[openssl] master update

Richard Levitte levitte at openssl.org
Tue Feb 18 04:24:29 UTC 2020

The branch master has been updated
       via  fbc1f1ec0c40f981da6676dadfd0a150264db534 (commit)
       via  1624ebdb159c780e06f43f5acb8d03e3f40ffe5c (commit)
      from  86cde3187d9acf6f331daff79ff2de87e86c6dc7 (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit fbc1f1ec0c40f981da6676dadfd0a150264db534
Author: Richard Levitte <levitte at openssl.org>
Date:   Sat Feb 8 20:20:47 2020 +0100

    Fix podchecker warnings
    Reviewed-by: Paul Dale <paul.dale at oracle.com>
    (Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/11045)

commit 1624ebdb159c780e06f43f5acb8d03e3f40ffe5c
Author: Richard Levitte <levitte at openssl.org>
Date:   Sat Feb 8 20:15:06 2020 +0100

    Make util/find-doc-nits runnable from the build tree
    Because we generate an increasing number of POD files, some of them
    end up in the build tree.  This makes it difficult for find-doc-nits
    to work as desired when the build tree is separate from the source
    The best supported way to make it work in such an environment is to
    run it from the build tree and let it use the build information from
    configdata.pm to find all the POD files.  To make this smooth enough,
    we add a function 'files' that returns an array of file names
    corresponding to criteria from the caller.
    Reviewed-by: Paul Dale <paul.dale at oracle.com>
    (Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/11045)


