[openssl] master update

Richard Levitte levitte at openssl.org
Sun May 16 10:08:17 UTC 2021

The branch master has been updated
       via  b422ba3dda5d85c295aae6205909a6eeb4921c4b (commit)
       via  a12da5dafbc6e681d32e88ddef0067ff14abd8f2 (commit)
      from  e2daf6f14045587614681bf6579480be63de6da0 (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit b422ba3dda5d85c295aae6205909a6eeb4921c4b
Author: Richard Levitte <levitte at openssl.org>
Date:   Fri May 14 12:26:21 2021 +0200

    Adapt 80-test_cmp_http.t and its data for random accept ports
    Fixes #14694
    Reviewed-by: David von Oheimb <david.von.oheimb at siemens.com>
    (Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/15281)

commit a12da5dafbc6e681d32e88ddef0067ff14abd8f2
Author: Richard Levitte <levitte at openssl.org>
Date:   Fri May 14 12:25:11 2021 +0200

    APPS: Make the cmp Mock server output the accept address and port
    Fixes #14694
    Reviewed-by: David von Oheimb <david.von.oheimb at siemens.com>
    (Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/15281)


Summary of changes:
 apps/include/s_apps.h                              |  1 +
 apps/lib/http_server.c                             |  9 +++
 apps/lib/s_socket.c                                | 66 ++++++++++++----------
 test/recipes/80-test_cmp_http.t                    | 44 ++++++++-------
 test/recipes/80-test_cmp_http_data/Mock/server.cnf |  3 +-
 test/recipes/80-test_cmp_http_data/Mock/test.cnf   |  8 +--
 .../80-test_cmp_http_data/test_connection.csv      |  2 +-
 7 files changed, 78 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-)

