[openssl-dev] [openssl.org #4060] AutoReply: a crash happened inside SSL_Connect function

Tiantian Liu via RT rt at openssl.org
Mon Sep 28 15:31:40 UTC 2015

I updated the ticket [openssl.org #4060] with some code and log file.
I have to tell you, the previous SSLv23_method, I commented it out this time, worked fine with me and SSL server. I just changed that line to TLSv1_2_method. Now my application always crash when I call SSL_connect().

At first, I created the SSL context by the function below (the function looked returned successfully, because it returned the SSL_CTX boject):

SSL_CTX *initialize_ctx_ex(char *keyfile, char *password, char *ca_list,
			       char *random, char *error, char *diag, char isDiag) {
	SSL_METHOD *meth;
	SSL_CTX *ctx;

	 /* Create our context*/
	//meth = SSLv3_method(); 	        	/*I previously applied the SSLv23 method, and it worked fine for me.*/
       	 meth = TLSv1_2_method();		/*Now I switch to TLSv1.2, I just changed this one line in my code*/
	if (isDiag && meth) {
		SerialWriteTestLine_Time("initialize_ctx_ex Call TLSv1_2_method(meth) done.", diag);
	ctx = SSL_CTX_new(meth);

	 /* Load the CAs we trust*/
	if(!(SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx, ca_list, 0))) {
		sprintf(error, "Couldn't read CA list: %s", ca_list);
		if (isDiag) {
			SerialWriteTestLine_Time(error, diag);
		return NULL;

	SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth(ctx, 1);

	 /* Load randomness */
	if (random && *random)
		if(!(RAND_load_file(random, 1024*1024))) {
			strcpy(error, "Couldn't load randomness");
			if (isDiag) {
				SerialWriteTestLine_Time(error, diag);
			return NULL;

	if (isDiag) {
		SerialWriteTestLine_Time("Exit initialize_ctx_ex", diag);

	return ctx;

/*The above initialize_ctx_ex () is invoked inside the following function SSL_connect_tr_ex ()*/

int SSL_connect_tr_ex(pTSSL_connect sslc, char *msg, pTSSL_params pssl,
			char *diag, char isDiag) {
	BIO *sbio;
	int res;

	/* Build our SSL context*/
	memset(sslc, 0, sizeof(TSSL_connect));
	if (isDiag) {
		SerialWriteTestLine_Time("initialize_ctx", diag);
		SerialWriteTestLine_string_Time("initialize_ctx ipADdress ", pssl->ipaddress, diag);
		SerialWriteTestLine_int_Time("initialize_ctx ipADdress ", pssl->ipport, diag);

               /* the function initialize_ctx_ex ()  looked returned successfully, because it returned the SSL_CTX boject */
	sslc->ctx = initialize_ctx_ex(pssl->keyfile, pssl->password, pssl->ca_list,
									pssl->random, msg, diag, isDiag);
	if (!sslc->ctx) {
		if (isDiag) {
			SerialWriteTestLine_Time("tcp_connect !ssl->ctx", diag);
		return 0;

	/*Then I continue to setup TCP socket to server*/

	/* Connect the TCP socket*/
	if (isDiag) {
		SerialWriteTestLine_Time("tcp_connect", diag);
	sslc->sock = tcp_connect_timeout_ex(pssl->ipaddress, pssl->ipport, pssl->timeout,
											msg, diag, isDiag);
	if (sslc->sock == -1) return 0;

	/* Connect the SSL socket */
	if (isDiag) {
		SerialWriteTestLine_Time("Connect the SSL socket [SSL_new(ctx)]", diag);
	sslc->ssl = SSL_new(sslc->ctx);
	if (isDiag) {
		SerialWriteTestLine_Time("Connect the SSL socket [BIO_new_socket(sock, BIO_NOCLOSE)]", diag);
	sbio = BIO_new_socket(sslc->sock, BIO_NOCLOSE);
	if (isDiag) {
		SerialWriteTestLine_Time("Connect the SSL socket [SSL_set_bio(ssl, sbio, sbio)]", diag);
	SSL_set_bio(sslc->ssl, sbio, sbio);

	if (isDiag) {
		SerialWriteTestLine_Time("Connect the SSL socket [ConnectSSL(ssl, sock, msg)]", diag);

                /*Now I am going  to connect, and I got crash in the following function*/
	res = ConnectSSL_ex(sslc->ssl, sslc->sock, msg, diag, isDiag, pssl->timeout);
	if (!res) {
		return 0;

	return 1;

