[web] master update

Richard Levitte levitte at openssl.org
Thu Sep 2 13:37:53 UTC 2021

The branch master has been updated
       via  7a6000053503fe9891b570cc6bc0ca07c7edf0b5 (commit)
      from  1353aad58c10c84ca4cc09250ca72179b58fe8a8 (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 7a6000053503fe9891b570cc6bc0ca07c7edf0b5
Author: Richard Levitte <levitte at openssl.org>
Date:   Tue Aug 31 12:40:36 2021 +0200

    Take into account the OpenSSL 3.0 branch
    This does the necessary modifications to the Makefile to do what's
    needed with a 3.0 branch.
    The 3.0 branch is expected to be named 'openssl-3.0' and to be checked
    out in /var/cache/openssl/checkouts/openssl-3.0 on the appropriate
    Reviewed-by: Paul Dale <pauli at openssl.org>
    (Merged from https://github.com/openssl/web/pull/255)


Summary of changes:
 Makefile | 71 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 50 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 27d99ae..72eaf43 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -24,19 +24,33 @@ PERSONDB=FORCE
 ##  The numbers given here RULE
-##  Current series
+##  Current series.  Variable names are numbered to indicate:
+##  SERIES1	OpenSSL pre-3.0
+##  SERIES3	OpenSSL 3.0 and on
+##  SERIES	The concatenation of the above, for ease of use
+##  We mostly use $(SERIES) further down, but there are places where we
+##  need to make the distinction, because certain files are produced
+##  differently.
 ##  Older series.  The second type is for source listings
 OLDSERIES=1.1.0 1.0.2 1.0.1 1.0.0 0.9.8 0.9.7 0.9.6
 OLDSERIES2=1.1.0 1.0.2 1.0.1 1.0.0 0.9.x
-##  Series for manual layouts
+##  Series for manual layouts, named similar to SERIES1, SERIES3, SERIES
 ##  Future series, i.e. a series that hasn't had any final release yet.
+##  This would typically be a major or minor version that's still only
+##  on the master branch, but that has come far enough for us to start
+##  to make alpha and beta releases.
 ##  We distinguish them to avoid having to produce notes, vulnerability
-##  documents, ...
+##  documents, ... but still being able to present tarballs.
 # All simple generated files.
 SIMPLE = newsflash.inc sitemap.txt \
@@ -166,14 +180,17 @@ endef
 # Start off with creating the 'manpages-master' target, taking the
 # source from $(CHECKOUTS)/openssl/doc
 $(eval $(call makemanuals3,openssl,master))
-#$(foreach S,$(MANSERIES3),$(eval $(call makemanuals3,openssl-$(S),$(S))))
-# Next, create 'manpages-x.y.z' for all current releases, taking the
+# Next, create 'manpages-x.y' for all current releases from 3.0 and on,
+# taking the source from $(CHECKOUTS)/openssl-x.y/doc
+$(foreach S,$(MANSERIES3),$(eval $(call makemanuals3,openssl-$(S),$(S))))
+# Next, create 'manpages-x.y.z' for all current pre-3.0 releases, taking the
 # source from $(CHECKOUTS)/openssl-x.y.z-stable/doc
 $(foreach S,$(MANSERIES1),$(eval $(call makemanuals1,openssl-$(S)-stable,$(S))))
 manmaster: man-apropos-master man-index-master
-manpages: $(foreach S,$(MANSERIES1),man-apropos-$(S) man-index-$(S))
+manpages: $(foreach S,$(MANSERIES),man-apropos-$(S) man-index-$(S))
 	./bin/mk-mancross master $(SERIES)
@@ -221,8 +238,8 @@ news/changelog.inc: news/changelog.md bin/mk-changelog
 news/changelog.html: news/changelog.html.tt news/changelog.inc
 	@rm -f $@
 	./bin/from-tt 'releases=$(SERIES)' $<
-# Additionally, make news/changelog.html depend on clxyz.txt, where xyz
-# comes from the release number x.y.z.  This permits it to be automatically
