[tools] master update

tmraz at fedoraproject.org tmraz at fedoraproject.org
Tue Dec 8 15:35:01 UTC 2020

The branch master has been updated
       via  7f0c30333ce9b6a8101c8aa01a8156c014182c16 (commit)
       via  67906aa38534940c02c1d4182bd981cc9e7801de (commit)
       via  f9bb1cac3f600a78d1b00770879aa7a6d5f133e2 (commit)
       via  4ed0a292ebf9c293f051a4f8b00280f3e7ad2717 (commit)
       via  3953ec2fe13961d35bd577c381a0680701c8bcbe (commit)
      from  96a195347859112c1520d1ef84690ec3109f1f49 (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 7f0c30333ce9b6a8101c8aa01a8156c014182c16
Author: Dr. David von Oheimb <David.von.Oheimb at siemens.com>
Date:   Thu Dec 3 13:59:25 2020 +0100

    addrev: Remove tabs by space chars
    Reviewed-by: Paul Dale <paul.dale at oracle.com>
    Reviewed-by: Tomas Mraz <tmraz at fedoraproject.org>
    (Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/79)

commit 67906aa38534940c02c1d4182bd981cc9e7801de
Author: Dr. David von Oheimb <David.von.Oheimb at siemens.com>
Date:   Thu Dec 3 12:55:19 2020 +0100

    addrev: Fix regression on parsing bare prnum; correct help output
    Reviewed-by: Paul Dale <paul.dale at oracle.com>
    Reviewed-by: Tomas Mraz <tmraz at fedoraproject.org>
    (Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/79)

commit f9bb1cac3f600a78d1b00770879aa7a6d5f133e2
Author: Dr. David von Oheimb <David.von.Oheimb at siemens.com>
Date:   Wed Dec 2 17:22:14 2020 +0100

    ghmerge: Make pulling the latest REMOTE/REF work als for non-default REF
    This avoids potential git errors such as:
    You asked to pull from the remote 'upstream', but did not specify
    a branch. Because this is not the default configured remote
    for your current branch, you must specify a branch on the command line.
    Reviewed-by: Paul Dale <paul.dale at oracle.com>
    Reviewed-by: Tomas Mraz <tmraz at fedoraproject.org>
    (Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/79)

commit 4ed0a292ebf9c293f051a4f8b00280f3e7ad2717
Author: Dr. David von Oheimb <David.von.Oheimb at siemens.com>
Date:   Thu Nov 19 11:21:04 2020 +0100

    ghmerge: improve doc of --remote and --ref options
    Reviewed-by: Paul Dale <paul.dale at oracle.com>
    Reviewed-by: Tomas Mraz <tmraz at fedoraproject.org>
    (Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/79)

commit 3953ec2fe13961d35bd577c381a0680701c8bcbe
Author: Dr. David von Oheimb <David.von.Oheimb at siemens.com>
Date:   Thu Nov 19 10:35:28 2020 +0100

    addrev: re-enable use of singe-character review names
    Reviewed-by: Paul Dale <paul.dale at oracle.com>
    Reviewed-by: Tomas Mraz <tmraz at fedoraproject.org>
    (Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/79)


Summary of changes:
 review-tools/addrev  | 52 +++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 review-tools/ghmerge | 13 +++++++------
 2 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