Summary of changes:
 Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl         |   4 +-
 doc/internal/man3/evp_keymgmt_newdata.pod |   5 +-
 util/find-doc-nits                        | 215 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 3 files changed, 198 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl b/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl
index 14e6627d62..6777bb8de9 100644
--- a/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl
+++ b/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl
@@ -952,10 +952,10 @@ generate: generate_apps generate_crypto_bn generate_crypto_objects \
 .PHONY: doc-nits cmd-nits
 doc-nits: build_generated
-	(cd $(SRCDIR); $(PERL) util/find-doc-nits -n -l -e )
+	$(PERL) $(SRCDIR)/util/find-doc-nits -n -l -e
 cmd-nits: build_generated apps/openssl
-	(cd $(SRCDIR); $(PERL) util/find-doc-nits -c )
+	$(PERL) $(SRCDIR)/util/find-doc-nits -c
 # Test coverage is a good idea for the future
diff --git a/doc/internal/man3/evp_keymgmt_newdata.pod b/doc/internal/man3/evp_keymgmt_newdata.pod
index 861f57f7f5..fb2e50b3c1 100644
--- a/doc/internal/man3/evp_keymgmt_newdata.pod
+++ b/doc/internal/man3/evp_keymgmt_newdata.pod
@@ -18,12 +18,11 @@ evp_keymgmt_export, evp_keymgmt_export_types
  int evp_keymgmt_get_params(const EVP_KEYMGMT *keymgmt,
                             void *keydata, OSSL_PARAM params[]);
  const OSSL_PARAM *evp_keymgmt_gettable_params(const EVP_KEYMGMT *keymgmt);
  int evp_keymgmt_has(const EVP_KEYMGMT *keymgmt, void *keyddata, int selection);
  int evp_keymgmt_validate(const EVP_KEYMGMT *keymgmt, void *keydata,
                           int selection);
  int evp_keymgmt_import(const EVP_KEYMGMT *keymgmt, void *keydata,
                         int selection, const OSSL_PARAM params[]);
  const OSSL_PARAM *evp_keymgmt_import_types(const EVP_KEYMGMT *keymgmt,
diff --git a/util/find-doc-nits b/util/find-doc-nits
index 3f33c670f3..f02edabcef 100755
--- a/util/find-doc-nits
+++ b/util/find-doc-nits
@@ -11,20 +11,25 @@ require 5.10.0;
 use warnings;
 use strict;
+use Carp qw(:DEFAULT cluck);
 use Pod::Checker;
 use File::Find;
 use File::Basename;
 use File::Spec::Functions;
 use Getopt::Std;
-use lib catdir(dirname($0), "perl");
+use FindBin;
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin/perl";
 use OpenSSL::Util::Pod;
+use lib '.';
+use configdata;
 # Set to 1 for debug output
 my $debug = 0;
 # Where to find openssl command
-my $BLDTOP  = $ENV{BLDTOP} || ".";
-my $openssl = "$BLDTOP/util/opensslwrap.sh";
+my $openssl = "./util/opensslwrap.sh";
 # Options.
@@ -77,6 +82,7 @@ my $OUT;
 my %public;
 my $status = 0;
+my @sections = ( 'man1', 'man3', 'man5', 'man7' );
 my %mandatory_sections = (
     '*' => [ 'NAME', 'DESCRIPTION', 'COPYRIGHT' ],
     1   => [ 'SYNOPSIS', 'OPTIONS' ],
@@ -85,6 +91,164 @@ my %mandatory_sections = (
     7   => [ ]
+# Collect all POD files, both internal and public, and regardless of location
+# We collect them in a hash table with each file being a key, so we can attach
+# tags to them.  For example, internal docs will have the word "internal"
+# attached to them.
+my %files = ();
+# We collect files names on the fly, on known tag basis
+my %collected_tags = ();
+# We cache results based on tags
+my %collected_results = ();
+# files OPTIONS
+# Example:
+#       files(TAGS => 'manual');
+#       files(TAGS => [ 'manual', 'man1' ]);
+# This function returns an array of files corresponding to a set of tags
+# given with the options "TAGS".  The value of this option can be a single
+# word, or an array of several words, which work as inclusive or exclusive
+# selectors.  Inclusive selectors are used to add one more set of files to
+# the returned array, while exclusive selectors limit the set of files added
+# to the array.  The recognised tag values are:
+# 'public_manual'       - inclusive selector, adds public manuals to the
+#                         returned array of files.
+# 'internal_manual'     - inclusive selector, adds internal manuals to the
+#                         returned array of files.
+# 'manual'              - inclusive selector, adds any manual to the returned
+#                         array of files.  This is really a shorthand for
+#                         'public_manual' and 'internal_manual' combined.
+# 'public_header'       - inclusive selector, adds public headers to the
+#                         returned array of files.
+# 'header'              - inclusive selector, adds any header file to the
