[openssl] master update

Richard Levitte levitte at openssl.org
Wed Mar 3 13:49:10 UTC 2021

The branch master has been updated
       via  33ac7b324bdf6791b3ec4a2e3bde74fee8686ff4 (commit)
       via  c9b0214edeb7fdbedd36cf403583e016d9fbbd38 (commit)
       via  e25b4db754b2327be27fa0c1a4f6e66f57368293 (commit)
       via  e9d74dbd3676603a257cedcdcbd720a3a9a775a5 (commit)
       via  05869bba7fbe59d04bb8605b81b470d4dedb38ac (commit)
       via  79f47ef507c945f4c73bcf8eb12f2caef19dc04e (commit)
       via  3f399e3787788b1cc3832e254c53cda42873d847 (commit)
      from  8593ff00cc66e330228164ae5422f80ef93ed35d (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 33ac7b324bdf6791b3ec4a2e3bde74fee8686ff4
Author: Richard Levitte <levitte at openssl.org>
Date:   Fri Feb 26 10:46:27 2021 +0100

    Add a new test recipe to verify the generated test fipsmodule.cnf
    Reviewed-by: Tomas Mraz <tomas at openssl.org>
    (Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/14320)

commit c9b0214edeb7fdbedd36cf403583e016d9fbbd38
Author: Richard Levitte <levitte at openssl.org>
Date:   Thu Feb 25 19:40:50 2021 +0100

    Fix the perl code to get FIPSMODULENAME
    Reviewed-by: Tomas Mraz <tomas at openssl.org>
    (Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/14320)

commit e25b4db754b2327be27fa0c1a4f6e66f57368293
Author: Richard Levitte <levitte at openssl.org>
Date:   Tue Sep 29 10:26:19 2020 +0200

    TEST: Remove the build of fipsmodule.cnf from test recipes
    The exception is the test recipe that tests 'openssl fipsinstall'.
    However, that one uses a different output file name, so it's safe.
    Reviewed-by: Tomas Mraz <tomas at openssl.org>
    (Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/14320)

commit e9d74dbd3676603a257cedcdcbd720a3a9a775a5
Author: Richard Levitte <levitte at openssl.org>
Date:   Mon Sep 28 21:29:56 2020 +0200

    APPS: Modify 'fipsinstall' to output all notifications on stderr
    The actual output of the 'fipsinstall' is the config file it outputs.
    It should be possible to output that to standard output, and diverse
    notification messages shouldn't be mixed in.  Therefore, we output
    them to standard error instead.
    Reviewed-by: Tomas Mraz <tomas at openssl.org>
    (Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/14320)

commit 05869bba7fbe59d04bb8605b81b470d4dedb38ac
Author: Richard Levitte <levitte at openssl.org>
Date:   Thu Feb 25 17:46:36 2021 +0100

    Make 'tests' depend on a generated 'providers/fipsmodule.cnf'
    providers/fipsmodule.cnf is generated using 'openssl fipsinstall' with
    the openssl program in the build directory.
    Fixes #14315
    Reviewed-by: Tomas Mraz <tomas at openssl.org>
    (Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/14320)

commit 79f47ef507c945f4c73bcf8eb12f2caef19dc04e
Author: Richard Levitte <levitte at openssl.org>
Date:   Thu Feb 25 17:43:57 2021 +0100

    build.info: Make it possible to use compiled programs as generators
    Our goal is to be able to produce fipsmodule.cnf with the help of
    'openssl fipsinstall', using the openssl program that we build.
    This refactors the generatesrc code in all the build file templates to
    replace $generator and $generator_incs with $gen0, $gen_args and $gen_incs,
    which makes it easier and more consistent to manipulate different bits
    of the generator command, and also keeps the variable names consistent
    while not overly long.
    Reviewed-by: Tomas Mraz <tomas at openssl.org>
    (Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/14320)

commit 3f399e3787788b1cc3832e254c53cda42873d847
Author: Richard Levitte <levitte at openssl.org>
Date:   Thu Feb 25 16:55:39 2021 +0100

    build.info: Add the possibility to add dependencies on raw targets
    We need to add something for the 'tests' target to depend on, so a
    special syntax for those is introduced:
    Reviewed-by: Tomas Mraz <tomas at openssl.org>
    (Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/14320)


Summary of changes:
 Configurations/common.tmpl             |  18 ++++-
 Configurations/descrip.mms.tmpl        | 130 +++++++++++++++++++++---------
 Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl      | 141 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 Configurations/windows-makefile.tmpl   | 129 +++++++++++++++++++++---------
 Configure                              |  24 ++++--
 apps/fipsinstall.c                     |  12 +--
 doc/internal/man7/build.info.pod       |   6 ++
 providers/build.info                   |  10 +++
 test/recipes/01-test_fipsmodule_cnf.t  |  37 +++++++++
 test/recipes/03-test_fipsinstall.t     |   7 +-
 test/recipes/15-test_gendsa.t          |  11 +--
 test/recipes/15-test_genrsa.t          |  11 +--
 test/recipes/15-test_rsaoaep.t         |  40 ++++------
 test/recipes/20-test_cli_fips.t        |  17 +---
 test/recipes/30-test_acvp.t            |  10 +--
 test/recipes/30-test_defltfips.t       |  10 +--
 test/recipes/30-test_evp.t             |  11 ---
 test/recipes/30-test_evp_fetch_prov.t  |  15 +---
 test/recipes/30-test_evp_libctx.t      |   8 +-
 test/recipes/30-test_provider_status.t |  10 +--
 test/recipes/65-test_cmp_client.t      |   8 +-
 test/recipes/65-test_cmp_msg.t         |   8 +-
 test/recipes/65-test_cmp_protect.t     |   8 +-
 test/recipes/65-test_cmp_server.t      |   8 +-
 test/recipes/65-test_cmp_vfy.t         |   8 +-
 test/recipes/80-test_cmp_http.t        |   2 +-
 test/recipes/80-test_cms.t             |   8 --
 test/recipes/80-test_ssl_new.t         |  12 +--
 test/recipes/80-test_ssl_old.t         |  12 +--
 test/recipes/81-test_cmp_cli.t         |   2 +-
 test/recipes/90-test_sslapi.t          |   8 +-
 test/recipes/90-test_threads.t         |  12 +--
 32 files changed, 411 insertions(+), 342 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 test/recipes/01-test_fipsmodule_cnf.t