/*My ConnectSSL_ex () is defined*/
int ConnectSSL_ex(SSL *ssl, int sock, char *error, char *diag, char isDiag, int timeout) {
	int flag;
	int res;
	int sslerror;
	time_t exptime;
	int isexp;
	if (isDiag) {
		SerialWriteTestLine_Time("ConnectSSL [ioctlsocket(socket, FIONBIO, &flags)]", diag);
	if (timeout > 15) {
		timeout -= 5;
	exptime = set_expire_time(timeout);
	while (TRUE) {
		/*!!!!!! I crashed HERE!!!!, the SSL_connect is standard SSL library function!*/
		res = SSL_connect(ssl);
		/*My application terminated at the SSL_connect() due to crash, because if it returned there should be log message as below*/
        		if (isDiag) {
        			SerialWriteTestLine_int_Time("SSL_connect  returned and return value is ", res, diag);
		if (res <= 0) {
			sslerror = SSL_get_error(ssl, res);
			if (sslerror == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ) {
				isexp = is_expired(exptime);
				if (isexp == 1) {
					strcpy(error, "SSL connect error");
					return 0;
			strcpy(error, "SSL connect error");
			return 0;
	strcpy(error, "SSL connect OK");
	return 1;

It's there any setup about BIO, or SSL context, should be changed? Or any special compiler flag should be used when I compile my application if I want to use TLSv1.2? 
I am suspecting some setup of my OpenSSL library is wrong (wrong configuration when I compiled and installed the openssl-1.0.1p?). Because my application crashed when I 

If my code doesn't help you, could you please give some instructions/technical doc to tell me how to use TLSv1.2 for SSL communication. If you can offer me some simple code to setup SSL communication channel with TLSv1.2, that's helpful! Thanks!


-----Original Message-----
From: The default queue via RT [mailto:rt at openssl.org] 
Sent: September-24-15 12:08 PM
To: Tiantian Liu
Subject: [openssl.org #4060] AutoReply: a crash happened inside SSL_Connect function


This message has been automatically generated in response to the creation of a trouble ticket regarding:
	"a crash happened inside SSL_Connect function", a summary of which appears below.

There is no need to reply to this message right now.  Your ticket has been assigned an ID of [openssl.org #4060].

Please include the string:

         [openssl.org #4060]

in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. To do so, you may reply to this message.

                        Thank you,
                        rt at openssl.org


I am a software developer who is struggling on an application development based on OpenSSL 1.0.1 (released on 2012-03-14) under Linux (32-bit Redhat).

I used to use the SSL functions from OpenSSL 0.9.8, and my application worked fine.  I applied the SSLv23_method() to setup the SSL context and communicate with customer's server over various SSL/TLS protocols.

While, recently my customer required me to upgrade my OpenSSL library, because their server only support TLS1.2. So I downloaded OpenSSL 1.0.1 source package, then complied and installed successfully.
I configured the OpenSSL as:
                #./config -prefix=/usr shared     //I have to generate the shared library like libssl.so, libcrypto.so

Then I found my SSL context, setup by SSLv23_method(), stopped working, I can't reach their server anymore.  It looked like they didn't understand my handshake message when I called SSL_Connect().

So I switched to the TLSv1_2_method()  to build SSL context. However, my program crashed every time when I called SSL_Connect(), I mean crash happened inside the SSL_Connect(), and it didn't return at all.

Now I have tried 2 methods:

1.       SSLv23_method() to build SSL context

SSL_CTX *ctx;
meth = SSLv23_method();
ctx = SSL_CTX_new(meth);

//Only allow TLSv1_1 or higher
SSL_CTX_set_options(ctx, SSL_OP_ALL | SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 | SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3 | SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1);


The SSL_Connect() resulted in:
ConnectSSL [SSL_connect(ssl)] failed: 5

2.       TLSv1_2_method() to build SSL context

SSL_CTX *ctx;
meth = TLSv1_2_method();
ctx = SSL_CTX_new(meth);

then, the SSL_connect() crashed when I invoked it.

Currently, I don't know how to attack this issue, all the code worked fine before. I just changed the SSLv23_method  to TLSv1_2_method.  Is there any difference between that 2 functions? What I should do if I want to use the TLSv1_2_method?

I am very pleased if anyone of you have any idea to help me.

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