+#                         returned array of files.  Since we currently only
+#                         care about public headers, this is exactly
+#                         equivalent to 'public_header', but is present for
+#                         consistency.
+# 'man1', 'man3', 'man5', 'man7'
+#                       - exclusive selectors, only applicable together with
+#                         any of the manual selectors.  If any of these are
+#                         present, only the manuals from the given sections
+#                         will be include.  If none of these are present,
+#                         the manuals from all sections will be returned.
+# All returned manual files come from configdata.pm.
+# All returned header files come from looking inside
+# "$config{sourcedir}/include/openssl"
+sub files {
+    my %opts = ( @_ );          # Make a copy of the arguments
+    $opts{TAGS} = [ $opts{TAGS} ] if ref($opts{TAGS}) eq '';
+    croak "No tags given, or not an array"
+        unless exists $opts{TAGS} && ref($opts{TAGS}) eq 'ARRAY';
+    my %tags = map { $_ => 1 } @{$opts{TAGS}};
+    $tags{public_manual} = 1
+        if $tags{manual} && ($tags{public} // !$tags{internal});
+    $tags{internal_manual} = 1
+        if $tags{manual} && ($tags{internal} // !$tags{public});
+    $tags{public_header} = 1
+        if $tags{header} && ($tags{public} // !$tags{internal});
+    delete $tags{manual};
+    delete $tags{header};
+    delete $tags{public};
+    delete $tags{internal};
+    my $tags_as_key = join(':', sort keys %tags);
+    cluck  "DEBUG[files]: This is how we got here!" if $debug;
+    print STDERR "DEBUG[files]: tags: $tags_as_key\n" if $debug;
+    my %tags_to_collect = ( map { $_ => 1 }
+                            grep { !exists $collected_tags{$_} }
+                            keys %tags );
+    if ($tags_to_collect{public_manual}) {
+        print STDERR "DEBUG[files]: collecting public manuals\n"
+            if $debug;
+        # The structure in configdata.pm is that $unified_info{mandocs}
+        # contains lists of man files, and in turn, $unified_info{depends}
+        # contains hash tables showing which POD file each of those man
+        # files depend on.  We use that information to find the POD files,
+        # and to attach the man section they belong to as tags
+        foreach my $mansect ( @sections ) {
+            foreach ( map { @{$unified_info{depends}->{$_}} }
+                      @{$unified_info{mandocs}->{$mansect}} ) {
+                $files{$_} = { $mansect => 1, public_manual => 1 };
+            }
+        }
+        $collected_tags{public_manual} = 1;
+    }
+    if ($tags_to_collect{internal_manual}) {
+        print STDERR "DEBUG[files]: collecting internal manuals\n"
+            if $debug;
+        # We don't have the internal docs in configdata.pm.  However, they
+        # are all in the source tree, so they're easy to find.
+        foreach my $mansect ( @sections ) {
+            foreach ( glob(catfile($config{sourcedir},
+                                   'doc', 'internal', $mansect, '*.pod')) ) {
+                $files{$_} = { $mansect => 1, internal_manual => 1 };
+            }
+        }
+        $collected_tags{internal_manual} = 1;
+    }
+    if ($tags_to_collect{public_header}) {
+        print STDERR "DEBUG[files]: collecting public headers\n"
+            if $debug;
+        foreach ( glob(catfile($config{sourcedir},
+                               'include', 'openssl', '*.h')) ) {
+            $files{$_} = { public_header => 1 };
+        }
+    }
+    my @result = @{$collected_results{$tags_as_key} // []};
+    if (!@result) {
+        # Produce a result based on caller tags
+        foreach my $type ( ( 'public_manual', 'internal_manual' ) ) {
+            next unless $tags{$type};
+            # If caller asked for specific sections, we care about sections.
+            # Otherwise, we give back all of them.
+            my @selected_sections =
+                grep { $tags{$_} } @sections;
+            @selected_sections = @sections unless @selected_sections;
+            foreach my $section ( ( @selected_sections ) ) {
+                push @result,
+                    ( sort { basename($a) cmp basename($b) }
+                      grep { $files{$_}->{$type} && $files{$_}->{$section} }
+                      keys %files );
+            }
+        }
+        if ($tags{public_header}) {
+            push @result,
+                ( sort { basename($a) cmp basename($b) }