diff --git a/Configurations/common.tmpl b/Configurations/common.tmpl
index 5db3471fe2..e25a61fbed 100644
--- a/Configurations/common.tmpl
+++ b/Configurations/common.tmpl
@@ -137,6 +137,8 @@
  # generated source file.
  sub dogenerate {
      my $src = shift;
+     # Safety measure
+     return "" unless defined $unified_info{generate}->{$_};
      return "" if $cache{$src};
      my $obj = shift;
      my $bin = shift;
@@ -171,6 +173,17 @@
      $cache{$src} = 1;
+ sub dotarget {
+     my $target = shift;
+     return "" if $cache{$target};
+     $OUT .= generatetarget(target => $target,
+                            deps => $unified_info{depends}->{$target});
+     foreach (@{$unified_info{depends}->{$target}}) {
+         dogenerate($_);
+     }
+     $cache{$target} = 1;
+ }
  # doobj is responsible for producing all the recipes that build
  # object files as well as dependency files.
  sub doobj {
@@ -463,11 +476,12 @@
  # Start with populating the cache with all the overrides
  %cache = map { $_ => 1 } @{$unified_info{overrides}};
- # Build mandatory generated headers
+ # Build mandatory header file generators
  foreach (@{$unified_info{depends}->{""}}) { dogenerate($_); }
- # Build all known libraries, modules, programs and scripts.
+ # Build all known targets, libraries, modules, programs and scripts.
  # Everything else will be handled as a consequence.
+ foreach (@{$unified_info{targets}})   { dotarget($_); }
  foreach (@{$unified_info{libraries}}) { dolib($_);    }
  foreach (@{$unified_info{modules}})   { domodule($_); }
  foreach (@{$unified_info{programs}})  { dobin($_);    }
diff --git a/Configurations/descrip.mms.tmpl b/Configurations/descrip.mms.tmpl
index 3f015a0eb5..a3b3a44785 100644
--- a/Configurations/descrip.mms.tmpl
+++ b/Configurations/descrip.mms.tmpl
@@ -122,12 +122,13 @@ SHLIB_TARGET={- $target{shared_target} -}
 LIBS={- join(", ", map { "-\n\t".$_.".OLB" } @libs) -}
 SHLIBS={- join(", ", map { "-\n\t".$_.".EXE" } @shlibs) -}
 FIPSMODULENAME={- # We do some extra checking here, as there should be only one
+                  use File::Basename;
                   my @fipsmodules =
                       grep { !$unified_info{attributes}->{modules}->{$_}->{noinst}
                              && $unified_info{attributes}->{modules}->{$_}->{fips} }
                   die "More that one FIPS module" if scalar @fipsmodules > 1;
-                  join(", ", map { basename platform->dso($_) } @fipsmodules) -}
+                  join(", ", map { basename(platform->dso($_)) } @fipsmodules) -}
 MODULES={- join(", ", map { "-\n\t".$_.".EXE" } @{$unified_info{modules}}) -}
 PROGRAMS={- join(", ", map { "-\n\t".$_.".EXE" } @{$unified_info{programs}}) -}
 SCRIPTS={- join(", ", map { "-\n\t".$_ } @{$unified_info{scripts}}) -}
@@ -795,21 +796,37 @@ reconfigure reconf :
       return ([ @before ], [ @after ]);
+  sub generatetarget {
+      my %args = @_;
+      my $deps = join(" ", @{$args{deps}});
+      return <<"EOF";
+$args{target} : $deps
+  }
   sub generatesrc {
       my %args = @_;
-      my $generator = join(" ", @{$args{generator}});
-      my $generator_incs = join("", map { ' "-I'.$_.'"' } @{$args{generator_incs}});
+      my $gen0 = $args{generator}->[0];
+      my $gen_args = join('', map { " $_" }
+                              @{$args{generator}}[1..$#{$args{generator}}]);
+      my $gen_incs = join("", map { ' "-I'.$_.'"' } @{$args{generator_incs}});
       my $deps = join(", -\n\t\t", @{$args{generator_deps}}, @{$args{deps}});
       if ($args{src} =~ /\.html$/) {
-	  my $title = basename($args{src}, ".html");
-	  my $pod = $args{generator}->[0];
-	  my $mkpod2html = sourcefile('util', 'mkpod2html.pl');
-	  return <<"EOF";
+          #
+          # HTML generator
+          #
+          my $title = basename($args{src}, ".html");
+          my $pod = $gen0;
+          my $mkpod2html = sourcefile('util', 'mkpod2html.pl');
+          return <<"EOF";
 $args{src}: $pod
 	\$(PERL) $mkpod2html -i $pod -o \$\@ -t "$title" -r "\$(SRCDIR)/doc"
       } elsif (platform->isdef($args{src})) {
+          #
+          # Linker script-ish generator
+          #
           my $target = platform->def($args{src});
           my $mkdef = sourcefile('util', 'mkdef.pl');
           my $ord_ver = $args{intent} eq 'lib' ? ' --version $(VERSION)' : '';
@@ -819,31 +836,13 @@ EOF
               $target{$args{intent}.'_cflags'} =~ m|/NAMES=[^/]*AS_IS|i
               ? '' : ' --case-insensitive';
           return <<"EOF";
-$target : $args{generator}->[0] $deps $mkdef
-	\$(PERL) $mkdef$ord_ver --ordinals $args{generator}->[0] --name $ord_name "--OS" "VMS"$case_insensitive > $target
-      } elsif (!platform->isasm($args{src})) {
-          my $target = $args{src};
-          if ($args{generator}->[0] =~ m|^.*\.in$|) {
-	      my $dofile = abs2rel(rel2abs(catfile($config{sourcedir},
-                                                   "util", "dofile.pl")),
-                                   rel2abs($config{builddir}));
-              my @modules = ( 'configdata.pm',
-                              grep { $_ =~ m|\.pm$| } @{$args{deps}} );
-              my %moduleincs = map { '"-I'.dirname($_).'"' => 1 } @modules;
-              @modules = map { '"-M'.basename($_, '.pm').'"' } @modules;
-              my $modules = join(' ', '', sort keys %moduleincs, @modules);
-              return <<"EOF";
-$target : $args{generator}->[0] $deps
-	\$(PERL)$modules $dofile "-o$target{build_file}" $generator > \$\@
-	  } else {
-              return <<"EOF";
-$target : $args{generator}->[0] $deps
-	\$(PERL)$generator_incs $generator > \$\@
+$target : $gen0 $deps $mkdef
+	\$(PERL) $mkdef$ord_ver --ordinals $gen0 --name $ord_name "--OS" "VMS"$case_insensitive > $target
-	  }
-      } else {
+      } elsif (platform->isasm($args{src})) {
+          #
+          # Assembler generator
+          #
           my $cppflags = {
               shlib => '$(LIB_CFLAGS) $(LIB_CPPFLAGS)',
               lib => '$(LIB_CFLAGS) $(LIB_CPPFLAGS)',
@@ -862,13 +861,14 @@ EOF
           my $defs = join("", map { ",".$_ } @{$args{defs}});
           my $target = platform->asm($args{src});
-          if ($args{generator}->[0] =~ /\.pl$/) {
-              $generator = '$(PERL)'.$generator_incs.' '.$generator
+          my $generator;
+          if ($gen0 =~ /\.pl$/) {
+              $generator = '$(PERL)'.$gen_incs.' '.$gen0.$gen_args
                   .' '.$cppflags;
-          } elsif ($args{generator}->[0] =~ /\.S$/) {
+          } elsif ($gen0 =~ /\.S$/) {
               $generator = undef;
           } else {
-              die "Generator type for $src unknown: $generator\n";
+              die "Generator type for $src unknown: $gen0.$gen_args\n";
           if (defined($generator)) {
@@ -876,7 +876,7 @@ EOF
               # end up generating foo.s in two steps.
               if ($args{src} =~ /\.S$/) {
                    return <<"EOF";
-$target : $args{generator}->[0] $deps
+$target : $gen0 $deps
 	$generator \$\@-S
         \@ $incs_on
         \@ extradefines = "$defs"
@@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ EOF
               # Otherwise....
               return <<"EOF";
-$target : $args{generator}->[0] $deps
+$target : $gen0 $deps
         \@ $incs_on
         \@ extradefines = "$defs"
 	$generator \$\@
@@ -899,14 +899,66 @@ $target : $args{generator}->[0] $deps
           return <<"EOF";
-$target : $args{generator}->[0] $deps
+$target : $gen0 $deps
         \@ $incs_on
         \@ extradefines = "$defs"
         SHOW SYMBOL qual_includes
-        PIPE \$(CPP) $cppflags $args{generator}->[0] | -
+        PIPE \$(CPP) $cppflags $gen0 | -
         \$(PERL) "-ne" "/^#(\\s*line)?\\s*[0-9]+\\s+""/ or print" > \$\@
         \@ DELETE/SYMBOL/LOCAL extradefines
         \@ $incs_off
+      } elsif ($gen0 =~ m|^.*\.in$|) {
+          #
+          # "dofile" generator (file.in -> file)
+          #
+          my $dofile = abs2rel(rel2abs(catfile($config{sourcedir},
+                                               "util", "dofile.pl")),
+                               rel2abs($config{builddir}));
+          my @modules = ( 'configdata.pm',
+                          grep { $_ =~ m|\.pm$| } @{$args{deps}} );
+          my %moduleincs = map { '"-I'.dirname($_).'"' => 1 } @modules;
+          $deps = join(' ', $deps, @modules);
+          @modules = map { '"-M'.basename($_, '.pm').'"' } @modules;
+          my $modules = join(' ', '', sort keys %moduleincs, @modules);
+          return <<"EOF";
