[openssl-dev] [openssl.org #3862] Patch: Compiler messages on OpenVMS

Steven M. Schweda sms at antinode.info
Mon May 25 20:44:43 UTC 2015

From: "Dr. Martin P.J. Zinser via RT" <rt at openssl.org>

> The build (and test) went very smooth,

   Nice to hear.  I haven't tried anything lately.

>  with just three minor complaints by the 
> compiler:
> [...]
>         bss_dgram.c
> [...]
>         t1_lib.c
> [...]
>         gost94_keyx
> [...]
> As can be easily seen, all three complaints are of the same type. They also 
> can be easily cured by explicitly casting the the questionable parameters to 
> (signed) int.
> [...]

   I've been ignoring those three informational ("-I-") messages for a
long time.  The (my) worry about such type-casting was that it might
generate worse complaints on a system where casting a 64-bit size_t or
time_t to int would be seen as losing data.  If the cure is not really
worse than the disease, then such type casting would be fine with me,
but if it goes bad in 2038 (when a signed 32-bit time goes negative),
then I'm for continuing to (try to) ignore them.

   For sufficiently modern C compilers (which not everyone has), one
could add:
to the CC commands to suppress them, but I 've grown to think of these
three complaints as old friends, and would almost hate to see them go,
especially if disabling them would blind us to similar new ones which
might be more significant.

   One could define a system-specific macro to do the type-casting (or
not), but it's not clear that the improvement would justify the added

   My brain's empty now.


   Steven M. Schweda               sms at antinode-info
   382 South Warwick Street        (+1) 651-699-9818
   Saint Paul  MN  55105-2547

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