diff --git a/review-tools/addrev b/review-tools/addrev
index 473ad46..aa5215a 100755
--- a/review-tools/addrev
+++ b/review-tools/addrev
@@ -14,9 +14,12 @@ my $useself = 1;
 my $my_email;
 foreach (@ARGV) {
-    if (/^\@.+$/) {
+    if (/^(--prnum=)?(\d{1,6}+)$/) {
+        $args .= "--prnum=$2 ";
+        $haveprnum = 1;
+    } elsif (/^\@.+$/) {
         $args .= "--reviewer=$_ ";
-    } elsif (/^\w[-\w]+$/) {
+    } elsif (/^\w[-\w]*$/) {
         if (/^[0-9a-f]{7,}+/) {
             print "Warning: overriding previous filter args $filterargs\n" if $filterargs ne "";
             $filterargs = $_;
@@ -40,21 +43,18 @@ foreach (@ARGV) {
     } elsif (/^--myemail=(.+)$/) {
         $my_email = $1;
     } elsif (/^--nopr$/) {
-	$haveprnum = 1;
-    } elsif (/^(--prnum=)?(\d+)$/) {
-        $args .= "--prnum=$2 ";
-	$haveprnum = 1;
+        $haveprnum = 1;
     } elsif (/^--commit=(.+)$/) {
         $args .= "--commit=$1 ";
     } elsif (/^-(\d+)$/) {
         print "Warning: overriding previous filter args $filterargs\n" if $filterargs ne "";
         $filterargs = "HEAD~$1..";
     } elsif (/^--list$/) {
-	$list_reviewers = 1;
-	last;
+        $list_reviewers = 1;
+        last;
     } elsif (/^--help$/ || /^-h$/) {
-	$help = 1;
-	last;
+        $help = 1;
+        last;
     } else {
         print "Warning: overriding previous filter args $filterargs\n" if $filterargs ne "";
         $filterargs = $_;
@@ -91,20 +91,18 @@ usage: addrev args...
 option style arguments:
---help			Print this help and exit
---list			List the known reviewers and exit (discards all other
-			arguments)
---verbose		Be a bit more verbose
---trivial		Do not require a CLA
---reviewer=<reviewer>	A reviewer to be added on a Reviewed-by: line
---rmreviewers		Remove all existing Reviewed-by: lines before adding
-			reviewers
---commit=<id>		Only apply to commit <id>
---myemail=<email>	Set email address.  Defaults to the result from
-			git configuration setting user.email
---nopr			Do not require a PR number
-[--prnum=]NNN           Add a reference to GitHub pull request NNN
--<n>			Change the last <n> commits.  Defaults to 1
+--help                 Print this help and exit
+--list                 List the known reviewers and exit (discards all other arguments)
+--verbose              Be a bit more verbose
+--trivial              Do not require a CLA
+--reviewer=<reviewer>  A reviewer to be added on a Reviewed-by: line
+--rmreviewers          Remove all existing Reviewed-by: lines before adding reviewers
+--commit=<id>          Only apply to commit <id>
+--myemail=<email>      Set email address.
+                       Defaults to the result from git configuration setting user.email
+--nopr                 Do not require a PR number
+[--prnum=]NNN          Add a reference to GitHub pull request NNN
+-<n>                   Change the last <n> commits.  Defaults to 1
 non-option style arguments can be:
@@ -117,8 +115,8 @@ HEAD^.. is assumed.
 Examples (all meaning the same thing):
-  addrev -2 steve levitte
-  addrev steve \@levitte HEAD^^..
-  addrev --reviewer=steve --reviewer=levitte\@openssl.org -2
+  addrev 12345 -2 steve levitte
+  addrev --prnum=12345 steve \@levitte HEAD^^..
+  addrev 12345 --reviewer=steve --reviewer=levitte\@openssl.org -2
diff --git a/review-tools/ghmerge b/review-tools/ghmerge
index 1384a89..02ab06e 100755
--- a/review-tools/ghmerge
+++ b/review-tools/ghmerge
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ Option style arguments:
 --help              Print this help and exit
 --tools             Merge a tools PR (rather than openssl PR)
 --web               Merge a web PR (rather than openssl PR)
---remote <remote>   Merge with given repo (rather than implicit upstream)
---ref <branch>      Merge with given branch (rather than impliict master)
+--remote <remote>   Repo to merge with (rather than git.openssl.org), usually 'upstream'
+--ref <branch>      Branch to merge with (rather than current branch), usually 'master'
 --cherry-pick       Use cherry-pick (rather than pull --rebase)
 --squash            Squash new commits non-interactively (allows editing msg)
 --noautosquash      Do not automatically squash fixups in interactive rebase
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ Examples:
   ghmerge 12345 mattcaswell
   ghmerge 12345 paulidale t8m --nobuild --myemail=dev at ddvo.net
-  ghmerge edd05b7^^^^..19692bb2c32 --squash -- 12345 levitte"
+  ghmerge edd05b7^^^^..19692bb2c32 --squash -- 12345 levitte
+  ghmerge 12345 slontis --ref OpenSSL_1_1_1-stable"
     exit 9
@@ -117,7 +118,7 @@ while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do
 ADDREVOPTS=${ADDREVOPTS# } # chop any leading ' '
-[ "$REMOTE" = "" ] && REMOTE=`git remote -v | awk '/git.openssl.org.*(push)/{ print $1; }' | head -n 1`
+[ "$REMOTE" = "" ] && REMOTE=`git remote -v | awk '/git.openssl.org.*(push)/{ print $1; }' | head -n 1` # usually this will be 'upstream'
 if [ "$REMOTE" = "" ] ; then
     echo Cannot find git remote with URL including 'git.openssl.org'
     exit 1
@@ -149,14 +150,14 @@ if [ -z "$WHO" -o -z "$BRANCH" -o -z "$REPO" ]; then
 if [ "$REF" = "" ]; then
-    REF=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD` # usually will be 'HEAD' or e.g., OpenSSL_1_1_1-stable
+    REF=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD` # usually this will be 'master' or, e.g., 'OpenSSL_1_1_1-stable'
     echo -n "Press Enter to checkout $REF: "; read foo
     git checkout $REF
 echo -n "Press Enter to pull the latest $REMOTE/$REF: "; read foo
-git pull $REMOTE || (git rebase --abort; exit 1)
+git pull $REMOTE $REF || (git rebase --abort; exit 1)

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