+$target : $gen0 $deps
+	\$(PERL)$modules $dofile "-o$target{build_file}" $gen0$gen_args > \$\@
+      } elsif (grep { $_ eq $gen0 } @{$unified_info{programs}}) {
+          #
+          # Generic generator using OpenSSL programs
+          #
+          # Redo $deps, because programs aren't expected to have deps of their
+          # own.  This is a little more tricky, though, because running programs
+          # may have dependencies on all sorts of files, so we search through
+          # our database of programs and modules to see if our dependencies
+          # are one of those.
+          $deps = join(' ', map { my $x = $_;
+                                  if (grep { $x eq $_ }
+                                          @{$unified_info{programs}}) {
+                                      platform->bin($x);
+                                  } elsif (grep { $x eq $_ }
+                                          @{$unified_info{modules}}) {
+                                      platform->dso($x);
+                                  } else {
+                                      $x;
+                                  }
+                                } @{$args{deps}});
+          # Also redo $gen0, to ensure that we have the proper extension
+          $gen0 = platform->bin($gen0);
+          return <<"EOF";
+$args{src}: $gen0 $deps
+	PIPE $gen0$gen_args > \$@
+      } else {
+          #
+          # Generic generator using Perl
+          #
+          return <<"EOF";
+$target : $gen0 $deps
+	\$(PERL)$gen_incs $gen0$gen_args > \$\@
diff --git a/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl b/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl
index aa4b3ec0ec..249652296c 100644
--- a/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl
+++ b/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl
@@ -89,12 +89,13 @@ MODULES={- join(" \\\n" . ' ' x 8,
                            map { platform->dso($_) }
                            @{$unified_info{modules}})) -}
 FIPSMODULENAME={- # We do some extra checking here, as there should be only one
+                  use File::Basename;
                   my @fipsmodules =
                       grep { !$unified_info{attributes}->{modules}->{$_}->{noinst}
                              && $unified_info{attributes}->{modules}->{$_}->{fips} }
                   die "More that one FIPS module" if scalar @fipsmodules > 1;
-                  join(" ", map { basename platform->dso($_) } @fipsmodules) -}
+                  join(" ", map { basename(platform->dso($_)) } @fipsmodules) -}
 PROGRAMS={- join(" \\\n" . ' ' x 9,
                  fill_lines(" ", $COLUMNS - 9,
@@ -1305,60 +1306,62 @@ reconfigure reconf:
                  } @_;
+  sub generatetarget {
+      my %args = @_;
+      my $deps = join(" ", @{$args{deps}});
+      return <<"EOF";
+$args{target}: $deps
+  }
   sub generatesrc {
       my %args = @_;
-      my $generator = join(" ", @{$args{generator}});
-      my $generator_incs = join("", map { " -I".$_ } @{$args{generator_incs}});
+      my $gen0 = $args{generator}->[0];
+      my $gen_args = join('', map { " $_" }
+                              @{$args{generator}}[1..$#{$args{generator}}]);
+      my $gen_incs = join("", map { " -I".$_ } @{$args{generator_incs}});
       my $incs = join("", map { " -I".$_ } @{$args{incs}});
       my $defs = join("", map { " -D".$_ } @{$args{defs}});
       my $deps = join(" ", @{$args{generator_deps}}, @{$args{deps}});
       if ($args{src} =~ /\.html$/) {
-	  my $title = basename($args{src}, ".html");
-	  my $pod = $args{generator}->[0];
-	  return <<"EOF";
+          #
+          # HTML generator
+          #
+          my $title = basename($args{src}, ".html");
+          my $pod = $gen0;
+          return <<"EOF";
 $args{src}: $pod
 	\$(PERL) \$(SRCDIR)/util/mkpod2html.pl -i "$pod" -o \$\@ -t "$title" -r "\$(SRCDIR)/doc"
       } elsif ($args{src} =~ /\.(\d)$/) {
-	  my $section = $1;
-	  my $name = uc basename($args{src}, ".$section");
-	  my $pod = $args{generator}->[0];
-	  return <<"EOF";
+          #
+          # Man-page generator
+          #
+          my $section = $1;
+          my $name = uc basename($args{src}, ".$section");
+          my $pod = $gen0;
+          return <<"EOF";
 $args{src}: $pod
 	pod2man --name=$name --section=$section --center=OpenSSL \\
 		--release=\$(VERSION) $pod >\$\@
       } elsif (platform->isdef($args{src})) {
+          #
+          # Linker script-ish generator
+          #
           my $target = platform->def($args{src});
           (my $mkdef_os = $target{shared_target}) =~ s|-shared$||;
           my $ord_ver = $args{intent} eq 'lib' ? ' --version $(VERSION)' : '';
           my $ord_name = $args{generator}->[1] || $args{product};
           return <<"EOF";
-$target: $args{generator}->[0] $deps \$(SRCDIR)/util/mkdef.pl
-	\$(PERL) \$(SRCDIR)/util/mkdef.pl$ord_ver --ordinals $args{generator}->[0]  --name $ord_name --OS $mkdef_os > $target
+$target: $gen0 $deps \$(SRCDIR)/util/mkdef.pl
+	\$(PERL) \$(SRCDIR)/util/mkdef.pl$ord_ver --ordinals $gen0  --name $ord_name --OS $mkdef_os > $target
-      } elsif (!platform->isasm($args{src})) {
-          if ($args{generator}->[0] =~ m|^.*\.in$|) {
-              my $dofile = abs2rel(rel2abs(catfile($config{sourcedir},
-                                                   "util", "dofile.pl")),
-                                   rel2abs($config{builddir}));
-              my @modules = ( 'configdata.pm',
-                              grep { $_ =~ m|\.pm$| } @{$args{deps}} );
-              my %moduleincs = map { '"-I'.dirname($_).'"' => 1 } @modules;
-              @modules = map { "-M".basename($_, '.pm') } @modules;
-              my $modules = join(' ', '', sort keys %moduleincs, @modules);
-              return <<"EOF";
-$args{src}: $args{generator}->[0] $deps \$(BLDDIR)/configdata.pm
-	\$(PERL)$modules "$dofile" "-o$target{build_file}" $generator > \$@
-	  } else {
-              return <<"EOF";
-$args{src}: $args{generator}->[0] $deps
-	\$(PERL)$generator_incs $generator > \$@
-	  }
-      } else {
+      } elsif (platform->isasm($args{src})) {
+          #
+          # Assembler generator
+          #
           my $cppflags = {
               shlib => '$(LIB_CFLAGS) $(LIB_CPPFLAGS)',
               lib => '$(LIB_CFLAGS) $(LIB_CPPFLAGS)',
@@ -1366,27 +1369,81 @@ EOF
               bin => '$(BIN_CFLAGS) $(BIN_CPPFLAGS)'
           } -> {$args{intent}};
-          if ($args{generator}->[0] =~ /\.pl$/) {
-              $generator = 'CC="$(CC)" $(PERL)'.$generator_incs.' '.$generator
+          my $generator;
+          if ($gen0 =~ /\.pl$/) {
+              $generator = 'CC="$(CC)" $(PERL)'.$gen_incs.' '.$gen0.$gen_args
                   .' "$(PERLASM_SCHEME)"'.$incs.' '.$cppflags.$defs.' $(PROCESSOR)';
-          } elsif ($args{generator}->[0] =~ /\.m4$/) {
-              $generator = 'm4 -B 8192'.$generator_incs.' '.$generator.' >'
-          } elsif ($args{generator}->[0] =~ /\.S$/) {
+          } elsif ($gen0 =~ /\.m4$/) {
+              $generator = 'm4 -B 8192'.$gen_incs.' '.$gen0.$gen_args.' >'
+          } elsif ($gen0 =~ /\.S$/) {
               $generator = undef;
           } else {
-              die "Generator type for $args{src} unknown: $generator\n";
+              die "Generator type for $args{src} unknown: $gen0\n";
           if (defined($generator)) {
               return <<"EOF";
-$args{src}: $args{generator}->[0] $deps
+$args{src}: $gen0 $deps
 	$generator \$@
           return <<"EOF";
-$args{src}: $args{generator}->[0] $deps
-	\$(CC) $incs $cppflags $defs -E $args{generator}->[0] | \\
+$args{src}: $gen0 $deps
+	\$(CC) $incs $cppflags $defs -E $gen0 | \\
 	\$(PERL) -ne '/^#(line)?\\s*[0-9]+/ or print' > \$@
+      } elsif ($gen0 =~ m|^.*\.in$|) {
+          #
+          # "dofile" generator (file.in -> file)
+          #
+          my $dofile = abs2rel(rel2abs(catfile($config{sourcedir},
+                                               "util", "dofile.pl")),
+                               rel2abs($config{builddir}));
+          my @modules = ( 'configdata.pm',
+                          grep { $_ =~ m|\.pm$| } @{$args{deps}} );
+          my %moduleincs = map { '"-I'.dirname($_).'"' => 1 } @modules;
+          $deps = join(' ', $deps, @modules);
+          @modules = map { "-M".basename($_, '.pm') } @modules;
+          my $modules = join(' ', '', sort keys %moduleincs, @modules);
+          return <<"EOF";
+$args{src}: $gen0 $deps
