Still FAILED build of OpenSSL branch master with options -d --strict-warnings no-tls1_3

OpenSSL run-checker openssl at
Sat Jun 13 18:47:25 UTC 2020

Platform and configuration command:

$ uname -a
Linux run 4.15.0-54-generic #58-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jun 24 10:55:24 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
$ CC=clang ../openssl/config -d --strict-warnings no-tls1_3

Commit log since last time:

0f6c3ebbf8 doc: Add a hint to man3/EVP_$hash that it is legacy
1154ffbfb3 APPS: Use a second EVP_MD_CTX for EdDSA verify
42b2797e8a APPS: Exclude legacy algorighms from speed
d9c2fd51e2 The EVP_MAC functions have been renamed for consistency.  The EVP_MAC_CTX_* functions are now EVP_MAC functions, usually with ctx in their names.
765d04c946 kdf: make function naming consistent.
5cff2df8ce Make it clear that you can't use all ciphers for CMAC
a370ff8daa Add a CMAC test
154ea425e6 Correctly handle the return value from EVP_Cipher() in the CMAC code
b896d9436d Ensure we never use a partially initialised CMAC_CTX
317ffa576b Add options for focussing output on failed (sub-)tests
2a3158ac5b Make error output of dhparams and dsaparams app more consistent
8da42c8b26 Generate error queue entry on FFC_CHECK_BAD_LN_PAIR for DH and DSA
498e807ed2 Silence gcc false positive warning on refdatalen in test/tls13encryptiontest.c
a61b6b623d Silence gcc false positive warning on alpn_protos_len in test/handshake_helper.c
8bf37709a4 Update RSA keygen to use sp800-56b by default

Build log ended with (last 100 lines):

65-test_cmp_server.t ............... ok
65-test_cmp_status.t ............... ok
65-test_cmp_vfy.t .................. ok
70-test_asyncio.t .................. ok
70-test_bad_dtls.t ................. ok
70-test_clienthello.t .............. ok
70-test_comp.t ..................... ok
70-test_key_share.t ................ skipped: test_key_share needs TLS1.3 enabled
70-test_packet.t ................... ok
70-test_recordlen.t ................ ok
70-test_renegotiation.t ............ ok
70-test_servername.t ............... ok
70-test_sslcbcpadding.t ............ ok
70-test_sslcertstatus.t ............ ok
70-test_sslextension.t ............. ok
70-test_sslmessages.t .............. ok
70-test_sslrecords.t ............... ok
70-test_sslsessiontick.t ........... ok
70-test_sslsigalgs.t ............... ok
70-test_sslsignature.t ............. ok
70-test_sslskewith0p.t ............. ok
70-test_sslversions.t .............. skipped: test_sslversions needs TLS1.3, TLS1.2 and TLS1.1 enabled
70-test_sslvertol.t ................ ok
70-test_tls13alerts.t .............. skipped: test_tls13alerts needs TLS1.3 enabled
70-test_tls13cookie.t .............. skipped: test_tls13cookie needs TLS1.3 enabled
70-test_tls13downgrade.t ........... skipped: test_tls13downgrade needs TLS1.3 and TLS1.2 enabled
70-test_tls13hrr.t ................. skipped: test_tls13hrr needs TLS1.3 enabled
70-test_tls13kexmodes.t ............ skipped: test_tls13kexmodes needs TLSv1.3 enabled
70-test_tls13messages.t ............ skipped: test_tls13messages needs TLSv1.3 enabled
70-test_tls13psk.t ................. skipped: test_tls13psk needs TLSv1.3 enabled
70-test_tlsextms.t ................. ok
70-test_verify_extra.t ............. ok
70-test_wpacket.t .................. ok
71-test_ssl_ctx.t .................. ok
80-test_ca.t ....................... ok
80-test_cipherbytes.t .............. ok
80-test_cipherlist.t ............... ok
80-test_ciphername.t ............... ok
80-test_cms.t ...................... ok
80-test_cmsapi.t ................... ok
80-test_ct.t ....................... ok
80-test_dane.t ..................... ok
80-test_dtls.t ..................... ok
80-test_dtls_mtu.t ................. ok
80-test_dtlsv1listen.t ............. ok
80-test_http.t ..................... ok
80-test_ocsp.t ..................... ok
80-test_pkcs12.t ................... ok
80-test_ssl_new.t .................. ok
80-test_ssl_old.t .................. ok
80-test_ssl_test_ctx.t ............. ok
80-test_sslcorrupt.t ............... ok
80-test_tsa.t ...................... ok
80-test_x509aux.t .................. ok
90-test_asn1_time.t ................ ok
90-test_async.t .................... ok
90-test_bio_enc.t .................. ok
90-test_bio_memleak.t .............. ok
90-test_constant_time.t ............ ok
90-test_fatalerr.t ................. ok
90-test_gmdiff.t ................... ok
90-test_gost.t ..................... skipped: TLSv1.3 or TLSv1.2 are disabled in this OpenSSL build
90-test_ige.t ...................... ok
90-test_includes.t ................. ok
90-test_memleak.t .................. ok
90-test_overhead.t ................. ok
90-test_secmem.t ................... ok
90-test_shlibload.t ................ ok
90-test_srp.t ...................... ok
90-test_sslapi.t ................... 
Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
Failed 2/3 subtests 
90-test_sslbuffers.t ............... ok
90-test_store.t .................... ok
90-test_sysdefault.t ............... ok
90-test_threads.t .................. ok
90-test_time_offset.t .............. ok
90-test_tls13ccs.t ................. skipped: test_tls13ccs is not supported in this build
90-test_tls13encryption.t .......... skipped: tls13encryption is not supported in this build
90-test_tls13secrets.t ............. skipped: tls13secrets is not supported in this build
90-test_v3name.t ................... ok
95-test_external_boringssl.t ....... skipped: No external tests in this configuration
95-test_external_gost_engine.t ..... skipped: No external tests in this configuration
95-test_external_krb5.t ............ skipped: No external tests in this configuration
95-test_external_pyca.t ............ skipped: No external tests in this configuration
99-test_ecstress.t ................. ok
99-test_fuzz.t ..................... ok

Test Summary Report
90-test_sslapi.t                 (Wstat: 512 Tests: 3 Failed: 2)
  Failed tests:  1, 3
  Non-zero exit status: 2
Files=200, Tests=1919, 687 wallclock secs ( 7.59 usr  1.23 sys + 639.13 cusr 44.69 csys = 692.64 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Makefile:3095: recipe for target '_tests' failed
make[1]: *** [_tests] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/openssl/run-checker/no-tls1_3'
Makefile:3093: recipe for target 'tests' failed
make: *** [tests] Error 2

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