break;
+        }
+    }
  * This number expresses how many bits of data contain 1 bit of entropy.
- * For the moment, we assume about 0.5 entropy bits per data bit, or 1
- * bit of entropy per 2 data bits.
+ * For the moment, we assume about 0.05 entropy bits per data bit, or 1
+ * bit of entropy per 20 data bits.
-#define ENTROPY_FACTOR  2
+#define ENTROPY_FACTOR  20
 size_t rand_pool_acquire_entropy(RAND_POOL *pool)
-    /* determine the number of items in the JPI array */
-    struct items_data_st item_entry;
-    size_t item_entry_count = OSSL_NELEM(items_data);
-    /* Create the 32-bit JPI itemlist array to hold item_data content */
-    struct {
-        uint16_t length, code;
-        uint32_t *buffer;
-        uint32_t *retlen;
-    } item[item_entry_count], *pitem;
-    struct items_data_st *pitems_data;
-    /* 8 bytes (two longs) per entry max */
-    uint32_t data_buffer[(item_entry_count * 2) + 4];
-    uint32_t iosb[2];
-    uint32_t sys_time[2];
-    uint32_t *ptr;
-    size_t i, j ;
-    size_t tmp_length   = 0;
+    ILE3 JPI_items_64bit[OSSL_NELEM(JPI_item_data_64bit) + 1];
+    ILE3 RMI_items_64bit[OSSL_NELEM(RMI_item_data_64bit) + 1];
+    ILE3 DVI_items[OSSL_NELEM(DVI_item_data) + 1];
+    ILE3 JPI_items[OSSL_NELEM(JPI_item_data) + 1];
+    ILE3 RMI_items[OSSL_NELEM(RMI_item_data) + 1];
+    ILE3 SYI_items[OSSL_NELEM(SYI_item_data) + 1];
+    union {
+        /* This ensures buffer starts at 64 bit boundary */
+        uint64_t dummy;
+        uint32_t buffer[OSSL_NELEM(JPI_item_data_64bit) * 2
+                        + OSSL_NELEM(RMI_item_data_64bit) * 2
+                        + OSSL_NELEM(DVI_item_data)
+                        + OSSL_NELEM(JPI_item_data)
+                        + OSSL_NELEM(RMI_item_data)
+                        + OSSL_NELEM(SYI_item_data)
+                        + 4 /* For JPI$_FINALEXC */];
+    } data;
+    size_t total_elems = 0;
     size_t total_length = 0;
     size_t bytes_needed = rand_pool_bytes_needed(pool, ENTROPY_FACTOR);
     size_t bytes_remaining = rand_pool_bytes_remaining(pool);
-    /* Setup itemlist for GETJPI */
-    pitems_data = items_data;
-    for (pitem = item; pitems_data->length != 0; pitem++) {
-        pitem->length = pitems_data->length;
-        pitem->code   = pitems_data->code;
-        pitem->buffer = &data_buffer[total_length];
-        pitem->retlen = 0;
-        /* total_length is in longwords */
-        total_length += pitems_data->length / 4;
-        pitems_data++;
-    }
-    pitem->length = pitem->code = 0;
+    /* Take all the 64-bit items first, to ensure proper alignment of data */
+    total_elems +=
+        prepare_item_list(JPI_item_data_64bit, OSSL_NELEM(JPI_item_data_64bit),
+                          JPI_items_64bit, &data.buffer[total_elems]);
+    total_elems +=
+        prepare_item_list(RMI_item_data_64bit, OSSL_NELEM(RMI_item_data_64bit),
+                          RMI_items_64bit, &data.buffer[total_elems]);
+    /* Now the 32-bit items */
+    total_elems += prepare_item_list(DVI_item_data, OSSL_NELEM(DVI_item_data),
+                                     DVI_items, &data.buffer[total_elems]);
+    total_elems += prepare_item_list(JPI_item_data, OSSL_NELEM(JPI_item_data),
+                                     JPI_items, &data.buffer[total_elems]);
+    total_elems += prepare_item_list(RMI_item_data, OSSL_NELEM(RMI_item_data),
+                                     RMI_items, &data.buffer[total_elems]);
+    total_elems += prepare_item_list(SYI_item_data, OSSL_NELEM(SYI_item_data),
+                                     SYI_items, &data.buffer[total_elems]);
+    total_length = total_elems * sizeof(data.buffer[0]);
-    /* Fill data_buffer with various info bits from this process */
-    if (sys$getjpiw(EFN$C_ENF, NULL, NULL, item, &iosb, 0, 0) != SS$_NORMAL)
-        return 0;
+    /* Fill data.buffer with various info bits from this process */
+    {
+        uint32_t status;
+        uint32_t efn;
+        IOSB iosb;
-    /* Now twist that data to seed the SSL random number init */
-    for (i = 0; i < total_length; i++) {