+	\$(PERL)$modules "$dofile" "-o$target{build_file}" $gen0$gen_args > \$@
+      } elsif (grep { $_ eq $gen0 } @{$unified_info{programs}}) {
+          #
+          # Generic generator using OpenSSL programs
+          #
+          # Redo $deps, because programs aren't expected to have deps of their
+          # own.  This is a little more tricky, though, because running programs
+          # may have dependencies on all sorts of files, so we search through
+          # our database of programs and modules to see if our dependencies
+          # are one of those.
+          $deps = join(' ', map { my $x = $_;
+                                  if (grep { $x eq $_ }
+                                          @{$unified_info{programs}}) {
+                                      platform->bin($x);
+                                  } elsif (grep { $x eq $_ }
+                                          @{$unified_info{modules}}) {
+                                      platform->dso($x);
+                                  } else {
+                                      $x;
+                                  }
+                                } @{$args{deps}});
+          # Also redo $gen0, to ensure that we have the proper extension where
+          # necessary.
+          $gen0 = platform->bin($gen0);
+          return <<"EOF";
+$args{src}: $gen0 $deps \$(BLDDIR)/util/wrap.pl
+	\$(BLDDIR)/util/wrap.pl $gen0$gen_args > \$@
+      } else {
+          #
+          # Generic generator using Perl
+          #
+          return <<"EOF";
+$args{src}: $gen0 $deps
+	\$(PERL)$gen_incs $gen0$gen_args > \$@
diff --git a/Configurations/windows-makefile.tmpl b/Configurations/windows-makefile.tmpl
index ce042d6ee8..846c500bef 100644
--- a/Configurations/windows-makefile.tmpl
+++ b/Configurations/windows-makefile.tmpl
@@ -52,12 +52,13 @@ MODULES={- our @MODULES = map { platform->dso($_) } @{$unified_info{modules}};
            join(" ", @MODULES) -}
 MODULEPDBS={- join(" ", map { platform->dsopdb($_) } @{$unified_info{modules}}) -}
 FIPSMODULENAME={- # We do some extra checking here, as there should be only one
+                  use File::Basename;
                   my @fipsmodules =
                       grep { !$unified_info{attributes}->{modules}->{$_}->{noinst}
                              && $unified_info{attributes}->{modules}->{$_}->{fips} }
                   die "More that one FIPS module" if scalar @fipsmodules > 1;
-                  join(" ", map { basename platform->dso($_) } @fipsmodules) -}
+                  join(" ", map { basename(platform->dso($_)) } @fipsmodules) -}
 PROGRAMS={- our @PROGRAMS = map { platform->bin($_) } @{$unified_info{programs}}; join(" ", @PROGRAMS) -}
 PROGRAMPDBS={- join(" ", map { $_.".pdb" } @{$unified_info{programs}}) -}
 SCRIPTS={- our @SCRIPTS = @{$unified_info{scripts}}; join(" ", @SCRIPTS) -}
@@ -627,24 +628,39 @@ reconfigure reconf:
      return map { platform->sharedlib_import($_) // platform->staticlib($_) } @_;
+  sub generatetarget {
+      my %args = @_;
+      my $deps = join(" ", @{$args{deps}});
+      return <<"EOF";
+$args{target}: $deps
+  }
   sub generatesrc {
       my %args = @_;
-      my ($gen0, @gens) = @{$args{generator}};
-      my $generator = '"'.$gen0.'"'.join('', map { " $_" } @gens);
-      my $generator_incs = join("", map { " -I \"$_\"" } @{$args{generator_incs}});
+      my $gen0 = $args{generator}->[0];
+      my $gen_args = join('', map { " $_" }
+                              @{$args{generator}}[1..$#{$args{generator}}]);
+      my $gen_incs = join("", map { " -I \"$_\"" } @{$args{generator_incs}});
       my $incs = join("", map { " -I \"$_\"" } @{$args{incs}});
       my $defs = join("", map { " -D".$_ } @{$args{defs}});
       my $deps = @{$args{deps}} ?
           '"'.join('" "', @{$args{generator_deps}}, @{$args{deps}}).'"' : '';
       if ($args{src} =~ /\.html$/) {
-	  my $title = basename($args{src}, ".html");
-	  my $pod = $args{generator}->[0];
-	  return <<"EOF";
+          #
+          # HTML generator
+          #
+          my $title = basename($args{src}, ".html");
+          my $pod = $gen0;
+          return <<"EOF";
 $args{src}: "$pod"
 	\$(PERL) \$(SRCDIR)/util/mkpod2html.pl -i "$pod" -o \$\@ -t "$title" -r "\$(SRCDIR)/doc"
       } elsif (platform->isdef($args{src})) {
+          #
+          # Linker script-ish generator
+          #
           my $target = platform->def($args{src});
           my $mkdef = abs2rel(rel2abs(catfile($config{sourcedir},
                                               "util", "mkdef.pl")),
@@ -653,31 +669,13 @@ EOF
           my $ord_name =
               $args{generator}->[1] || platform->dsoname($args{product});
           return <<"EOF";
-$target: $args{generator}->[0] $deps $mkdef
-	"\$(PERL)" $mkdef$ord_ver --ordinals $args{generator}->[0] --name $ord_name --OS windows > $target
-      } elsif (!platform->isasm($args{src})) {
-          my $target = $args{src};
-          if ($args{generator}->[0] =~ m|^.*\.in$|) {
-              my $dofile = abs2rel(rel2abs(catfile($config{sourcedir},
-                                                   "util", "dofile.pl")),
-                                   rel2abs($config{builddir}));
-              my @modules = ( 'configdata.pm',
-                              grep { $_ =~ m|\.pm$| } @{$args{deps}} );
-              my %moduleincs = map { '"-I'.dirname($_).'"' => 1 } @modules;
-              @modules = map { "-M".basename($_, '.pm') } @modules;
-              my $modules = join(' ', '', sort keys %moduleincs, @modules);
-              return <<"EOF";
-$target: "$args{generator}->[0]" $deps
-	"\$(PERL)"$modules "$dofile" "-o$target{build_file}" $generator > \$@
-	  } else {
-              return <<"EOF";
-$target: "$args{generator}->[0]" $deps
-	"\$(PERL)"$generator_incs $generator > \$@
+$target: $gen0 $deps $mkdef
+	"\$(PERL)" $mkdef$ord_ver --ordinals $gen0 --name $ord_name --OS windows > $target
-	  }
-      } else {
+      } elsif (platform->isasm($args{src})) {
+          #
+          # Assembler generator
+          #
           my $cppflags = {
               shlib => '$(LIB_CFLAGS) $(LIB_CPPFLAGS)',
               lib => '$(LIB_CFLAGS) $(LIB_CPPFLAGS)',
@@ -686,13 +684,14 @@ EOF
           } -> {$args{intent}};
           my $target = platform->asm($args{src});
-          if ($args{generator}->[0] =~ /\.pl$/) {
-              $generator = '"$(PERL)"'.$generator_incs.' '.$generator
+          my $generator;
+          if ($gen0 =~ /\.pl$/) {
+              $generator = '"$(PERL)"'.$gen_incs.' '.$gen0.$gen_args
                   .' "$(PERLASM_SCHEME)"'.$incs.' '.$cppflags.$defs.' $(PROCESSSOR)';
-          } elsif ($args{generator}->[0] =~ /\.S$/) {
+          } elsif ($gen0 =~ /\.S$/) {
               $generator = undef;
           } else {
-              die "Generator type for $src unknown: $generator\n";
+              die "Generator type for $src unknown: $gen0\n";
           if (defined($generator)) {
@@ -700,7 +699,7 @@ EOF
               # end up generating foo.s in two steps.
               if ($args{src} =~ /\.S$/) {
                    return <<"EOF";
-$target: "$args{generator}->[0]" $deps
+$target: "$gen0" $deps
 	set ASM=\$(AS)
 	$generator \$@.S
 	\$(CPP) $incs $cppflags $defs \$@.S > \$@.i && move /Y \$@.i \$@
@@ -709,14 +708,66 @@ EOF
               # Otherwise....
               return <<"EOF";
-$target: "$args{generator}->[0]" $deps
+$target: "$gen0" $deps
 	set ASM=\$(AS)
 	$generator \$@
           return <<"EOF";
-$target: "$args{generator}->[0]" $deps
-	\$(CPP) $incs $cppflags $defs "$args{generator}->[0]" > \$@.i && move /Y \$@.i \$@
+$target: "$gen0" $deps
+	\$(CPP) $incs $cppflags $defs "$gen0" > \$@.i && move /Y \$@.i \$@
+      } elsif ($gen0 =~ m|^.*\.in$|) {
+          #
+          # "dofile" generator (file.in -> file)
+          #
+          my $dofile = abs2rel(rel2abs(catfile($config{sourcedir},
+                                               "util", "dofile.pl")),
+                               rel2abs($config{builddir}));
+          my @modules = ( 'configdata.pm',
+                          grep { $_ =~ m|\.pm$| } @{$args{deps}} );
+          my %moduleincs = map { '"-I'.dirname($_).'"' => 1 } @modules;
+          $deps = join(' ', $deps, @modules);
+          @modules = map { "-M".basename($_, '.pm') } @modules;
+          my $modules = join(' ', '', sort keys %moduleincs, @modules);
+          return <<"EOF";
+$args{src}: "$gen0" $deps
+	"\$(PERL)"$modules "$dofile" "-o$target{build_file}" "$gen0"$gen_args > \$@
