[openssl] OpenSSL_1_1_1-stable update

Matt Caswell matt at openssl.org
Fri Aug 9 12:30:45 UTC 2019

The branch OpenSSL_1_1_1-stable has been updated
       via  59d846ffb13d36d8a8caad09f43bcc968b21cf74 (commit)
       via  fc009331ab1345eed635690ae4e81a81b1b2fe5a (commit)
       via  7467c87c6e88acca887bac0bf85ec0dc76fa522d (commit)
      from  85171a929d53fdac4b0da97eb2f4d85ff0ecd986 (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 59d846ffb13d36d8a8caad09f43bcc968b21cf74
Author: Matt Caswell <matt at openssl.org>
Date:   Thu Aug 8 11:41:18 2019 +0100

    Add TLS tests for RSA-PSS Restricted certificates
    Reviewed-by: Paul Dale <paul.dale at oracle.com>
    (Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/9553)
    (cherry picked from commit 20946b94658416d2fed0b9d9c7adfbe4b7d70515)

commit fc009331ab1345eed635690ae4e81a81b1b2fe5a
Author: Matt Caswell <matt at openssl.org>
Date:   Thu Aug 8 11:08:14 2019 +0100

    Add Restricted PSS certificate and key
    Create a PSS certificate with parameter restrictions
    Reviewed-by: Paul Dale <paul.dale at oracle.com>
    (Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/9553)
    (cherry picked from commit 39d9ea5e502114a204750f641ca76ff5b4912401)

commit 7467c87c6e88acca887bac0bf85ec0dc76fa522d
Author: Matt Caswell <matt at openssl.org>
Date:   Thu Aug 8 09:13:51 2019 +0100

    Ensure RSA PSS correctly returns the right default digest
    A default digest of SHA256 was being returned for RSA PSS even if the
    PSS parameters indicated a different digest must be used. We change this
    so that the correct default digest is returned and additionally mark this
    as mandatory for PSS.
    This bug had an impact on sig alg selection in libssl. Due to this issue
    an incorrect sig alg might be selected in the event that a server is
    configured with an RSA-PSS cert with parameter restrictions.
    Fixes #9545
    Reviewed-by: Paul Dale <paul.dale at oracle.com>
    (Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/9553)
    (cherry picked from commit 9bcc9f973b2a216461dd6f140e47ef647eb733b4)


Summary of changes:
 crypto/rsa/rsa_ameth.c                  |  13 +
 test/certs/mkcert.sh                    |  29 ++
 test/certs/server-pss-restrict-cert.pem |  21 +
 test/certs/server-pss-restrict-key.pem  |  29 ++
 test/certs/setup.sh                     |   6 +
 test/ssl-tests/20-cert-select.conf      | 660 +++++++++++++++++++-------------
 test/ssl-tests/20-cert-select.conf.in   |  66 ++++
 7 files changed, 562 insertions(+), 262 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 test/certs/server-pss-restrict-cert.pem
 create mode 100644 test/certs/server-pss-restrict-key.pem

diff --git a/crypto/rsa/rsa_ameth.c b/crypto/rsa/rsa_ameth.c
index ab5f61518b..9dcb85d837 100644
--- a/crypto/rsa/rsa_ameth.c
+++ b/crypto/rsa/rsa_ameth.c
@@ -458,6 +458,9 @@ static int rsa_sig_print(BIO *bp, const X509_ALGOR *sigalg,
 static int rsa_pkey_ctrl(EVP_PKEY *pkey, int op, long arg1, void *arg2)
     X509_ALGOR *alg = NULL;
+    const EVP_MD *md;
+    const EVP_MD *mgf1md;
+    int min_saltlen;
     switch (op) {
@@ -497,6 +500,16 @@ static int rsa_pkey_ctrl(EVP_PKEY *pkey, int op, long arg1, void *arg2)
+        if (pkey->pkey.rsa->pss != NULL) {
+            if (!rsa_pss_get_param(pkey->pkey.rsa->pss, &md, &mgf1md,
+                                   &min_saltlen)) {
+                RSAerr(0, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR);
+                return 0;
+            }
+            *(int *)arg2 = EVP_MD_type(md);
+            /* Return of 2 indicates this MD is mandatory */
+            return 2;
+        }
         *(int *)arg2 = NID_sha256;
         return 1;
diff --git a/test/certs/mkcert.sh b/test/certs/mkcert.sh
index bf61548dba..4b258e104e 100755
--- a/test/certs/mkcert.sh
+++ b/test/certs/mkcert.sh
@@ -233,6 +233,35 @@ genee() {
 	    -set_serial 2 -days "${DAYS}" "$@"
+geneenocsr() {
+    local OPTIND=1
+    local purpose=serverAuth
+    while getopts p: o
+    do
+        case $o in
+        p) purpose="$OPTARG";;
+        *) echo "Usage: $0 genee [-p EKU] cn certname cakeyname cacertname" >&2
+           return 1;;
+        esac
+    done
+    shift $((OPTIND - 1))
+    local cn=$1; shift
+    local cert=$1; shift
+    local cakey=$1; shift
+    local ca=$1; shift
+    exts=$(printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n[alts]\n%s\n" \
+	    "subjectKeyIdentifier = hash" \
+	    "authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid, issuer" \
+	    "basicConstraints = CA:false" \
+	    "extendedKeyUsage = $purpose" \
+	    "subjectAltName = @alts" "DNS=${cn}")
+	cert "$cert" "$exts" -CA "${ca}.pem" -CAkey "${cakey}.pem" \
+	    -set_serial 2 -days "${DAYS}" "$@"
 genss() {
     local cn=$1; shift
     local key=$1; shift
diff --git a/test/certs/server-pss-restrict-cert.pem b/test/certs/server-pss-restrict-cert.pem
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..273363808a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/certs/server-pss-restrict-cert.pem
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
diff --git a/test/certs/server-pss-restrict-key.pem b/test/certs/server-pss-restrict-key.pem
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..65032269c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/certs/server-pss-restrict-key.pem
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+-----END PRIVATE KEY-----
diff --git a/test/certs/setup.sh b/test/certs/setup.sh
index 53d4a807a7..26b2f1ddfe 100755
--- a/test/certs/setup.sh
+++ b/test/certs/setup.sh
@@ -369,3 +369,9 @@ REQMASK=MASK:0x800 ./mkcert.sh req badalt7-key "O = Bad NC Test Certificate 7" \
 OPENSSL_KEYALG=ec OPENSSL_KEYBITS=brainpoolP256r1 ./mkcert.sh genee \
     "Server ECDSA brainpoolP256r1 cert" server-ecdsa-brainpoolP256r1-key \
     server-ecdsa-brainpoolP256r1-cert rootkey rootcert
+openssl req -new -nodes -subj "/CN=localhost" \
+    -newkey rsa-pss -keyout server-pss-restrict-key.pem \
+    -pkeyopt rsa_pss_keygen_md:sha256 -pkeyopt rsa_pss_keygen_saltlen:32 | \
+    ./mkcert.sh geneenocsr "Server RSA-PSS restricted cert" \
+    server-pss-restrict-cert rootkey rootcert
diff --git a/test/ssl-tests/20-cert-select.conf b/test/ssl-tests/20-cert-select.conf
index 0bcd23d7f0..93f3a1ff68 100644
--- a/test/ssl-tests/20-cert-select.conf
+++ b/test/ssl-tests/20-cert-select.conf
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # Generated with generate_ssl_tests.pl
-num_tests = 51
+num_tests = 56
 test-0 = 0-ECDSA CipherString Selection
 test-1 = 1-ECDSA CipherString Selection
@@ -24,35 +24,40 @@ test-18 = 18-RSA-PSS Signature Algorithm Selection
 test-19 = 19-RSA-PSS Certificate Legacy Signature Algorithm Selection
 test-20 = 20-RSA-PSS Certificate Unified Signature Algorithm Selection
 test-21 = 21-Only RSA-PSS Certificate
-test-22 = 22-RSA-PSS Certificate, no PSS signature algorithms
-test-23 = 23-RSA key exchange with all RSA certificate types
-test-24 = 24-RSA key exchange with only RSA-PSS certificate
-test-25 = 25-Suite B P-256 Hash Algorithm Selection
-test-26 = 26-Suite B P-384 Hash Algorithm Selection
-test-27 = 27-TLS 1.2 Ed25519 Client Auth
-test-28 = 28-TLS 1.2 Ed448 Client Auth
-test-29 = 29-Only RSA-PSS Certificate, TLS v1.1
-test-30 = 30-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection
-test-31 = 31-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection compressed point
-test-32 = 32-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection SHA1
-test-33 = 33-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection with PSS
-test-34 = 34-TLS 1.3 RSA Signature Algorithm Selection SHA384 with PSS
-test-35 = 35-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection, no ECDSA certificate
-test-36 = 36-TLS 1.3 RSA Signature Algorithm Selection, no PSS
-test-37 = 37-TLS 1.3 RSA-PSS Signature Algorithm Selection
-test-38 = 38-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 Signature Algorithm Selection
