[openssl] master update

dev at ddvo.net dev at ddvo.net
Tue Jan 19 16:25:51 UTC 2021

The branch master has been updated
       via  c972577684f8627267556f0bffa3c4035e9456e4 (commit)
      from  83b6dc8dc739ce7ca82652461bea92c31e634a57 (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit c972577684f8627267556f0bffa3c4035e9456e4
Author: Dr. David von Oheimb <David.von.Oheimb at siemens.com>
Date:   Sat Dec 19 19:50:16 2020 +0100

    util/check-format.pl: Minor improvements of whitespace checks
    Reviewed-by: Tomas Mraz <tomas at openssl.org>
    (Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/13710)


Summary of changes:
 util/check-format-test-negatives.c |  4 ++--
 util/check-format-test-positives.c |  4 +++-
 util/check-format.pl               | 12 ++++++------
 3 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/util/check-format-test-negatives.c b/util/check-format-test-negatives.c
index 3ce0740bc1..eb67d39a3d 100644
--- a/util/check-format-test-negatives.c
+++ b/util/check-format-test-negatives.c
@@ -242,9 +242,9 @@ struct s_type
 #define X  1          + 1
 #define Y  /* .. */ 2 + 2
-#define Z  3          + 3
+#define Z  3          + 3 * (*a++)
-static varref cmp_vars[] = { /* comment */
+static varref cmp_vars[] = { /* comment.  comment?  comment!  */
     {&opt_config}, {&opt_section},
     {&opt_server}, {&opt_proxy}, {&opt_path},
diff --git a/util/check-format-test-positives.c b/util/check-format-test-positives.c
index c2ad61f0d2..cd64ee7997 100644
--- a/util/check-format-test-positives.c
+++ b/util/check-format-test-positives.c
@@ -42,7 +42,9 @@
 *@ multi-line comment indent off by -1
  *X*@ no spc after leading '*' in multi-line comment, reported unless sloppy-spc
  *@0 more than two spaces after .   in comment, reported unless sloppy-spc
-*/ /*@2 multi-line comment end indent off by -1 (relative to comment start) */
+ *@0 more than two spaces after ?   in comment, reported unless sloppy-spc
+ *@0 more than two spaces after !   in comment, reported unless sloppy-spc
+*/ /*@ multi-line comment end indent off by -1 (relative to comment start) */
 */ /*@ unexpected comment ending delimiter outside comment */
 /*@ comment line is 4 columns tooooooooooooooooo wide, reported unless sloppy-len */
 /*@ comment line is 5 columns toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo wide */
diff --git a/util/check-format.pl b/util/check-format.pl
index 3230dc31fb..a1f796c749 100755
--- a/util/check-format.pl
+++ b/util/check-format.pl
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ sub blind_nonspace { # blind non-space text of comment as @, preserving length a
     # the @ character is used because it cannot occur in normal program code so there is no confusion
     # comment text is not blinded to whitespace in order to be able to check double SPC also in comments
     my $comment_text = shift;
-    $comment_text =~ s/\.\s\s/.. /g; # in double SPC checks allow one extra space after period '.' in comments
+    $comment_text =~ s/([\.\?\!])\s\s/$1. /g; # in double SPC checks allow one extra space after period '.', '?', or '!' in comments
     return $comment_text =~ tr/ /@/cr;
@@ -675,17 +675,17 @@ while (<>) { # loop over all lines of all input files
         report("no SPC before '=' or '<op>='") if $intra_line =~ m/\S(=)/;   # '=' etc. without preceding space
         report("no SPC before '$1'")  if $intra_line =~ m/\S([|\/%<>^\?])/;  # |/%<>^? without preceding space
         # TODO ternary ':' without preceding SPC, while allowing no SPC before ':' after 'case'
-        report("no SPC before '$1'")  if $intra_line =~ m/[^\s{()\[]([+\-])/;# +/- without preceding space or {()[
+        report("no SPC before binary '$1'")  if $intra_line =~ m/[^\s{()\[]([+\-])/;# +/- without preceding space or {()[
                                                                              # or ')' (which is used f type casts)
-        report("no SPC before '$1'")  if $intra_line =~ m/[^\s{()\[*]([*])/; # '*' without preceding space or {()[*
-        report("no SPC before '$1'")  if $intra_line =~ m/[^\s{()\[]([&])/;  # '&' without preceding space or {()[
+        report("no SPC before binary '$1'")  if $intra_line =~ m/[^\s{()\[*]([*])/; # '*' without preceding space or {()[*
+        report("no SPC before binary '$1'")  if $intra_line =~ m/[^\s{()\[]([&])/;  # '&' without preceding space or {()[
         report("no SPC after ternary '$1'") if $intra_line =~ m/(:)[^\s\d]/; # ':' without following space or digit
         report("no SPC after '$1'")   if $intra_line =~ m/([,;=|\/%<>^\?])\S/; # ,;=|/%<>^? without following space
-        report("no SPC after binary '$1'") if $intra_line=~m/([*])[^\sa-zA-Z_(),*]/;# '*' w/o space or \w(),* after
+        report("no SPC after binary '$1'") if $intra_line=~m/[^{(\[]([*])[^\sa-zA-Z_(),*]/;# '*' w/o space or \w(),* after
         # TODO unary '*' must not be followed by SPC
         report("no SPC after binary '$1'") if $intra_line=~m/([&])[^\sa-zA-Z_(]/;  # '&' w/o following space or \w(
         # TODO unary '&' must not be followed by SPC
-        report("no SPC after binary '$1'") if $intra_line=~m/([+\-])[^\s\d(]/;  # +/- w/o following space or \d(
+        report("no SPC after binary '$1'") if $intra_line=~m/[^{(\[]([+\-])[^\s\d(]/;  # +/- w/o following space or \d(
         # TODO unary '+' and '-' must not be followed by SPC
         report("no SPC after '$2'")   if $intra_line =~ m/(^|\W)(if|while|for|switch|case)[^\w\s]/; # kw w/o SPC
         report("no SPC after '$2'")   if $intra_line =~ m/(^|\W)(return)[^\w\s;]/;  # return w/o SPC or ';'

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