+      } elsif (grep { $_ eq $gen0 } @{$unified_info{programs}}) {
+          #
+          # Generic generator using OpenSSL programs
+          #
+          # Redo $deps, because programs aren't expected to have deps of their
+          # own.  This is a little more tricky, though, because running programs
+          # may have dependencies on all sorts of files, so we search through
+          # our database of programs and modules to see if our dependencies
+          # are one of those.
+          $deps = join(' ', map { my $x = $_;
+                                  if (grep { $x eq $_ }
+                                          @{$unified_info{programs}}) {
+                                      platform->bin($x);
+                                  } elsif (grep { $x eq $_ }
+                                          @{$unified_info{modules}}) {
+                                      platform->dso($x);
+                                  } else {
+                                      $x;
+                                  }
+                                } @{$args{deps}});
+          # Also redo $gen0, to ensure that we have the proper extension.
+          $gen0 = platform->bin($gen0);
+          return <<"EOF";
+$args{src}: $gen0 $deps
+	$gen0$gen_args > \$@
+      } else {
+          #
+          # Generic generator using Perl
+          #
+          return <<"EOF";
+$args{src}: "$gen0" $deps
+	"\$(PERL)"$gen_incs $gen0$gen_args > \$@
diff --git a/Configure b/Configure
index 12911d988a..5f2be9cf3c 100755
--- a/Configure
+++ b/Configure
@@ -2320,7 +2320,7 @@ EOF
             $generator[0] = cleanfile($sourced, $gen, $blddir);
             # If the generator is itself generated, it's in the build tree
-            if ($generate{$gen}) {
+            if ($generate{$gen} || ! -f $generator[0]) {
                 $generator[0] = cleanfile($buildd, $gen, $blddir);
@@ -2330,12 +2330,22 @@ EOF
         foreach (keys %depends) {
             my $dest = $_;
-            my $ddest = $dest eq "" ? "" : cleanfile($sourced, $_, $blddir);
+            my $ddest = $dest;
+            if ($dest =~ /^\|(.*)\|$/) {
+                # Collect the raw target
+                $unified_info{targets}->{$1} = 1;
+                $ddest = $1;
+            } elsif ($dest eq '') {
+                $ddest = '';
+            } else {
+                $ddest = cleanfile($sourced, $_, $blddir);
-            # If the destination doesn't exist in source, it can only be
-            # a generated file in the build tree.
-            if ($ddest ne "" && ($ddest eq $src_configdata || ! -f $ddest)) {
-                $ddest = cleanfile($buildd, $_, $blddir);
+                # If the destination doesn't exist in source, it can only be
+                # a generated file in the build tree.
+                if ($ddest eq $src_configdata || ! -f $ddest) {
+                    $ddest = cleanfile($buildd, $_, $blddir);
+                }
             foreach (@{$depends{$dest}}) {
                 my $d = cleanfile($sourced, $_, $blddir);
@@ -2628,7 +2638,7 @@ EOF
     ### Make unified_info a bit more efficient
     # One level structures
-    foreach (("programs", "libraries", "modules", "scripts")) {
+    foreach (("programs", "libraries", "modules", "scripts", "targets")) {
         $unified_info{$_} = [ sort keys %{$unified_info{$_}} ];
     # Two level structures
diff --git a/apps/fipsinstall.c b/apps/fipsinstall.c
index ade983169b..9aaa7522d2 100644
--- a/apps/fipsinstall.c
+++ b/apps/fipsinstall.c
@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ opthelp:
         if (verify_module_load(parent_config)) {
             ret = OSSL_PROVIDER_available(NULL, prov_name) ? 0 : 1;
             if (!quiet)
-                BIO_printf(bio_out, "FIPS provider is %s\n",
+                BIO_printf(bio_err, "FIPS provider is %s\n",
                            ret == 0 ? "available" : " not available");
         goto end;
@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ opthelp:
                            install_mac, install_mac_len))
             goto end;
         if (!quiet)
-            BIO_printf(bio_out, "VERIFY PASSED\n");
+            BIO_printf(bio_err, "VERIFY PASSED\n");
     } else {
         conf = generate_config_and_load(prov_name, section_name, module_mac,
@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ opthelp:
                                        install_mac, install_mac_len))
             goto end;
         if (!quiet)
-            BIO_printf(bio_out, "INSTALL PASSED\n");
+            BIO_printf(bio_err, "INSTALL PASSED\n");
     ret = 0;
@@ -550,10 +550,10 @@ static int self_test_events(const OSSL_PARAM params[], void *arg)
     if (self_test_log) {
         if (strcmp(phase, OSSL_SELF_TEST_PHASE_START) == 0)
-            BIO_printf(bio_out, "%s : (%s) : ", desc, type);
+            BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s : (%s) : ", desc, type);
         else if (strcmp(phase, OSSL_SELF_TEST_PHASE_PASS) == 0
                  || strcmp(phase, OSSL_SELF_TEST_PHASE_FAIL) == 0)
-            BIO_printf(bio_out, "%s\n", phase);
+            BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s\n", phase);
      * The self test code will internally corrupt the KAT test result if an
@@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ static int self_test_events(const OSSL_PARAM params[], void *arg)
         if (self_test_corrupt_type != NULL
                 && strcmp(self_test_corrupt_type, type) != 0)
             goto end;
-        BIO_printf(bio_out, "%s ", phase);
+        BIO_printf(bio_err, "%s ", phase);
         goto err;
diff --git a/doc/internal/man7/build.info.pod b/doc/internal/man7/build.info.pod
index 5a2fdd13ed..9acfd02a8d 100644
--- a/doc/internal/man7/build.info.pod
+++ b/doc/internal/man7/build.info.pod
@@ -444,6 +444,12 @@ rather than the specific I<items>.
 The I<items> may be any program, library, module, script, or any
 filename used as a value anywhere.
+The I<items> may also be literal build file targets.  Those are
+recognised by being surrounded be vertical bars (also known as the
+"pipe" character), C<|>.  For example:
+    DEPEND[|tests|]=fipsmodule.cnf
 B<DEPEND> statements may have attributes, which apply to each
 individual dependency in such a statement.  For example:
diff --git a/providers/build.info b/providers/build.info
index b365bda0ec..1fab34c28d 100644
--- a/providers/build.info
+++ b/providers/build.info
@@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ IF[{- !$disabled{fips} -}]
   # statements, the final build file will not have a trace of it.
+  # For tests that try to use the FIPS module, we need to make a local fips
+  # module installation.  We have the output go to standard output, because
+  # the generated commands in build templates are expected to catch that,
+  # and thereby keep control over the exact output file location.
+  DEPEND[|tests|]=fipsmodule.cnf
+  GENERATE[fipsmodule.cnf]=../apps/openssl fipsinstall \
+        -module providers/$(FIPSMODULENAME) -provider_name fips \
+        -mac_name HMAC -section_name fips_sect -out -
+  DEPEND[fipsmodule.cnf]=$FIPSGOAL
diff --git a/test/recipes/01-test_fipsmodule_cnf.t b/test/recipes/01-test_fipsmodule_cnf.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..16a89faa58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/recipes/01-test_fipsmodule_cnf.t
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env perl
+# Copyright 2021 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License").  You may not use
+# this file except in compliance with the License.  You can obtain a copy
+# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
+# https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
+# This is a sanity checker to see that the fipsmodule.cnf that's been
+# generated for testing is valid.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use OpenSSL::Test qw/:DEFAULT srctop_dir bldtop_dir bldtop_file srctop_file data_file/;
+use OpenSSL::Test::Utils;
+    setup("test_fipsmodule");
+use lib srctop_dir('Configurations');
+use lib bldtop_dir('.');
+use platform;
+my $no_check = disabled("fips");
+plan skip_all => "Test only supported in a fips build"
+    if $no_check;
+plan tests => 1;
+my $fipsmodule = bldtop_file('providers', platform->dso('fips'));
+my $fipsmoduleconf = bldtop_file('providers', 'fipsmodule.cnf');
+# verify the $fipsconf file
+ok(run(app(['openssl', 'fipsinstall',