-test-39 = 39-TLS 1.3 Ed448 Signature Algorithm Selection
-test-40 = 40-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 CipherString and Groups Selection
-test-41 = 41-TLS 1.3 Ed448 CipherString and Groups Selection
-test-42 = 42-TLS 1.3 RSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection
-test-43 = 43-TLS 1.3 RSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection non-empty CA Names
-test-44 = 44-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection
-test-45 = 45-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 Client Auth
-test-46 = 46-TLS 1.3 Ed448 Client Auth
-test-47 = 47-TLS 1.3 ECDSA with brainpool
-test-48 = 48-TLS 1.2 DSA Certificate Test
-test-49 = 49-TLS 1.3 Client Auth No TLS 1.3 Signature Algorithms
-test-50 = 50-TLS 1.3 DSA Certificate Test
+test-22 = 22-Only RSA-PSS Certificate Valid Signature Algorithms
+test-23 = 23-RSA-PSS Certificate, no PSS signature algorithms
+test-24 = 24-Only RSA-PSS Restricted Certificate
+test-25 = 25-RSA-PSS Restricted Certificate Valid Signature Algorithms
+test-26 = 26-RSA-PSS Restricted Cert client prefers invalid Signature Algorithm
+test-27 = 27-RSA-PSS Restricted Certificate Invalid Signature Algorithms
+test-28 = 28-RSA key exchange with all RSA certificate types
+test-29 = 29-RSA key exchange with only RSA-PSS certificate
+test-30 = 30-Suite B P-256 Hash Algorithm Selection
+test-31 = 31-Suite B P-384 Hash Algorithm Selection
+test-32 = 32-TLS 1.2 Ed25519 Client Auth
+test-33 = 33-TLS 1.2 Ed448 Client Auth
+test-34 = 34-Only RSA-PSS Certificate, TLS v1.1
+test-35 = 35-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection
+test-36 = 36-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection compressed point
+test-37 = 37-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection SHA1
+test-38 = 38-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection with PSS
+test-39 = 39-TLS 1.3 RSA Signature Algorithm Selection SHA384 with PSS
+test-40 = 40-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection, no ECDSA certificate
+test-41 = 41-TLS 1.3 RSA Signature Algorithm Selection, no PSS
+test-42 = 42-TLS 1.3 RSA-PSS Signature Algorithm Selection
+test-43 = 43-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 Signature Algorithm Selection
+test-44 = 44-TLS 1.3 Ed448 Signature Algorithm Selection
+test-45 = 45-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 CipherString and Groups Selection
+test-46 = 46-TLS 1.3 Ed448 CipherString and Groups Selection
+test-47 = 47-TLS 1.3 RSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection
+test-48 = 48-TLS 1.3 RSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection non-empty CA Names
+test-49 = 49-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection
+test-50 = 50-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 Client Auth
+test-51 = 51-TLS 1.3 Ed448 Client Auth
+test-52 = 52-TLS 1.3 ECDSA with brainpool
+test-53 = 53-TLS 1.2 DSA Certificate Test
+test-54 = 54-TLS 1.3 Client Auth No TLS 1.3 Signature Algorithms
+test-55 = 55-TLS 1.3 DSA Certificate Test
 # ===========================================================
 [0-ECDSA CipherString Selection]
@@ -775,89 +780,220 @@ ExpectedServerSignType = RSA-PSS
 # ===========================================================
-[22-RSA-PSS Certificate, no PSS signature algorithms]
-ssl_conf = 22-RSA-PSS Certificate, no PSS signature algorithms-ssl
+[22-Only RSA-PSS Certificate Valid Signature Algorithms]
+ssl_conf = 22-Only RSA-PSS Certificate Valid Signature Algorithms-ssl
-[22-RSA-PSS Certificate, no PSS signature algorithms-ssl]
-server = 22-RSA-PSS Certificate, no PSS signature algorithms-server
-client = 22-RSA-PSS Certificate, no PSS signature algorithms-client
+[22-Only RSA-PSS Certificate Valid Signature Algorithms-ssl]
+server = 22-Only RSA-PSS Certificate Valid Signature Algorithms-server
+client = 22-Only RSA-PSS Certificate Valid Signature Algorithms-client
-[22-RSA-PSS Certificate, no PSS signature algorithms-server]
+[22-Only RSA-PSS Certificate Valid Signature Algorithms-server]
 Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/server-pss-cert.pem
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/server-pss-key.pem
-[22-RSA-PSS Certificate, no PSS signature algorithms-client]
+[22-Only RSA-PSS Certificate Valid Signature Algorithms-client]
 CipherString = DEFAULT
-SignatureAlgorithms = RSA+SHA256
+SignatureAlgorithms = rsa_pss_pss_sha512
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
 VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedServerCertType = RSA-PSS
+ExpectedServerSignHash = SHA512
+ExpectedServerSignType = RSA-PSS
+# ===========================================================
+[23-RSA-PSS Certificate, no PSS signature algorithms]
+ssl_conf = 23-RSA-PSS Certificate, no PSS signature algorithms-ssl
+[23-RSA-PSS Certificate, no PSS signature algorithms-ssl]
+server = 23-RSA-PSS Certificate, no PSS signature algorithms-server
+client = 23-RSA-PSS Certificate, no PSS signature algorithms-client
+[23-RSA-PSS Certificate, no PSS signature algorithms-server]
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/server-pss-cert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/server-pss-key.pem
+[23-RSA-PSS Certificate, no PSS signature algorithms-client]
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+SignatureAlgorithms = RSA+SHA256
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+[24-Only RSA-PSS Restricted Certificate]
+ssl_conf = 24-Only RSA-PSS Restricted Certificate-ssl
+[24-Only RSA-PSS Restricted Certificate-ssl]
+server = 24-Only RSA-PSS Restricted Certificate-server
+client = 24-Only RSA-PSS Restricted Certificate-client
+[24-Only RSA-PSS Restricted Certificate-server]
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/server-pss-restrict-cert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/server-pss-restrict-key.pem
+[24-Only RSA-PSS Restricted Certificate-client]
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedServerCertType = RSA-PSS
+ExpectedServerSignHash = SHA256
+ExpectedServerSignType = RSA-PSS
+# ===========================================================
+[25-RSA-PSS Restricted Certificate Valid Signature Algorithms]
+ssl_conf = 25-RSA-PSS Restricted Certificate Valid Signature Algorithms-ssl
+[25-RSA-PSS Restricted Certificate Valid Signature Algorithms-ssl]
+server = 25-RSA-PSS Restricted Certificate Valid Signature Algorithms-server
+client = 25-RSA-PSS Restricted Certificate Valid Signature Algorithms-client
+[25-RSA-PSS Restricted Certificate Valid Signature Algorithms-server]
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/server-pss-restrict-cert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/server-pss-restrict-key.pem
+[25-RSA-PSS Restricted Certificate Valid Signature Algorithms-client]
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+SignatureAlgorithms = rsa_pss_pss_sha256:rsa_pss_pss_sha512
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedServerCertType = RSA-PSS
+ExpectedServerSignHash = SHA256
+ExpectedServerSignType = RSA-PSS
+# ===========================================================
+[26-RSA-PSS Restricted Cert client prefers invalid Signature Algorithm]
+ssl_conf = 26-RSA-PSS Restricted Cert client prefers invalid Signature Algorithm-ssl
+[26-RSA-PSS Restricted Cert client prefers invalid Signature Algorithm-ssl]
+server = 26-RSA-PSS Restricted Cert client prefers invalid Signature Algorithm-server
+client = 26-RSA-PSS Restricted Cert client prefers invalid Signature Algorithm-client
+[26-RSA-PSS Restricted Cert client prefers invalid Signature Algorithm-server]
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/server-pss-restrict-cert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/server-pss-restrict-key.pem
+[26-RSA-PSS Restricted Cert client prefers invalid Signature Algorithm-client]
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+SignatureAlgorithms = rsa_pss_pss_sha512:rsa_pss_pss_sha256