diff --git a/apps/include/s_apps.h b/apps/include/s_apps.h
index 3d2bace594..a5e9762aed 100644
--- a/apps/include/s_apps.h
+++ b/apps/include/s_apps.h
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 #define PROTOCOL        "tcp"
 typedef int (*do_server_cb)(int s, int stype, int prot, unsigned char *context);
+int report_server_accept(BIO *out, int asock, int with_address);
 int do_server(int *accept_sock, const char *host, const char *port,
               int family, int type, int protocol, do_server_cb cb,
               unsigned char *context, int naccept, BIO *bio_s_out);
diff --git a/apps/lib/http_server.c b/apps/lib/http_server.c
index 691e5c9056..ae33632598 100644
--- a/apps/lib/http_server.c
+++ b/apps/lib/http_server.c
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 #include "internal/sockets.h"
 #include <openssl/err.h>
 #include <openssl/rand.h>
+#include "s_apps.h"
 #if defined(__TANDEM)
@@ -218,6 +219,7 @@ void spawn_loop(const char *prog)
 BIO *http_server_init_bio(const char *prog, const char *port)
     BIO *acbio = NULL, *bufbio;
+    int asock;
     bufbio = BIO_new(BIO_f_buffer());
     if (bufbio == NULL)
@@ -237,6 +239,13 @@ BIO *http_server_init_bio(const char *prog, const char *port)
         goto err;
+    /* Report back what address and port are used */
+    BIO_get_fd(acbio, &asock);
+    if (!report_server_accept(bio_out, asock, 1)) {
+        log_message(prog, LOG_ERR, "Error printing ACCEPT string");
+        goto err;
+    }
     return acbio;
diff --git a/apps/lib/s_socket.c b/apps/lib/s_socket.c
index 65d56c0991..e41429df89 100644
--- a/apps/lib/s_socket.c
+++ b/apps/lib/s_socket.c
@@ -191,6 +191,38 @@ out:
     return ret;
+int report_server_accept(BIO *out, int asock, int with_address)
+    int success = 0;
+    if (with_address) {
+        union BIO_sock_info_u info;
+        char *hostname = NULL;
+        char *service = NULL;
+        if ((info.addr = BIO_ADDR_new()) != NULL
+            && BIO_sock_info(asock, BIO_SOCK_INFO_ADDRESS, &info)
+            && (hostname = BIO_ADDR_hostname_string(info.addr, 1)) != NULL
+            && (service = BIO_ADDR_service_string(info.addr, 1)) != NULL
+            && BIO_printf(out,
+                          strchr(hostname, ':') == NULL
+                          ? /* IPv4 */ "ACCEPT %s:%s\n"
+                          : /* IPv6 */ "ACCEPT [%s]:%s\n",
+                          hostname, service) > 0)
+            success = 1;
+        OPENSSL_free(hostname);
+        OPENSSL_free(service);
+        BIO_ADDR_free(info.addr);
+    } else {
+        (void)BIO_printf(out, "ACCEPT\n");
+        success = 1;
+    }
+    (void)BIO_flush(out);
+    return success;
  * do_server - helper routine to perform a server operation
  * @accept_sock: pointer to storage of resulting socket.
@@ -296,36 +328,10 @@ int do_server(int *accept_sock, const char *host, const char *port,
     res = NULL;
-    if (sock_port == 0) {
-        /* dynamically allocated port, report which one */
-        union BIO_sock_info_u info;
-        char *hostname = NULL;
-        char *service = NULL;
-        int success = 0;
-        if ((info.addr = BIO_ADDR_new()) != NULL
-            && BIO_sock_info(asock, BIO_SOCK_INFO_ADDRESS, &info)
-            && (hostname = BIO_ADDR_hostname_string(info.addr, 1)) != NULL
-            && (service = BIO_ADDR_service_string(info.addr, 1)) != NULL
-            && BIO_printf(bio_s_out,
-                          strchr(hostname, ':') == NULL
-                          ? /* IPv4 */ "ACCEPT %s:%s\n"
-                          : /* IPv6 */ "ACCEPT [%s]:%s\n",
-                          hostname, service) > 0)
-            success = 1;
-        (void)BIO_flush(bio_s_out);
-        OPENSSL_free(hostname);
-        OPENSSL_free(service);
-        BIO_ADDR_free(info.addr);
-        if (!success) {
-            BIO_closesocket(asock);
-            ERR_print_errors(bio_err);
-            goto end;
-        }
-    } else {
-        (void)BIO_printf(bio_s_out, "ACCEPT\n");
-        (void)BIO_flush(bio_s_out);
+    if (!report_server_accept(bio_s_out, asock, sock_port == 0)) {
+        BIO_closesocket(asock);
+        ERR_print_errors(bio_err);
+        goto end;
     if (accept_sock != NULL)
diff --git a/test/recipes/80-test_cmp_http.t b/test/recipes/80-test_cmp_http.t
index 7bb720a823..8bd9eacde9 100644
--- a/test/recipes/80-test_cmp_http.t
+++ b/test/recipes/80-test_cmp_http.t
@@ -28,15 +28,13 @@ plan skip_all => "These tests are not supported in a no-cmp build"
     if disabled("cmp");
 plan skip_all => "These tests are not supported in a no-ec build"
     if disabled("ec");
+plan skip_all => "These tests are not supported in a no-sock build"
+    if disabled("sock");
 plan skip_all => "Tests involving local HTTP server not available on Windows, AIX or VMS"
     if $^O =~ /^(VMS|MSWin32|AIX)$/;
 plan skip_all => "Tests involving local HTTP server not available in cross-compile builds"
     if defined $ENV{EXE_SHELL};
-plan skip_all => "Tests involving local HTTP server require 'kill' command"
-    if system("which kill >/dev/null");
-plan skip_all => "Tests involving local HTTP server require 'lsof' command"
-    if system("which lsof >/dev/null"); # this typically excludes Solaris
 sub chop_dblquot { # chop any leading and trailing '"' (needed for Windows)
