[openssl-dev] OpenSSL 1.1.0 Release Timetable

Zooko Wilcox-OHearn zooko at leastauthority.com
Wed Sep 16 17:29:54 UTC 2015

> There's probably a ton of other stuff that I've forgotten and my
> colleagues will remind me about.

There's BLAKE2. It already has mature and widely-used source code,
including multiple independently-written portable C implementations,
and Bill Cox has offered to integrate those into openssl:


In light of the previous conversation and the way it ground to a halt,
I would ask that we do the simple, easy thing now and don't re-raise
any of the bike shed questions, so:

* Don't implement the parallelized versions (BLAKE2bp and BLAKE2sp).
* Don't change the names of the algorithms from "BLAKE2b" and
"BLAKE2s" (they are already widely known under those names).
* Don't integrate any of the optimized asm implementations, just a
single portable C implementation.

There. That ought to do it!

The previous thread — in which I argued that BLAKE2 is worth
supporting — starts here:


Since I wrote that post, BLAKE2 has been promoted from Internet Draft
to RFC. It doesn't have its RFC number yet but should get one any day



Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn

Founder, CEO, and Customer Support Rep
https://LeastAuthority.com — Freedom matters.

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