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedServerCertType = RSA-PSS
+ExpectedServerSignHash = SHA256
+ExpectedServerSignType = RSA-PSS
+# ===========================================================
+[27-RSA-PSS Restricted Certificate Invalid Signature Algorithms]
+ssl_conf = 27-RSA-PSS Restricted Certificate Invalid Signature Algorithms-ssl
+[27-RSA-PSS Restricted Certificate Invalid Signature Algorithms-ssl]
+server = 27-RSA-PSS Restricted Certificate Invalid Signature Algorithms-server
+client = 27-RSA-PSS Restricted Certificate Invalid Signature Algorithms-client
+[27-RSA-PSS Restricted Certificate Invalid Signature Algorithms-server]
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/server-pss-restrict-cert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/server-pss-restrict-key.pem
+[27-RSA-PSS Restricted Certificate Invalid Signature Algorithms-client]
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+SignatureAlgorithms = rsa_pss_pss_sha512
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
 ExpectedResult = ServerFail
 # ===========================================================
-[23-RSA key exchange with all RSA certificate types]
-ssl_conf = 23-RSA key exchange with all RSA certificate types-ssl
+[28-RSA key exchange with all RSA certificate types]
+ssl_conf = 28-RSA key exchange with all RSA certificate types-ssl
-[23-RSA key exchange with all RSA certificate types-ssl]
-server = 23-RSA key exchange with all RSA certificate types-server
-client = 23-RSA key exchange with all RSA certificate types-client
+[28-RSA key exchange with all RSA certificate types-ssl]
+server = 28-RSA key exchange with all RSA certificate types-server
+client = 28-RSA key exchange with all RSA certificate types-client
-[23-RSA key exchange with all RSA certificate types-server]
+[28-RSA key exchange with all RSA certificate types-server]
 Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 PSS.Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/server-pss-cert.pem
 PSS.PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/server-pss-key.pem
 PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
-[23-RSA key exchange with all RSA certificate types-client]
+[28-RSA key exchange with all RSA certificate types-client]
 CipherString = kRSA
 MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
 VerifyMode = Peer
 ExpectedResult = Success
 ExpectedServerCertType = RSA
 # ===========================================================
-[24-RSA key exchange with only RSA-PSS certificate]
-ssl_conf = 24-RSA key exchange with only RSA-PSS certificate-ssl
+[29-RSA key exchange with only RSA-PSS certificate]
+ssl_conf = 29-RSA key exchange with only RSA-PSS certificate-ssl
-[24-RSA key exchange with only RSA-PSS certificate-ssl]
-server = 24-RSA key exchange with only RSA-PSS certificate-server
-client = 24-RSA key exchange with only RSA-PSS certificate-client
+[29-RSA key exchange with only RSA-PSS certificate-ssl]
+server = 29-RSA key exchange with only RSA-PSS certificate-server
+client = 29-RSA key exchange with only RSA-PSS certificate-client
-[24-RSA key exchange with only RSA-PSS certificate-server]
+[29-RSA key exchange with only RSA-PSS certificate-server]
 Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/server-pss-cert.pem
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/server-pss-key.pem
-[24-RSA key exchange with only RSA-PSS certificate-client]
+[29-RSA key exchange with only RSA-PSS certificate-client]
 CipherString = kRSA
 MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
 VerifyMode = Peer
 ExpectedResult = ServerFail
 # ===========================================================
-[25-Suite B P-256 Hash Algorithm Selection]
-ssl_conf = 25-Suite B P-256 Hash Algorithm Selection-ssl
+[30-Suite B P-256 Hash Algorithm Selection]
+ssl_conf = 30-Suite B P-256 Hash Algorithm Selection-ssl
-[25-Suite B P-256 Hash Algorithm Selection-ssl]
-server = 25-Suite B P-256 Hash Algorithm Selection-server
-client = 25-Suite B P-256 Hash Algorithm Selection-client
+[30-Suite B P-256 Hash Algorithm Selection-ssl]
+server = 30-Suite B P-256 Hash Algorithm Selection-server
+client = 30-Suite B P-256 Hash Algorithm Selection-client
-[25-Suite B P-256 Hash Algorithm Selection-server]
+[30-Suite B P-256 Hash Algorithm Selection-server]
 Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
 CipherString = SUITEB128
 ECDSA.Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/p256-server-cert.pem
@@ -865,13 +1001,13 @@ ECDSA.PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/p256-server-key.pem
 MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
 PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
-[25-Suite B P-256 Hash Algorithm Selection-client]
+[30-Suite B P-256 Hash Algorithm Selection-client]
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 SignatureAlgorithms = ECDSA+SHA384:ECDSA+SHA256
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/p384-root.pem
 VerifyMode = Peer
 ExpectedResult = Success
 ExpectedServerCertType = P-256
 ExpectedServerSignHash = SHA256
@@ -880,14 +1016,14 @@ ExpectedServerSignType = EC
 # ===========================================================
-[26-Suite B P-384 Hash Algorithm Selection]
-ssl_conf = 26-Suite B P-384 Hash Algorithm Selection-ssl
+[31-Suite B P-384 Hash Algorithm Selection]
+ssl_conf = 31-Suite B P-384 Hash Algorithm Selection-ssl
-[26-Suite B P-384 Hash Algorithm Selection-ssl]
-server = 26-Suite B P-384 Hash Algorithm Selection-server
-client = 26-Suite B P-384 Hash Algorithm Selection-client
+[31-Suite B P-384 Hash Algorithm Selection-ssl]
+server = 31-Suite B P-384 Hash Algorithm Selection-server
+client = 31-Suite B P-384 Hash Algorithm Selection-client
-[26-Suite B P-384 Hash Algorithm Selection-server]
+[31-Suite B P-384 Hash Algorithm Selection-server]
 Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
 CipherString = SUITEB128
 ECDSA.Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/p384-server-cert.pem
@@ -895,13 +1031,13 @@ ECDSA.PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/p384-server-key.pem
 MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
 PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
-[26-Suite B P-384 Hash Algorithm Selection-client]
+[31-Suite B P-384 Hash Algorithm Selection-client]
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 SignatureAlgorithms = ECDSA+SHA256:ECDSA+SHA384
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/p384-root.pem
 VerifyMode = Peer
 ExpectedResult = Success
 ExpectedServerCertType = P-384
 ExpectedServerSignHash = SHA384
@@ -910,21 +1046,21 @@ ExpectedServerSignType = EC
 # ===========================================================
-[27-TLS 1.2 Ed25519 Client Auth]
-ssl_conf = 27-TLS 1.2 Ed25519 Client Auth-ssl
+[32-TLS 1.2 Ed25519 Client Auth]
+ssl_conf = 32-TLS 1.2 Ed25519 Client Auth-ssl
-[27-TLS 1.2 Ed25519 Client Auth-ssl]
-server = 27-TLS 1.2 Ed25519 Client Auth-server
-client = 27-TLS 1.2 Ed25519 Client Auth-client
+[32-TLS 1.2 Ed25519 Client Auth-ssl]
+server = 32-TLS 1.2 Ed25519 Client Auth-server
+client = 32-TLS 1.2 Ed25519 Client Auth-client
-[27-TLS 1.2 Ed25519 Client Auth-server]
+[32-TLS 1.2 Ed25519 Client Auth-server]
 Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/root-cert.pem
 VerifyMode = Require
-[27-TLS 1.2 Ed25519 Client Auth-client]
+[32-TLS 1.2 Ed25519 Client Auth-client]
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 Ed25519.Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/client-ed25519-cert.pem
 Ed25519.PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/client-ed25519-key.pem
@@ -933,7 +1069,7 @@ MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
 VerifyMode = Peer
 ExpectedClientCertType = Ed25519
 ExpectedClientSignType = Ed25519
 ExpectedResult = Success
@@ -941,21 +1077,21 @@ ExpectedResult = Success
