[openssl-dev] [openssl.org #4155] In function int_thread_del_item, when hash == int_thread_hash, one is passed to free and the other is used in a comparison

Pascal Cuoq via RT rt at openssl.org
Tue Nov 24 11:06:44 UTC 2015

This issue is similar in nature to 4151 (http://www.mail-archive.com/openssl-dev@openssl.org/msg40950.html ): it is about a dangling pointer being used, but not used for dereferencing, so it's not a memory error. The dangling pointer is used in a comparison.

The function int_thread_del_item can reach the point were it calls “lh_ERR_STATE_free(int_thread_hash);” with hash == int_thread_hash. That attached patch prints a message like “hash == int_thread_hash == 0xb2a6d0” when this happens. Just after the call to lh_ERR_STATE_free, both hash and int_thread_hash contain dangling pointers. The variable int_thread_hash is immediately set to NULL.

The problem that I am reporting is that just afterwards, &hash is passed to the function int_thread_release:


In that function, the argument “hash” points to the local variable “hash” of int_thread_del_item (which contains a dangling pointer).
Thus the comparison “*hash == NULL” involves a dangling pointer:


With the attached patch, executing test/enginetest reproduces the problem for me:

$ ./enginetest

enginetest beginning
Tests completed happily
hash == int_thread_hash == 0x1a3f6d0
Now using *hash (0x1a3f6d0) in a comparison

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