+            '-in',  $fipsmoduleconf, '-module', $fipsmodule, '-verify'])),
+   "fipsinstall verify");
diff --git a/test/recipes/03-test_fipsinstall.t b/test/recipes/03-test_fipsinstall.t
index 4b189420ea..d603b24356 100644
--- a/test/recipes/03-test_fipsinstall.t
+++ b/test/recipes/03-test_fipsinstall.t
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
-use File::Spec;
+use File::Spec::Functions qw(:DEFAULT abs2rel);
 use File::Copy;
 use OpenSSL::Glob;
 use OpenSSL::Test qw/:DEFAULT srctop_dir srctop_file bldtop_dir bldtop_file/;
@@ -235,7 +235,8 @@ SKIP: {
        "fipsinstall fails when the asymmetric cipher result is corrupted");
+# 'local' ensures that this change is only done in this file.
+local $ENV{OPENSSL_CONF_INCLUDE} = abs2rel(curdir());
 ok(replace_parent_line_file('fips.cnf', 'fips_parent.cnf')
    && run(app(['openssl', 'fipsinstall', '-config', 'fips_parent.cnf'])),
@@ -271,5 +272,3 @@ ok(replace_parent_line_file('fips_bad_module_mac.cnf',
    && !run(app(['openssl', 'fipsinstall',
                 '-config', 'fips_parent_bad_module_mac.cnf'])),
    "verify load config fail bad module mac");
diff --git a/test/recipes/15-test_gendsa.t b/test/recipes/15-test_gendsa.t
index 36189c4767..b495b08bda 100644
--- a/test/recipes/15-test_gendsa.t
+++ b/test/recipes/15-test_gendsa.t
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ BEGIN {
 use lib srctop_dir('Configurations');
 use lib bldtop_dir('.');
-use platform;
 plan skip_all => "This test is unsupported in a no-dsa build"
     if disabled("dsa");
@@ -28,7 +27,7 @@ plan skip_all => "This test is unsupported in a no-dsa build"
 my $no_fips = disabled('fips') || ($ENV{NO_FIPS} // 0);
 plan tests =>
-    ($no_fips ? 0 : 3)          # FIPS install test + fips related tests
+    ($no_fips ? 0 : 2)          # FIPS related tests
     + 11;
 ok(run(app([ 'openssl', 'genpkey', '-genparam',
@@ -113,14 +112,6 @@ unless ($no_fips) {
     my $provpath = bldtop_dir("providers");
     my @prov = ( "-provider-path", $provpath,
                  "-config", $provconf);
-    my $infile = bldtop_file('providers', platform->dso('fips'));
-    ok(run(app(['openssl', 'fipsinstall',
-                '-out', bldtop_file('providers', 'fipsmodule.cnf'),
-                '-module', $infile,
-                '-provider_name', 'fips', '-mac_name', 'HMAC',
-                '-section_name', 'fips_sect'])),
-       "fipsinstall");
diff --git a/test/recipes/15-test_genrsa.t b/test/recipes/15-test_genrsa.t
index 504e279f75..95390c5ff4 100644
--- a/test/recipes/15-test_genrsa.t
+++ b/test/recipes/15-test_genrsa.t
@@ -20,12 +20,11 @@ BEGIN {
 use lib srctop_dir('Configurations');
 use lib bldtop_dir('.');
-use platform;
 my $no_fips = disabled('fips') || ($ENV{NO_FIPS} // 0);
 plan tests =>
-    ($no_fips ? 0 : 2)          # FIPS install test + fips related test
+    ($no_fips ? 0 : 1)          # Extra FIPS related test
     + 13;
 # We want to know that an absurdly small number of bits isn't support
@@ -124,14 +123,6 @@ unless ($no_fips) {
     my $provpath = bldtop_dir("providers");
     my @prov = ( "-provider-path", $provpath,
                  "-config", $provconf);
-    my $infile = bldtop_file('providers', platform->dso('fips'));
-    ok(run(app(['openssl', 'fipsinstall',
-                '-out', bldtop_file('providers', 'fipsmodule.cnf'),
-                '-module', $infile,
-                '-provider_name', 'fips', '-mac_name', 'HMAC',
-                '-section_name', 'fips_sect'])),
-       "fipsinstall");
     ok(run(app(['openssl', 'genpkey',
diff --git a/test/recipes/15-test_rsaoaep.t b/test/recipes/15-test_rsaoaep.t
index ddbfe84bd7..47aac78f35 100644
--- a/test/recipes/15-test_rsaoaep.t
+++ b/test/recipes/15-test_rsaoaep.t
@@ -18,13 +18,11 @@ BEGIN {
 use lib srctop_dir('Configurations');
 use lib bldtop_dir('.');
-use platform;
-my $no_fips = disabled('fips') || ($ENV{NO_FIPS} // 0);
 my $no_check = disabled('fips-securitychecks');
 plan tests =>
-    ($no_fips ? 0 : 1 + ($no_check ? 0 : 1))          # FIPS install test
+    ($no_check ? 0 : 1)         # FIPS security check
     + 9;
 my @prov = ( );
@@ -40,29 +38,21 @@ my $dec3_file = "dec3.txt";
 my $key_file = srctop_file("test", "testrsa2048.pem");
 my $small_key_file = srctop_file("test", "testrsa.pem");
-unless ($no_fips) {
+unless ($no_check) {
     @prov = ( "-provider-path", $provpath, "-config", $provconf );
-    my $infile = bldtop_file('providers', platform->dso('fips'));
-    ok(run(app(['openssl', 'fipsinstall',
-                '-out', bldtop_file('providers', 'fipsmodule.cnf'),
-                '-module', $infile])),
-       "fipsinstall");
-    unless ($no_check) {
-        ok(!run(app(['openssl', 'pkeyutl',
-                    @prov,
-                    '-encrypt',
-                    '-in', $msg_file,
-                    '-inkey', $small_key_file,
-                    '-pkeyopt', 'pad-mode:oaep',
-                    '-pkeyopt', 'oaep-label:123',
-                    '-pkeyopt', 'digest:sha1',
-                    '-pkeyopt', 'mgf1-digest:sha1',
-                    '-out', $enc1_file])),
-           "RSA OAEP Encryption with a key smaller than 2048 in fips mode should fail");
-    }
+    ok(!run(app(['openssl', 'pkeyutl',
+                 @prov,
+                 '-encrypt',
+                 '-in', $msg_file,
+                 '-inkey', $small_key_file,
+                 '-pkeyopt', 'pad-mode:oaep',
+                 '-pkeyopt', 'oaep-label:123',
+                 '-pkeyopt', 'digest:sha1',
+                 '-pkeyopt', 'mgf1-digest:sha1',
+                 '-out', $enc1_file])),
+       "RSA OAEP Encryption with a key smaller than 2048 in fips mode should fail");
 ok(run(app(['openssl', 'pkeyutl',
diff --git a/test/recipes/20-test_cli_fips.t b/test/recipes/20-test_cli_fips.t
index 591b497027..e7291df456 100644
--- a/test/recipes/20-test_cli_fips.t
+++ b/test/recipes/20-test_cli_fips.t
@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ use lib srctop_dir('Configurations');
 use lib bldtop_dir('.');
 use platform;
-my $no_check = disabled('fips-securitychecks');
+my $no_check = disabled("fips") || disabled('fips-securitychecks');
 plan skip_all => "Test only supported in a fips build with security checks"
-    if disabled("fips") || disabled("fips-securitychecks");
-plan tests => 13;
+    if $no_check;
+plan tests => 11;
 my $fipsmodule = bldtop_file('providers', platform->dso('fips'));
 my $fipsconf = srctop_file("test", "fips-and-base.cnf");
@@ -34,17 +34,6 @@ my $defaultconf = srctop_file("test", "default.cnf");
 my $tbs_data = $fipsmodule;
 my $bogus_data = $fipsconf;
-# output a fipsmodule.cnf file containing mac data
-ok(run(app(['openssl', 'fipsinstall', '-out', 'fipsmodule.cnf',
-            '-module', $fipsmodule, ])),
-   "fipsinstall");
-# verify the $fipsconf file
-ok(run(app(['openssl', 'fipsinstall', '-in', 'fipsmodule.cnf', '-module', $fipsmodule,
-            '-verify'])),
-   "fipsinstall verify");
-$ENV{OPENSSL_CONF_INCLUDE} = abs2rel(curdir());
 $ENV{OPENSSL_CONF} = $fipsconf;
 ok(run(app(['openssl', 'list', '-public-key-methods', '-verbose'])),
diff --git a/test/recipes/30-test_acvp.t b/test/recipes/30-test_acvp.t
index 8cfc07ecf7..f86055666e 100644
--- a/test/recipes/30-test_acvp.t
+++ b/test/recipes/30-test_acvp.t
@@ -23,16 +23,8 @@ plan skip_all => "ACVP is not supported by this test"
 use lib srctop_dir('Configurations');
 use lib bldtop_dir('.');
-use platform;
-my $infile = bldtop_file('providers', platform->dso('fips'));
-plan tests => 2;
-ok(run(app(['openssl', 'fipsinstall',
-           '-out', bldtop_file('providers', 'fipsmodule.cnf'),
-           '-module', $infile])),
-   "fipsinstall");
+plan tests => 1;
 ok(run(test(["acvp_test", "-config", srctop_file("test","fips.cnf")])),
    "running acvp_test");
diff --git a/test/recipes/30-test_defltfips.t b/test/recipes/30-test_defltfips.t
index c98591eb86..afdfd0ac70 100644
--- a/test/recipes/30-test_defltfips.t
+++ b/test/recipes/30-test_defltfips.t
@@ -20,21 +20,13 @@ BEGIN {
 use lib srctop_dir('Configurations');
 use lib bldtop_dir('.');
-use platform;
 my $no_fips = disabled('fips') || ($ENV{NO_FIPS} // 0);
 plan tests =>
-    ($no_fips ? 1 : 3);
+    ($no_fips ? 1 : 2);
 unless ($no_fips) {
-    my $infile = bldtop_file('providers', platform->dso('fips'));
-    ok(run(app(['openssl', 'fipsinstall',
-                '-out', bldtop_file('providers', 'fipsmodule.cnf'),
-                '-module', $infile])),
-       "fipsinstall");
     $ENV{OPENSSL_CONF} = abs_path(srctop_file("test", "fips.cnf"));