 # ===========================================================
-[28-TLS 1.2 Ed448 Client Auth]
-ssl_conf = 28-TLS 1.2 Ed448 Client Auth-ssl
+[33-TLS 1.2 Ed448 Client Auth]
+ssl_conf = 33-TLS 1.2 Ed448 Client Auth-ssl
-[28-TLS 1.2 Ed448 Client Auth-ssl]
-server = 28-TLS 1.2 Ed448 Client Auth-server
-client = 28-TLS 1.2 Ed448 Client Auth-client
+[33-TLS 1.2 Ed448 Client Auth-ssl]
+server = 33-TLS 1.2 Ed448 Client Auth-server
+client = 33-TLS 1.2 Ed448 Client Auth-client
-[28-TLS 1.2 Ed448 Client Auth-server]
+[33-TLS 1.2 Ed448 Client Auth-server]
 Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/root-cert.pem
 VerifyMode = Require
-[28-TLS 1.2 Ed448 Client Auth-client]
+[33-TLS 1.2 Ed448 Client Auth-client]
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 Ed448.Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/client-ed448-cert.pem
 Ed448.PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/client-ed448-key.pem
@@ -964,7 +1100,7 @@ MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
 VerifyMode = Peer
 ExpectedClientCertType = Ed448
 ExpectedClientSignType = Ed448
 ExpectedResult = Success
@@ -972,38 +1108,38 @@ ExpectedResult = Success
 # ===========================================================
-[29-Only RSA-PSS Certificate, TLS v1.1]
-ssl_conf = 29-Only RSA-PSS Certificate, TLS v1.1-ssl
+[34-Only RSA-PSS Certificate, TLS v1.1]
+ssl_conf = 34-Only RSA-PSS Certificate, TLS v1.1-ssl
-[29-Only RSA-PSS Certificate, TLS v1.1-ssl]
-server = 29-Only RSA-PSS Certificate, TLS v1.1-server
-client = 29-Only RSA-PSS Certificate, TLS v1.1-client
+[34-Only RSA-PSS Certificate, TLS v1.1-ssl]
+server = 34-Only RSA-PSS Certificate, TLS v1.1-server
+client = 34-Only RSA-PSS Certificate, TLS v1.1-client
-[29-Only RSA-PSS Certificate, TLS v1.1-server]
+[34-Only RSA-PSS Certificate, TLS v1.1-server]
 Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/server-pss-cert.pem
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/server-pss-key.pem
-[29-Only RSA-PSS Certificate, TLS v1.1-client]
+[34-Only RSA-PSS Certificate, TLS v1.1-client]
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
 VerifyMode = Peer
 ExpectedResult = ServerFail
 # ===========================================================
-[30-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection]
-ssl_conf = 30-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection-ssl
+[35-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection]
+ssl_conf = 35-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection-ssl
-[30-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection-ssl]
-server = 30-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection-server
-client = 30-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection-client
+[35-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection-ssl]
+server = 35-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection-server
+client = 35-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection-client
-[30-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection-server]
+[35-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection-server]
 Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 ECDSA.Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/server-ecdsa-cert.pem
@@ -1016,13 +1152,13 @@ MaxProtocol = TLSv1.3
 MinProtocol = TLSv1.3
 PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
-[30-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection-client]
+[35-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection-client]
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 SignatureAlgorithms = ECDSA+SHA256
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
 VerifyMode = Peer
 ExpectedResult = Success
 ExpectedServerCANames = empty
 ExpectedServerCertType = P-256
@@ -1032,14 +1168,14 @@ ExpectedServerSignType = EC
 # ===========================================================
-[31-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection compressed point]
-ssl_conf = 31-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection compressed point-ssl
+[36-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection compressed point]
+ssl_conf = 36-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection compressed point-ssl
-[31-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection compressed point-ssl]
-server = 31-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection compressed point-server
-client = 31-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection compressed point-client
+[36-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection compressed point-ssl]
+server = 36-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection compressed point-server
+client = 36-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection compressed point-client
-[31-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection compressed point-server]
+[36-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection compressed point-server]
 Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 ECDSA.Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/server-cecdsa-cert.pem
@@ -1048,13 +1184,13 @@ MaxProtocol = TLSv1.3
 MinProtocol = TLSv1.3
 PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
-[31-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection compressed point-client]
+[36-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection compressed point-client]
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 SignatureAlgorithms = ECDSA+SHA256
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
 VerifyMode = Peer
 ExpectedResult = Success
 ExpectedServerCANames = empty
 ExpectedServerCertType = P-256
@@ -1064,14 +1200,14 @@ ExpectedServerSignType = EC
 # ===========================================================
-[32-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection SHA1]
-ssl_conf = 32-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection SHA1-ssl
+[37-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection SHA1]
+ssl_conf = 37-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection SHA1-ssl
-[32-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection SHA1-ssl]
-server = 32-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection SHA1-server
-client = 32-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection SHA1-client
+[37-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection SHA1-ssl]
+server = 37-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection SHA1-server
+client = 37-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection SHA1-client
-[32-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection SHA1-server]
+[37-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection SHA1-server]
 Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 ECDSA.Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/server-ecdsa-cert.pem
@@ -1084,26 +1220,26 @@ MaxProtocol = TLSv1.3
 MinProtocol = TLSv1.3
 PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
-[32-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection SHA1-client]
+[37-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection SHA1-client]
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 SignatureAlgorithms = ECDSA+SHA1
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
 VerifyMode = Peer
 ExpectedResult = ServerFail
 # ===========================================================
-[33-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection with PSS]
-ssl_conf = 33-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection with PSS-ssl
+[38-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection with PSS]
+ssl_conf = 38-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection with PSS-ssl
-[33-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection with PSS-ssl]
-server = 33-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection with PSS-server
-client = 33-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection with PSS-client
