[openssl-dev] [openssl.org #3770] Bug

cyber flash via RT rt at openssl.org
Sun Mar 29 18:06:29 UTC 2015

Customers are unable to view the File Details of OpenSSL.exe (any release, eg., 1.0.1m) to determinethe "File Version", "Product Name", "Copyright", etc.,... the fields are blank:

There is a file called ms\version32.rc but does not seem tobe built for OpenSSL.exe. That file follows:
#include <winver.h>
LANGUAGE 0x09,0x01
1 VERSIONINFO  FILEVERSION 1,0,1,13  PRODUCTVERSION 1,0,1,13  FILEFLAGSMASK 0x3fL#ifdef _DEBUG  FILEFLAGS 0x01L#else  FILEFLAGS 0x00L#endif  FILEOS VOS__WINDOWS32  FILETYPE VFT_DLL  FILESUBTYPE 0x0LBEGIN    BLOCK "StringFileInfo"    BEGIN	BLOCK "040904b0"	BEGIN	    // Required:	    	    VALUE "CompanyName", "The OpenSSL Project, http://www.openssl.org/\0"	    VALUE "FileDescription", "OpenSSL Shared Library\0"	    VALUE "FileVersion", "1.0.1m\0"#if defined(CRYPTO)	    VALUE "InternalName", "libeay32\0"	    VALUE "OriginalFilename", "libeay32.dll\0"#elif defined(SSL)	    VALUE "InternalName", "ssleay32\0"	    VALUE "OriginalFilename", "ssleay32.dll\0"#endif	    VALUE "ProductName", "The OpenSSL Toolkit\0"	    VALUE "ProductVersion", "1.0.1m\0"	    // Optional:	    //VALUE "Comments", "\0"	    VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright © 1998-2005 The OpenSSL Project. Copyright © 1995-1998 Eric A. Young, Tim J. Hudson. All rights reserved.\0"	    //VALUE "LegalTrademarks", "\0"	    //VALUE "
 PrivateBuild", "\0"	    //VALUE "SpecialBuild", "\0"	END    END    BLOCK "VarFileInfo"    BEGIN        VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 0x4b0    ENDEND

I've tried embedding "version32.res" after the build process directly into OpenSSL.exebut it corrupts the EXE for win32.
I've spot checked many OpenSSL.exe builds on the internet and none show any info on the Details Tab.
Testing with win7 pro x64.
Also, tried adding this to the nt.mak file hoping to associate the version info with Openssl.exe:
$(OBJ_D)\$(CRYPTO).res: ms\version32.rc	$(RSC) /fo"$(OBJ_D)\$(CRYPTO).res" /d CRYPTO ms\version32.rc
$(OBJ_D)\$(SSL).res: ms\version32.rc	$(RSC) /fo"$(OBJ_D)\$(SSL).res" /d SSL ms\version32.rc
$(OBJ_D)\$(E_EXE).res: ms\version32.rc	$(RSC) /fo"$(OBJ_D)\$(E_EXE).res" /d E_EXE ms\version32.rc

but nothing displays.
Would be grateful if someone knows how-to successfully build any windows OpenSSL.exe versionthat contains the missing fields on the Details Tab.

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