     ok(run(test(["defltfips_test", "fips"])), "running defltfips_test fips");
diff --git a/test/recipes/30-test_evp.t b/test/recipes/30-test_evp.t
index 44ea3d01f3..3398a1ab9a 100644
--- a/test/recipes/30-test_evp.t
+++ b/test/recipes/30-test_evp.t
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ BEGIN {
 use lib srctop_dir('Configurations');
 use lib bldtop_dir('.');
-use platform;
 my $no_fips = disabled('fips') || ($ENV{NO_FIPS} // 0);
 my $no_legacy = disabled('legacy') || ($ENV{NO_LEGACY} // 0);
@@ -108,20 +107,10 @@ push @defltfiles, qw(evppkey_brainpool.txt) unless $no_ec;
 push @defltfiles, qw(evppkey_sm2.txt) unless $no_sm2;
 plan tests =>
-    ($no_fips ? 0 : 1)          # FIPS install test
     + (scalar(@configs) * scalar(@files))
     + scalar(@defltfiles)
     + 3; # error output tests
-unless ($no_fips) {
-    my $infile = bldtop_file('providers', platform->dso('fips'));
-    ok(run(app(['openssl', 'fipsinstall',
-                '-out', bldtop_file('providers', 'fipsmodule.cnf'),
-                '-module', $infile])),
-       "fipsinstall");
 foreach (@configs) {
     my $conf = srctop_file("test", $_);
diff --git a/test/recipes/30-test_evp_fetch_prov.t b/test/recipes/30-test_evp_fetch_prov.t
index 81b3c62cc4..e033f49d63 100644
--- a/test/recipes/30-test_evp_fetch_prov.t
+++ b/test/recipes/30-test_evp_fetch_prov.t
@@ -18,14 +18,11 @@ setup("test_evp_fetch_prov");
 use lib srctop_dir('Configurations');
 use lib bldtop_dir('.');
-use platform;
 my $no_fips = disabled('fips') || ($ENV{NO_FIPS} // 0);
-my $infile = bldtop_file('providers', platform->dso('fips'));
 my @types = ( "digest", "cipher" );
-my @setups = ();
 my @testdata = (
     { config    => srctop_file("test", "default.cnf"),
       providers => [ 'default' ],
@@ -44,12 +41,6 @@ my @testdata = (
 unless ($no_fips) {
-    push @setups, {
-        cmd     => app(['openssl', 'fipsinstall',
-                        '-out', bldtop_file('providers', 'fipsmodule.cnf'),
-                        '-module', $infile]),
-        message => "fipsinstall"
-    };
     push @testdata, (
         { config    => srctop_file("test", "fips.cnf"),
           providers => [ 'fips' ],
@@ -105,15 +96,11 @@ foreach (@testdata) {
     $testcount += scalar @{$_->{tests}};
-plan tests => 1 + scalar @setups + $testcount * scalar(@types);
+plan tests => 1 + $testcount * scalar(@types);
 ok(run(test(["evp_fetch_prov_test", "-defaultctx"])),
    "running evp_fetch_prov_test using the default libctx");
-foreach my $setup (@setups) {
-    ok(run($setup->{cmd}), $setup->{message});
 foreach my $alg (@types) {
     foreach my $testcase (@testdata) {
         $ENV{OPENSSL_CONF} = "";
diff --git a/test/recipes/30-test_evp_libctx.t b/test/recipes/30-test_evp_libctx.t
index 602f29a831..36802c8d7b 100644
--- a/test/recipes/30-test_evp_libctx.t
+++ b/test/recipes/30-test_evp_libctx.t
@@ -20,24 +20,18 @@ my $no_fips = disabled('fips') || ($ENV{NO_FIPS} // 0);
 use lib srctop_dir('Configurations');
 use lib bldtop_dir('.');
-use platform;
-my $infile = bldtop_file('providers', platform->dso('fips'));
 # If no fips then run the test with no extra arguments.
 my @test_args = ( );
 plan tests =>
-    ($no_fips ? 0 : 2)          # FIPS install test
+    ($no_fips ? 0 : 1)          # FIPS install test
     + 1;
 unless ($no_fips) {
     @test_args = ("-config", srctop_file("test","fips-and-base.cnf"),
                   "-provider", "fips");
-    ok(run(app(['openssl', 'fipsinstall',
-               '-out', bldtop_file('providers', 'fipsmodule.cnf'),
-               '-module', $infile])),
-       "fipsinstall");
     ok(run(test(["evp_libctx_test", @test_args])), "running fips evp_libctx_test");
diff --git a/test/recipes/30-test_provider_status.t b/test/recipes/30-test_provider_status.t
index 03304ba4a2..0aaaf7ef49 100644
--- a/test/recipes/30-test_provider_status.t
+++ b/test/recipes/30-test_provider_status.t
@@ -19,21 +19,13 @@ setup("test_provider_status");
 use lib srctop_dir('Configurations');
 use lib bldtop_dir('.');
-use platform;
 my $no_fips = disabled('fips') || ($ENV{NO_FIPS} // 0);
 plan skip_all => "provider_status is not supported by this test"
     if $no_fips;
-plan tests => 2;
-my $infile = bldtop_file('providers', platform->dso('fips'));
-ok(run(app(['openssl', 'fipsinstall',
-            '-out', bldtop_file('providers', 'fipsmodule.cnf'),
-            '-module', $infile])),
-   "fipsinstall");
+plan tests => 1;
 ok(run(test(["provider_status_test", "-config", srctop_file("test","fips.cnf"),
              "-provider_name", "fips"])),
diff --git a/test/recipes/65-test_cmp_client.t b/test/recipes/65-test_cmp_client.t
index a25be81996..0cd4982e89 100644
--- a/test/recipes/65-test_cmp_client.t
+++ b/test/recipes/65-test_cmp_client.t
@@ -18,14 +18,13 @@ BEGIN {
 use lib srctop_dir('Configurations');
 use lib bldtop_dir('.');
-use platform;
 my $no_fips = disabled('fips') || ($ENV{NO_FIPS} // 0);
 plan skip_all => "This test is not supported in a no-cmp or no-ec build"
     if disabled("cmp") || disabled("ec");
-plan tests => 2 + ($no_fips ? 0 : 2); #fips install + fips test
+plan tests => 2 + ($no_fips ? 0 : 1); # fips test
 my @basic_cmd = ("cmp_client_test",
@@ -39,10 +38,5 @@ ok(run(test([@basic_cmd, "none"])));
 ok(run(test([@basic_cmd, "default", srctop_file("test", "default.cnf")])));
 unless ($no_fips) {
-    ok(run(app(['openssl', 'fipsinstall',
-                '-out', bldtop_file('providers', 'fipsmodule.cnf'),
-                '-module', bldtop_file('providers', platform->dso('fips'))])),
-       "fipsinstall");
     ok(run(test([@basic_cmd, "fips", srctop_file("test", "fips-and-base.cnf")])));
diff --git a/test/recipes/65-test_cmp_msg.t b/test/recipes/65-test_cmp_msg.t
index 8525b6539f..3fc091a461 100644
--- a/test/recipes/65-test_cmp_msg.t
+++ b/test/recipes/65-test_cmp_msg.t
@@ -18,14 +18,13 @@ BEGIN {
 use lib srctop_dir('Configurations');
 use lib bldtop_dir('.');
-use platform;
 my $no_fips = disabled('fips') || ($ENV{NO_FIPS} // 0);
 plan skip_all => "This test is not supported in a no-cmp build"
     if disabled("cmp");
-plan tests => 2 + ($no_fips ? 0 : 2); #fips install + fips test
+plan tests => 2 + ($no_fips ? 0 : 1); #fips test
 my @basic_cmd = ("cmp_msg_test",
@@ -37,11 +36,6 @@ ok(run(test([@basic_cmd, "none"])));
 ok(run(test([@basic_cmd, "default", srctop_file("test", "default.cnf")])));
 unless ($no_fips) {
-    ok(run(app(['openssl', 'fipsinstall',
-                '-out', bldtop_file('providers', 'fipsmodule.cnf'),
-                '-module', bldtop_file('providers', platform->dso('fips'))])),
-       "fipsinstall");
                  "fips", srctop_file("test", "fips-and-base.cnf")])));
diff --git a/test/recipes/65-test_cmp_protect.t b/test/recipes/65-test_cmp_protect.t
index 54219e386a..4fa7c8298b 100644
--- a/test/recipes/65-test_cmp_protect.t
+++ b/test/recipes/65-test_cmp_protect.t
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ BEGIN {
 use lib srctop_dir('Configurations');
 use lib bldtop_dir('.');
-use platform;
 my $no_fips = disabled('fips') || ($ENV{NO_FIPS} // 0);
@@ -28,7 +27,7 @@ plan skip_all => "This test is not supported in a no-cmp build"
 plan skip_all => "This test is not supported in a shared library build on Windows"
     if $^O eq 'MSWin32' && !disabled("shared");
-plan tests => 2 + ($no_fips ? 0 : 2); #fips install + fips test
+plan tests => 2 + ($no_fips ? 0 : 1); #fips test
 my @basic_cmd = ("cmp_protect_test",
@@ -47,11 +46,6 @@ ok(run(test([@basic_cmd, "none"])));
 ok(run(test([@basic_cmd, "default", srctop_file("test", "default.cnf")])));
 unless ($no_fips) {
-    ok(run(app(['openssl', 'fipsinstall',
-                '-out', bldtop_file('providers', 'fipsmodule.cnf'),
-                '-module', bldtop_file('providers', platform->dso('fips'))])),
-       "fipsinstall");
                  "fips", srctop_file("test", "fips-and-base.cnf")])));
diff --git a/test/recipes/65-test_cmp_server.t b/test/recipes/65-test_cmp_server.t
index 5864163f01..fb9dcef081 100644
--- a/test/recipes/65-test_cmp_server.t
+++ b/test/recipes/65-test_cmp_server.t
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ BEGIN {
 use lib srctop_dir('Configurations');
 use lib bldtop_dir('.');
-use platform;
 my $no_fips = disabled('fips') || ($ENV{NO_FIPS} // 0);
@@ -28,7 +27,7 @@ plan skip_all => "This test is not supported in a no-cmp build"
 plan skip_all => "This test is not supported in a no-ec build"
     if disabled("ec");