+[38-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection with PSS-ssl]
+server = 38-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection with PSS-server
+client = 38-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection with PSS-client
-[33-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection with PSS-server]
+[38-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection with PSS-server]
 Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 ECDSA.Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/server-ecdsa-cert.pem
@@ -1116,14 +1252,14 @@ MaxProtocol = TLSv1.3
 MinProtocol = TLSv1.3
 PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
-[33-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection with PSS-client]
+[38-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection with PSS-client]
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 RequestCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/root-cert.pem
 SignatureAlgorithms = ECDSA+SHA256:RSA-PSS+SHA256
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
 VerifyMode = Peer
 ExpectedResult = Success
 ExpectedServerCANames = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/root-cert.pem
 ExpectedServerCertType = P-256
@@ -1133,14 +1269,14 @@ ExpectedServerSignType = EC
 # ===========================================================
-[34-TLS 1.3 RSA Signature Algorithm Selection SHA384 with PSS]
-ssl_conf = 34-TLS 1.3 RSA Signature Algorithm Selection SHA384 with PSS-ssl
+[39-TLS 1.3 RSA Signature Algorithm Selection SHA384 with PSS]
+ssl_conf = 39-TLS 1.3 RSA Signature Algorithm Selection SHA384 with PSS-ssl
-[34-TLS 1.3 RSA Signature Algorithm Selection SHA384 with PSS-ssl]
-server = 34-TLS 1.3 RSA Signature Algorithm Selection SHA384 with PSS-server
-client = 34-TLS 1.3 RSA Signature Algorithm Selection SHA384 with PSS-client
+[39-TLS 1.3 RSA Signature Algorithm Selection SHA384 with PSS-ssl]
+server = 39-TLS 1.3 RSA Signature Algorithm Selection SHA384 with PSS-server
+client = 39-TLS 1.3 RSA Signature Algorithm Selection SHA384 with PSS-client
-[34-TLS 1.3 RSA Signature Algorithm Selection SHA384 with PSS-server]
+[39-TLS 1.3 RSA Signature Algorithm Selection SHA384 with PSS-server]
 Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 ECDSA.Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/server-ecdsa-cert.pem
@@ -1153,13 +1289,13 @@ MaxProtocol = TLSv1.3
 MinProtocol = TLSv1.3
 PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
-[34-TLS 1.3 RSA Signature Algorithm Selection SHA384 with PSS-client]
+[39-TLS 1.3 RSA Signature Algorithm Selection SHA384 with PSS-client]
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 SignatureAlgorithms = ECDSA+SHA384:RSA-PSS+SHA384
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
 VerifyMode = Peer
 ExpectedResult = Success
 ExpectedServerCertType = RSA
 ExpectedServerSignHash = SHA384
@@ -1168,40 +1304,40 @@ ExpectedServerSignType = RSA-PSS
 # ===========================================================
-[35-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection, no ECDSA certificate]
-ssl_conf = 35-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection, no ECDSA certificate-ssl
+[40-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection, no ECDSA certificate]
+ssl_conf = 40-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection, no ECDSA certificate-ssl
-[35-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection, no ECDSA certificate-ssl]
-server = 35-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection, no ECDSA certificate-server
-client = 35-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection, no ECDSA certificate-client
+[40-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection, no ECDSA certificate-ssl]
+server = 40-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection, no ECDSA certificate-server
+client = 40-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection, no ECDSA certificate-client
-[35-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection, no ECDSA certificate-server]
+[40-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection, no ECDSA certificate-server]
 Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 MaxProtocol = TLSv1.3
 MinProtocol = TLSv1.3
 PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
-[35-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection, no ECDSA certificate-client]
+[40-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Signature Algorithm Selection, no ECDSA certificate-client]
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 SignatureAlgorithms = ECDSA+SHA256
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
 VerifyMode = Peer
 ExpectedResult = ServerFail
 # ===========================================================
-[36-TLS 1.3 RSA Signature Algorithm Selection, no PSS]
-ssl_conf = 36-TLS 1.3 RSA Signature Algorithm Selection, no PSS-ssl
+[41-TLS 1.3 RSA Signature Algorithm Selection, no PSS]
+ssl_conf = 41-TLS 1.3 RSA Signature Algorithm Selection, no PSS-ssl
-[36-TLS 1.3 RSA Signature Algorithm Selection, no PSS-ssl]
-server = 36-TLS 1.3 RSA Signature Algorithm Selection, no PSS-server
-client = 36-TLS 1.3 RSA Signature Algorithm Selection, no PSS-client
+[41-TLS 1.3 RSA Signature Algorithm Selection, no PSS-ssl]
+server = 41-TLS 1.3 RSA Signature Algorithm Selection, no PSS-server
+client = 41-TLS 1.3 RSA Signature Algorithm Selection, no PSS-client
-[36-TLS 1.3 RSA Signature Algorithm Selection, no PSS-server]
+[41-TLS 1.3 RSA Signature Algorithm Selection, no PSS-server]
 Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 ECDSA.Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/server-ecdsa-cert.pem
@@ -1214,26 +1350,26 @@ MaxProtocol = TLSv1.3
 MinProtocol = TLSv1.3
 PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
-[36-TLS 1.3 RSA Signature Algorithm Selection, no PSS-client]
+[41-TLS 1.3 RSA Signature Algorithm Selection, no PSS-client]
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 SignatureAlgorithms = RSA+SHA256
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
 VerifyMode = Peer
 ExpectedResult = ServerFail
 # ===========================================================
-[37-TLS 1.3 RSA-PSS Signature Algorithm Selection]
-ssl_conf = 37-TLS 1.3 RSA-PSS Signature Algorithm Selection-ssl
+[42-TLS 1.3 RSA-PSS Signature Algorithm Selection]
+ssl_conf = 42-TLS 1.3 RSA-PSS Signature Algorithm Selection-ssl
-[37-TLS 1.3 RSA-PSS Signature Algorithm Selection-ssl]
-server = 37-TLS 1.3 RSA-PSS Signature Algorithm Selection-server
-client = 37-TLS 1.3 RSA-PSS Signature Algorithm Selection-client
+[42-TLS 1.3 RSA-PSS Signature Algorithm Selection-ssl]
+server = 42-TLS 1.3 RSA-PSS Signature Algorithm Selection-server
+client = 42-TLS 1.3 RSA-PSS Signature Algorithm Selection-client
-[37-TLS 1.3 RSA-PSS Signature Algorithm Selection-server]
+[42-TLS 1.3 RSA-PSS Signature Algorithm Selection-server]
 Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 ECDSA.Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/server-ecdsa-cert.pem
@@ -1246,13 +1382,13 @@ MaxProtocol = TLSv1.3
 MinProtocol = TLSv1.3
 PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
-[37-TLS 1.3 RSA-PSS Signature Algorithm Selection-client]
+[42-TLS 1.3 RSA-PSS Signature Algorithm Selection-client]
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 SignatureAlgorithms = RSA-PSS+SHA256
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
 VerifyMode = Peer
 ExpectedResult = Success
 ExpectedServerCertType = RSA
 ExpectedServerSignHash = SHA256
@@ -1261,14 +1397,14 @@ ExpectedServerSignType = RSA-PSS
 # ===========================================================
-[38-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 Signature Algorithm Selection]
-ssl_conf = 38-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 Signature Algorithm Selection-ssl
+[43-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 Signature Algorithm Selection]