-        sys$gettim((struct _generic_64 *)&sys_time[0]);
-        srand(sys_time[0] * data_buffer[0] * data_buffer[1] + i);
-        if (i == (total_length - 1)) { /* for JPI$_FINALEXC */
-            ptr = &data_buffer[i];
-            for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
-                data_buffer[i + j] = ptr[j];
-                /* OK to use rand() just to scramble the seed */
-                data_buffer[i + j] ^= (sys_time[0] ^ rand());
-                tmp_length++;
-            }
-        } else {
-            /* OK to use rand() just to scramble the seed */
-            data_buffer[i] ^= (sys_time[0] ^ rand());
+        if ((status = sys$getdviw(EFN$C_ENF, 0, &SYSDEVICE, DVI_items,
+                                  0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) != SS$_NORMAL) {
+            lib$signal(status);
+            return 0;
+        }
+        if ((status = sys$getjpiw(EFN$C_ENF, 0, 0, JPI_items_64bit, 0, 0, 0))
+            != SS$_NORMAL) {
+            lib$signal(status);
+            return 0;
+        }
+        if ((status = sys$getjpiw(EFN$C_ENF, 0, 0, JPI_items, 0, 0, 0))
+            != SS$_NORMAL) {
+            lib$signal(status);
+            return 0;
+        }
+        if ((status = sys$getsyiw(EFN$C_ENF, 0, 0, SYI_items, 0, 0, 0))
+            != SS$_NORMAL) {
+            lib$signal(status);
+            return 0;
+        }
+        /*
+         * The RMI service is a bit special, as there is no synchronous
+         * variant, so we MUST create an event flag to synchronise on.
+         */
+        if ((status = lib$get_ef(&efn)) != SS$_NORMAL) {
+            lib$signal(status);
+            return 0;
+        }
+        if ((status = sys$getrmi(efn, 0, 0, RMI_items_64bit, &iosb, 0, 0))
+            != SS$_NORMAL) {
+            lib$signal(status);
+            return 0;
+        }
+        if ((status = sys$synch(efn, &iosb)) != SS$_NORMAL) {
+            lib$signal(status);
+            return 0;
+        }
+        if (iosb.iosb$l_getxxi_status != SS$_NORMAL) {
+            lib$signal(iosb.iosb$l_getxxi_status);
+            return 0;
+        }
+        if ((status = sys$getrmi(efn, 0, 0, RMI_items, &iosb, 0, 0))
+            != SS$_NORMAL) {
+            lib$signal(status);
+            return 0;
+        }
+        if ((status = sys$synch(efn, &iosb)) != SS$_NORMAL) {
+            lib$signal(status);
+            return 0;
+        }
+        if (iosb.iosb$l_getxxi_status != SS$_NORMAL) {
+            lib$signal(iosb.iosb$l_getxxi_status);
+            return 0;
+        }
+        if ((status = lib$free_ef(&efn)) != SS$_NORMAL) {
+            lib$signal(status);
+            return 0;
-    total_length += (tmp_length - 1);
-    /* Change the total length to number of bytes */
-    total_length *= 4;
+    massage_JPI(JPI_items);
      * If we can't feed the requirements from the caller, we're in deep trouble.
@@ -152,8 +464,8 @@ size_t rand_pool_acquire_entropy(RAND_POOL *pool)
         total_length = bytes_remaining;
     /* We give the pessimistic value for the amount of entropy */
-    rand_pool_add(pool, (PTR_T)data_buffer, total_length,
-                  total_length / ENTROPY_FACTOR);
+    rand_pool_add(pool, (unsigned char *)data.buffer, total_length,
+                  8 * total_length / ENTROPY_FACTOR);
     return rand_pool_entropy_available(pool);
@@ -172,7 +484,7 @@ int rand_pool_add_nonce_data(RAND_POOL *pool)
     data.pid = getpid();
     data.tid = CRYPTO_THREAD_get_current_id();
-    sys$gettim_prec((struct _generic_64 *)&data.time);
+    sys$gettim_prec(&data.time);
     return rand_pool_add(pool, (unsigned char *)&data, sizeof(data), 0);
@@ -190,7 +502,7 @@ int rand_pool_add_additional_data(RAND_POOL *pool)
      * concurrently (which is the case for the <master> drbg).
     data.tid = CRYPTO_THREAD_get_current_id();
-    sys$gettim_prec((struct _generic_64 *)&data.time);
+    sys$gettim_prec(&data.time);
     return rand_pool_add(pool, (unsigned char *)&data, sizeof(data), 0);

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