-plan tests => 2 + ($no_fips ? 0 : 2); #fips install + fips test
+plan tests => 2 + ($no_fips ? 0 : 1); #fips test
 my @basic_cmd = ("cmp_server_test", data_file("CR_protected_PBM_1234.der"));
@@ -37,10 +36,5 @@ ok(run(test([@basic_cmd, "none"])));
 ok(run(test([@basic_cmd, "default", srctop_file("test", "default.cnf")])));
 unless ($no_fips) {
-    ok(run(app(['openssl', 'fipsinstall',
-                '-out', bldtop_file('providers', 'fipsmodule.cnf'),
-                '-module', bldtop_file('providers', platform->dso('fips'))])),
-       "fipsinstall");
     ok(run(test([@basic_cmd, "fips", srctop_file("test", "fips.cnf")])));
diff --git a/test/recipes/65-test_cmp_vfy.t b/test/recipes/65-test_cmp_vfy.t
index 800dabcd85..c1851cbc6e 100644
--- a/test/recipes/65-test_cmp_vfy.t
+++ b/test/recipes/65-test_cmp_vfy.t
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ BEGIN {
 use lib srctop_dir('Configurations');
 use lib bldtop_dir('.');
-use platform;
 my $no_fips = disabled('fips') || ($ENV{NO_FIPS} // 0);
@@ -28,7 +27,7 @@ plan skip_all => "This test is not supported in a no-cmp build"
 plan skip_all => "This test is not supported in a no-ec build"
     if disabled("ec");
-plan tests => 2 + ($no_fips ? 0 : 2); #fips install + fips test
+plan tests => 2 + ($no_fips ? 0 : 1); #fips test
 my @basic_cmd = ("cmp_vfy_test",
                  data_file("server.crt"),     data_file("client.crt"),
@@ -48,10 +47,5 @@ ok(run(test([@basic_cmd, "none"])));
 ok(run(test([@basic_cmd, "default", srctop_file("test", "default.cnf")])));
 unless ($no_fips) {
-    ok(run(app(['openssl', 'fipsinstall',
-                '-out', bldtop_file('providers', 'fipsmodule.cnf'),
-                '-module', bldtop_file('providers', platform->dso('fips'))])),
-       "fipsinstall");
     ok(run(test([@basic_cmd, "fips", srctop_file("test", "fips.cnf")])));
diff --git a/test/recipes/80-test_cmp_http.t b/test/recipes/80-test_cmp_http.t
index 88c3b3c750..e68844ebf1 100644
--- a/test/recipes/80-test_cmp_http.t
+++ b/test/recipes/80-test_cmp_http.t
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ BEGIN {
 use lib srctop_dir('Configurations');
 use lib bldtop_dir('.');
-use platform;
 plan skip_all => "These tests are not supported in a fuzz build"
     if config('options') =~ /-DFUZZING_BUILD_MODE_UNSAFE_FOR_PRODUCTION/;
diff --git a/test/recipes/80-test_cms.t b/test/recipes/80-test_cms.t
index 8e1478c386..8e3275c2e5 100644
--- a/test/recipes/80-test_cms.t
+++ b/test/recipes/80-test_cms.t
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ BEGIN {
 use lib srctop_dir('Configurations');
 use lib bldtop_dir('.');
-use platform;
 my $no_fips = disabled('fips') || ($ENV{NO_FIPS} // 0);
@@ -52,16 +51,9 @@ my ($no_des, $no_dh, $no_dsa, $no_ec, $no_ec2m, $no_rc2, $no_zlib)
 $no_rc2 = 1 if disabled("legacy");
 plan tests =>
-    ($no_fips ? 0 : 1)          # FIPS install test
     + 10;
 unless ($no_fips) {
-    my $infile = bldtop_file('providers', platform->dso('fips'));
-    ok(run(app(['openssl', 'fipsinstall',
-                '-out', bldtop_file('providers', 'fipsmodule.cnf'),
-                '-module', $infile])),
-       "fipsinstall");
     @config = ( "-config", srctop_file("test", "fips-and-base.cnf") );
     $provname = 'fips';
diff --git a/test/recipes/80-test_ssl_new.t b/test/recipes/80-test_ssl_new.t
index 99dbdea1bb..4dc2529593 100644
--- a/test/recipes/80-test_ssl_new.t
+++ b/test/recipes/80-test_ssl_new.t
@@ -22,10 +22,8 @@ setup("test_ssl_new");
 use lib srctop_dir('Configurations');
 use lib bldtop_dir('.');
-use platform;
 my $no_fips = disabled('fips') || ($ENV{NO_FIPS} // 0);
-my $infile = bldtop_file('providers', platform->dso('fips'));
 $ENV{TEST_CERTS_DIR} = srctop_dir("test", "certs");
@@ -36,8 +34,7 @@ map { s/\^// } @conf_files if $^O eq "VMS";
 # We hard-code the number of tests to double-check that the globbing above
 # finds all files as expected.
-plan tests => 30 # = scalar @conf_srcs
-              + ($no_fips ? 0 : 1); # fipsinstall
+plan tests => 30;
 # Some test results depend on the configuration of enabled protocols. We only
 # verify generated sources in the default configuration.
@@ -118,13 +115,6 @@ my %skip = (
   "29-dtls-sctp-label-bug.cnf" => disabled("sctp") || disabled("sock"),
-unless ($no_fips) {
-    ok(run(app(['openssl', 'fipsinstall',
-                '-out', bldtop_file('providers', 'fipsmodule.cnf'),
-                '-module', $infile])),
-       "fipsinstall");
 foreach my $conf (@conf_files) {
     subtest "Test configuration $conf" => sub {
         plan tests => 6 + ($no_fips ? 0 : 3);
diff --git a/test/recipes/80-test_ssl_old.t b/test/recipes/80-test_ssl_old.t
index 2f3d5d1c8c..d01b2b72a8 100644
--- a/test/recipes/80-test_ssl_old.t
+++ b/test/recipes/80-test_ssl_old.t
@@ -22,11 +22,8 @@ setup("test_ssl_old");
 use lib srctop_dir('Configurations');
 use lib bldtop_dir('.');
-use platform;
 my $no_fips = disabled('fips') || ($ENV{NO_FIPS} // 0);
-my $infile = bldtop_file('providers', platform->dso('fips'));
 my ($no_rsa, $no_dsa, $no_dh, $no_ec, $no_psk,
     $no_ssl3, $no_tls1, $no_tls1_1, $no_tls1_2, $no_tls1_3,
     $no_dtls, $no_dtls1, $no_dtls1_2, $no_ct) =
@@ -81,18 +78,11 @@ my $client_sess="client.ss";
 # If you're adding tests here, you probably want to convert them to the
 # new format in ssl_test.c and add recipes to 80-test_ssl_new.t instead.
 plan tests =>
-   ($no_fips ? 0 : 1 + 5) # For fipsinstall + testssl with fips provider
+   ($no_fips ? 0 : 5)     # testssl with fips provider
     + 1                   # For testss
     + 5                   # For the testssl with default provider
-unless ($no_fips) {
-    ok(run(app(['openssl', 'fipsinstall',
-                '-out', bldtop_file('providers', 'fipsmodule.cnf'),
-                '-module', $infile])),
-       "fipsinstall");
 subtest 'test_ss' => sub {
     if (testss()) {
 	open OUT, ">", "intP1.ss";
diff --git a/test/recipes/81-test_cmp_cli.t b/test/recipes/81-test_cmp_cli.t
index 03ad986e78..e5c19a1745 100644
--- a/test/recipes/81-test_cmp_cli.t
+++ b/test/recipes/81-test_cmp_cli.t
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ BEGIN {
 use lib srctop_dir('Configurations');
 use lib bldtop_dir('.');
-use platform;
 plan skip_all => "These tests are not supported in a fuzz build"
     if config('options') =~ /-DFUZZING_BUILD_MODE_UNSAFE_FOR_PRODUCTION/;
diff --git a/test/recipes/90-test_sslapi.t b/test/recipes/90-test_sslapi.t
index 8cef077a66..02a620367d 100644
--- a/test/recipes/90-test_sslapi.t
+++ b/test/recipes/90-test_sslapi.t
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ setup("test_sslapi");
 use lib srctop_dir('Configurations');
 use lib bldtop_dir('.');
-use platform;
 my $no_fips = disabled('fips') || ($ENV{NO_FIPS} // 0);
@@ -25,7 +24,7 @@ plan skip_all => "No TLS/SSL protocols are supported by this OpenSSL build"
     if alldisabled(grep { $_ ne "ssl3" } available_protocols("tls"));
 plan tests =>
-    ($no_fips ? 0 : 2)          # FIPS install test + sslapitest with fips
+    ($no_fips ? 0 : 1)          # sslapitest with fips
     + 1;                        # sslapitest with default provider
 (undef, my $tmpfilename) = tempfile();
@@ -37,11 +36,6 @@ ok(run(test(["sslapitest", srctop_dir("test", "certs"),
              "running sslapitest");
 unless ($no_fips) {
-    ok(run(app(['openssl', 'fipsinstall',
-                '-out', bldtop_file('providers', 'fipsmodule.cnf'),
-                '-module', bldtop_file('providers', platform->dso('fips'))])),
-       "fipsinstall");
     ok(run(test(["sslapitest", srctop_dir("test", "certs"),
                  srctop_file("test", "recipes", "90-test_sslapi_data",
                              "passwd.txt"), $tmpfilename, "fips",
diff --git a/test/recipes/90-test_threads.t b/test/recipes/90-test_threads.t
index 0410cd8007..53883ee629 100644
--- a/test/recipes/90-test_threads.t
+++ b/test/recipes/90-test_threads.t
@@ -18,20 +18,10 @@ setup("test_threads");
 use lib srctop_dir('Configurations');
 use lib bldtop_dir('.');
-use platform;
 my $no_fips = disabled('fips') || ($ENV{NO_FIPS} // 0);
-plan tests => 1 + ($no_fips ? 0 : 1);
-if (!$no_fips) {
-    my $infile = bldtop_file('providers', platform->dso('fips'));
-    ok(run(app(['openssl', 'fipsinstall',
-            '-out', bldtop_file('providers', 'fipsmodule.cnf'),
-            '-module', $infile])),
-    "fipsinstall");
+plan tests => 1;
 if ($no_fips) {
     $ENV{OPENSSL_CONF} = abs_path(srctop_file("test", "default.cnf"));

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