+ssl_conf = 43-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 Signature Algorithm Selection-ssl
-[38-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 Signature Algorithm Selection-ssl]
-server = 38-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 Signature Algorithm Selection-server
-client = 38-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 Signature Algorithm Selection-client
+[43-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 Signature Algorithm Selection-ssl]
+server = 43-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 Signature Algorithm Selection-server
+client = 43-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 Signature Algorithm Selection-client
-[38-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 Signature Algorithm Selection-server]
+[43-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 Signature Algorithm Selection-server]
 Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 ECDSA.Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/server-ecdsa-cert.pem
@@ -1281,13 +1417,13 @@ MaxProtocol = TLSv1.3
 MinProtocol = TLSv1.3
 PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
-[38-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 Signature Algorithm Selection-client]
+[43-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 Signature Algorithm Selection-client]
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 SignatureAlgorithms = ed25519
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
 VerifyMode = Peer
 ExpectedResult = Success
 ExpectedServerCertType = Ed25519
 ExpectedServerSignType = Ed25519
@@ -1295,14 +1431,14 @@ ExpectedServerSignType = Ed25519
 # ===========================================================
-[39-TLS 1.3 Ed448 Signature Algorithm Selection]
-ssl_conf = 39-TLS 1.3 Ed448 Signature Algorithm Selection-ssl
+[44-TLS 1.3 Ed448 Signature Algorithm Selection]
+ssl_conf = 44-TLS 1.3 Ed448 Signature Algorithm Selection-ssl
-[39-TLS 1.3 Ed448 Signature Algorithm Selection-ssl]
-server = 39-TLS 1.3 Ed448 Signature Algorithm Selection-server
-client = 39-TLS 1.3 Ed448 Signature Algorithm Selection-client
+[44-TLS 1.3 Ed448 Signature Algorithm Selection-ssl]
+server = 44-TLS 1.3 Ed448 Signature Algorithm Selection-server
+client = 44-TLS 1.3 Ed448 Signature Algorithm Selection-client
-[39-TLS 1.3 Ed448 Signature Algorithm Selection-server]
+[44-TLS 1.3 Ed448 Signature Algorithm Selection-server]
 Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 ECDSA.Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/server-ecdsa-cert.pem
@@ -1315,13 +1451,13 @@ MaxProtocol = TLSv1.3
 MinProtocol = TLSv1.3
 PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
-[39-TLS 1.3 Ed448 Signature Algorithm Selection-client]
+[44-TLS 1.3 Ed448 Signature Algorithm Selection-client]
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 SignatureAlgorithms = ed448
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
 VerifyMode = Peer
 ExpectedResult = Success
 ExpectedServerCertType = Ed448
 ExpectedServerSignType = Ed448
@@ -1329,14 +1465,14 @@ ExpectedServerSignType = Ed448
 # ===========================================================
-[40-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 CipherString and Groups Selection]
-ssl_conf = 40-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 CipherString and Groups Selection-ssl
+[45-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 CipherString and Groups Selection]
+ssl_conf = 45-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 CipherString and Groups Selection-ssl
-[40-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 CipherString and Groups Selection-ssl]
-server = 40-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 CipherString and Groups Selection-server
-client = 40-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 CipherString and Groups Selection-client
+[45-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 CipherString and Groups Selection-ssl]
+server = 45-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 CipherString and Groups Selection-server
+client = 45-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 CipherString and Groups Selection-client
-[40-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 CipherString and Groups Selection-server]
+[45-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 CipherString and Groups Selection-server]
 Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 ECDSA.Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/server-ecdsa-cert.pem
@@ -1349,14 +1485,14 @@ MaxProtocol = TLSv1.3
 MinProtocol = TLSv1.3
 PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
-[40-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 CipherString and Groups Selection-client]
+[45-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 CipherString and Groups Selection-client]
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 Groups = X25519
 SignatureAlgorithms = ECDSA+SHA256:ed25519
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
 VerifyMode = Peer
 ExpectedResult = Success
 ExpectedServerCertType = P-256
 ExpectedServerSignType = EC
@@ -1364,14 +1500,14 @@ ExpectedServerSignType = EC
 # ===========================================================
-[41-TLS 1.3 Ed448 CipherString and Groups Selection]
-ssl_conf = 41-TLS 1.3 Ed448 CipherString and Groups Selection-ssl
+[46-TLS 1.3 Ed448 CipherString and Groups Selection]
+ssl_conf = 46-TLS 1.3 Ed448 CipherString and Groups Selection-ssl
-[41-TLS 1.3 Ed448 CipherString and Groups Selection-ssl]
-server = 41-TLS 1.3 Ed448 CipherString and Groups Selection-server
-client = 41-TLS 1.3 Ed448 CipherString and Groups Selection-client
+[46-TLS 1.3 Ed448 CipherString and Groups Selection-ssl]
+server = 46-TLS 1.3 Ed448 CipherString and Groups Selection-server
+client = 46-TLS 1.3 Ed448 CipherString and Groups Selection-client
-[41-TLS 1.3 Ed448 CipherString and Groups Selection-server]
+[46-TLS 1.3 Ed448 CipherString and Groups Selection-server]
 Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 ECDSA.Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/server-ecdsa-cert.pem
@@ -1384,14 +1520,14 @@ MaxProtocol = TLSv1.3
 MinProtocol = TLSv1.3
 PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
-[41-TLS 1.3 Ed448 CipherString and Groups Selection-client]
+[46-TLS 1.3 Ed448 CipherString and Groups Selection-client]
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 Groups = X448
 SignatureAlgorithms = ECDSA+SHA256:ed448
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
 VerifyMode = Peer
 ExpectedResult = Success
 ExpectedServerCertType = P-256
 ExpectedServerSignType = EC
@@ -1399,14 +1535,14 @@ ExpectedServerSignType = EC
 # ===========================================================
-[42-TLS 1.3 RSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection]
-ssl_conf = 42-TLS 1.3 RSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection-ssl
+[47-TLS 1.3 RSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection]
+ssl_conf = 47-TLS 1.3 RSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection-ssl
-[42-TLS 1.3 RSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection-ssl]
-server = 42-TLS 1.3 RSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection-server
-client = 42-TLS 1.3 RSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection-client
+[47-TLS 1.3 RSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection-ssl]
+server = 47-TLS 1.3 RSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection-server
+client = 47-TLS 1.3 RSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection-client
-[42-TLS 1.3 RSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection-server]
+[47-TLS 1.3 RSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection-server]
 Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 ClientSignatureAlgorithms = PSS+SHA256