+# Additionally, make news/changelog.html depend on clxy[z].txt, where xy[z]
+# comes from the release number x.y[.z].  This permits it to be automatically
 # recreated whenever there's a new major release.
 news/changelog.html: $(foreach S,$(SERIES),news/cl$(subst .,,$(S)).txt)
@@ -240,9 +257,14 @@ endef
 # $(CHECKOUTS)/openssl/CHANGES.md
 $(eval $(call mknews_changelogtxt,changelog.md,openssl/CHANGES.md))
-# Create the targets 'news/clxyz.txt' for all current releases, taking the
-# source from $(CHECKOUTS)/openssl-x.y.z-stable/CHANGES
-$(foreach S,$(SERIES),\
+# Create the target 'news/clxy.md' for all releases from 3.0 and on, taking
+# the source from $(CHECKOUTS)/openssl-x.y/CHANGES.md
+$(foreach S,$(SERIES3),\
+$(eval $(call mknews_changelogtxt,cl$(subst .,,$(S)).txt,openssl-$(S)/CHANGES.md))
+# Create the targets 'news/clxyz.txt' for all current pre-3.0 releases,
+# taking the source from $(CHECKOUTS)/openssl-x.y.z-stable/CHANGES
+$(foreach S,$(SERIES1),\
 $(eval $(call mknews_changelogtxt,cl$(subst .,,$(S)).txt,openssl-$(S)-stable/CHANGES)))
 # mknews_noteshtml creates two targets and rulesets for creating notes from
@@ -260,10 +282,16 @@ news/openssl-$(1)-notes.inc: $(CHECKOUTS)/$(2) bin/mk-notes
 	./bin/mk-notes $(1) < $(CHECKOUTS)/$(2) > $$@
+# Create the targets 'news/openssl-x.y-notes.html' and
+# 'news/openssl-x.y-notes.inc' for each release number x.y starting with 3.0,
+# taking the source from the news file given as second argument.
+$(foreach S,$(SERIES3),\
+$(eval $(call mknews_noteshtml,$(S),openssl-$(S)/NEWS.md)))
 # Create the targets 'news/openssl-x.y.z-notes.html' and
-# 'news/openssl-x.y.z-notes.inc' for each release number x.y.z, taking
-# the source from the news file given as second argument.
-$(foreach S,$(SERIES),\
+# 'news/openssl-x.y.z-notes.inc' for each pre-3.0 release number x.y.z,
+# taking the source from the news file given as second argument.
+$(foreach S,$(SERIES1),\
 $(eval $(call mknews_noteshtml,$(S),openssl-$(S)-stable/NEWS)))
 news/newsflash.inc: news/newsflash.txt
@@ -292,9 +320,10 @@ endef
 # 'news/vulnerabilities.inc'
 $(eval $(call mknews_vulnerability,,))
-# Create the vulnerability index 'news/vulnerabilities-x.y.z.html' and
-# 'news/vulnerabilities-x.y.z.inc' for each release x.y.z
-$(foreach S,$(SERIES) $(OLDSERIES),$(eval $(call mknews_vulnerability,-$(S),-b $(S))))
+# Create the vulnerability index 'news/vulnerabilities-x.y[.z].html' and
+# 'news/vulnerabilities-x.y[.z].inc' for each release x.y[.z]
+$(foreach S,$(SERIES) $(OLDSERIES),\
+$(eval $(call mknews_vulnerability,-$(S),-b $(S))))
 source/.htaccess: $(wildcard source/openssl-*.tar.gz) bin/mk-latest
 	@rm -f @?
@@ -330,11 +359,11 @@ endef
 # We also create a list specifically for the old FIPS module, carefully
 # crafting an HTML title with an uppercase 'FIPS' while the subdirectory
 # remains named 'fips'
-$(foreach S,fips $(FUTURESERIES) $(SERIES) $(OLDSERIES2),$(eval $(call mkoldsourceindex,$(S),$(patsubst fips,FIPS,$(S)))))
+$(foreach S,fips $(SERIES) $(OLDSERIES2),$(eval $(call mkoldsourceindex,$(S),$(patsubst fips,FIPS,$(S)))))
 source/old/index.html: source/old/index.html.tt bin/from-tt
 	@rm -f $@
-	./bin/from-tt releases='$(FUTURESERIES) $(SERIES) $(OLDSERIES2) fips' $<
+	./bin/from-tt releases='$(SERIES) $(OLDSERIES2) fips' $<
 # Because these the indexes of old tarballs will inevitably be newer
 # than the tarballs that are moved into their respective directory,

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