     my $str = shift;
@@ -65,6 +63,7 @@ my $pbm_ref;    # The reference for PBM
 my $pbm_secret; # The secret for PBM
 my $column;     # The column number of the expected result
 my $sleep = 0;  # The time to sleep between two requests
+my $server_fh;  # Server file handle
 # The local $server_name variables below are among others taken as the name of a
 # sub-directory with server-specific certs etc. and CA-specific config section.
@@ -131,6 +130,9 @@ sub test_cmp_http {
     my $params = shift;
     my $expected_exit = shift;
     my $path_app = bldtop_dir($app);
+    $params = [ '-server', "$server_port", @$params ]
+        unless grep { $_ eq '-server' } @$params;
     with({ exit_checker => sub {
         my $actual_exit = shift;
         my $OK = $actual_exit == $expected_exit;
@@ -265,28 +267,32 @@ sub load_tests {
     return \@result;
-sub mock_server_pid {
-    return `lsof -iTCP:$server_port` =~ m/\n\S+\s+(\d+)\s+[^\n]+LISTEN/s ? $1 : 0;
 sub start_mock_server {
     my $args = $_[0]; # optional further CLI arguments
     my $dir = bldtop_dir("");
-    my $cmd = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$dir DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$dir " .
-        bldtop_dir($app) . " -config server.cnf $args";
-    my $pid = mock_server_pid();
-    if ($pid) {
-        print "Mock server already running with pid=$pid\n";
-        return $pid;
-    }
+    local $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} = $dir;
+    local $ENV{DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH} = $dir;
+    my $cmd = bldtop_dir($app) . " -config server.cnf $args";
     print "Current directory is ".getcwd()."\n";
-    print "Launching mock server listening on port $server_port: $cmd\n";
-    return system("$cmd &") == 0 # start in background, check for success
-        ? (sleep 1, mock_server_pid()) : 0;
+    print "Launching mock server: $cmd\n";
+    my $pid = open($server_fh, "$cmd|") or die "Trying to $cmd";
+    print "Pid is: $pid\n";
+    # Find out the actual server port
+    while (<$server_fh>) {
+        print;
+        s/\R$//;                # Better chomp
+        next unless (/^ACCEPT\s.*:(\d+)$/);
+        $server_port = $1;
+        $server_tls = $1;
+        $kur_port = $1;
+        $pbm_port = $1;
+        last;
+    }
+    return $pid;
 sub stop_mock_server {
     my $pid = $_[0];
     print "Killing mock server with pid=$pid\n";
-    system("kill $pid") if $pid;
+    kill('QUIT', $pid) if $pid;
diff --git a/test/recipes/80-test_cmp_http_data/Mock/server.cnf b/test/recipes/80-test_cmp_http_data/Mock/server.cnf
index c8fe8edcc6..24a6ebb9f6 100644
--- a/test/recipes/80-test_cmp_http_data/Mock/server.cnf
+++ b/test/recipes/80-test_cmp_http_data/Mock/server.cnf
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 [cmp] # mock server configuration
-port = 1700
+# port 0 means that a random available port will be used
+port = 0
 srv_cert = server.crt
 srv_key = server.key
 srv_secret = pass:test
diff --git a/test/recipes/80-test_cmp_http_data/Mock/test.cnf b/test/recipes/80-test_cmp_http_data/Mock/test.cnf
index 22ca0f2362..503ded18e3 100644
--- a/test/recipes/80-test_cmp_http_data/Mock/test.cnf
+++ b/test/recipes/80-test_cmp_http_data/Mock/test.cnf
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ policies = certificatePolicies
 [Mock] # the built-in OpenSSL CMP mock server
 no_check_time = 1
 server_host = # localhost
-server_port = 1700
-server_tls = 0
+server_port = 0
+server_tls = $server_port
 server_cert = server.crt
 server = $server_host:$server_port
 server_path = pkix/
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ expect_sender = $server_dn
 subject = "/C=AU/ST=Some-State/O=Internet Widgits Pty Ltd/CN=leaf"
 newkey = signer.key
 out_trusted = signer_root.crt
-kur_port = 1700
-pbm_port = 1700
+kur_port = $server_port
+pbm_port = $server_port
 pbm_ref =
 pbm_secret = pass:test
 cert = signer.crt
diff --git a/test/recipes/80-test_cmp_http_data/test_connection.csv b/test/recipes/80-test_cmp_http_data/test_connection.csv
index 3276eb5fb3..b3290e0e73 100644
--- a/test/recipes/80-test_cmp_http_data/test_connection.csv
+++ b/test/recipes/80-test_cmp_http_data/test_connection.csv
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ TBD,IP address, -section,, -server,_SERVER_IP:_SERVER_PORT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
 1,server with default port, -section,, -server,_SERVER_HOST,,,,,BLANK,,,,BLANK,,BLANK,,BLANK,
 1,server port bad syntax: leading garbage, -section,, -server,_SERVER_HOST:x/+80,,,,,BLANK,,,,BLANK,,BLANK,,BLANK,
 1,server port bad synatx: trailing garbage, -section,, -server,_SERVER_HOST:_SERVER_PORT+/x.,,,,,BLANK,,,,BLANK,,BLANK,,BLANK,
-1,server with TLS port, -section,, -server,_SERVER_HOST:_SERVER_TLS,,,,,BLANK,,,,BLANK,,BLANK,,BLANK,
+1,server with wrong port, -section,, -server,_SERVER_HOST:999,,,,,BLANK,,,,-msg_timeout,1,BLANK,,BLANK,
 TBD,server IP address with TLS port, -section,, -server,_SERVER_IP:_SERVER_TLS,,,,,BLANK,,,,BLANK,,BLANK,,BLANK,
 1,proxy port bad syntax: leading garbage, -section,, -server,_SERVER_HOST:_SERVER_PORT, -proxy,*/8888, -no_proxy,nonmatch.com,BLANK,,,,-msg_timeout,1,BLANK,,BLANK,

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