@@ -1414,7 +1550,7 @@ PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/root-cert.pem
 VerifyMode = Require
-[42-TLS 1.3 RSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection-client]
+[47-TLS 1.3 RSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection-client]
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 ECDSA.Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/ee-ecdsa-client-chain.pem
 ECDSA.PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/ee-ecdsa-key.pem
@@ -1425,7 +1561,7 @@ RSA.PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/ee-key.pem
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
 VerifyMode = Peer
 ExpectedClientCANames = empty
 ExpectedClientCertType = RSA
 ExpectedClientSignHash = SHA256
@@ -1435,14 +1571,14 @@ ExpectedResult = Success
 # ===========================================================
-[43-TLS 1.3 RSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection non-empty CA Names]
-ssl_conf = 43-TLS 1.3 RSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection non-empty CA Names-ssl
+[48-TLS 1.3 RSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection non-empty CA Names]
+ssl_conf = 48-TLS 1.3 RSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection non-empty CA Names-ssl
-[43-TLS 1.3 RSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection non-empty CA Names-ssl]
-server = 43-TLS 1.3 RSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection non-empty CA Names-server
-client = 43-TLS 1.3 RSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection non-empty CA Names-client
+[48-TLS 1.3 RSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection non-empty CA Names-ssl]
+server = 48-TLS 1.3 RSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection non-empty CA Names-server
+client = 48-TLS 1.3 RSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection non-empty CA Names-client
-[43-TLS 1.3 RSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection non-empty CA Names-server]
+[48-TLS 1.3 RSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection non-empty CA Names-server]
 Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 ClientSignatureAlgorithms = PSS+SHA256
@@ -1451,7 +1587,7 @@ RequestCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/root-cert.pem
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/root-cert.pem
 VerifyMode = Require
-[43-TLS 1.3 RSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection non-empty CA Names-client]
+[48-TLS 1.3 RSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection non-empty CA Names-client]
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 ECDSA.Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/ee-ecdsa-client-chain.pem
 ECDSA.PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/ee-ecdsa-key.pem
@@ -1462,7 +1598,7 @@ RSA.PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/ee-key.pem
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
 VerifyMode = Peer
 ExpectedClientCANames = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/root-cert.pem
 ExpectedClientCertType = RSA
 ExpectedClientSignHash = SHA256
@@ -1472,14 +1608,14 @@ ExpectedResult = Success
 # ===========================================================
-[44-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection]
-ssl_conf = 44-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection-ssl
+[49-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection]
+ssl_conf = 49-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection-ssl
-[44-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection-ssl]
-server = 44-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection-server
-client = 44-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection-client
+[49-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection-ssl]
+server = 49-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection-server
+client = 49-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection-client
-[44-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection-server]
+[49-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection-server]
 Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 ClientSignatureAlgorithms = ECDSA+SHA256
@@ -1487,7 +1623,7 @@ PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/root-cert.pem
 VerifyMode = Require
-[44-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection-client]
+[49-TLS 1.3 ECDSA Client Auth Signature Algorithm Selection-client]
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 ECDSA.Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/ee-ecdsa-client-chain.pem
 ECDSA.PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/ee-ecdsa-key.pem
@@ -1498,7 +1634,7 @@ RSA.PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/ee-key.pem
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
 VerifyMode = Peer
 ExpectedClientCertType = P-256
 ExpectedClientSignHash = SHA256
 ExpectedClientSignType = EC
@@ -1507,21 +1643,21 @@ ExpectedResult = Success
 # ===========================================================
-[45-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 Client Auth]
-ssl_conf = 45-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 Client Auth-ssl
+[50-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 Client Auth]
+ssl_conf = 50-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 Client Auth-ssl
-[45-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 Client Auth-ssl]
-server = 45-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 Client Auth-server
-client = 45-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 Client Auth-client
+[50-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 Client Auth-ssl]
+server = 50-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 Client Auth-server
+client = 50-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 Client Auth-client
-[45-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 Client Auth-server]
+[50-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 Client Auth-server]
 Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/root-cert.pem
 VerifyMode = Require
-[45-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 Client Auth-client]
+[50-TLS 1.3 Ed25519 Client Auth-client]
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 EdDSA.Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/client-ed25519-cert.pem
 EdDSA.PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/client-ed25519-key.pem
@@ -1530,7 +1666,7 @@ MinProtocol = TLSv1.3
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
 VerifyMode = Peer
 ExpectedClientCertType = Ed25519
 ExpectedClientSignType = Ed25519
 ExpectedResult = Success
@@ -1538,21 +1674,21 @@ ExpectedResult = Success
 # ===========================================================
-[46-TLS 1.3 Ed448 Client Auth]
-ssl_conf = 46-TLS 1.3 Ed448 Client Auth-ssl
+[51-TLS 1.3 Ed448 Client Auth]
+ssl_conf = 51-TLS 1.3 Ed448 Client Auth-ssl
-[46-TLS 1.3 Ed448 Client Auth-ssl]
-server = 46-TLS 1.3 Ed448 Client Auth-server
-client = 46-TLS 1.3 Ed448 Client Auth-client
+[51-TLS 1.3 Ed448 Client Auth-ssl]
+server = 51-TLS 1.3 Ed448 Client Auth-server
+client = 51-TLS 1.3 Ed448 Client Auth-client
-[46-TLS 1.3 Ed448 Client Auth-server]
+[51-TLS 1.3 Ed448 Client Auth-server]
 Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/root-cert.pem
 VerifyMode = Require
-[46-TLS 1.3 Ed448 Client Auth-client]
+[51-TLS 1.3 Ed448 Client Auth-client]
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 EdDSA.Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/client-ed448-cert.pem
 EdDSA.PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/client-ed448-key.pem
@@ -1561,7 +1697,7 @@ MinProtocol = TLSv1.3
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
 VerifyMode = Peer
 ExpectedClientCertType = Ed448
 ExpectedClientSignType = Ed448
 ExpectedResult = Success
@@ -1569,20 +1705,20 @@ ExpectedResult = Success
 # ===========================================================
-[47-TLS 1.3 ECDSA with brainpool]