+                  grep { $files{$_}->{public_header} }
+                  keys %files );
+        }
+        if ($debug) {
+            print STDERR "DEBUG[files]: result:\n";
+            print STDERR "DEBUG[files]:     $_\n" foreach @result;
+        }
+        $collected_results{$tags_as_key} = [ @result ];
+    }
+    return @result;
 # Print error message, set $status.
 sub err {
@@ -112,7 +276,8 @@ sub name_synopsis {
         if $tmp =~ /[^,] /;
     my $dirname = dirname($filename);
-    my $simplename = basename(basename($filename, ".in"), ".pod");
+    my $section = basename($dirname);
+    my $simplename = basename($filename, ".pod");
     my $foundfilename = 0;
     my %foundfilenames = ();
     my %names;
@@ -124,7 +289,9 @@ sub name_synopsis {
         $names{$n} = 1;
         $foundfilename++ if $n eq $simplename;
         $foundfilenames{$n} = 1
-            if -f "$dirname/$n.pod" && $n ne $simplename;
+            if ( ( grep { basename($_) eq "$n.pod" }
+                   files(TAGS => [ 'manual', $section ]) )
+                 && $n ne $simplename );
     err($id, "the following exist as other .pod files:",
          sort keys %foundfilenames)
@@ -476,7 +643,8 @@ sub check {
     while ( $contents =~ /L<([^>]*)\(1\)(?:\/.*)?>/g ) {
         my $target = $1;
         next if $target =~ /openssl-?/;
-        next if -f "doc/man1/$target.pod";
+        next if ( grep { basename($_) eq "$target.pod" }
+                  files(TAGS => [ 'manual', 'man1' ]) );
         # TODO: Filter out "foreign manual" links.
         next if $target =~ /ps|apropos|sha1sum|procmail|perl/;
         err($id, "Bad command link L<$target(1)>");
@@ -570,7 +738,7 @@ sub parsenum {
     my $file = shift;
     my @apis;
-    open my $IN, '<', $file
+    open my $IN, '<', catfile($config{sourcedir}, $file)
         or die "Can't open $file, $!, stopped";
     while ( <$IN> ) {
@@ -600,7 +768,7 @@ sub loadmissing($)
     my $missingfile = shift;
     my @missing;
-    open FH, $missingfile
+    open FH, catfile($config{sourcedir}, $missingfile)
         or die "Can't open $missingfile";
     while ( <FH> ) {
@@ -630,11 +798,12 @@ sub checkmacros {
         @missing = loadmissing('util/missingmacro.txt');
-    foreach my $f ( glob('include/openssl/*.h') ) {
+    foreach my $f ( files(TAGS => 'public_header') ) {
         # Skip some internals we don't want to document yet.
-        next if $f eq 'include/openssl/asn1.h';
-        next if $f eq 'include/openssl/asn1t.h';
-        next if $f eq 'include/openssl/err.h';
+        my $b = basename($f);
+        next if $b eq 'asn1.h';
+        next if $b eq 'asn1t.h';
+        next if $b eq 'err.h';
         open(IN, $f)
             or die "Can't open $f, $!";
         while ( <IN> ) {
@@ -859,13 +1028,17 @@ if ( $opt_c ) {
     # See if each has a manpage.
     foreach my $cmd ( @commands ) {
         next if $cmd eq 'help' || $cmd eq 'exit';
-        my $doc = "doc/man1/openssl-$cmd.pod";
-        # Handle "tsget" and "CA.pl" pod pages
-        $doc = "doc/man1/$cmd.pod" if -f "doc/man1/$cmd.pod";
-        if ( ! -f "$doc" ) {
-            err("$doc does not exist");
+        my @doc = ( grep { basename($_) eq "openssl-$cmd.pod"
+                           # For "tsget" and "CA.pl" pod pages
+                           || basename($_) eq "$cmd.pod" }
+                    files(TAGS => [ 'manual', 'man1' ]) );
+        my $num = scalar @doc;
+        if ($num > 1) {
+            err("$num manuals for 'openssl $cmd': ".join(", ", @doc));
+        } elsif ($num < 1) {
+            err("no manual for 'openssl $cmd'");
         } else {
-            checkflags($cmd, $doc);
+            checkflags($cmd, @doc);
@@ -884,7 +1057,7 @@ if ( $opt_c ) {
 # Preparation for some options, populate %name_map and %link_map
 if ( $opt_l || $opt_u || $opt_v ) {
-    foreach ( glob('doc/*/*.pod doc/internal/*/*.pod') ) {
+    foreach ( files(TAGS => 'manual') ) {
@@ -898,13 +1071,13 @@ if ( $opt_l ) {
 if ( $opt_n ) {
-    foreach ( @ARGV ? @ARGV : glob('doc/*/*.pod doc/internal/*/*.pod') ) {
+    foreach ( @ARGV ? @ARGV : files(TAGS => 'manual') ) {
     # If not given args, check that all man1 commands are named properly.
     if ( scalar @ARGV == 0 ) {
-        foreach ( glob('doc/man1/*.pod') ) {
+        foreach ( files(TAGS => [ 'public_manual', 'man1' ]) ) {
             next if /CA.pl/ || /openssl\.pod/ || /tsget\.pod/;
             err("$_ doesn't start with openssl-") unless /openssl-/;

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