-ssl_conf = 47-TLS 1.3 ECDSA with brainpool-ssl
+[52-TLS 1.3 ECDSA with brainpool]
+ssl_conf = 52-TLS 1.3 ECDSA with brainpool-ssl
-[47-TLS 1.3 ECDSA with brainpool-ssl]
-server = 47-TLS 1.3 ECDSA with brainpool-server
-client = 47-TLS 1.3 ECDSA with brainpool-client
+[52-TLS 1.3 ECDSA with brainpool-ssl]
+server = 52-TLS 1.3 ECDSA with brainpool-server
+client = 52-TLS 1.3 ECDSA with brainpool-client
-[47-TLS 1.3 ECDSA with brainpool-server]
+[52-TLS 1.3 ECDSA with brainpool-server]
 Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/server-ecdsa-brainpoolP256r1-cert.pem
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 Groups = brainpoolP256r1
 PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/server-ecdsa-brainpoolP256r1-key.pem
-[47-TLS 1.3 ECDSA with brainpool-client]
+[52-TLS 1.3 ECDSA with brainpool-client]
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 Groups = brainpoolP256r1
 MaxProtocol = TLSv1.3
@@ -1591,20 +1727,20 @@ RequestCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/root-cert.pem
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
 VerifyMode = Peer
 ExpectedResult = ServerFail
 # ===========================================================
-[48-TLS 1.2 DSA Certificate Test]
-ssl_conf = 48-TLS 1.2 DSA Certificate Test-ssl
+[53-TLS 1.2 DSA Certificate Test]
+ssl_conf = 53-TLS 1.2 DSA Certificate Test-ssl
-[48-TLS 1.2 DSA Certificate Test-ssl]
-server = 48-TLS 1.2 DSA Certificate Test-server
-client = 48-TLS 1.2 DSA Certificate Test-client
+[53-TLS 1.2 DSA Certificate Test-ssl]
+server = 53-TLS 1.2 DSA Certificate Test-server
+client = 53-TLS 1.2 DSA Certificate Test-client
-[48-TLS 1.2 DSA Certificate Test-server]
+[53-TLS 1.2 DSA Certificate Test-server]
 Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
 CipherString = ALL
 DHParameters = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/dhp2048.pem
@@ -1614,26 +1750,26 @@ MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
 MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
 PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
-[48-TLS 1.2 DSA Certificate Test-client]
+[53-TLS 1.2 DSA Certificate Test-client]
 CipherString = ALL
 SignatureAlgorithms = DSA+SHA256:DSA+SHA1
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
 VerifyMode = Peer
 ExpectedResult = Success
 # ===========================================================
-[49-TLS 1.3 Client Auth No TLS 1.3 Signature Algorithms]
-ssl_conf = 49-TLS 1.3 Client Auth No TLS 1.3 Signature Algorithms-ssl
+[54-TLS 1.3 Client Auth No TLS 1.3 Signature Algorithms]
+ssl_conf = 54-TLS 1.3 Client Auth No TLS 1.3 Signature Algorithms-ssl
-[49-TLS 1.3 Client Auth No TLS 1.3 Signature Algorithms-ssl]
-server = 49-TLS 1.3 Client Auth No TLS 1.3 Signature Algorithms-server
-client = 49-TLS 1.3 Client Auth No TLS 1.3 Signature Algorithms-client
+[54-TLS 1.3 Client Auth No TLS 1.3 Signature Algorithms-ssl]
+server = 54-TLS 1.3 Client Auth No TLS 1.3 Signature Algorithms-server
+client = 54-TLS 1.3 Client Auth No TLS 1.3 Signature Algorithms-client
-[49-TLS 1.3 Client Auth No TLS 1.3 Signature Algorithms-server]
+[54-TLS 1.3 Client Auth No TLS 1.3 Signature Algorithms-server]
 Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 ClientSignatureAlgorithms = ECDSA+SHA1:DSA+SHA256:RSA+SHA256
@@ -1641,25 +1777,25 @@ PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/root-cert.pem
 VerifyMode = Request
-[49-TLS 1.3 Client Auth No TLS 1.3 Signature Algorithms-client]
+[54-TLS 1.3 Client Auth No TLS 1.3 Signature Algorithms-client]
 CipherString = DEFAULT
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
 VerifyMode = Peer
 ExpectedResult = ServerFail
 # ===========================================================
-[50-TLS 1.3 DSA Certificate Test]
-ssl_conf = 50-TLS 1.3 DSA Certificate Test-ssl
+[55-TLS 1.3 DSA Certificate Test]
+ssl_conf = 55-TLS 1.3 DSA Certificate Test-ssl
-[50-TLS 1.3 DSA Certificate Test-ssl]
-server = 50-TLS 1.3 DSA Certificate Test-server
-client = 50-TLS 1.3 DSA Certificate Test-client
+[55-TLS 1.3 DSA Certificate Test-ssl]
+server = 55-TLS 1.3 DSA Certificate Test-server
+client = 55-TLS 1.3 DSA Certificate Test-client
-[50-TLS 1.3 DSA Certificate Test-server]
+[55-TLS 1.3 DSA Certificate Test-server]
 Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
 CipherString = ALL
 DSA.Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/server-dsa-cert.pem
@@ -1668,13 +1804,13 @@ MaxProtocol = TLSv1.3
 MinProtocol = TLSv1.3
 PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
-[50-TLS 1.3 DSA Certificate Test-client]
+[55-TLS 1.3 DSA Certificate Test-client]
 CipherString = ALL
 SignatureAlgorithms = DSA+SHA1:DSA+SHA256:ECDSA+SHA256
 VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
 VerifyMode = Peer
 ExpectedResult = ServerFail
diff --git a/test/ssl-tests/20-cert-select.conf.in b/test/ssl-tests/20-cert-select.conf.in
index bdf53c6e1e..5e9bfede5d 100644
--- a/test/ssl-tests/20-cert-select.conf.in
+++ b/test/ssl-tests/20-cert-select.conf.in
@@ -36,6 +36,12 @@ my $server_pss_only = {
     "PrivateKey" => test_pem("server-pss-key.pem"),
+my $server_pss_restrict_only = {
+    "Certificate" => test_pem("server-pss-restrict-cert.pem"),
+    "PrivateKey" => test_pem("server-pss-restrict-key.pem"),
 my $server_rsa_all = {
     "PSS.Certificate" => test_pem("server-pss-cert.pem"),
     "PSS.PrivateKey" => test_pem("server-pss-key.pem"),
@@ -379,6 +385,19 @@ our @tests = (
             "ExpectedResult" => "Success"
+    {
+        name => "Only RSA-PSS Certificate Valid Signature Algorithms",
+        server => $server_pss_only,
+        client => {
+            "SignatureAlgorithms" => "rsa_pss_pss_sha512",
+        },
+        test   => {
+            "ExpectedServerCertType" => "RSA-PSS",
+            "ExpectedServerSignHash" => "SHA512",
+            "ExpectedServerSignType" => "RSA-PSS",
+            "ExpectedResult" => "Success"
+        },
+    },
         name => "RSA-PSS Certificate, no PSS signature algorithms",
         server => $server_pss_only,
@@ -389,6 +408,53 @@ our @tests = (
             "ExpectedResult" => "ServerFail"
+    {
+        name => "Only RSA-PSS Restricted Certificate",
+        server => $server_pss_restrict_only,
+        client => {},
+        test   => {
+            "ExpectedServerCertType" => "RSA-PSS",
+            "ExpectedServerSignHash" => "SHA256",
+            "ExpectedServerSignType" => "RSA-PSS",
+            "ExpectedResult" => "Success"
+        },
+    },
+    {
+        name => "RSA-PSS Restricted Certificate Valid Signature Algorithms",
+        server => $server_pss_restrict_only,
+        client => {
+            "SignatureAlgorithms" => "rsa_pss_pss_sha256:rsa_pss_pss_sha512",
+        },
+        test   => {
+            "ExpectedServerCertType" => "RSA-PSS",
+            "ExpectedServerSignHash" => "SHA256",
+            "ExpectedServerSignType" => "RSA-PSS",
+            "ExpectedResult" => "Success"
+        },
+    },
+    {
+        name => "RSA-PSS Restricted Cert client prefers invalid Signature Algorithm",
+        server => $server_pss_restrict_only,
+        client => {
+            "SignatureAlgorithms" => "rsa_pss_pss_sha512:rsa_pss_pss_sha256",
+        },
+        test   => {
+            "ExpectedServerCertType" => "RSA-PSS",
+            "ExpectedServerSignHash" => "SHA256",
+            "ExpectedServerSignType" => "RSA-PSS",
+            "ExpectedResult" => "Success"
+        },
+    },
+    {
+        name => "RSA-PSS Restricted Certificate Invalid Signature Algorithms",
+        server => $server_pss_restrict_only,
+        client => {
+            "SignatureAlgorithms" => "rsa_pss_pss_sha512",
+        },
+        test   => {
+            "ExpectedResult" => "ServerFail"
+        },
+    },
         name => "RSA key exchange with all RSA certificate types",
         server => $server_rsa_all,

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